“Pray4Saudi: Preparing the way for the Gospel of the Kingdom” (Pray4Saudi.com) launched on March 15, 2012.  We are convinced that as churches, ministries, prayer networks, and Christians around the world begin to pray, the Lord will visit Saudi Arabia in a powerful way. Please join us in this initiative – and share it with others.  Go to www.Pray4Saudi.com to learn more about how you can be part of this historic move of God.
Pray for:
•    the Spirit of God to move powerfully in Saudi Arabia. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in this nation and to all those in diaspora (Saudis living in other nations). Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 1:16)
•    the Kingdom of God to come to Saudi Arabia in power with signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, and visions. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)
Preparing the way for the Gospel of the Kingdom

After stating repeatedly that the Muslim Brotherhood would not back a candidate in Egypt’s first presidential election since Hosni Mubarak was forced from office, the group reversed itself. On Saturday, March 31, the Brotherhood nominated Khairat al-Shater. This former political prisoner now serves as one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s three deputy leaders.

Al-Shater is a millionaire businessman who in recent months has “developed the Brotherhood’s economic policy and met the International Monetary Fund team.” He has also represented the organization in the “meetings with ambassadors, visiting foreign officials and international investors.”

The Muslim Brotherhood is now saying that the victories by Islamists in the parliamentary elections indicate that the people of Egypt want an Islamic state.

Observers believe Shater has a very good chance of winning the election. “The nomination of Khairat al-Shater is a smart choice,“ writes Mustafa al-Zahran, an expert on Islamist political movements, “because he has mass popularity among the grassroots membership and a long history of struggle.”

Egypt’s first presidential election since Hosni Mubarak was forced out of office is scheduled for May 23 and 24, 2012.

Pray for men and women of integrity and honesty to be given political power to lead Egypt into its special destiny and that the plans of the wicked will be overthrown.


•    For all hidden activity of the Sinaloa cartel to be exposed.
•    For supernatural wisdom and protection for all local and federal law enforcement that deal with taking down all the illegal trafficking by the Sinaloa cartel.
•    For all Arizonians to be alert to any unusual activity within their neighborhoods, to have the boldness to call local or federal authorities.
•    For the arrest and conviction of “El Chapo” Guzman and the dismantling of the Sinaloa cartel!

I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes [Arizona] and makes her the praise of the earth. ~Isaiah 62:6-7

Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, whose capture we have been diligently praying for, NARROWLY ESCAPED capture three weeks ago. According to the Associated Press, Guzman had been hiding in plain sight in a coastal mansion in Los Cabos…Rumors also surface regularly that police have shown up in various hideouts just as Guzman is escaping out the back door…Guzman moves frequently among 10 to 15 locations to avoid arrest, and has a security detail of up to 300 men. Guzman's narrow escapes, including this latest one, raise the suspicion that he could be getting tipped off.
U.S. law enforcement officials say no other cartel has the international cocaine distribution networks of Guzman's Sinaloa Federation, which is also making a major push into methamphetamines in Mexico and Central America. Guzman appears annually on the Forbes magazine list of the world's billionaires, and also has been named by the magazine as one of the world's most powerful people. He has a $7 million bounty on his head in Mexico and the U.S., and teams of law enforcement agents from both countries are devoted to his capture.
•    That law enforcement, governmental officials or any insider passing on confidential information that interferes with the capture of "El Chapo" Guzman will be discovered and apprehended. "But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known" (Luke 12:2 NLTse).
•    For supernatural strategy, tips and the whereabouts of "El Chapo" Guzman to be given to law enforcement for the successful capture and conviction of Guzman.
•    That the Lord would send His mighty heavenly army to position Guzman and law enforcement to be in the right place at the right time for Guzman's capture.
•    That confusion will fall upon Guzman's new security chief, body guards and security plans. "Then panic struck the whole (Sinaloa Cartel) army-those in the camp and field, and those in the outposts and raiding parties-and the ground shook. It was a panic sent by God"     (1 Samuel 14:15 NIV).

But the LORD your God will deliver them over to you (law enforcement and government officials), throwing them into great confusion until they are destroyed.
~ Deuteronomy 7:23

“Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi was one of 43 members of the National League for Democracy party elected to Burma’s parliament on April 1. Her party swept the elections, only failing to win one of the 44 seats it contested. But the elections filled just 7 percent of the seats in parliament with 25 percent of the seats filled by the military as required by Burma’s constitution. Aung San Suu Kyi and her supporters are railing against the military’s role in politics, and the United States has announced that while it will lift some sanctions on Burma, it will keep the most significant ones in place until Burma implements more meaningful reform. Can pressure from inside the government combined with pressure from the West bring Burma closer to becoming a democratic state?”

Let’s rejoice at this answered prayer for Burma and its freedom from political repression. Pray for strong and steady progress towards political and religious freedom as well as for the end of ethnic conflict and true reconciliation among all the people of this land.

We are now just two months from the World Prayer Assembly. Your prayers have been a sustaining and encouraging force for us. We know that without your support in this way, we could be dead meat in the spiritual battle that rages against us and this “once in a generation” gathering of praying people from around the world.
Here are some key issues for the last weeks before the WPA:
1. That those God wants to come to Jakarta will respond to His voice and register in the next month. The deadline is April 14. Pray that they will come from every nation and region of the world- adults, youth and children.
2. We are hoping to raise additional funding to help up people with subsidies for their accommodations and ground transport and some with partial travel help. Please pray that donors will respond now and provide all that is needed.
3. Pray for the many speakers, facilitators and worship teams that they will be anointed and prepared to play their part at the WPA. We want to follow a new/old paradigm of letting the Lord guide and speak as He did in Acts 13 to the five leaders at Antioch. Pray that we may have special wisdom and sensitivity to know how to do this effectively in both the plenary and track sessions.
4. The Indonesian national committee needs our prayer as they seek to bring together the very challenging and detailed logistics- hotels and other accommodations, ground transport involving many buses and program details. It is a huge undertaking; please pray for them regularly.
5. The May 17 national stadium event will link the 100,000 participants live to over 350 cities within Indonesia with an estimated audience of 5 million and then many millions of others throughout the world through satellite TV and Internet streaming. Please pray for an anointed, powerful program that is being developed now and for excellent collaboration with Christian and secular media outlets.
6. We all need His protection both physically and spiritually as we move into these last weeks and during the WPA as well. The evil one wants to hinder such a global prayer tsunami from happening, of course, and we must not underestimate his resolve to disrupt it. Pray for unity, love and humility among the Indonesian committee and our international coordination team.
7. Finally, pray that the WPA will be used of God to fulfill His purposes and to be a vehicle for world revival and breakthrough in mission. Here is below is a word that Leslie Keegel, one of our IPC colleagues, gave to us during a planning session a few weeks ago. Let’s pray accordingly.
Thanks so much for standing with us for the final push to the WPA.
Yours in Christ,
John Robb (on behalf of the WPA International Coordination Team)

“Things always happen when we pray, especially when we pray in loving unity. (We) can hear God together and come to agreement. (We) can stand in the gap, ask forgiveness, bind and loose, and proclaim blessing.” John Dawson

Tehran, Iran: The ruling Islamic Regime of Iran is not only worried about the growth of Christianity inside the country, but is also concerned about the increase in tendency of Malays towards Christianity.

Following a recent conference focused on the Indo-Malay world of Southeast Asia, we sense the Holy Spirit freshly stimulating us to loving and united intercessory prayer
for the country of Malaysia and the Malay people.

•    Praise the Lord there is more going on than any one of us knows ... thus we pray: ‘Your Kingdom come, Lord, all across Malaysia ... among every community, in every situation ... for Your glory!’
•    Pray for an outpouring of grace upon every worker, every believer, every church community, and for an overflow of the love of God toward the unreached majority in the nation.
•    Pray for an increasing, sovereign stirring of the Holy Spirit in the heart of every Malay, and breakthrough with millions opening to Jesus.
•    Pray for God to raise up among the Malays those with an apostolic calling and gifting to reach their own people with the Gospel.

LIGNET has uncovered information suggesting Syria could provide Iran with sensitive nuclear technology and a secret stockpile of uranium to assist in the building of weapons of mass destruction. This is an urgent concern as the United States watches the situation in Syria deteriorate and terrorist groups like al Qaeda get a foothold.

The United States must start thinking about how to secure Syria’s nuclear program and to locate the missing uranium and nuclear weapons-related technology before they can find their way into the hands of the Iranians or terrorist groups, LIGNET Managing Editor Fred Fleitz said in an interview this week.

“If Assad thinks he’s in danger, he just may decide to transfer some technology, or maybe some uranium, to Iran,” Fleitz said of the Syrian president, who has earned international opprobrium for his brutal crackdown on the opposition.

“Now in terms of falling into the hands of terrorist groups, that is a real worry. The worry that militia groups could seize these weapons, such as militias in Libya did after that conflict, is a real concern.”

The crisis in Syria has created a flood of refugees. According to the United Nations, the number fleeing the regime's wrath has risen by several thousand in the past few days and now tops 34,000. Their most recent numbers show that hundreds of thousands are thought to be displaced within Syria. Bill Bray with Christian Aid Mission (http://www.mnnonline.org/groups/CAM) says, "Almost every day, we're getting new reports of increasing numbers of refugees and increasing sacrifice being made by the Christian community in the surrounding countries to reach out."

Most of the poor refugees, made up of nominal Christian and other minorities, are fleeing to neighboring countries where the reception has been chilly. "They are trying to contain the refugee crisis, and displaced persons within Syria and not welcoming them across their borders. All the borders are mined and armed--protected. They don't want a huge rush of refugees from Syria coming into their countries.

"God uses times of crisis to soften hearts to the gospel," added the Christian Aid staff spokesman. "This may be a time of harvest among Muslim and Christian refugees. God is sovereign. He cares for Muslims. Countries in the Middle East are going through great upheaval. Now many Muslims are turning to Christ. Maybe the long turmoil in Syria is God's way of bringing this about."

•    Pray for strength for the Christian community and wisdom in dealing with the government and local police officials. A lot of these people are illegal immigrants, they're undocumented; there are no jobs for them so we need to pray for the Christian community as they try to integrate these refugees into their churches and into the community."
•    Pray for continued open doors for the Gospel.
•    Pray that God will cause seeds of the Gospel to grow.
•    Ask God to provide the resources for this response.

Read full article http://www.mnnonline.org/article/16959