Within the last month, I was privileged to hear exciting testimonies from two key regions just covered in prayer by the Ethne Harvest-Linked Prayer Strategy initiative—both were exultant over new breakthroughs which occurred just following the prayer focus for their region! After years without any progress, many new believers came, new work has emerged, and new fellowships were established!...
We just prayed in December for the unreached of Egypt—and beginning in January we have been seeing almost unbelievable events unfolding there! Not only there, but more than 16 Arab World nations are in upheaval—meaning the kairos moment is now for the gospel!... Often we do not have the privilege to see what work has happened behind the scenes, spiritually speaking, but this article gives just a glimpse of some of what God has His people doing around the world.
Prayer changes things—but sometimes we fail to realize what a huge difference prayer makes! The truth is, prayer brings us into God’s presence and changes us as we pray. Prayer reveals God’s heart and enables us to work alongside Him as He is at work in the world to reveal Himself. Prayer invites God’s participation and releases His power to accomplish His purposes. Prayer obeys Jesus’ command to ask the Lord of the Harvest to thrust forth laborers. Prayer removes spiritual hindrances to the work and empowers workers. Prayer releases resources and removes blinding from the eyes of those who do not yet know Jesus. Prayer IS the battle and prayer maintains His victory!
Joshua Project, Global Prayer Digest, Etnopedia, PrayerGuard, and www.unreachedprayer.org continue providing detailed information to keep your prayer focus sharp.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F10apDwF4B0 reminds us that “The Kairos Moment is Now!” and provides links to connect for specific training, preparation and action.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f27IfBpAow “The Unreached—Did You Know?” can help you mobilize others to the urgent task at hand among the Forgotten Fourth World. Want this in your language? Request the translation grid from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and provide a translation in your own heart language to use among your network. Already we have two versions in Chinese, and versions in Bahasa, Tagalog, Spanish, German, Afrikaans, Czech, Swedish, Maltese, and more…

1.    Pentecost is the Birthday of the church.
2.    Pentecost is a Harvest festival in the Jewish calendar. Our Lord changed it into a harvest of souls.
3.    On this day, the Holy Spirit came down like tongues of fire on the disciples, and they spoke in at least 16 understandable languages to people from every nation under heaven. (Acts 2:5)
4.    3000 families were baptized who immediately started meeting in homes where they had apostolic teaching, fellowship, broke bread   and prayer. This resulted in signs and miracles, sharing of material blessings and daily addition of new souls. (Acts 2:37-47). Very soon an additional 5,000 families were added (Acts 4:4). Soon the new believers became disciples and multiplied (Acts 6:1,7), and then there was daily multiplication of quality churches (Acts 16:5).
5.    The modern day Pentecostal movement was started by 18 African-American women in Azusa Street in 1906. It has now multiplied into 600 million Pentecostals all over the world. Sadly the Pentecostal church does not know its history that it was started by women and continues to degrade women in the church based on distorted versions of Paul's teachings, where Greek word gune was mistranslated as 'women' instead of 'wives'. Empowering women to disciple, baptize, and serve the Lord's supper will create a spiritual tsunami. (1 Cor. 14:33-35; 1 Tim. 2:11-12).
6.    An organic house church does not need any special building, special day, or special person to conduct it. Wherever two or three gather to gather to eat, meet and gossip the gospel, bind the strongman, make disciples and multiply, is an authentic church because the Lord is present in their midst. (Matt. 18:18-20). It is in the “Gathered church” that edification takes place, but it is in the “Scattered church” that results in multiplication. House churches are biblical, historical, effective, productive, customizable, gender neutral and free.
7.    The best way to celebrate the birthday of the church is to replicate the original first Pentecost, i.e. to reap a huge harvest of souls. Aim at baptizing at least 3000 souls. And why not! After all, you believe in a great and awesome God for whom nothing is impossible. You have more resources than Peter. He had no silver or gold, or vehicle, computer, or mobile phone. The simplest way is to invite your neighbors, friends, and colleagues during the Lent period and tell them about the great sacrifice or show them the “Jesus” film. Do not try to make them Christians but disciple them so that they become Followers of Christ by the Pentecost. Do not try to change their culture, name, food habit, or dress code. Do not take them to your church but disciple them wherever they are. The Jews never became Christians; they became Messianic Jews. Do not try to win them by argument but by love.
8.    Reaping a tsunami of harvest requires abundant sowing, (2 Cor. 9:6), watering, manuring, protecting from predators, etc. It will include fasting and praying and uniting with like-minded people from neighboring churches.
9.    Every Christian is “ordained” to fulfill the Great Commission (GC) of our Lord, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptize, equip, and send them on to do the same to the ends of the earth”. “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” The GC has a historical finality about it and requires a completion mindset. (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; John 20:21).
10.    The best way to fulfill that Command is to bring forth lasting fruit (John 15:16) which includes sharing the whole wisdom of God, baptizing and breaking bread from house to house. (Acts 20:20,27; 1 Cor. 11:20-23).
11.    Your workplace, village, and the community or business, wherever God has planted you to be a Tree of life, is your primary nuclear church, and you are accountable for their souls. You are to disciple, baptize, and serve the Lord’s supper right there.
12.    Aim to be a millionaire of souls. If you consider yourself 'the least' in the kingdom, then God can multiply you into a thousand within a short period of time. (Isa. 60:22; Matt. 11:11; 1 Cor. 1:26-31)

For the last few years, the Nepali Christian Community has been arranging 40 Days of Global Prayer for Nepal—the last day of which coincides with the Global Day of Prayer. The Gospel first came to Nepal in the early 1950s, and since that time, the Lord has been building His Kingdom in Nepal in a powerful way. The arrival of the Gospel in Nepal was a direct result of decades of prayer around the world for Nepal, and now we are experiencing the fruit of this prayer with tremendous growth in the Nepali Church.

Now, over 6 decades later, we believe that God is opening the door even wider for the Gospel and that he will do amazing things in Nepal (Isaiah 43: 19, Joshua 3:5)! Following 10 years of political turmoil that resulted in more than 15,000 deaths, Nepal is now progressing with the peace process and political transformation. However, Nepal is still struggling to write a new constitution which now almost a year overdue. As the 28 May extended deadline for the completion of the constitution approaches, there are renewed fears of more violence and unrest erupting should the constitution not be completed on time. Despite the current situation, we believe that God is able to take this nation into a new promised land of blessings, peace, and prosperity if the Church joins together in prayer. As Joshua said to the Israelites in Joshua 3:5, God wants his people to consecrate themselves as He is going to do amazing things tomorrow!

Please join us in praying for Nepal and help us to circulate the information to as many people as possible so that many Christian brothers and sisters, churches, and organizations around the world will also join us in unified prayer for our nation.

All Nations Convocation Jerusalem and Watchmen’s Tour of Israel begins on Wednesday evening, 28th September-9th October, 2011 from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, the Ten Days of Awe, followed by the 3-day Watchmen’s Tour of Israel from 9th-11th October 2011. Below is the flyer explaining All Nations Convocation Jerusalem (ANCJ) and the Watchmen Tour of Israel. You can download forms and flyers from our website www.jhopfan.org, order the free 15-minute promotional DVD if you don’t have it yet, or watch the DVD at http://vimeo.com/18737493. Over 230 nations have attended. Many say it is the believers United Nations.

Speaker and Worship leaders that will be with us are Heidi Baker, Angus Buchan, Morris Cerullo, Nathaniel Chow, Langton Gatsi, Afeef Halasah, Mathew Kuruvilla, Lance Lambert, John Mulinde, Myels Munroe, Dr. Niko, Jerome Ocampo, Marcio Valadao, Rene Terranova, Ana Paula, Corrado Salme, Carola Haeggkvist, Maurice Sklar, Robert Stearns, Paul Silbur, and more Worship leaders from the 12 major languages.

Also, we would like to send you one of my books: Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Please send us your postal address that we can send it to you.

There are many Sai Baba devotees in the mountain areas around Kalimpong (India). They honor him as a god and worship him. In the past years, he has performed many “miracles” and is also very popular in the west. He does not have many followers in Bangalore where he has his Ashram, most probably because of his debauched lifestyle. He has amassed quite some wealth. A big question now is, “What happens to it all?” But that is only one question that arises with his death… Confusion now reigns in their midst, and they don’t know where to go with their questions.

Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.

Prayer Concerns:

1.    Please pray for the eight planning task forces: Program, Logistics, Mobilization (including the Media Strategy Group), Finance, Registration/Website, Youth, Children, and Prayer Support. We need to be led of the Lord, given His creative, anointed ideas, and to all do our work diligently, joyfully, and unitedly.
2.    This will not be just another prayer conference. The word “world” adds a great deal of complexity and challenge to the planning process since we hope to have 5000-7000 ministry leaders from all 220 nations. Please pray for excellent organization on the part of the Indonesians and Koreans who are co-hosting the event, for the International Coordination Team, and for the right people from every nation to hear about the WPA and be able to come to Jakarta for it.
3.    The WPA Concert of Prayer in Indonesia this year on May 17, 2011. This will also serve as preparation for the WPA that is one year to follow. Please pray for further guidance, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and unity.
4.    Some organizers that are key to the WPA process are: the Indonesian and Korean national committees who will co-host the event and the WPA International Coordination Team (14) that provides overall oversight. Please pray for His guidance, protection, and provision for each of us. The spiritual battle, as you can imagine, is intense.

Here are the two Scripture passages that have particularly inspired us in arranging the WPA:
•    The Church Becoming United—that all followers of Christ may be one so that the world may believe. (John 17:20-26)
•    Our World Being Transformed—that “the earth may be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea”. (Hab.2:14)

Thanks so much for your gracious help through prayer that will mean so much, not just to those of us doing the planning and organizing, but also to our world that will be affected by the World Prayer Assembly.

Please also help us get word of the WPA out to “ministry leaders of influence” who will represent the “seven mountains” of society (Arts/Media, Business/Marketplace, Church, Development of the Poor, Education, Family, and Government) who should be part of the WPA. Again, for more information, please have them see www.worldprayerassembly.com where they can also register their interest in participating.

The pictures of the original 37 “most wanted” criminal leaders are attached below. Praise God that 20 have been removed. The second slide shows the faces of the 17 that now need to be brought to justice. Pray for the remaining 17 drug criminals whose faces appear in the next slide below that they will swiftly be brought to justice and that their cartels and networks will be broken up and come to an end during these coming months. Thanks for your ongoing prayers for victory in the battle for Mexico. The Lord is answering!

The following e-mail has the sole purpose of thanking you once again for traveling to our country to participate together in “Two Nations, One Project”. We would like to share with you the wonders and miracles that God has done in just the few days after our historical prayer meeting.

Saturday, in the state of Chiapas, one of the biggest crystal meth labs ever discovered was confiscated.

In the state of Quintana Roo, 10 people belonging to the “Zetas” were detained.

Sunday, in Michoacan, 36 members of the gang “La Familia” were also detained and 11 more died. That same Sunday in Northern Mexico in the state of Sonora, 400 kilos of marihuana were confiscated, and 4 drug dealers were detained.

In another Northern state of Coahuila, one ton of cocaine was confiscated and 4 members of “Los Zetas” were detained.

Thank God for all of these actions where we can see the beginning of what we declared that night of prayer in faith in regards to the peace, freedom, and security of our nations.

Gloria a Dios!