Thanks for your prayers for the people of the Philippines those whose lives were so deeply affected by the recent powerful storm there.  
Here is a helpful video prayer resource provided by World Vision to guide your prayers for their relief and recovery.

“But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am only a child.” …Now I have put my words in your mouth. See today, I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:7, 10)

“When God gets ready to do a new thing with His people, He always sets them a-praying!” – J. Edwin Orr, scholar on the history of revivals

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thanks for your prayers of support for the Arab Europe prayer event which concluded strongly on Saturday. It was invigorating- with dynamic, Spirit-filled worship and faith-inspired praying together for all the nations of Europe where these Arab immigrants are now living. They came to understand that they are not refugees but sent by the Lord to pray and work for His restoration and revival of this continent that in the past has so much blessed the world through its strong spiritual legacy and now needs to recover that legacy with the help of these on-fire immigrant believers. Pray with us that they will be able to start prayer groups in their towns and unite with the nationals so that they can continue the process of united intercession they began in Wiesbaden.

Yesterday, Berthold Becker, founder of Intercessors for Germany, and I were in Hernnhut meeting with the church that has begun 24/7 prayer, renewing the practice of the Moravians and Count Zinzendorf who founded this place in the 18th century. As we worshipped, I noticed lovely young children, entering into worship with joy, and some were dancing freely in the presence of the Lord in front of us. The pastor then asked us to pray fatherly blessings over the whole congregation. Berthold and I felt moved to pray that from this fabled place a new and great revival would flow out to Germany and Europe.

Later, we stood amongst the 6000 graves of Zinzendorf and the godly saints who prayed in "the Lord's watch" (the meaning of Hernnhut in German) from 1727 for 100 years. Out of only 600 people in this small village, they sent 300 missionaries to the ends of the earth. I was overcome with weeping as they told me about the children of that day who went out in the fields in the night and cried out to the Lord as adults in neighboring homes tried to get them to shut up. However, they were irrepressible and kept on praying! Along with three Hernnhutter women, one of whom is with YWAM, we prayed for the children of Germany and for the raising up of a new generation like this former one.

These same Moravian children who cried out to God in the fields at night later went out as the first Protestant missionaries, many of them never coming back to their homeland but laying their lives down for the Lord among the unreached peoples. Others returned and are buried here as well. The women who were guiding us showed us their graves and those of the great and godly Zinzendorf and his family. This humble noble was the benefactor of the much-persecuted Moravians, followers of Jan Hus, the great reformer from Prague, a Pentecostal charismatic Bible teacher who was burned at the stake for his ministry efforts to bring reform and encourage the study of Scripture. As a child, Zinzendorf was deeply influenced by Francke and Spener who were leaders of the German Pietist revival, as well as by his own godly grandmother with whom he spent some years in this same area of Saxony.

I felt the Lord stirring me that this ground still has powerful, earned spiritual authority, so that like Jeremiah was called to do, they could pray, speaking out things that the Spirit puts in their mouths for the revival and transformation of nations and it will happen. This struck me, especially after Berthold shared with them that in 1989 he was here in Hernnhut leading a prayer gathering with hundreds of intercessors who proclaimed the end of the Berlin Wall from this part of East Germany. It came down that very time as they were praying this! A young woman who now has 5 lovely children and was one of those guiding us around, told us that she had been there as a nine-year old girl and witnessed what Berthold described. "History belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being!"

Today, we go to Berlin along with Sam Hofmann, a YWAM leader and colleague in many past initiatives to meet with prayer leaders there and also to pray for the government of Germany that has become so politically correct as to say that "Islam belongs to Germany" and to adopt sex education for little children, including introducing them to homosexuality. I am filled with indignation and revulsion. It is the same in the USA, the same wicked, perverted agenda that some in our own government are seeking to introduce to our nation while much of our “Christian majority” is occupied with our own comfort and entertainment. May the Lord shake us all out of our sleepy, complacent state to pray and prophesy to unjust, corrupted power like Jeremiah did!

Thanks for your continuing prayers as the Lord leads you for His revival, restoration and transformation to come upon Europe and other “developed” nations that have lapsed into paganism from the light they once knew.

John Robb

Chairman, International Prayer Council

Over recent years trumpets have been blown in many parts of our Continent as an act of obedience to the Lord. In the UK it started in Birmingham in response to the reading of the scriptures in Numbers 10 v9 which says, "When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy that is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and rescued from your enemies." From that and other scriptures we see that the sounding of trumpets were for gathering the people, moving the people, calling the people to war and celebrating the feasts and all that God had done.

As many of you know our brother Werner Woiwode from Switzerland, has not only blown the trumpet across Europe but in many other places around the world. In June 2014 we gathered in Macedonia and the Trumpet Call there encouraged our brothers and sisters across the Balkan nations and southern Europe.

Following recent Skype calls and a gathering of prayer leaders in Brussels, we believe it is right to go to Timisoara, Romania and blow the trumpet for the whole of our Continent. This invitation is to you, your church, your prayer ministry, your mission agency to come and join us in sounding the trumpet again over the Continent of Europe.

Our friends at The Christian Centre Timisoara/Agape Church have kindly made the church available for the week. We shall gather from 31 August early evening through to 4 September where for four days we shall have continuous prayer, worship, reading of scripture and declaration of the truth of God's word and the frequent sounding of the trumpets.

There is accommodation nearby where you can stay. The lulius shopping Mall is very near the church with restaurants and coffee shops. There will be a charge of 10 Euros per person to go towards Trumpet Call Timisoara expenses. There will be full details and booking facilities on a Trumpet Call website soon but we were keen for you to get these dates in your diary.

To help in your planning suggest you visit the web site of the International Airport of Timisoara at from here it is only a short ride to the Christian Centre.

We would appreciate your help in making this known across your networks; we would love to see as many Nations represented as possible. This will be an unique time since friends from the Ends of the World will join us to welcome the King of Glory in our continent.

May God continue to bless you in all He does through you
On behalf of European Trumpet Call Team
Ioan Peia: Romania
Ian Cole: UK
Representing International Prayer Council Europe
Ortwin Schweitzer: Germany
Ian & Jill Jeal: France
Representing European Union of Prayer

Werner Woiwode: Switzerland, Abraham Ministries, Trumpets over Europe
Henning Schikora: France/Norway, Operation Capitals of Europe, YWAM
Lee Saville: England/Romania, Balkan Prayer Network
Berthold Becker: Germany, Intercession movement
Levi Graudins: Latvia, Latvia House of Prayer for All Peoples
George E Markakis: Greece, Shalom Center Athens
Andy Page: United Kingdom, Prayer Alert Net
Claudius Samartinean: Romania, IHOP Timisoara, Agape Church Timisoara
Daniel Matei: Romania, Christian Centre Timisoara
Vanco Nakov: Macedonia, Balkan Prayer Network
John Robb: USA, International Prayer Council
Brian Mills: United Kingdom, International Prayer Council
Sheena Tranter: International Prayer Council
Jussi Valkonen: Finland, The Finnish prayer network

Michael Maeliau: Solomon Islands
Milo Siilata: New Zeeland
Elijah Titus: Papua New Guinea
Geoff Armitage: Australia
Timothy Map: Papua New Guinea
Hezekiah Loloi: Vanuatu
Representing All People Prayer Assembly

Please pray for the organizers and that the right people will be called to come from across Europe and other nations. May this event be anointed and mightily used of the Lord to bring about a new atmosphere for His Church and for this crucially important continent that needs so much to see a new era of spiritual revival and social transformation!

We would like to invite you to the Arab/European Prayer Conference on May 14 through 16, 2015 at Wiesbaden, Germany. We see the countries of Europe at a crucial point in history; we are convinced that through prayer and humbling of His people, God is willing to change the history of Europe.  The conference is our first step to bless the European Host countries through commitment in unity and prayer and by encouraging Arab believers to join this; we want to encourage local and Arab believers to participate together in intercession for Europe, to encourage them to pursue God's kingdom in their 'new' home country, Europe.

The initiative is from the Egypt Prayer Movement, joined by Arabic pastors & leaders and churches in Europe. The conference will include worshiping, prayer and intercessions, preaching, accommodation, and meals. We want to dedicate this time as people of God to search him and humble ourselves before him.

For further information and registration
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gabriel Abdelki   +4917634131782
Usama Hanna      +41765610304
If you wish to receive hard copies of the Posters and Bookmarks for distribution, please email me your postal address so we can mail them to you.
Also please announce the Conference at your Churches as soon as possible for spaces are limited.
Online Registration Form will be available on our website within the coming couple of weeks.

Please pray that the right people from across Europe and other nations will be able to take part; for the leaders; and for His strong guidance, anointing and transformational impact to flow out to the continent from this event.

Many ministries are getting on board (especially related to the next generation) and are looking to have a million young people gathering to pray for spiritual awakening. I know you have a heart for the next generation!

If you'd like to know more, the website is

Please pray for the youth and other ministry leaders as they meet June 11-13 in Washington, DC to plan this enormous effort. May the Lord give them great unity, clarity and His protection so that this assembly will happen with great impact upon the young generation and generations to come!


As you know we are living in very hard times during these days in India. We cannot do anything openly, but we do everything carefully and without any publication. After the present BJP government came to power in the central government, even to distribute a tract is considered as an offence. The police consider this as cause for disturbing the communal harmony and arrest the workers and put them in jail for minimum 6 months even without filing any case. They are doing this to please their political bosses.

The central government is targeting the Non - Government Organizations (NGOs). They have already cancelled the FCRA (Foreign Currency Regulation Act) numbers of many organizations through which NGOs can get foreign money.  In the month of September 2015, they are going to cancel the FCRA number of all NGOs including all Christian mission organizations and they may renew the FCRA number for a few organizations whom they wish to renew. This will heavily affect the Christian missions in India. Kindly pray for this. The fringe groups of RSS continue to attack the Christians across India. In real sense we are living in terror. Kindly pray for these huddles and persecutions to be removed and God to give us full freedom to continue His ministry.

Please pray for India and its government that those who are persecuting Christ's people will change their attitudes or be removed from power. Pray for special grace for the ministies, mission efforts and Christian leaders to be given special grace, wisdom and endurance in this trying situation.

We continue to pray for four people in prison in North Korea and China for the sake of the Gospel.  South Korean Pastor Kim Jung-Wook is serving a life-sentence in North Korea for his efforts to spread the Good News inside North Korea.  Elderly (71 years old) Korean-American, Peter Hahn, has been in detention in Tumen, China since last year.  He operated a technical high school and had a number of projects going in North Korea.  The other two people are a Canadian couple, Kevin and Julia Garratt, who ran a coffee shop in Dandong, China and provided humanitarian assistance in North Korea.  They also organized prayer for North Korea. Both are charged with spying.  Here is a bit more information on the Garratts and Peter Hahn. Please keep all four of these brave souls, who are suffering for the sake of the Gospel, in your prayers.

Meanwhile life for the people of North Korea continues to be bleak with increased surveillance, ongoing restrictions on travel and even more on commerce, new efforts to quash anti-Kim Jong Un activity, bribery that begets bribery, demands for parents to pay for school upgrades, forced participation in the mass games for what turned out to be a disappointing celebration of Great Sun Day (Kim Il Sung's birthday) and general high level abuse of power. Economic conditions continue to be a concern. Check out this new market roundup report. Respect for their own currency has fallen to such a low level that North Koreans consider finding an NK coin to be bad luck.  People have taken to burning books about the Kim dynasty because that is safer than having them in their home and not being able to keep them in pristine condition.  The young ruler is also continuing to purge elements in the government who might threaten his authority.  There is a new report that he has had 15 top officials executed do far this year.

However, while all this goes on, there are the new wealthy who sport more trendy fashions and are buying up property, especially in Pyongyang. Party cadres are also binging on South Korean TV dramas even though they are supposed to be preventing others from watching them.  In addition to expanding markets (often at great personal risk to the women traders who have taken to "hot pepper bombs" for self-protection), more personal farming is going on, which will help the food situation.

As for the leader... well, he seems to doing well as he revives the North Korea leader's traditional pleasure troupe and continues to grow fatter--although this may prove to be his downfall.

On the international trade front, recent confirmations of large reserves of rare earth minerals (critical to modern electronics and not widely available) are increasing Chinese and Russian involvement. Tourism is also a growing business--or at least the government hopes it will be--and the North is recruiting people to teach English to tour guides... at the teacher's expense.

Koinonia and Korea: Thoughts on Unification

This is an anthology of essays by Fr. Archer Torrey that relate to North Korea and the future of the whole land.  Released in August of last to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Fr. Torrey's passing away, it is the first time that any of his writings have been published in both English and Korean in one volume. Anyone interested in this important work may order through us if your are outside of Korea or, if you are in Korea, directly from the publisher, Hong Sung Sa or at Christian books stores.  If you are ordering from the US, the cost is $14 plus shipping: $12 by surface (takes about two months) or $20 by air.  If you order several copies, shipping fees will vary.  Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested.

Ben Torrey
The Fourth River Project, Inc.