A “by invitation only” gathering of ministry leaders from the nations of the Middle East region along with leaders of other prayer movements to pray for His transformation of this historic and important region. If you lead a ministry in this region and are interested to take part or want to recommend others to do so, please contact the IPC office at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. (John 17:21)

Larnaca, Cyprus, October 1-4, 2013

Sponsored by International Prayer Council and World Prayer Assembly

Invitees: Church and prayer leaders from across the Middle East region with some additional prayer leaders from other nations coming to support the gathering.

A Call to Pray for the Middle East Together:

From times of the Bible till now, God has used the united prayer of His people to change the history of nations. He has delegated immense authority to believers to make a difference. Jesus said that we are to pray, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. One theologian wrote, “History belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being.”

The current status of conflict, war and suffering in the Middle East region is not God’s purpose, but the result of human and demonically-inspired antagonisms that pit nations, ethnic and religious groups against one another for the misery and destruction of all. The Lord wants His peace, healing, love, justice and goodness to cover the region. Our united prayers supported by many others around the world will facilitate a new day for this important area of our world!


  1. To gather Christian leaders from across the region to meet under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to pray with unity, faith and the authority He has given us for the healing and transformation of the nations of the Middle East.
  1. To enlist the support of the international prayer movement for this initiative throughout 2013, informing them about the needs of this strategic and spiritually needy region of our world.
  1. To build stronger, deeper relationships among ministry leaders from all three Christian traditions (Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant) for greater cooperation in prayer and action.
  1. To enhance the unity of the Body of Christ by connecting and strengthening the prayer movement in the region.


Each national group will be able to present the current situation and needs in their nation (political, economic, cultural and spiritual), after which we will go to the Lord together for in-depth sessions of prayer, listening and interceding as He leads us. We want to get on His wavelength to hear what His heart is for each nation and how we should pray for His mercy and deliverance (Isaiah 55:8-9, Jeremiah 23:18).

Planning Team:

An international and regional planning team with representatives from the nations and Christian traditions of the Middle East along with leaders from the International Prayer Council will be arranging the program. We welcome your suggestions and prayers for the planning process.

Please pray with us for this crucial and historic gathering that the people of God’s choice from many diverse cultural and ecclesiastical backgrounds will be able to come together for this reconciliation prayer event.


The political situation continues to be tense as the United Front (insurgents from the Nuba Mountains, Darfur and the Blue Nile states) has taken control of towns about 400 km from Khartoum and they are planning an attack on the capital in the near future. The Islamic government is loosing support and are facing internal devisions. The government attacks by aerial bombardment continues on civilians in the Blue Nile, Nuba Mountains and Darfur. They also continue to arrest political activist opposing the government in Khartoum.

Please pray for a change as many have suffered under this regime and for peace, security and justice in the country and real religious freedom. Pray also for the church for unity, grace, wisdom and courage during these difficult times. 

From: Sten Johansson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

As summer is coming soon, many people are preparing for special events and outreaches in North Africa as well as North Africans in Europe. We value your prayers for these plans and preparations. Ask God to open doors. Ask God to bring people to visit the nations of North Africa this summer. Pray that word will get out of the opportunities. Pray protection on those who are leading these events. Pray that the Word of God will go forth this summer in unprecedented ways.

A number of specific prayer requests were revealed from workers asking you to pray this coming month:

  1. An NGO would like to set up its operation in Libya. Please pray that they will be able to start their work soon. They need permissions to be granted and the right personnel to start/carry on the work.
  2. People seeking to establish a language centre in Libya asks prayer for open doors, favour with business applications and staff to join as teachers.
  3. An existing English and Spanish language centre is desperately seeking new teaching staff in a North African country. Please ask God to send them the staff they need.
  4. Please pray that the Algerian Church will take very practical steps over the next six months to create a national board of missions and hear the Holy Spirit’s appointment of people to be released into mission.
  5. There are a number of opportunities to join a prayer team in North Africa in the coming 6 months. If you are interested, please send us an email, and we can put you in touch.

Underground Water

Recently, a group of workers praying in Morocco felt the Lord encouraged them with a picture of a dry wilderness place. In that wilderness, a crop of wheat was coming to harvest. There seemed to be no water with which the plants could be nourished, but they were growing never the less. They felt the Lord was saying that even when the circumstances seem to indicate a dry place, God has a source of Living Water underground that is used to nourish the plants to bring them to the point of flower, fruit or harvest. Can you take this image and pray into it for North Africa? As you try to imagine this dry picture, how does the Lord lead you to pray or to bless the nations?

From: Pray North Africa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

South-East Asia Prayer Gathering

26th-28th November 2013

You are cordially invited to be part of this Gathering together with other brothers and sisters from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, East Timor, Malaysia, Myanmar and supporting nations.

For South-East Asia will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14

Venue: Excel Treasure Hotel

No. 520, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Shwe Gone Dine, Bahan Tsp. Yangon, MYANMAR

Please direct all inquiries to Adeline Teh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

At the prayer gatherings of our team, we regularly pray for different needs. During one of those gatherings we felt urged by the Holy Spirit to share and encourage you with the events that took place on May 31st, 2009, Global Day of Prayer, at Alexander Battenberg Square. Probably most of you, who saw the stage, the cameras, the advertisement, the media, and everything else, ask yourselves the question, “How do you organize such an event and how much does it cost?” To speak the truth, we had only 10 euros to deal with the expenses of the whole event!


At the end of 2008 we researched the prices of all services that we had to use in order for us to organize the Global Day of Prayer 2009 in Bulgaria. So, at the end of 2008 we calculated the budget and it seemed like we would be able to collect the money needed until the end of March next year. However, when the end of March came, we had only 10 euros in the ministry bank account!

The month of May was filled with different public events because of the election campaigns at that time, and we could not find a hall for the Global Day of Prayer. However, we did not cease praying and seeking God. At one of the prayer gatherings, God directed us to the Alexander Battenberg Square. The square where used by the former communist leaders for their speeches. Unfortunately, when we called the City Hall and explained to them why we needed it, the first responses were very negative. We gathered again and devoted time to pray about this problem. We felt the Holy Spirit said to us that this square would be needed not for us, but for the Lord. We went to the City Hall to talk to them again and boldly said the square was needed for God. After looking into some folders, they gave us permission to use the square! And that is not all! It was ordered that all incoming and outgoing streets were to be closed.


The next step was to provide security. We made an appointment with the main police department where we described the size of the event. According to the inspectors, we needed 50 policemen. But, we didn’t know that they would have to be paid by the hour. When we calculated the sum for all of them, it amounted to 1,500 euros. One of the inspectors asked us if we had included such expenses in our budget. Having in mind our 10 euros in the bank account, to answer with a “Yes” would be a lie. We said we did not have it right now, but believed we would. He warned us that if we did not pay on time, we would be prosecuted. We signed the contract and the policemen were assigned to show up at the square from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the 31st of May 2009.


Now, we needed a stage for the event. After meeting the owner of a music company, the offer amounted to 5,000 euros for a stage, illumination, and so on. After asking believers in this field of business, they assured us this was a very good offer. However, the amount looked too impossible compared to our 10 euros. We appointed a second meeting with this owner and made it clear why exactly we needed it. The man immediately reduced the amount to 1,500 euros. Of course, we accepted the offer right there. Our agreement was to provide half of the money in 5 days (until Thursday, 5 p.m.) and the other half was due after the event.

It is important to note here that we, the Global Day of Prayer in Bulgaria, or our juridical representative – the Restoration Mission foundation – are not sponsored neither by the main office of the Global Day of Prayer, nor we receive any assured money every month. All local events are paid by the local churches and what we get as a donation from friends of the ministry.

Since we would never expect, such an amount, we brought the case to God in prayer. On the fifth day, Thursday, we still had only those 10 euros and had no idea where we would find the stipulated money before 5 p.m.

Later that day the owner of the company called us to confirm the appointment. Of course, we confirmed. At 12:00 p.m. one Bulgarian church from Spain donated 400 euros without knowing our need, or its amount. At about 4:30 p.m. a friend of ours came to the office and told us God led him to donate 350 euros!  So, the day and the time for paying the stipulated half of the price were kept with our paying the 750 euros.


In the meantime we made advertising posters and flyers that we handed out and posted all over Sofia. The Christian website, www.bibliata.tv, offered us to broadcast the event live. In order for this to happen, they needed cameras and a fast Internet connection, which we arranged with the Christian “865” Studio in Bulgaria.  After this offer we started thinking about ways to broadcast on the television as well. To broadcast a non-Orthodox event during prime viewing time, Sunday evening, was quite a challenge, even if we had the means to. We were informed that in order for us to do that we needed about 20,000 euros. Standing in faith, that God was leading us to this action, we set up a meeting with the representatives of a TV channel and after long negotiations the price was brought down to 500 euros…

So, on the 31st of May, 2009, the Global Day of Prayer in Sofia, Alexander Battenberg Square, was broadcasted full-length.


Talking about the time I’m not talking about the weather, although several days before the event and several after were very rainy. As a matter of fact the weather broadcast for the 31st of May, 2009 was also very dark, but we had very sunny day.

Right before the beginning of the event, scheduled for 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., one of the policemen came and informed us we had to finish no later than 7:30 p.m. That, of course, was impossible, having in mind our contract for the square included the whole day until 12:00 a.m. and the negotiated time with the police was until 9 p.m. Again, after negotiating for some time, they agreed to stay until 8 p.m. The presenter and I made a quick decision to shorten the program by 30 minutes. However, shortened as it was, things were going slower than the scheduled time. At 7:50 p.m. I looked at my watch to see how we were doing with time. One of the speakers had to go out and invite the people to take part in the Lord’s Prayer before the final song. The leading man asked me what we should do. I made a sign to continue. The speaker went out on the stage, shared a few words and led those present through the Lord’s Prayer, then left the stage. When he left, I looked at my watch to check the time again. It was 7:50, again! Astonished, I took a look at the leading man and met his bewildered gaze about what time it was. At the same time the worship leader, who had his work scheduled down to every last minute, asked me what time it really was. We definitely understood God had stopped the time, so that everything we had in the program could be fulfilled. After this great moment of realization, the band started singing the song “God Save Bulgaria”. During that song we saw the policemen take off their hats, and one of them even came to me and asked how he could be informed about our events and when the next one would take place.

Two days after the Global Day of Prayer, we received two donations, which completely leveled the negative numbers in our account and we managed to cover all of the expenses on the contracts. To cite a man, who heard this testimony, “The contract is always different when God is on the stage, rather than backstage.”

May the glory be to Him alone. Amen!

Philip Rashey and the BG GDOP team.

Suicide bombings and other attacks by the Taliban continue to kill many Afghans. Please pray for the dissolving of this extremist group of Islamists that want to take over this land and bring it under their retrogressive and barbarous ideology.

Pray for the Afghan government and army who are now taking over the main military operations against the Taliban from the tens of thousands of the 48 nation-coalition forces that have fought this battle for 12 years and are due to begin the process of withdrawing. May the Afghans be wise, effective and united in their fight to defend the nation from the Taliban threat.

There is also the possibility of direct peace talks with the Taliban by the United States. Let’s pray that through these talks the Taliban will give up their intention of overthrowing the Afghan government and taking over the nation.

National Prayer Network of Pakistan Report

The National Prayer Network of Pakistan (NPNP) in collaboration with Local Churches and Ministries was able to arrange eight events to celebrate the Global Day of Prayer this year. Four events were held for adults and four evens for children were also held.


Each year the National Prayer Network of Pakistan holds a Global Day of Prayer event in the capital of Pakistan, following the tradition and keeping in mind the importance of holding event in Islamabad. On 18th May, a prayer event for children was organized in partnership with Shine Kids Ministries and Shine Society. The event was held in a marginalized community area. The Children were taught about the importance of having a relationship with the Father Lord through prayer, how this relationship would be maintained, improved and fostered and what taints this relationship. Creative praying methods were practically demonstrated and practiced. Along with that, children prayed using maps on local, national and international prayer points of the GDOP.


Lahore is the 2nd largest metropolitan city in Pakistan; we were able to hold four events in Lahore. Three events focused on children and one general event was also held.


A prayer meeting was held at the FGA church on 19th May, more than 300 Intercessors, pastors, evangelist’s and leaders attended this meeting. People were blessed by the prayers, and city prayer leaders and pastors committed that they would continue to gather in prayer all the year around and not just on events like GDOP and the recent Election Prayer Campaign. One of the most important things was the move of the Holy Spirit that made it possible for 17 ministries/churches to collaborate in the GDOP event, an important breakthrough which shows the work of the Holy Spirit in breaking down denominational walls. The participants prayed in details on the GDOP prayer points and experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


Three events were organized with the partnership of Shine Kids Ministries. The children were encouraged to pray and taught the importance of corporate prayer and various methods of prayer. The young teachers who led the sessions were recently trained at the Children in Prayer Network (CIPN) Sunday School Prayer Training Camp in April. These teachers very amicably used their newfound knowledge of creative praying and guided the children to pray and develop a relationship with the Father Lord.


Three meetings were arranged by the National Prayer Network of Pakistan Team in three different cities of Interior Sindh...These meetings were very blessed many participants were blessed with the Holy Spirit. 8-10 people dedicated their lives to the Lord and received water baptism after the meetings. The Holy Spirit moved so powerfully in these meeting that many could not stand on their feet. The meeting witnessed some intense intercession and prayer.

As we think of North Korea these days, are hearts are heavy with thoughts of the sentencing of Kenneth Bae to 15 years of "hard labor" and the repatriation of nine refugees taken in Laos and returned to China from where they were then sent back to the North. Here's an article about Ken Bae's sentencing and his efforts to share Christ in North Korea. The case of the "Laos Nine" is generating anger among activists and, a bit surprisingly, in China as well. Here is a picture of that includes the group ranging in age from 15 to 23. (http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk03100&num=10617)

We are also concerned for the people in North Korea these days who have been struggling with a whole series of mobilizations ranging from being called up to "prepare for war", to the spring "rice planting battle" and a number of other special projects as well. These mobilizations interfere with ordinary life, which is difficult enough as it is--especially things like getting food.

The closing of the Kaesong Industrial Complex has also added its share of problem, especially for the 53,000 North Korean workers who no longer have jobs. Of course it has also been a big blow to the South Korean companies that invested there and have lost their assets and income. The longer it stays shut, the less likely these companies will be to risk future investment as well. Closed for 60 days as of June 1st, there doesn't seem to be any likelihood of it opening soon.

The North has been making some noises about inviting managers back to Kaesong and possibly rejoining the Six Party Talks again, but the South Korean government is having a very hard time taking any of this seriously.

While all of this is going on, there are many signs that ordinary people in North Korea, especially in Pyongyang, are looking more and more to South Korea for the latest trends and fashion ideas…

Special Announcement:  We would like to encourage you to actually take a trip to North Korea and pray in the land. You can do it! That is, if you have a non-South Korean passport. Krahun Tours is a tour company based in the Rajin-Sonbong region of North Korea that wants to encourage Believers to come in, see and experience North Korea first hand and pray for the nation. It is perfectly safe. Really. You don't need to worry about getting into trouble. Check out their website at krahun.com/visit-dprk.

Ben Torrey,


The Fourth River Project, Inc.
