By two local believers. June 4th, 2013

Today is the fifth day of protests in dozens of cities throughout Turkey. The demonstrations began at Gezi Park in Istanbul where dozens of people had been protesting government plans to remove the park to make way for a possible shopping mall. The park is a well-loved green space with some trees that were apparently planted during the era of Ataturk in the early 20th century. The original protests were generally peaceful and environmentalist in nature, but there was already a political element given the park's renown and the current government's "moderate Islamist" stance. Secularists in Turkey are normally supporters of Ataturk and his reforms and they are often at odds with the Islamists.

The police responded to the demonstration with a show of force, moving people out of the park and using tear gas and pepper spray. Word of the excessive force used by police spread quickly and images of clashes between protestors and police flooded Twitter and Facebook. Thousands of people in Istanbul were moved to action to express solidarity with the protestors at Gezi Park, and the police escalated the situation with increasing violence, including street tanks, water cannons, and more gas cannisters.

People in other cities, also outraged at the police response to the demonstrations, began to take to the streets. The protests were quickly broadened to include expressions of discontent with Turkey's current government, particularly the perceived strong-handed control being wielded by prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Turkish police forces. Crowds in more than 20 of Turkey's 81 provinces participated in the protests. People began calling for the prime minister to resign, and graffiti related to Erdogan and the police began to appear throughout the country.

The protests have grown in intensity and clashes with police have become increasingly violent. Several political parties and causes are riding the wave of public discontent and attempting to coopt the demonstrations. And as the crowds are increasingly emboldened the destruction that they are causing also increases. It seems that the protests are losing some of the public support because of the lack of a clear message and the damage that people are seeing on the street.

These events have been a wake-up call to the ruling party and there will have to be an ongoing effort to win back the confidence of the people. Erdogan's initial statements were dismissive of the protests as he defended the actions of his government and the police. And now he is out of the country on a scheduled diplomatic trip to North Africa. The deputy prime minister made a statement, today, however, apologizing for the excessive force used to quash the initial protest at Gezi Park. This is an obvious sign that the government is now being forced to reconsider Erdogan's dismissive approach…

June 5, 2013

We wanted to let you know about the recent events in Turkey and ask you to join us in prayer. The protests are still going on 78 cities with different intensity. The hardest ones are in Istanbul, Izmir, and Ankara. The protest is against the intolerance and dictatorship of the government. The people who are protesting want the government to respect their rights, instead of keeping to change the laws to control their lives. There has never been such a protest before in Turkey. The protesters are mainly college students and elderly people. They just sit, walk, sing, and talk. There is no violence or resistance on their side when the police beat them up to arrest them. They even clean the mess and bad graffiti about the prime minister every morning until 4:00PM! It’s amazing! People just want to be free from the dictatorship of the government and live in real democracy, not on paper, and they do it with a very civilized and loving attitude. They even serve food and drink to the police who are attacking them with gas bombs, water tanks, etc.

We were hoping that people would not die, but one person was killed by the police in Ankara and another in Antakya during protests. The prime minister started to threaten indirectly by saying that he has been holding 50% of his people not to get involved and do something against the protesters. He’ll probably announce what he will do on Saturday and if he releases that 50% on the protesters, a civil war will start and many people will die. Please, pray with us (and even fast if you can) that God will resolve it before many people die. May His will be done and may we believers be ready to be used by Him as He works in His sovereign ways.

Let’s join our brothers and sisters in Turkey in praying for their nation at this crucial time in its history.

(The following article was published in the Asia (print) edition of The Economist May 11, 2013 and shared with us by the Malaysia Prayer Fellowship.)

Malaysia’s General Election, Tawdry victory, The government scrapes home—allegedly aided by vote rigging

ON MAY 5th Malaysia’s Barisan Nasional coalition, led by the prime minister, Najib Razak, was re-elected for the 13th time in a row. Barisan won a majority of seats in parliament, 133 out of 222, against 89 for the opposition, a three-party coalition called Pakatan Rakyat and led by Anwar Ibrahim. The turnout was a record 85%. And so the same government which has ruled Malaysia since independence from Britain in 1957 is set for another five years in office.

Within Barisan, the overriding sense is of relief. It did slightly better in terms of seats than some had predicted. Scratch the surface, however, and in almost every respect this was a lamentable result for the ruling coalition, its worst ever. Not only did it lose a further seven seats to Pakatan, but it won with only 47% of the popular vote. It is further evidence of how the electoral system is skewed in Barisan’s favour, allowing it to stack up seats in the rural Malay heartlands with far fewer voters than Pakatan needs to win seats in more urban areas. In many places the opposition increased large majorities. For instance, in Penang in the north of the country the Barisan defeat was so humiliating that its candidate for governor, Teng Chang Yeow, resigned from all his party posts. Several government ministers lost their seats.

Most striking was that ethnic Chinese (about a quarter of the population) shifted their votes away from Barisan towards the opposition. The Chinese party of the Barisan coalition, the Malaysian Chinese Association, won just seven seats, down from 15, whereas the opposition’s mainly Chinese Democratic Action Party (DAP) picked up ten seats, for a final tally of 38.

Mr. Najib, unwisely, spoke of a “Chinese tsunami” breaking over his Barisan coalition. He has only his party to blame. The United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) dominates the Barisan coalition and appeals mainly to ethnic Malays and other indigenous groups who make up two-thirds of the population. UMNO ran a nasty, divisive campaign in the heartlands. This shored up its base of rural Malay voters, known as the bumiputra (“sons of the soil”). But it also alienated Chinese and other voters, already tired of the cronyism and corruption associated with affirmative-action policies that favour Malays over other ethnicities in business, education and the civil service.

So, despite professing to promote a multi-ethnic Malaysia, Barisan’s election strategy has left the country more divided than ever, both along ethnic lines and between urban and rural areas. The Malay press has not helped, with headlines asking “What more do the Chinese want, as it ethnic Chinese acted ungratefully towards Barisan…

Yet the result will not be the only dent in the government’s authority. So too will be the manner in which it was gained. Barisan starts all elections with incumbent advantages, including a slavish state media, tons of cash and constituency boundaries drawn in its favour. On top of that, allegations of dirty campaign tricks abound. “Phantom voters”, for example, appear to have been bussed into marginal constituencies to boost the Barisan vote. Nurul Izzah Anwar, Mr. Anwar’s daughter, contested one such seat in Kuala Lumpur. She and her supporters met several Bangladeshi workers who had been brought into the constituency to vote. She won, but only just…

Mr Anwar claims that fraud cost him the election. On May 8th. he and followers staged a big protest rally against the result. His claim is almost certainly an exaggeration. Still, the bitterness engendered by the vote will persist. “National reconciliation”, which Mr. Najib sees as the way to heal the wounds, looks a way off.

Pray for the healing of Malaysia’s political, social and religious divisions and for the raising up of strong indigenous church movements in all the diverse people groups of this multi-cultural nation.

Pentecost Day in Jordan will be on June 23, but at the School we already had Pentecost! It was our prayer that everyone will receive a new wine from the Lord. On the first day, God gave a vision: the outburst of wine, like a tsunami. Indeed, He poured out the spirit of prayer and intercession. Hallelujah!

The School was intended for those who attended the School of Prayer I last year. Wonderful things happened after the School last year. The house church in Damascus started everyday Prayer Meeting at 6 am (“What else can we do but to pray?” they said). In Jordan, small prayer groups started in different place, we call it Tower of Prayer… It is very encouraging to see more women are burdened to pray.

19 women were together for 2 full days. Among them were 6 Syrians and 1 Egyptian. It was a mix feeling to be with the Syrians. Surely we identify ourselves with their tremendous suffering but at the same time we marvel at God’s faithfulness, how He protects, provides and sustains His children in Syria. The war is getting worse but up to this point, none of the believers get hurt or killed. Two MBBs joined us, one from Syria and the other one from Jordan. The youngest of us is 16 years old and the oldest is over 60 but everyone wants to be trained in prayer!

On personal level, the Lord really encouraged and empowered the women. God blessed with the Word of knowledge for every woman when we prayed for them individually.

As a group, we interceded for the churches, then for Syria, Egypt and Jordan. We actually had travailing prayers for the nations. It was VERY powerful! The women travailed with whole heart and full strength. One intercessor from Jordan, she has been praying for Syria. When we circled the Syrian women to pray for them, the intercessor from Jordan shouted and cried out loud, she said something strong came out of herself and she prayed like never before to push back the power of darkness over Syria. The Egyptian woman was surprised of how she could pray like that for her nation. All prayers are intercession in righteousness as we repent, we confess the sins of the nations and we accept His forgiveness. Then we declare His sovereignty over the nations before we resist the power of darkness over every nation.

We believe, with such tears and intercession, the Arab World will never be the shame again! Especially there will be more prayer efforts going on. Psalm 126:5-6. After the brokenness in the spirit, humbly came before the Lord, He restored our joy. There was a fresh new spirit of joy upon everyone. The women continued to sing praises to the Lord until later in the night.

All glory to God! Thank you very much for your partnership in prayer for this event. You share the victory.


On behalf of the Team

June 9, 2013

The "INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PRAYER-LINKING THE ISLANDS" in Queensland, Australia is officially launching the first National House of Prayer in Melanesia, in Honiara in the nation of Solomon Islands from July 10th-14th, 2013.

Delegations from five Melanesian nations of Fiji, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu and the two western nations of Australia and New Zealand and representatives from US, Africa & Asia will attend this historical event to pray, worship and celebrate with the church, the government and the people of Solomon islands on this great Kingdom Advance occasion.

The Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, Honourable Gordon Darcy Lilo will officially launch this SOLOMON ISLANDS HOUSE OF PRAYER on Sunday 14th at the National Stadium at Lawson Tama and his government will officially sponsor the International Leaders Breakfast, Prayer and Seminar on Saturday 13th July at the Solomon Kitano Mendana Hotel... The vision of SIHOP is to encourage Prayer, Worship and to do Mission together as One Nation, One People, One Church and One Government under ONE GOD, THE LORD ALMIGHTY.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for God’s manifest presence to be upon this gathering and that God’s name be honoured and be glorified.
  • Pray for all the speakers for this four days of ministry activities in Honiara.
  • For the seven nations that are currently part of this ‘IHOP-LINKING THE ISLANDS’ Prayer Network.
  • For the development of the new IHOP-Linking the Islands’ base in Queensland Australia where God has recently and miraculously provided a large property for this ministry.

Brother Roy Funu

Founder/Visionary of IHOP-LINKING the Islands


The Supreme Court's ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act  provides some clarity about a fast-growing practice for banks: financial planning for same-sex couples. (

The country's highest court handed down a landmark opinion on a section of the law that denies married homosexual couples the same federal rights and benefits as married heterosexual couples. For example, under DOMA, homosexual couples cannot file joint federal income tax returns, do not receive Social Security survivor benefits and cannot access federal estate and gift tax marital deductions - all important issues that factor into married couples' long-term financial planning.

Pray that our nation does not continue down this Sodom and Gomorrah path of destruction. Pray that sound voices of logic and reason would align with God's Word on the subject of homosexual sin. Pray that those who advocate the sin of homosexuality would bend their knees to the Lord's sovereignty and that the Lord would deliver their souls from the death-grip of Satan's domain while there is yet some time to do so. Pray, too, for God's mercy on the U.S., and that a heaven-sent, widespread revival will sweep through the Church in America and bring many to repentance and a true heart-change on these deeply divisive issues.  

"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." 
(Lev. 18:22)

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

(Lev. 20:13)

"But God, who is rich in mercy because of His great love with which He love us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) . . ." (Eph. 2:4-5)

Capitol Hill aides spent their Memorial Day weekend scanning hundreds of pages of documents related to the IRS scandal in order to prepare their bosses for what will inevitably be a frantic month of June involving multiple simultaneous investigations into government wrongdoing. By the time lawmakers return to session next week, at least four different investigations will be underway. As The Daily Caller has reported, at least five different IRS offices including Cincinnati, Ohio; Baltimore, Maryland; Chicago, Illinois and El Monte and Laguna Niguel, California improperly targeted conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny between 2010 and 2012.

Give thanks to God for bringing these questions to the light of inquiry so they can be examined. Pray that all corruption would be exposed and dealt with in a fair and equitable manner. Pray for the restoration of a rightly balanced Internal Revenue Service.

From: “Focus on the Family” (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The U.S. military is embracing a celebration of homosexuals ( in the ranks this month by sending out a homosexual pride poster and a directive to commands, while planning a Pentagon symposium that will be attended by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. In the aftermath of ending the ban on open homosexuals in the military, the Pentagon last June recognized Homosexual Pride Month for the first time in a subdued recognition of uniformed and civilian homosexuals. As defense secretary at the time, Leon E. Panetta gave a public statement, and a Pentagon event featured an active-duty homosexual Marine, a homosexual Air Force civilian lawyer and a female homosexual who had served in the Army.

As these decisions and celebrations in the military stem from a pro-homosexual administration, let our intercession begin at the top. Pray that the president and his advisors will treat all citizens and citizen groups with equal fairness. Pray that conservative Christians and evangelical chaplains will have at least as much voice and receive the same respect and recognition that the homosexual lobby demands and gets. Pray that the Lord would deliver our nation from leadership that rebels against God's Word. Pray for righteous leadership in the land. Pray for the strengthening of righteous decisions for our military command. Pray for protection and for the elevation of those leaders in our military who will not bend their knee to unrighteous edicts.

Eight drug kingpins, also known as "plaza bosses," were identified by a multi-agency effort earlier this month.

The bosses, covering a drug network spanning the length of the southern U.S. border, are members of the Sinaloa Cartel, according to a release from Customs and Border Protection.

The eight men were identified as follows:

  • Cenobio Flores Pacheco (a.k.a. Luis Fernando Castro Villa)
  • Jesus Alfredo Salazar Ramirez
  • Guillermo Nieblas Nava (a.k.a. Adelmo Niebla Gonzalez)
  • Ramon Ignacio Paez Soto
  • Felipe De Jesus Sosa Canisales
  • Armando Lopez Aispuro
  • Jose Javier Rascon Ramirez
  • Raul Sabori Cisneros

A Customs and Border Protection (CBP) special task force along with the Drug Enforcement Agency and the State of Department say these men helped oversee the illegal flow of drugs over the border.


  • Mighty God, capture, convict, and bring down the operations of the Sinaloa Cartel Plaza bosses: Cenobio Flores Pacheco, Jesus Alfredo Salazar Ramirez, Guillermo Nieblas Nava, Ramon Ignacio Paez Soto, Felipe De Jesus Sosa Canisales, Armando Lopez Aispuro, Jose Javier Rascon Ramirez, Raul Sabori Cisneros.
  • Capture and convict Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, known as Public Enemy No. 1.
  • Give success to law enforcement and military personnel in the breakup and destruction of the TCO/DTO supply lines, distribution, and sales operations.
  • We pray for key cartel leaders to come to repentance and faith in Christ and that word of their salvations would shake the trafficking underworld.
  • Lord, protect our law enforcement as they carry out their God-ordained responsibilities to keep law and order and defend our citizens.


May 13, 2013: Federal agents have arrested 12 Mexican nationals accused of smuggling drugs into the United States and seized hundreds of pounds of marijuana. The Border Patrol estimates the street value of the drugs at $282,000.

May 14, 2013: Border officers found more than 30 pounds of methamphetamine hidden in the rear bumper of a car being driven across the Nogales border crossing. A drug dog at the Mariposa crossing alerted officers to a sedan Officers pulled 33 packages of the drug from the bumper. The estimated street value was $512,000, the release said.

May 17, 2013: Federal agents intercepted more than 2,300 pounds of marijuana following a traffic stop in Nogales. A search of the van turned up 12 boxes containing more than 930 pounds of marijuana. Information provided by the suspects led agents to a warehouse, where a search led to the seizure of an additional 1,370 pounds of marijuana.

From: BridgeBuilders Int’l (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)