Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, the leader the Zetas drug cartel has been arrested in Mexico.


Mexican marines apprehended Miguel Angel Trevino Morales near Nuevo Laredo, which is near the Texas border. Morales was wanted on both sides of the border, with Mexico and the U.S. offering hefty rewards.


Mexican authorities say he had $2 million, eight weapons and hundreds of ammunition cartridges with him when he was captured in a pickup truck. Morales had two other people with him. The 40-year-old is accused of ordering the kidnapping and killing of hundreds of migrants. He faces charges of organized crime, homicide, torture and money laundering.

Praise God, He is answering! The majority of Mexico’s most wanted drug cartel leaders have been apprehended or otherwise removed from their ruthless, bloodthirsty occupation as His people there and around the world have prayed! Let’s continue to pray that “El Chapo” Guzman and other remaining drug kingpins will be found and arrested and that the Mexican government will have God’s wisdom and help in carrying out this battle with organized evil in their country.

Armed group says first batch of fighters have arrived and have set up a command and control centre to begin operations.

The Pakistani Taliban has said its first batch of fighters has arrived in Syria to fight alongside rebels battling the regime of President Bashar al-Assad…
More than two years since the start of the anti-Assad rebellion, Syria has become a magnet for foreign Sunni fighters who have flocked to the country to what many see as a holy war against the regime.
Operating alongside armed groups such as the al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria and a US-designated terrorist organisation, they mainly come from nearby countries such as Libya and Tunisia.
Al Jazeera’s Kamal Hyder, reporting from Islamabad, said the Taliban claimed that "Arab fighters in Syria had requested their help, that hundreds of their fighters were preparing to go there, or were already in Syria, through unfrequented roots".
The announcement further complicates the picture on the ground in Syria, where rivalries have already been intense between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and groups seeking to implement Islamic law…
It also comes at a time when Assad's forces, with backing from Shia fighters from Hezbollah and Iran, have been making gains on the Syrian battlefield.
The Pakistani Taliban, known as the Tehreek-e-Taliban, operate mainly from Pakistan's ethnic Pashtun areas along the Afghan border - a long-standing stronghold for armed groups including the Taliban and their al-Qaeda allies.
Taliban fighters in Pakistan, who are linked to their Afghan counterparts, are mainly fighting to topple Pakistan's government and to impose their version of Islam, targeting the military, security forces and civilians.
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies

Please keep Syria and its ongoing conflict in your prayers. Some local Christian leaders are gathering there shortly for a united prayer initiative. Pray that they will be led by the Lord in confessing the sins of the nation, working for reconciliation among themselves and praying unitedly for His healing and deliverance for this embattled and suffering nation. There are also huge numbers that have left their homes and become refugees both within Syria and in nearby nations, causing a potentially catastrophic humanitarian situation. Pray for their needs to be supplied quickly and generously by the host governments, the international community and humanitarian and church organizations.

The First House of Prayer in Melanesia

Launched by the Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands

TO GOD BE THE THE GLORY GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE... The IHOP-LINKING THE ISLANDS in Buderim Australia and the SIHOP which we have recently launched from July 10th - 14th 2013 in Honiara. Officially launched by our Prime Minister, the Honourable Gordon Darcy Lilo at the Lawson Tama National stadium. It was indeed a real blessing to have great speakers like Pastor Ben Gray and Pastor Ian Malins, men I have known for a long time. Their teaching and sharing at our two days of leadership conference was very powerful and relevant. Brother Ben's sharing at the International Leaders Prayer Breakfast and the Official launch have left a convicting and changing impact upon our Prime Minister whose government also sponsored the 200 leaders Prayer breakfast at Mendana Hotel. The crowd of between 3000 plus people at the Public Official Launch were also greatly impacted our PM and the Body of Christ. It was also a blessing to have Jenny Hagger from Australia House of Prayer in Adelaide and Sue Rowe from Transform World Ministry in California sharing powerfully with the women of Melanesia…The Redeemed Cultural Festival was one of the Highlights when  various groups of children and youth took the opportunity to showcase their redeemed culture and passion to serve God relevantly in their God-given cultures.


The Launching of the Solomon Islands House of Prayer was very significant because it releases three most important foundational structures to build His church upon. 

(1) God is using Children and Youth to lead the way forward in this 'NEW SPIRITUAL WAVE' of PRAYER... WORSHIP..&.. MISSION. We must provide platforms for these two generations to lead the way under the anointed and called Adult Leaders to guide, to guard, inspire and lead them in faith and boldness.

(2) Children & Youth are the two generations that God will build 'HIS BODY' through because of their purity and passion in prayer and worship. The Adults are very denominationally focused, but Malachi 4:6 will be fulfilled in that..."the hearts of the fathers will turn to their children and children to their fathers."

(3) When the BODY OF CHRIST is fully function in PRAYER...WORSHIP...&...PRACTICAL MISSIONS throughout our nation in all area of life then we will see our nation blessed with.... (a) A GODLY GOVERNMENT... (b) RESTORATION & TRANSFORMATION taking place in our nation...

Brother Roy Funu

IHOP-Linking the Islands

Early next month, the Middle East Prayer Assembly will gather Christian leaders from across the region to pray for His peace and healing in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and other nations that are currently in tumult. The following month, in mid-November, hundreds of ministry leaders as well as praying youth and children will gather at the United Nations to pray with ambassadors and UN officials for this most powerful human 2! institution on earth. Why are we doing this? Many would say that the Middle East will always be in conflict and that the UN is corrupt and anti-Christian.

The reason we in the IPC are arranging these and other such prayer initiatives is that Jesus said His followers are to be the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world”. Salt is a preservative from corruption, and light helps people to see clearly the way ahead. We as believers in Christ are the temple of God by His Spirit, carrying the salt and light of His presence into a world that is liable to become corrupt and darkened. Where we go, through united, faith-filled prayer, we invite His transforming power into any situation we face.

I have written to you in the past about the prayer initiatives in over 50 nations in which we so often saw the hand of the Lord changing impossible situations of war and human suffering. Unexpected breakthroughs of peace and governments of national unity between former enemies came about as Christian leaders gathered in desperation to call on the Lord together. In 2007 and 2009, it was also our privilege to facilitate international prayer initiatives inside the United Nations with hundreds from many nations taking part. Ambassadors who took part wept in His presence, and the president of the General Assembly cried out to the Lord like a small child, asking for His help with the impossible issues with which he and other ambassadors were struggling at that time. It was a moving and powerful experience! The leader of a group of intercessors who work and pray inside the UN reminded me this past week that each time one of these initiatives happened, they felt the shift in what had been a dark and oppressive atmosphere. Praise the Lord that He can change even a daunting organization like the UN if we pray!

The UN is involved in many noble efforts to eradicate poverty, ensure people get enough food, maintain peace in conflicted areas and help children and youth reach their potential through getting a good education and healthcare. I have met some outstanding and dedicated individuals working there. How they need our help in prayer as many of them would acknowledge. If the organization becomes corrupt or goes astray into adopting oppressive, dominating policies as a world government, it will be our fault as followers of Christ. We can connect with the One who has all power to change things through our prayers so it is extreme dereliction of duty for us not to pray for the UN and other governmental entities.

If you would like to join us this year, November 18-20, in New York, we will hold the third International Prayer Initiative for the United Nations.

Just before that will be the third Children in Prayer Global Consultation, November 15-18. There is still time to register and some places left, but you will need to move quickly to hold your place.

Registration closes by October 15. You can register on this website: www.arrowheadregistration.org/?117

If you cannot come in person, please pray with us. Some key concerns for five upcoming initiatives are attached below.

It is an awesome privilege and responsibility to be His representatives and the vehicles by which His mighty working takes place in our world! Let’s use the awesome prerogative He has given us- united prayer- to see His transformation come to the United Nations and the individual nations in which we live or minister.

John Robb

IPC Chairman

May we please share the following, asking if you can cover these five crucial initiatives over the coming weeks with your prayers? There is so much potential in God’s hands for each of them to have a profound impact on our world:

1. Dark Places and Powers Consultation, Sept. 27-30, Larnaca, Cyprus - for specialists in strategic-level spiritual warfare and territorial deliverance to confer, pray and work together, and hopefully form an ongoing international network for deeper learning and broader practice.

Pray for visas and traveling mercies for all and for an anointed, God-led time of great insight and deeper understanding of this realm.

2. Middle East Prayer Assembly, Oct. 1-4, Larnaca, Cyprus - a historic gathering for ministry leaders and praying youth from all denominations and traditions across the ME region and international prayer leaders from other parts of the world to seek the Lord for His breakthroughs in this challenging area of our world.

To our knowledge, it will be the first time that church leaders - Arab, Turkish, Armenian and Jewish, with prayer leaders from all three Christian traditions - have come together to pray for the region supported by prayer leaders from around the world. We need

to see His breakthroughs of transformation for the nations of this region at this crucial time!

Pray for visas and traveling mercies and for a wonderful unity in the Spirit, identificational repentance and reconciliation as well as nation-changing united prayer as we pray deeply for each nation of the region led by delegations coming from those nations.

3. North American Prayer Summit, Oct. 15-18, Ottawa, Canada - for prayer ministry leaders from Canada, Mexico and the USA. We hope to focus on our three governments and also raising up younger leaders for the regional prayer movement.

Pray for the people of God’s choosing to come and especially younger ministry leaders that they will have His provision to come and desire to be with us.

4. Children in Prayer Global Consultation, Nov. 15-18, New York City, USA - for CiP practioners and coordinators as well as praying children and youth from around the world. To learn from one another in order to expand and deepen the CiP movement internationally.

We need the right people - adults, youth and children - who are involved in prayer ministry to come from the ends of the earth. Pray that the invitation will reach them and that they will be able to get the financial provision and visas to be in New York.

5. International Prayer Initiative for the United Nations, Nov.18-20, New York City, USA - for Christian organizations serving children and youth, ministry leaders, youth and children from around the world. Theme: “Children and Youth: Investing in the Future”. Purpose: to be “salt and light” within this powerful institution, praying with ambassadors and other officials for its transformation and God’s blessing on its efforts to improve the lives of children and youth worldwide.

Pray for great favor with UN officials and ambassadors that their hearts will be stirred to take part (even the Secretary General and President of the General Assembly and many others). Pray too for the provision and confirmation of an adequately large conference room inside the UN which is still up in the air due to remodeling.

Prayer Concerns for all five initiatives:

1) For the right people to hear His call to take part in each of these events.

2) For great favor with the authorities so all can get their visas without any problem.

3) For the financial resources necessary for participants’ flights and other expenses and for the IPC to have enough for administrative and other costs as well as to help with subsidies as needed. The widow with the bottles of oil comes to mind!

4) For our program planning teams for each event to be anointed, led and protected in the midst of the spiritual conflict in which all of us are engaged.

5) For all speakers and facilitators to be guided and empowered by the Spirit for their tasks.

6) That His Kingdom will be advanced in ways we could not have imagined possible.

Thanks so much for helping in this way. Your prayer support will help turn the tide in favor of His global purposes in each of these international prayer initiatives. Please feel free to share these concerns with other intercessors you are in touch with.

Sarah Plummer who coordinates prayer for this great humanitarian organization that works in about 100 nations has let us know about some helpful prayer resources that are available for you to use. World Vision helps millions of poor people and their children and is a worthy organization to pray for.

1) Twitter @WVpray or Iphone/Ipad App World Vision Pray

2) National Prayer Profiles for every country created by each national office.

3) Prayer cards for families to pray for children in many countries of the world.

For more information on getting these prayer resources, write to Sarah Plummer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Now more than ever before, we need to get our knees before the Lord and intercede for North Africa. The restlessness, the shaking that is taking place, the questioning, doubting and wondering. The fears, the violence, persecution and grief. What does the future hold? What will unfold in the coming months?

Only God knows, but we CAN participate in the future of North Africa by spending time in prayer. This month we invite you to :

Get in your quiet place.

Listen to a worship song to still your heart.

Ask God to guide you in your prayers.

Listen in silence for 10 minutes.

Write down everything that comes into your mind.

Then take that list, and ask God to show you where to start.

We know that God knows more than we do, what He is doing and what He wants to accomplish in North Africa. So let's ask Him to lead us in our prayers so we can pray back to Him what is on His heart.

Some things God has been laying on our hearts to pray:

1. That the restlessness across North Africa turn into active seeking for the Truth that can only be found in Jesus.

2. That God protect North Africa from the strongholds of secularism and materialism.

3. That the powers of darkness be exposed for what they really are, and driven out in these nations.

4. For the peace of the Lord to rule and reign.

Praying for Egypt :

Please click on this link to find further information to help guide your prayers for Egypt in the coming month:


I went to Jakarta to experience what God was doing in the world through prayer and I came back so humbled, excited and inspired that I praised Him for the experience. As the Founding Director of the Hollywood Prayer Network, I brought my associate, Caren Bream, and she and I walked into the global world of prayer with great anticipation. We had the opportunity to not only meet prayer leaders, pastors and "regular people" from around the world, but we saw that the heart of God was vital and powerful in Asia. In fact, it made me ask the Lord to PLEASE put the same fire into the hearts of the people in America, and especially in my community of Hollywood, California. I experienced a heartfelt love for Jesus that I had almost forgotten was possible and I got a fresh understanding of trusting Him COMPLETELY. I left with the confirmation that we need Jesus DESPERATELY and that's right where He wants us.

We also saw incredible breakthrough in the hearts of creative community there at the WPA. I spoke to two large groups of people who were either involved in or interested in the global entertainment industry. Both times, I was joined by Mark McClendon, Pres. of CBN, Jakarta and once by Chris Mitchell, head of CBN, Jerusalem. They had the same vision as I did to encourage Christian media professionals to see their workplace as a mission field and to encourage others to understand the need to pray for professionals in the media. Many people approached us saying that they struggled with pouring their lives into secular media, because they thought they needed to just do God’s work in Christian media. We got to encouragement them to see the importance of being salt and light in the secular world. It was very freeing to many people.

On woman had wanted to start a secular television station in Malaysia. She hadn’t done if for the past decade because people in her life and in her church said it needed to be a Christian TV station, which she didn’t want to do. After our talk, she came up crying and asking for the strength to start her commercial station, now that she understood it’s value and importance in God’s eyes. We prayed with her and cried with her and she went off, committed to do the desire of her heart for the past decades. What a thrill.

We also got to see that the media is still an area that Christians are still afraid of. We commented on how our sessions were all smaller than the other sessions. The people who came were passionate and creative, but it was always smaller groups. It made us realize how important it is to continue being available to spread the word and the vision that praying for people in the arts, entertainment and media industries is a crucial priority. Our American culture and cultures all over the world are influenced and even shaped, by the entertainment and media industry. So, if we want to see cultural revival, we must PRAY.

Thank you for the opportunity to have me come and pray, speak, share and listen to these incredible, global prayer warriors. It was my honor and privilege and I look forward to any other ways I can serve you in the future.

With great appreciation,

Karen Covell

Founding Director

Hollywood Prayer Network
