A Filipino couple who are both pastors have become accidental entrepreneurs after their daughter's search for body care products for her allergy-sensitive skin led to the creation of a home-based industry, which the family sees as its ministry. ‘With this evolving business, poor parishioners can earn extra income, which can sustain their local churches,’ Pastor Robinson Ayupan told Ecumenical News International. ‘With more income, parishioners can give tithes, support their pastor, and sustain their ministries.’ Ayupan's wife, Lorna Jane, says many of the 100 dealers, who retail the family's bath soap and other body care products, are poor parishioners, some of whom are students working their way through college, others unemployed housewives. The Ayupans belong to the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, but the two pastors also minister to other Protestant and evangelical groups, where they tell people they can combine their ‘Christian faith with enterprising ventures’.

Praise: God for this initiative and pray that our God-given gifts will be developed to bless and encourage those in need. (Ps.22:26-27)

More: http://www.eni.ch/featured/article.php?id=4014


The Fijian government has dropped most of the charges against leaders of the Methodist Church in Fiji. Fijian Methodists have made contact with the Methodist Church in Britain to thank people for their prayers and support. All members of the Fiji Methodist Church Standing Committee were charged with attending an unauthorized meeting held in April 2009 and were held for questioning by police in July last year. (See Prayer Alert 3109) Now all but four of them have had their charges dropped due to ‘insufficient evidence’. Mike King, Leader of World Church Relationships, said: ‘The church leadership was keen to give us this heartening news and to thank the many Methodists in Britain who have prayed so faithfully for the Methodist Church in Fiji.’ Methodists in Britain fasted in solidarity with the Methodist Church in Fiji in February after increasing pressure was put on the Church from the country’s government led by Commodore Bainimarama.

Praise: God for this move in answer to the believers prayers. (Jn.17:20)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/charges.dropped.against.fijian.methodist.church.leaders/26800.htm

Mandeville Hospital hosted a sporting event for wounded military personnel. In 2012 members of the Armed Forces wounded in action in Afghanistan and Iraq will represent their country once again in the London Paralympics. They all received help from Battle Back, a scheme which encourages recovering military personnel to take up sport. The Team GB Para Olympians includes discus thrower Private Derek Derenalagi who is still serving. In July 2007 his vehicle hit an improvised device in Afghanistan. He was pronounced dead in hospital at Camp Bastion, but later doctors found a pulse. Derek lost both legs in the incident and said that sport has been the best rehab possible for him. 'It doesn’t only help me physically but also mentally in taking away a lot of the negative thoughts from having such a horrific injury.’

Praise: God for the competitors who embody the spirit of a ‘can do’ attitude to life – may they encourage those facing unexpected challenges physically, emotionally or spiritually. (Ecc.11:1)

More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2194450/Paralympics-2012-Fighting-fit-Forces-heroes-gunning-glory.html




This month we are delighted to report that three new Houses of Prayer are being launched. We welcome Glasgow House of Prayer, Sheffield House of Prayer and European House of Prayer. International House of Prayer Kansas is sending a team in November 2010 to the UK for three meetings in Newcastle on Tyne, Manchester and London (see the website). Houses of Prayer are a phenomenon. Prior to any outpouring of revival God has always called his people to pray, to intercede for a hurting world. Behind each House of Prayer there is a unique story of a God who loves His created world and is preparing to claim it for Himself. He has called individuals and groups to build for Him Houses of Prayer.

Praise: Praise be to God for the prayerful initiatives shown by these Houses of Prayer. (2Sa. 22:47)

More: http://www.housesofprayer.net/

In the heart of one of Africa’s most influential cities, world evangelist Andrew Palau and 500 Ethiopian churches joined together in a significant effort to foster unity and love, and reach out with the Good News through Love Ethiopia, October 26 through November 17, 2013. The campaign visited the nation’s seven largest cities with the clear message of Jesus Christ. It included more than 17 partner evangelists, 120 short-term missionaries, more than 70 para-church organizations, and thousands of local volunteers in 175 events. From outreach events in local prisons to a private meeting with the newly-appointed president of the nation, the campaign reached every level of society and touched more than 250,000 people, with many thousands responding to the clear Gospel message presented by Andrew Palau and dozens of others. Andrew’s biblical messages of hope rang out to tens of thousands of people on the closing weekend of the festival, forming a potent capstone to the three-week-long campaign.

Church on the beach, church in the skate park, churches that bake and churches that get messy, Goth's gathering to celebrate communion and football fans worshipping together after the match. The Fresh Expressions initiative has seen hundreds of new forms of church around the United Kingdom in the last ivef years. Fresh Expressions support and encourage these new churches with the aim of planting churches into existing communities. Now Pete Greig, director of 24-7, and Bishop Graham Cray, leader of the Fresh Expressions team are exploring a partnership between evangelism and prayer. (Praise God). Click the 'More' button to read about the ‘24/7 Prayer Movements first few months of its new partnership with Fresh Expressions.

Praise: God for unity in the body. (Ps.133:1)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/andy.freeman.on.fresh.things.in.traditional.denominations/27402.htm


Officials are calling it one of the largest operations against human traffickers in Europe. Police in Europe arrested 103 people in 10 countries this week, all accused of smuggling people on boats, freight trains and small hidden compartments in the floors of buses and trucks. The massive operation spanned a host of European nations and deployed more than 1,200 police officers. The operation descended on homes and properties across Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Turkey and the Kosovo region in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Related operations took place in Switzerland and Austria. Human trafficking is a global multibillion dollar business, only ranking behind illegal drugs and arms trafficking, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. (See also 41-2012)

Praise: God for this answer to prayer leading to the prosecution of perpetrators. (Is.61:8)

More: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/31/world/europe/human-trafficking-arrests/index.html?hpt=ieu_c2


The response has been astronomical. Women can't get enough of hearing how Christ loves them. Mission Network News reports that an urgent desire for God's Word in Ethiopia is causing the Gospel to spread like wildfire. And, it's being fuelled primarily by women whose lives have been changed after watching the JESUS Film movie ‘Magdalena Released From Shame.’ Noting that women have long been ‘undervalued’ in the country, the Ethiopia ministry director for JESUS Film Project, Damtew, says, ‘Women are being healed at showings as they watch: it's just so amazing.’ According to the report, progress is staggering, with demand for the film now so high that in only six months the team has trained 564 women..

Praise: God for the way the Spirit is using the Magdalena film to reach the women of Ethiopia. (Ps.97:12)

More: http://mnnonline.org/article/16882