The Global Day of Prayer and the IPC have a rich and enduring relationship going back to September 2004 when Graham Power, GDOP chairman, and his associates approached the IPC with their vision to hold an international day of repentance and prayer for the world on Pentecost Sunday each year. Through their bold presentation, the IPC leadership caught the dream of seeing the GDOP reach every nation and decided to throw our lot in with them in order to make this vision happen. Many of the prayer leaders and networks associated with the IPC went all out to mobilize their nations and regions.

It has been worth it all to see what the Lord has done with this massive effort that literally hundreds of millions of believers have participated in, including virtually every country.  The GDOP team has done a truly outstanding job of sharing the vision, developing video and written resources and organizing international broadcasts with the help of God TV.  They are to be applauded and congratulated!

Now, the Lord who inspired and enabled it all will again be glorified to the ends of the earth on Sunday, June 12, when tens of millions of Christians from all traditions and denominations will once again pray together. The process begins June 2 with 10 days of united prayer, using an excellent prayer guide that can be downloaded from the GDOP website listed below. Also, please be sure to tune into the international broadcast from Jacksonville. You can view the GDOP Broadcast live on June 11, 2011  6:00 pm USA Eastern Standard Time at "God TV" and other networks to  be announced. Visit  on  how and where to tune in.

We encourage you to rally your church or prayer group to join in this amazing, globe-girdling prayer effort, connecting with tens of millions of other adults, youth and children, asking the One who has all power to bring healing and transformation to our communities, nations and world. All the resources you need are available on the website Be sure to also register your involvement on that same website.

Enjoy an awesome time in the presence of the Lord that will be used by Him to change the history of our planet!

(CNN) June 2, 2011-- Dozens of people have died in clashes with troops in western Syria, where government forces reportedly shelled homes in one town, protest organizers and a human rights official said Thursday. The reports come a day after a leading human rights group accused Syria of committing abuses against anti-government protesters, who have been calling for a regime change. Syria has denied the allegations. At least 43 people have been killed since Sunday when government forces entered Homs province to end protests against government rule, said Rami Abdel Rahman, president of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights…

Human Rights Watch accused Syria on Wednesday of carrying out a "systematic" series of abuses against protesters. It called on the United Nations to investigate. The United States has imposed new sanctions on al-Assad and other senior Syrian officials, freezing any assets held in the country over human rights abuses. Security forces have killed more than 887 across the country since the protests started in mid-March, Human Rights Watch said in a report. That number does not include security personnel the government claims died in attacks from "armed groups." Precise "numbers are impossible to verify given the information blockade imposed by the Syrian government," the rights group said.

Please pray for the peaceful transformation of Syria and other Arab nations in the Middle East that they will become just and free societies with leaders who serve their people rather than themselves.

It was a privilege to participate in the special prayer initiative that happened last week in Mexico City along with thirty representatives from the USA. It is called “Dos Naciones, Un Proyecto” or “Two Nations, One Project” and will be an ongoing effort combining prayer and action to bring deliverance to both Mexico and the United States from the awful drug war and its destructive effects on the two nations. Thanks so much for your support in prayer that we could tangibly feel.

Two brave followers of Christ who have significant positions in the Mexican government boldly arranged this effort to connect Christian leadership from Mexico and the United States in a common effort to pray and work together to bring an end to the trafficking of drugs, arms and human beings that has claimed the lives of 35,000 in the last five years. This dark trade has fueled widespread corruption and drug-related crime in much of Mexico and, because of our long porous border, has enabled drug cartels and other criminal gangs to increasingly operate in various states within the USA.

We as Americans bear a great responsibility for this situation because our insatiable demand for drugs (about 20 million are current users or addicts and over 100 million have used either cocaine, marijuana or methamphetamines) have made the drug trade a multi-billion dollar per year business. In addition, the U.S. Congress’s allowing the ban on assault weapons to expire in 2004 has enabled the drug criminals to acquire tens of thousands of AK 47s and other advanced weaponry that has no purpose other than killing people. They have and are using these weapons not only on law enforcement officers and the military but also on innocent civilians, even including children, without any conscience.

On Thursday, the 26th, we had the honour of meeting with President Felipe Calderon, his gracious First Lady, Margarita Zavala, and a few other key government officials. They briefed us on the situation in the nation, asking for our help in prayer and action. Here are a few key ongoing prayer concerns that you are welcome to share with other intercessors:

1. For the strengthening of President Calderon and his colleagues, including Alejandro and Rosi Orozco, as well as for their security and that of their families. These are courageous men and women who have put their lives on the line to serve their nation and eliminate the drug cartels who in turn would like nothing more than to assassinate them. These cartels have already managed to intimidate or buy off many officials and infiltrate the police, military and parts of the government. Pray for their protection and victory in this dangerous battle.

2. The government has managed to capture or kill 20 of the “most wanted” 37 drug cartel leaders and criminals. There are 17 left to bring to justice. Pray that these ruthlessly wicked people will be found and arrested soon and that their networks of other thugs will be broken up and destroyed in both countries.

3. That the government’s other efforts to provide poverty relief, better and more education for young people and other opportunities will be effective in giving children and youth a reason to live and not get seduced into the grip of organized crime.

4. That the Mexican people will not complain about and criticize this long battle against evil but will be patient, hopeful and supportive of the government’s efforts.

5. That the U.S. Congress and other public authorities in this country will take action to reapply the ban on assault weapons and take actions to stop the flow of such arms into Mexico.

6. That drug shipments will be interdicted and the routes and networks for the smuggling of drugs, weapons and humans for sexual and commercial purposes will be uncovered and cut off by coordinated and effective border patrol efforts.

7. That Hollywood would be conscientized and stop producing movies that glamorize the taking of drugs like marijuana or cocaine.

Some of us believe that breakthrough is coming during this coming year and that the Lord is rewriting the history of Mexico through its growing prayer movement and greater unity among the thousands of Christian leaders. On June 12, Pentecost Sunday and the Global Day of Prayer, they are marching and praying with millions of other believers in most of the state capitals all across Mexico. Let's agree that through the backing of the prayer movement as well as God-given strategies of action our brothers and sisters in both church and government will be able to win complete victory!

John Robb, IPC Chairman

Hunting Down Mexico’s Most Wanted

Praise God that 20 of the original 37 “most wanted” criminal leaders have been removed.

Pray for the remaining 17 drug criminals whose faces appear in the next slide below that they will swiftly be brought to justice and that their cartels and networks will be broken up and come to an end during these coming months.

Flash Report from Mexico on How God is Answering!

The following e-mail has the sole purpose of thanking you once again for travelling to our country to participate together in “Two Nations, One Project”. We would like to share with you the wonders and miracles that God has done in just the few days after our historical prayer meeting.

Saturday, in the state of Chiapas, one of the biggest crystal meth labs ever discovered was confiscated.

In the state of Quintana Roo, 10 people belonging to the “Zetas” were detained.

Sunday, in Michoacan, 36 members of the gang “La Familia” were also detained and 11 more died. That same Sunday in Northern Mexico in the state of Sonora, 400 kilos of marihuana were confiscated, and 4 drug dealers were detained.

In another Northern state of Coahuila, one ton of cocaine was confiscated and 4 members of “Los Zetas” were detained.

Thank God for all of these actions where we can see the beginning of what we declared that night of prayer in faith in regards to the peace, freedom, and security of our nations.

Gloria a Dios!

(e-mail received at the IPC office on 2 June 2011)

“Only four months after the people of south Sudan overwhelmingly voted to secede from Khartoum's Islamic Republic of Sudan - and six weeks before the independence day of July 9 - a resumption of Sudan's civil war is threatened by north Sudan's military occupation of the disputed territory of Abyei and its calls to remove southern soldiers from Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile. Sudan's ethnic and religious divisions coincide in all three borderland territories, with a Muslim nomadic population that looks to the north's capital of Khartoum while Christian and animist farmers are drawn to the south's Juba.

According to the security arrangements in the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), both northern and southern soldiers are supposed to patrol the contested border territories. A week ago, southern military forces in the disputed Abyei region attacked UN forces escorting northern troops. Though the Juba government apologized, Khartoum made the attack the pretext for militarily occupying the territory, setting off large refugee flows out of Abyei.”
(John Campbell, CNN, June 1, 2011)

Please continue to pray for a peaceful transition towards the independence of South Sudan next month and for a good relationship to develop with the government in Khartoum with whom they will have to live amicably as their northern neighbor.

300 local church leaders and 50 internationals in prayer ministry will gather at the Hallelujah Church in Seoul to pray for breakthrough in the deliverance of North Korea from its decades-long oppression and suffering at the hands of the Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il regime.

The current situation in North Korea cries out for such an international prayer initiative like this. These are some of the ways it has been described in the media and by those who have been there as eyewitnesses:

•    “Largest prison camp in world”
•    “Worst human rights violating country”
•    “Worst persecutor of Christians”
•    4 million North Koreans have died of starvation since 1995
•    Economy “literally collapsed, operating at about 20%” due to adherence to juche central planning failures
•    Famine again stalks the land
•    500,000 fled to China for survival, mostly women and 80% of them raped and sexually trafficked
•    1 million killed in concentration camps with cruel brutality
•    North Korean people are “the most isolated, most persecuted, and most suffering”

Please join us in fervent, faith-filled, ongoing prayer for North Korea until it is liberated.

DALAI LAMA steps down from his political role
Legal expert Lobsang Sangay has won an election to become head of the Tibetan government-in-exile, taking over the Dalai Lama’s political role. The change, yet to be written into the exile constitution, reverses 300 years of tradition in which the top monk also guided the Tibetan government.

This is interesting in light of the Buddhist concept of Chakravartin (World Ruler) which concentrates political (worldly) and spiritual power in one person. Himmler with his fascination for Buddhism had integrated this concept in the new nationalistic socialistic religion with Hitler the embodiment of just such a world ruler. The Chakravartin rules over the whole earth and is a warlord. According to a prophecy in the Tibetan Buddhist Kalachakra-Tantra, the Chakravartin will lead an army that will destroy the enemies of Buddhist teaching to then establish the worldwide rule of Buddhism, the kingdom of Shambala.

Pray for Lobsang Sangay
In 1995, Dr. Sangay was selected as a Fulbright Scholar and obtained his Masters degree at Harvard Law School. His thesis was on Buddhism and Human Rights. In 2004, he earned his Doctorate in Law from Harvard Law School, becoming the first Tibetan to receive this degree. As an expert on Tibet, international human rights law, democratic constitutionalism, and conflict resolution, Dr. Sangay has given lectures on Sino-Tibet issues in various universities, think tanks, and other public forums in Europe, Asia, and North America. He is often consulted by the news media, and his articles about Tibet are widely published.

Pray for the Dalai Lama
Pray that the Lord will bring believers across his path. In July, he will be laying a Kalachakra Mandala for World Peace in Washington, DC, USA, from July 6-16. Curing the first three days of the Kalachakra from July 6 through 8, the Dalai Lama, along with the monks of Namgyal Monastery and senior lamas, will conduct rituals which prepare and consecrate the venue. These include chanting of prayers, creation of the sand mandala, and other rituals. From July 9 to 11, he will give preliminary teachings. On July 12, the Kalachadra Ritual Dance will be performed by the monks of Namgyal Monastery. The Dalai Lama will confer the Kalachadra Initiation from July 13 to 15. On July 16, a long life empowerment (tsewang) and a ceremony offering prayers for the long life of the Dalai Lama will be performed. Website:

(Excerpted from the Vision for Asia call to prayer)

Pray that any occult spirits from the Dalai Lama and monks of Tibetan Buddhism will be bound and unable to bring harm to Washington, D.C. or the U.S.A. May they and those they seek to influence or have influenced in the past be set free from the power of darkness and come to know the light of life in Jesus Christ!

For five years now, the North American Prayer Summit has united Canadian, Mexican and American prayer leaders in wonderful, powerful times of prayer for the issues of our continent. We have seen much answered prayer and heartening unity build among the three nations. A solid foundation has been laid from which to further develop and enhance this already very successful initiative. As leadership met recently to discuss our go-forward position, we felt we were to continue to meet with the following focus:
•    That our unity continues to deepen and broaden among the prayer movements of the three nations.
•    That there will be an increase of the younger generation involved. It is critical we partner in a more structured and dynamic way with the future leaders in North America. This will be a specific, focused and strategic direction for our next gathering.
•    That future initiatives will develop among the three nations. We now have the unity required to take advantage of the resources each nation presents to assist one another as needed. The three-nation prayer initiative over the past year in Mexico, focusing on the drug cartel issue is a good example of this. Even though there is continued violence, many drug cartel leaders are being taken down in answer to the prayers of many.

We will gather this year near Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the gorgeous Sangre de Cristo mountains for three days of seeking the Lord, hearing His heart for our nations and praying for transformation of the political, economic, social and spiritual aspects of our continent. We have no agenda except the Lord and each other, wanting to get on His wavelength, to stand in His council and to develop the kind of heart unity with one another that Jesus said was crucial to the world believing in Him and to His Kingdom coming on earth. The NAPS will also serve as a stepping-stone to the World Prayer Assembly (May 14-18, 2012, when leaders from up to 220 nations will gather in Jakarta, Indonesia, to pray and coordinate plans for the future of the global prayer movement.

For more information, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please pray for the North American Prayer Summit that those prayer ministry leaders God is calling will be able to take part and that we will all be led by the Lord into a time of deep encounter with Him and each other. May all the preparations come together effectively for a powerful, anointed time of standing in His council together!

Over 2 billion people live in a Commonwealth nation. The Commonwealth Prayer Initiative strengthens and connects their 54 nations in a yearlong prayer thrust for the Commonwealth, and its people and leaders.

20-22 October, Commonwealth Christian Assembly (SHINE) is celebrating the 54 nations of the Commonwealth plus its friends. It will be held in Perth, Australia prior to the heads fo government meeting, CHOGM. 50 nations are now taking part.

24-29 October, CONVERGE will happen during CHOGM week (night and day prayer, worship, special events and sessions with international local teams).

Please see more details about participating in these efforts at