Compelling video feeds of important prayer concerns are accompanied by prayers that you can join in with at Prayercast ( “It is our hope that not only would individuals be spurred to heartfelt prayer through Prayercast’s online resources, but also that small groups, churches and organizations would use them in corporate settings to unite in prayer.” One can also post online personal prayers for various countries.

On January 23, 2011, a force of 250 Burma Army troops entered the Manarone area of Ta Naw Tha Ri Township in southern Karen State where many Karen families were hiding. These Burma Army troops fought against the Karen National Liberation Army (ethnic pro-democracy resistance) from January 24-26. On January 27th, the Burma Army burned down 6 houses of the Karen families. On the 28th, 17 houses and a school were burned. There are 236 people from 28 families displaced. Such occurrences are quite frequent in the ethnic conflict going on inside the country. Please pray: for the safety of Karen and other ethnic families suffering as a result of this ongoing war; for the provision of food, shelter, and education; for peace to come to the land and that God’s values would reign supreme.

March 13, 2011, is the Global Day of Prayer for Burma—praying for peace, justice, and religious freedom for all the peoples of Burma.

This is an international network of Bible schools, campus ministry organizations, denominations, and mission sending agencies, serving a grassroots mission mobilization initiative among today’s emerging generation toward the fulfillment of the great commission in our lifetime.

SVM2 offers many materials and proven methods for catalyzing the Student Mission Movement and is “enthusiastically” endorsed by the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. Please visit and guide Christian students in your area to this valuable resource. Please pray: for God to lead students to this site as well as to personally call many into missions; pray for this ministry to effectively support, educate, and equip these students.

For the past couple of years, there has been much discussion among prayer leaders about the use of Internet technology for prayer mobilization. Many ministries want to develop web-based tools that will leverage the broad outreach and interactive communication that Internet technology can provide. Prototypes like Global Prayer Connection have been created, but more collaboration is needed to further explore possibilities.

Global Prayer Connection was first commissioned by IPC in partnership with two technology companies, Simon Solutions and Liquidus Tech.  The purpose for developing this prototype was to help intercessors catch a glimpse of the capabilities of Internet technology for local, national, and global prayer mobilization. Our overall purpose is to bring together experts in Internet technology, mobile communications, and prayer strategies with the goal of developing a sophisticated prayer networking tool that will help intercessors connect and mobilize for targeted intercession in real-time.

We already have in place web developers who are experts in hardware/software design and Internet security. These experts have the capability of building whatever is needed. We also have a small group of prayer leaders who want to see this project become a reality. What we are lacking is the proper amount of resources to build and maintain the global network, which intercessors around the world could use free of charge. For several months we have also been part of conference calls orchestrated by Phil Miglioratti of Mission America. Representatives from different technology companies have been discussing the challenges associated with developing prayer networking tools.  We all agree that our greatest challenge is not technology development, but consensus among prayer leaders as to how technology can benefit all prayer ministries. If all things could come together in a timely fashion, a powerful global prayer network with the following features could be up and running in a matter of months:

•    Keeps intercessors well-connected, informed, and engaged in a safe and secure environment.
•    Enables intercessors with like-passions to easily connect in small groups and work together.
•    Makes it easy to orchestrate 24/7 prayer and mobilize intercessors for specific assignments.
•    Instantly send private messages and broadcast prayer bulletins to large groups.
Now is the time for prayer leaders and ministries to come together and discover new ways to partner together. The reality of millions of intercessors united in global intercession in real-time can happen if people are willing to work together. For more information on how to get involved or to contribute financially, please contact Mike Simon This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

“He will give you the desires of your heart” Psalm 37:4. A friend of IPC reports…“It was in my heart to go to Sri Lanka and China to open the Bible College. Now I know that my desire is a dream for God.” While traveling in Taiwan in February, God told our friend to visit Sri Lanka, the country of his birth. He went to India to open a Bible College and then went on to Colombo, Sri Lanka. War had ended, but foreigners were forbidden. Special permission from the Army Chief was required and would take a week for approval. Most applications are rejected. Our friend prayed for a miracle, and it came! Permission was granted within a day to travel by air and land.

The journey started with a heavy burden (like Nehemiah). The land was beautiful but now is like a graveyard with dry bones. God spoke to our brother… “’The wall is broken…the gates are burnt with fire. You are my Nehemiah. What are you doing? Cry out for your own people…your own city…I have blessed you. Now you bless your people. Don’t forget your land where you were born.’ I was watching through the window of the helicopter, and my heart began to weep because now the land is empty with the cry of innocent children.” Hundreds of children used to be in the Children House of Prayer (CHOP) programme in Jaffna and a few villages, but almost every village was empty. In a small church, 12 children were found praying and worshipping, crying out for mercy on the land, healing of the people, and saving the nation. Our friend visited a refugee camp where 50 children gathered for free tuition—children who had lost both or one parent. Now 400 children are in the support programme of our friend’s ministry.

From Jaffna, he traveled 10 hours observing that nearly all homes he passed had no doors, windows, or roofs. Most had bullet holes on the walls. He stopped in Vanni to worship in a small church with broken walls and an altar filled with bullet holes. People had lost arms and legs. Almost every child had lost someone in his/her family. The two villages used to have 250,000 but now have 20,000. People began to tell their stories; none could keep quiet, crying aloud in anguish and pain.

No media or foreigners are allowed, and there were so many untold stories. “Lord, no more war…we need peace…bless Sri Lanka…children…come out from your empty tombs…our God is alive”—this was our friend’s prayer until he reached Colombo. Having met a pastor and asking if he had any needs, the pastor said, “I had only one old bicycle, and I lost it during the war. If I get one bicycle, I can travel a hundred miles and pray for people and win souls.” Our friend took him to a shop and bought a new bicycle for him. The pastor took our friend’s hand and started blessing him. He said, “This one cycle is enough to bring 1,000 people to Jesus.” When our friend was in Colombo, he prayed with pastors and ministers until 2:30 a.m. … There is now a commitment to raise 2,000 children intercessors in Sri Lanka!

Our brother is now going to China with a burden to build a “Wall of Fire” through children’s prayers. He asks for our prayers. He writes: “It is Time to see the Revival. Let us cry to our Heavenly Father. Please pray that He will raise up an army of children intercessors in Sri Lanka and open Children’s House Of Prayer in every city and rebuild the churches. Pray that these children will be healed by the Father’s Love and have proper food and shelter. Pray that he and others may be able to start and support orphanages that lost their dear ones in the war. “I was hungry, you gave me food; I was thirsty, you gave me to drink; I was naked, you clothed me; I was sick, you looked after me…Whatever you have done to these little ones, you have done to me,” says Jesus. Please pray for his trip to China. As he wrote, “MY DESIRE IS HIS DREAM.”

The National People’s Congress (NPC) will convene in Beijing in March 2011. This NPC will approve China’s 12th five-year plan which give opportunity to see the direction of China and to gauge implication for all working in China. These changes will affect education, economics, foreign policy, and many other areas.  How will transition occur while ensuring social stability? The meeting will last for two weeks and is the “supreme organ of state power” making laws and electing the highest leaders in China. It approves the decisions and plans handed down by the Party.

Please pray: for a spirit of harmony among the delegates and a desire to serve all the people of China; that plans developed will be successful at increasing employment in the cities, particularly among the migrant population; that the number of quality primary and secondary schools will be increased, particularly those serving migrant children; that policies adopted will not result in continuing escalation of food prices that will hurt the poor; that such policies will benefit all people and work against corruption in  government; and that there would be more openness and collaboration with the international community, reducing tensions and increasing cooperation.

The Christian Church in China has grown immensely, reaching into the tens of millions.  Still, there are 427 people groups within China that are unreached or “least-reached”.  Please pray for the protection and guidance of His people in China; for their witness to be Spirit-filled and full of love and obedience to the Word; for these unreached people groups to have His truth brought to them.

Join in prayer for Sudan wherever you are or at the prayer meeting of the Sudan Support Network (SSNet) in Pretoria, South Africa, Sunday, 6 March, 2011. Right now, Sudan is in MASSIVE transition. God is revealing amazing insights into what is happening now in the north of Sudan and how SSNet partners there are experiencing developments. Specific prayer information on Sudan is available at The Sudan Prayer Focus has gone international with the creation of a Facebook group.

A grateful “thank you” to Eleanor North from Viva who pointed out an error in last month’s newsletter. The World Weekend of Prayer is an opportunity for people all over the world to put on their OWN events over the weekend and to spent time praying for children at risk. This is not an event held in just one place. Viva provides the resources (hence the translation of booklets into different languages) to enable people to do this. Viva also promotes the weekend and tries to encourage people worldwide to get involved and put on their own events—whether this is a prayer meeting, a church service dedicated to children at risk, or a children’s praise party. (

Please pray:
1.    That the resources Viva has and the promotion of the World Weekend of Prayer (June 4 and 5, 2011) would get out to a great number of people around the world.
2.    For many churches and home groups to spend time praying for children at risk.
3.    For the financial and organizational needs Viva faces in creating the resources for Christians worldwide to use this June.