About 250 leaders of various big and smaller networks and ministries from across the USA, and a few from outside the nation, gathered in Washington DC, June 11-13, to hear about plans for a million-youth prayer assembly on the Washington Mall next July 2016. The exact date will be known this next month because the US Park Service only allows bookings up to one year in advance. The three dates they are checking on are July 16, 23rd and 30th.

The leaders are 30-something younger generation followers of Christ, some of them evangelists like Nick Hall, the visionary behind the RESET effort. They realize the importance of prayer and so are asking the prayer ministries and networks to get behind it by mobilizing up to one million to be in prayer for the coming year. They also are good at networking and have invited everyone under the Lordship of Jesus whether people are evangelical, charismatic or whatever so John 17 unity is an important part of what they are seeking to accomplish.

Here are a few quotes from Nick Hall and other RESET leaders to give you a bit of the flavor from the gathering:

 "We need a Jesus Movement in our land!" (Hab.3:2) 

"Reset is a prayer." (They are using the word "reset" as a modern equivalent of "repent" and the purpose is to ask the Lord for a reset of the USA, morally, spiritually and in every other way.

"This generation is seeking their moment. We want Jesus to be the agenda for America since no politician has the answer.

They will include an evangelism/ discipling emphasis as well as justice/ compassion aspects to all they are doing with prayer at the center of it all. Hopefully after the July assembly day next year they will continue to grow as a movement for the nation.

American prayer leader Lou Engle who was there senses that the Lord is calling back into place the prayer- with- fasting movement started by Bill Bright 20 years ago towards a new Jesus Movement. He encouraged us to build a "wall of fasting" for one year starting next month. Lou challenged us to let God "loose the third Great Awakening" through our combined prayers and efforts. He said, "Billy Graham's mantle is coming on the nation for a great harvest". He urged us to pray John 17, that the Church would be one and that we would be in an "Upper Room accord". Also, he asked us to pray Joel 2 for RESET and that it will result in such a great awakening and harvest that people will be "getting saved everywhere". It is "time for the evangelists to rise up" so "pray the Lord of the harvest to thrust laborers into the harvest".

The leaders seem to have been moved by what Lou shared and want to have a 40-day fast in January to be shared by many around the country in order to prepare the way for the big day in July- "Together 2016"- as it is being called.

For more information, please see their two websites- www.resetmovement.com and reset2016.com

Other initiatives on the Washington Mall that are being planned:

Fast-a-nation- a day of repentance prayer with fasting and even sackcloth and ashes for up to 50,000 being organized by another younger generation leader from the American Bible Society, Stacy Wright 

David's Tent- 24 hour worship and prayer, starting on Sept. 11, 2015-organized by Jason Hershey, the local YWAM leader, another 30-something leader

Prayer Concerns:

Let's please be in prayer for all three of these important initiatives and the leaders that are undertaking them. Pray for His protection over the relationships that the evil one will not be able to divide or discourage them. Pray too for His rich financial provision as well as many others to join them and strengthen their hands. Pray that RESET will have great favor with the Park Service authorities and be able to get the right day for the huge assembly being anticipated.

Definition of fasting: choosing to abstain from food, one meal or several meals, to give special attention to some spiritual concern(s). Though fasting is neither a major biblical doctrine nor a foundation stone of the faith, it may open doors where other keys have not. It may open the way to new vistas of understanding and strength.

Motivation for fasting: first, to honor God by giving ourselves more fully to Him. Additional reasons may include any one or combination of the following:

  • to express sorrow for our disobedience to God, for doing things our own way.
  • to purify our lives and receive God's grace for the purification process.
  • to turn our affections away from earthly things and toward eternal things.
  • to express the seriousness and earnestness of our request.
  • to avert the outpouring of God's wrath against evil; to appeal to God for extra time for His grace to work.
  • to gain deeper insight into a particular portion of God's Word.
  • to request the fulfillment of God's prophesies and promises.
  • to sharpen our spiritual senses.
  • to enhance our creativity in solving difficult problems.
  • to discern God's will in a difficult situation and the steps to accomplish it.
  • to mourn with God over the spiritual resistance and darkness both inside and outside the church.
  • to reignite our desire to lead people to Christ and to see His kingdom come.
  • to free those who are in spiritual bondage.
  • to confirm the selection and ordination of elders.
  • to keep the body and soul in subjection to the spirit. (Note: if fasting becomes a mere ritual, it loses its spiritual effectiveness.)
  • to obey Jesus' words: "When you fast..." (Matt. 6:16, 17) and "... then they shall fast..." (Mark 2:20).
  • to avoid the sins of Sodom: "...pride, surfeit of food, and prosperous ease" (Ezek. 16:49; Jer. 5:17; and Matt. 24:37-38).
  • to gain insight leading to restoration and healing.
  • to regain the spark of our "first love" for Jesus Christ
  • to discern and dedicate the talents and skills God has given us for fulfillment of His purposes.
  • to gain insight into God's chastening, a willingness to accept His discipline, and renewed commitment to obey. This page and all contents are copyright protected by Reasons To Believe, June 2015. www.reasons.org

Jesus does not want us to be satisfied with meager fruitfulness (John 15: 2, 5, 8). He wants our joy to be full and the fruit of the Spirit to overflow, to the glory of God the Father. When Jesus says "when you fast" (Matthew 6:16, 17), He uses both the singular you and the plural you (although English makes no clear distinction, the Greek text does). Fasting is for individuals and for groups.

Personal guidelines for fasting

Make sure you are physically able to fast. If you suffer from diabetes, ulcers, TB, or other health issues, or if you have undergone any type of gastro-intestinal surgery, you must consult a physician.If you are able to fast, be careful, first, to rid your life of spiritually corrosive influences, such as sensual reading material and sensual music. Fasting heightens your sensitivity to the spiritual realm. So if you have opened doors to Satan's influence in your life and have never closed them, you may find that you are subject to interference when you fast.

Be sure to wear "the whole armor of God" (Eph. 6:10-17). Begin with expressions of praise. Maintain a spirit of praise and allow significant time for praise. Set specific objectives. Examine your motives (Isaiah 58:1-12).Link fasting with sincere and practical charity. For example, before you fast, make a gift to help someone in need (Is. 58:7). Avoid ostentation (Matt. 6:16-18; Rom. 3:27; and Luke 17:10).If possible, fast before, rather than after, an emergency arises, but certainly do consider fasting in the midst of a spiritual crisis.

Consider making your first experience of fasting a brief one, say 24 hours or less. If you fast for 24 hours, fast from evening to evening. Important thoughts and insights that come to you in the evening will stay with you through the night and help prepare your mind and heart for the following day. Take time to read and meditate on Scripture. Allow God's Word to guide you, teach you, and sink into you as you fast. If at all possible, devote the waking hours of your fasting period to prayer, study, and contemplation. If you must give some time and attention to other activities, cut back on them so that your spiritual intake increases and your caloric requirements decrease to less than the usual.

Never ignore the "second hunger" that occurs after a few weeks or more of fasting. This hunger indicates that the body's reserves are burned up. Break a fast gently, with easy-to- digest foods.Keep in mind that the benefits of fasting often come many days after the fast has ended.

Rewards and warnings

"...Your healing will quickly appear" (Is. 58:8 and, for an unusual illustration, 1 Sam. 30:11- 15).

"Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help and he will say: Here am I" (Is. 58:9).

This page and all contents are copyright protected by Reasons To Believe, June 2015.


"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13).

"I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten" (Joel 2:25).

"Put a mark upon the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the sins they see around them...Kill everyone whose forehead is not marked...And begin right here at the sanctuary" (Ezek. 9:4-6).

"The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray" (1 Peter 4:7).

"We will cry out to you in our distress and you will hear us and save us" (2 Chron. 20:9).

In one of the most thrilling stories in Scripture, King Jehoshaphat led the people of Israel to a mighty victory over their foes using only the weapons of collective fasting, prayer, and songs of praise (2 Chron. 20:1-30).

Daniel, a key example

While studying the prophecies of Jeremiah, Daniel discovered that he was living at a special moment in God's plan (see Dan. 9:2). His people, the Jews, were about to be returned to their precious homeland. Understanding that the hour of deliverance and restoration was at hand, Daniel sought God with a greater intensity and fervor than ever, fasting and praying in all humility (9:3).

Though he was one of the most righteous men who has ever lived, Daniel fully identified with his people in all their disobedience and rebellion (9:4-19). He said, "We have sinned," not "They have sinned." Daniel linked himself with his countrymen, acknowledging that he and they together justly deserved God's judgment. He exemplified God's message in Ezekiel 9:4-6 and 22:30-31; he was ready and willing to "stand before me [God] in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it."

Daniel sought God's light with a wholeheartedness matched by few other men through the ages. In turn, God blessed him with wisdom and understanding beyond what Daniel could asked or imagined. Today, as in the time of Daniel, the light of God is desperately needed. In these dark days of spiritual apathy and moral degradation, God will give us all the light we need if we prize it highly enough to seek it as Daniel did.

Daniel's intercession demonstrates a very important principle: God's sovereign control over the future never gives us an excuse to sit back as spectators. Rather, God's prophetic words are given to compel us toward fasting and prayer with utmost zeal, humility, commitment, and hope. God reveals His plan not so that we can know our part and take out part in the action, His action, together with other members of the body of Christ. Revelation requires involvement!

(This page and all contents are copyright protected by Reasons To Believe, June 2015.)


Suggested plan of action for a group fast

1. Among the leaders and members of your group, agree on specific goals for the fast, relying on prayer and Scripture to discern God's will.

2. Give each group member the freedom to determine, through his or her own communication with the Lord, whether he or she will participate in the fast.

3. Choose a day on which every participant is free to devote time and attention.

4. Meet some practical or spiritual need around you by giving financial or other assistance, as appropriate.

5. First evening: Spend time alone. Dedicate the fast to God's glory. Pray specifically for each group member, especially that the goals of the fast will be accomplished in and through each one. Study God's Word, asking for His guidance and insight.Pray that the goals of the fast will be accomplished not only in you and your group, but also in your church and through the entire body of Jesus Christ worldwide.Spend some giving praise.

6. Night: Sleep. Or, as an option, you may wish to organize a prayer watch, with each participant taking a specific time slot during the night for prayer.

7. Morning: Continue to pray, more and more specifically, for the goals of the fast. Mourn with God for the sin in your own life, in your family, your church, your community, your nation, the world. By late morning, individuals may begin to meet in small groups of two to four, continuing together in the morning's confession and prayer.

8. Afternoon: Bring the entire group together. Confess your sins to one another, and join together in prayer for one another's cleansing and healing. Pray that the church and the nations would be purified. Pray especially that God would purify and protect the leaders and would raise up more leaders who live and uphold the truth of Scripture. Pray again that the specific goals of the fast would be accomplished. Seek God's direction for your specific part in the accomplishment of those goals in the days and weeks ahead.

9. Early evening: Praise and worship the Lord together. Exalt His name. Take communion together, acknowledging the power of Christ's sacrifice on our behalf. Break the fast with a light supper. You may wish to arrange for each member of the group to provide some portion of this meal. Or perhaps some person outside the group would be willing to prepare it. Make sure you consider the menu, serving only foods that are easy to digest, e.g., soup or stew, rice, bread, poultry or fish, cooked vegetables, etc.

10. Keep alert in the coming days and weeks as God reveals His answers to your prayers and rejoice in Him. He is and always will be the Good in the Good News.

This page and all contents are copyright protected by Reasons To Believe, June 2015.


From the new book, Arise Intercessors, Arise! A Manual for the Birthing, Calling, Training and Restoration of Prayer Warriors (Outskirts Press, 2015) Available on Amazon.com

The end time harvest and revival awaits God's watchmen intercessors being birthed, equipped, and fully taking their place. Their training needs to be prompt and accurate. Those who have fallen and are wounded need to be restored.

Maria Harbajan gives you the keys to experiencing the fulfillment of your call and ministry as an intercessor. Discover what intercessor should know in order to fight spiritual battles successfully. These include:

  • Intercession- knowing its dangers and how to avoid pitfalls
  • Specific instructions for praying for the family, church, and nation
  • Powerful praying children-- releasing the youth and children
  • How pastors and intercessors can be a dream team
  • Dealing with different types of curses through intercession
  • Intercession in the marketplaces- in your workplace, business environment, public places
  • Restoring falling prayer warriors

"This book should be required reading for every serious, committed intercessor. In it Maria is candid and honest and plainspoken of herself. She offers volumes of revelation and truths for anyone who takes seriously the ministry of intercession. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned intercessor, you will learn as I have from this excellent work." (Esther Ilnisky, founder of Esther Network International and Children's Global Prayer Movement)

Maria Harbajan is President and CEO of the National Intercessory Prayer Network of Jamaica and prayer center of the Caribbean located in Kingston, Jamaica. She is also a member of the International Prayer Council leadership team.

May 15 Report from Wiesbaden, Germany

The Lord seems to have His finger on Europe these days! A prayer event just concluded in Rome and there will be several additional prayer gatherings in the UK, Holland and Romania coming up over the next couple of months. Right now, the Nordic Summit for marketplace people is happening in Stockholm and the Arab Europe prayer conference is happening here in Wiesbaden, Germany, both continuing today through tomorrow. Here in Wiesbaden, there are 300 Arab immigrant believers who have gathered from all over Europe- Egyptians, Iraqis and Syrians, some who are refugees from the conflicts going on in the Middle East.

It all reminds me of a visionary experience I had years ago not far from where we are here in Germany in which I saw pin pricks of light approaching in the great darkness. As they got closer, they were warriors with burning swords cutting through the dark canopy and I heard the words, "These are the intercessors". Afterwards, I heard these words, "New Reformation." A few days later, I received a communication from Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth with a Mission, in which he was calling Christians in Europe to pray and work for a "New Reformation"! Wow, could the Spirit of the Lord be doing this now, moving brothers and sisters in Christ to gather others together across this great continent that has known wonderful revivals in the past and was the major mission- sending center for a couple centuries?

Later on, a local prayer leader and I visited Herrnhut, the place where Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians began a prayer chain in the 18th century that went on for 100 years and sent out hundreds of missionaries, the first Protestants to go to the ends of the earth. A few years ago, some local believers started it up again as a 24/7 prayer ministry! Germany was also the home of the Reformation in the 16th century and the great Pietist revival that swept through this country in the 17th century.

Would you please pray with us for a great outpouring of His Spirit upon upcoming prayer gatherings and upon the nations of Europe over the coming weeks?

1. Pray for great unity and clarity for the leaders and participants to know how they should pray for their nations and for this continent as a whole.

2. That the prayer movement which has at times been a trickle will become a mighty river, stirring Europeans so accustomed to empty, deadening secularism, to be hungry to know the Lord and return to Him with all their hearts.

3. Pray that the principalities and powers that have influenced the thinking of so many with their various -isms will be bound and driven to the feet of Jesus and that people here will go free from the materialism that blinds so many.

4. For genuine and widespread spiritual revival as happened in centuries past. It can happen again!

The Lord wants Europe back! Let's pray and trust Him to do "far more abundantly".

He can transform regions as easily as individual nations when His people pray. "According to your faith, it will be to you", He said. Thanks for joining in!

May 18 from Herrnhut, Germany

"But the Lord said to me, 'Do not say, "I am only a child." ...Now I have put my words in your mouth. See today, I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." (Jeremiah 1:7, 10)

"When God gets ready to do a new thing with His people, He always sets them a-praying!" - J. Edwin Orr, scholar on the history of revivals

Thanks for your prayers of support for the Arab Europe prayer event. It was invigorating- with dynamic, Spirit-filled worship and faith-inspired praying together for all the nations of Europe where these Arab immigrants are now living. They came to understand that they are not refugees but sent by the Lord to pray and work for His restoration and revival of this continent that in the past has so much blessed the world through its strong spiritual legacy and now needs to recover that legacy with the help of these on-fire immigrant believers. Pray with us that they will be able to start prayer groups in their towns and unite with the nationals so that they can continue the process of united intercession they began in Wiesbaden.

It was a privilege to be in Hernnhut meeting with the church that has begun 24/7 prayer, renewing the practice of the Moravians and Count Zinzendorf who founded this place in the 18th century. As we worshipped, I noticed lovely young children, entering into worship with joy, and some were dancing freely in the presence of the Lord in front of us. The pastor then asked my colleague and me to pray fatherly blessings over the whole congregation. I felt moved to pray that from this fabled place a new and great revival would flow out to Germany and Europe. 

We stood amongst the 6000 graves of Count Zinzendorf and the godly saints who prayed in "the Lord's watch" (the meaning of Hernnhut in German) from 1727 for 100 years. Out of only 600 people in this small village, they sent 300 missionaries to the ends of the earth. I was so moved to hear about the children of that day who went out in the fields in the night and cried out to the Lord. Adults in neighboring homes tried to get them to shut up; however, they were irrepressible and kept on praying! Along with three Hernnhut women, we prayed for the children of Germany and for the raising up of a new generation like this former one.

These same Moravian children who cried out to God in the fields at night later went out as the first Protestant missionaries, many of them never coming back to their homeland but laying their lives down for the Lord among the unreached peoples. Others returned and are buried here. The women who were guiding us around showed us their graves and those of Zinzendorf and his family. This humble noble was the benefactor of the much-persecuted Moravians, followers of Jan Hus, the great reformer from Prague, a Pentecostal charismatic Bible teacher who was burned at the stake for his efforts to bring reform and encourage the study of Scripture. As a child, Zinzendorf was deeply influenced by Francke and Spener who were leaders of the German Pietist revival, as well as by his own godly grandmother with whom he spent some years in this same area of Saxony. 

I felt the Lord stirring me that this ground still has powerful, earned spiritual authority, so that like the ancient prophets did, they could pray, speaking out things that the Spirit puts in their mouths for the revival and transformation of nations and it will happen. Adding to this conviction, I was told that in 1989 a prayer gathering in Hernnhut with hundreds of intercessors proclaimed the end of the Berlin Wall. It came down soon after they were praying this! Indeed, history does belong to the intercessors, who believe the future into being! 

Pray for the government of Germany that has become so politically correct as to say that, "Islam belongs to Germany" and to adopt sex education for little children, including introducing them to homosexuality. It is the same in the USA, the same wicked, perverted agenda that some in our own government are seeking to introduce to our nation while much of our "Christian majority" is occupied with our own comfort and entertainment. May the Lord shake us all out of our sleepy, complacent state to pray and prophesy to unjust, corrupted power like Jeremiah did!

Let us pray with expectation for His revival, restoration and transformation to come upon Europe and other Western nations through the youth and children and that this new generation will be protected from the dark, perverse influences that are now at work in the governments and education systems.

John Robb
IPC Chairman

The rapid spread of one crime group in Mexico is revealing a shifting power base for the country's illicit drug trade. Prior to 2010, most Mexican crime groups that emerged from the rural region known as Tierra Caliente worked as subsidiaries of powerful Sinaloa- and Tamaulipas-based syndicates such as the Gulf cartel and the Sinaloa Federation. However, the expansion of Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG), one of Mexico's most powerful crime syndicates, reflects the gradual breakdown of organized crime in Sinaloa and Tamaulipas states since 2010, which has made way for the spread of Tierra Caliente groups into other parts of Mexico.

The CJNG originates from the organization led by a Sinaloa Federation lieutenant, Ignacio "El Nacho" Coronel Villarreal, who was killed by federal troops in July 2010. After continuous infighting and years of aggressive pursuit by the military and law enforcement, Sinaloa and Tamaulipas groups began to lose control of organized crime in Tierra Caliente, leading to the expansion other independent groups.

Now the CJNG is rapidly expanding. In Baja California state, the cartel has allied with crime groups derived from the Arellano Felix Organization (also known as the Tijuana cartel or the Cartel de Arellano Felix) to seize control of the Tijuana plaza, the Tijuana-based investigative journal Zeta reported June 15. If the report is accurate, the CJNG is apparently seeking to end the dominance that Sinaloan groups have had around Tijuana since at least the 1980s. Meanwhile, in San Luis Potosi state, the group appears to be attempting to wrest control of towns from several other drug trafficking operations: the Velazquez network (also known as Los Talibanes or the Gulf cartel) and possibly Los Zetas.

As with all organized crime networks facing persistent law enforcement pressure, the CJNG is doomed to one day decentralize, a fate all the more inevitable after the Mexican government vowed to dismantle the group earlier this year. But for the time being, the cartel will remain the fastest-expanding crime group in Mexico. And as it spreads, it will cement the status and influence across Mexico of criminal groups that originated in the Tierra Caliente region.


Give thanks to God for the "gradual breakdown of organized crime in Sinaloa and Tamaulipas states since 2010". This positive development parallels the increased prayer focus that prayer organizations including the IPC have devoted to the drug cartels. Pray for the Mexican authorities to be strong and effective in dealing with the criminal organizations and for the dissolving and overthrow of the CJNG cartel, now "the fastest-expanding crime group in Mexico". 

Frontiers has built a powerful 30-day prayer guide calledPrayforISIS.com. In just over a week, we have seen an incredible response from faithful prayer warriors, answering Christ's call  to pray for their enemies. I believe this to be one of the most critical prayer needs of our time. Those of us who are within Christ, are not without hope. However, those who are not, do not yet know a reason for the hope we have. They need to hear the Good news of the God who reigns, and whose active and pursuing love is the hope they have been looking for.  Two ways you can help. You can help by joining us in praying for ISIS through Frontiers' new prayer guide, PrayforISIS.com. It will challenge you to embrace God's heart for the Muslim world, asking Him to bring members of ISIS into the knowledge of His love and grace.

(Click here on this green strip to get to the prayer guide.)

You can also help by sharing this with others. Where two or more are gathered, God is also among them.

(Mat. 18:20) Imagine the possibilities if all God's people, were united under the banner of prayer for hearts of

ISIS to be broken!

Bob Blincoe, PhD
Frontiers USA

We have been praying for almost a year now for the release of Canadians (and good friends) Kevin and Julia Garratt from custody in China where they have been accused of "spying."  Last February we were happy to report that Julia was out on bail.  At the same time, however, her husband Kevin had been moved to a high security prison.  The latest news we have is that she is still being held under house arrest.  Please keep this lovely and faithful couple in your prayers.

We have also been praying for South Korean pastor, Kim Jong-wook, sentenced to hard-labor in the North.  Now, two more pastors from the South, one who is also a business man, have been sentenced to life in prison at hard labor.

From others who work inside, we also hear that the level of general tension and fear is much higher than in the past.  Internal security continues to tighten up, especially on families with members who have escaped to South Korea. At the same time, people are getting tired of their young leader's war games and other extravagant projects such as a new railroad that requires non-existent electricity.  Another big project that is due to go public this month is the new Pyongyang airport.  Kim Jong Un toured there in June, showing off but also unhappy about the design.  Apparently his complaints got the architect executed.  Interesting, First Lady, Ri Sol Ju's fashion statement at the grand tour--brooch instead of leaders' portrait pin--has been drawing criticism.

North Korea is sending workers to Tumen, China under tight security in its ongoing desperation to obtain foreign currency.  Efforts also include a new fleet of taxis in Pyongyang under a new KKG brand (Kumkang Group) that is part of a newly expanding commercial arrangement with Hong Kong business conglomerate, Queensway Group, closely linked to North Korea's infamous Office 39.

But all is not doom and gloom.  It seems that North Korea has produced a miracle drug that can cure Ebola, MERS, SARS, and just about anything else that ails you.  All you need is a good Kumdang-2 injection. After all, "Everyone has the right to be healthy."

Ben Torrey
The Fourth River Project, Inc.


To the Leaders of Korea, America, China, Russia, Japan, the United Nations and the Entire International Community,

We Refuse to Allow the North Korean Genocide to Continue Any Longer. Over 4,000,000 Innocent North Koreans have been Murdered through Starvation by the DPRK regime since 1995, and an estimated 1,000,000 North Koreans have been Murdered as a result of Slave Labor, Rape, Torture, Brutal Beatings, Human Experimentation, Starvation, and Execution in North Korea's Political Concentration Camps. The Very Existence of these Concentration Camps makes the North Korean State Illegal, Illegitimate, and Criminal, and Demands the Immediate Intervention of the International Community.

Our Demands, based upon the foundation of International Law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are as follows:

1.  The Immediate and Total Liberation of All North Korean Political Concentration Camps

 2.  Compensation and Reimbursement to All North Korean Victims of Slavery, Starvation, Torture, All Concentration Camp Survivors in addition to All Execution, Experimentation and Murder Victims' Families for Immeasurable Loss and Suffering

3.  The Immediate Stepping Down from Power of the DPRK Leadership

4.  Prosecution of Kim Jong-un and All Individuals Responsible for Commissioning or Carrying Out Acts of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity


Worldwide Coalition to Stop Genocide in North Korea (Non-partisan)

The following petition commemorates the 65th anniversary of the Korean War's outbreak. Please consider sharing it with all of your networks and encouraging those you know to sign. This website has more information and helpful videos on the situation in North Korea that will stir your heart and motivate your prayer and action.


Let's pray for this demand and its points above to impact the leaders of nations and to become an outcry they can no longer ignore.