Beloved, it is on the news that crime dropped by 14% in Mozambique in the first nine months of year 2012. Read the article at
(You may translate it with Google Translator.)
Praise God for this and pray that God will do greater things in the nation.
O Deus, perdoa-nos e sarar a nossa terra! "O GOD! FORGIVE OUR SINS AND HEAL OUR LAND, MOZAMBIQUE!" Condition is critical, delay is dangerous, persistent intercession an urgent need...making disciples-a top Mozambique.
"Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest."
Isa 32:15
"There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer." A. T Pierson
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?
Romans 10:14
A believer in a North African country explains: "I know someone who went to Saudi to work and to seek God. One day during his time there, he got on a bus and the bus driver turned to him and said, "There is nothing for you here." He eventually returned to our own country. One day he was invited to visit the home of a worker. In their home was a painting on the wall. He was amazed and asked who was the man in the painting? They told him it was Jesus. He replied, "No, that man is a bus driver in Saudi!"
A believer in another North African country said: "I was attracted to the worship music I heard in a church. I went to church because of the music. I loved the music; it spoke to my heart. I argued about Jesus and everything else they believed in, but still I went because the music was so powerful. Eventually I found the truth about Jesus."
Some come to faith because of faithful, persistent friendship with a worker who shares the Gospel and the witness of their life. Others come to faith through reading the Scriptures. Still others hear the Good News on the radio or satellite or through the Internet. Many experience dreams and visions or other miracle healings or supernatural events.
God is creative. And each person has a unique story to tell.
Let us ask God, who is the Lord of the harvest, to BE Lord over North Africa and to bring in a great harvest across this continent. Let's ask with faith for His creative and unique ways of encountering people with the truth and reality of who He is. Let's ask that the Church be careful not to set the agenda without listening to God, and to be free from control and never to quench what the Holy Spirit is doing in North Africa. Pray that the Church will understand more and more the ways and plans of God in each city, town and village, so that they may co-labour with the Lord of the Harvest to see many enter the Kingdom of God. Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal Himself as the Son of God this Christmas season to many across North Africa.
Specific prayer requests:
Two workers have contacted us to request prayer for unrelated situations, both involving demonic oppression.
In one situation, a whole family have experienced a great deal of spiritual attack in their dreams. This family have heard the gospel and have finally expressed how tired they are of suffering in their sleep, and have requested the workers to come and pray with them to see relief come into their home. Pray for this opportunity to demonstrate God's power - that at the Name of Jesus, all demons will have to flee! Pray for wisdom, the right words and for protection.
In the second situation, a long time friend of a worker suddenly and without explanation began showing a totally alternate personality and her behavior became erratic. The girl's family became alarmed and afraid, and have locked her inside their home because they want to keep her safe and they are ashamed that "jinn have come to live inside" their daughter. After almost 2 months of this, the worker has been given permission to come and visit the family home and to pray with/for her friend. Please pray that God will bring deliverance, and that this will be a testimony of the power of Jesus to set people free.
Would you please be the intercessor for this special Conference?
Bhutan is known as the “Land of Thunder Dragon”. Population of State: 738,267. Religion: Mahayana Buddhism. Christianity has still not been legalized in Bhutan. Recently the New Testament was released in Dzongkha, the national language of Bhutan.
The church in Bhutan is so badly divided. Nepalese are looked down upon by other Bhutanese, and there is division among Dzongkha-speaking Christians too. Unfortunately, western Christians and organizations also have contributed to this division by trusting people who claim to represent Christians in Bhutan, and foreign money has spoiled many. Extra marital affairs are another issue. So many Bhutanese Christians have lost credibility and made Christianity a money-making business. Thank God for those who are faithfully serving the Lord. Some are networking in a smaller way. The churches are divided if you are hosted by one person the other person is not happy and he will tarnish the image of the other. It looks like an impossible task to bring them together to help them catch a national vision and with right motives.
Only God can make this happen.
I would plead with you to pray for the Bhutan conference titled The Gankhar Puensum Conference 2013 in Jan 8th– 12th.
Please find the attached bookmark and pray fervently and continuously for the conference organized by SAMA Link.
Today I'm writing you and begging you for some of your prayer collateral to be targeted towards our 2-year focus on the High Places of the earth. At the beginning of 2012, the Lord gave me a vision for an unprecedented visitation of His Sprit across the Hindu Kush, from Tibet over to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
One of the strategies, other then numerous on-site teams which are in and out right now across the territory, is to tug on the Body of Christ around the world to toss in a pinch or a pound of their prayer. Those of us who have worked in this area for over 20 years now have discovered that the prayer and church planting teams going in are like the tip of the arrow but the shaft (i.e. the driving power) is the Body of Christ rallying.
This has been made easy at the virtual prayer room we created at the clickable link below:
Get the word out, rally your people, promote it to prayer groups/movements you have relationship with?
YOU ARE INVITED to make history in the Himalayas with your prayers! Your cry to heaven is needed and a team of church planting ministries is asking YOU - will you help us storm heaven's gates through intercession?
Dr. Wesley Duewel, author and missionary to India, writes: “Prayer is the only adequate way to multiply our efforts fast enough to reap the harvest God desires.”
There are missions specialists who believe that some of the principalities that rule the world reside in these "high places," which are the mountains connecting Tibet and the Northern side of India's Hindu Kush region, as well as Pakistan and Afghanistan. This area hosts a full range of practiced religions, including Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and tribal spirit worship.
The High Places Prayer Patrol is a website that will equip you with powerful prayer tools as well as connect you with other believers around the world in heartfelt prayer for spiritual breakthroughs in these rugged, yet beautiful, mountain tops.
Our Interactive Peoples Map will connect you with profiles of unreached people groups Pray along at the Regional Prayer Stations, where slideshows featuring authentic local music will bring you face to face with the peoples of each mountainous region. Sign up via email to join thousands of others believers in unified Daily Prayers for the region. Lift your voice in worship to usher in His Presence at one of the Worship Stations that feature modern powerful worship songs. Lastly, get to know the Pioneers, some of Jesus' history-makers who sowed their very lives into the high places.
Are YOU ready to become a history-maker? History belongs to the intercessor.
Will you join us in a year of prayer for one of the most strategic and needy people groups on our planet? The Pushtun people, who span the border of both nations, are the ethnic group that has been called “the most resistant unreached people in the world”. They are also the force behind the Taliban and the group that are causing the majority of death and destruction in both countries. We believe they are being deeply influenced by a spirit of death and violence. They are constantly fighting and killing others, themselves, other ethnic groups. Since 2007, they also have murdered 12 Christian workers in Afghanistan and hundreds of other believers in Pakistan, destroying whole villages, churches, and homes.
We suspect that they have become traumatized by centuries of fighting off invading armies and as a result being both the recipients and purveyors of terrible atrocities of war and human suffering. We believe this could be the way that the evil one has gotten a grip upon their psyche and culture as a people and is using them to carry out his agenda to “kill, steal and destroy” as the “liar and murderer from the beginning”.
After the fall of the Taliban Regime in 2001, they slowly regrouped again and have since then continuously gained power. Many military leaders have now conceded that they cannot win this war militarily. Fighting with physical weapons as the Coalition forces have done in Afghanistan the last 11 years cannot be ultimately successful against spiritual forces of evil. We have seen that mobilization of prayer leaders and intercessors as well as praying children can be effective in putting the principalities and powers to flight in nations. E.g. Cambodia- where the Khmer Rouge, worshippers of a serpent demon, began to give up their maniacal, murderous struggle and surrendered to the government two months after a mass prayer mobilization was launched in 1994-1995; Burma- where thousands of children have been praying for their nation since last year and there are now sweeping political changes going on. Many other cases from Bosnia, Sri Lanka and Africa where God has used national prayer initiatives to end wars, create governments of national unity and bring about peaceful development. Some even have born-again presidents who are involved in nationwide prayer efforts!
In Afghanistan, since the mid1990s, prayer teams started to go into the country, and in the beginning of 2001 the Lord impressed on the hearts of local Christian workers to proclaim an end to Taliban control. As millions around the world prayed, this came to pass by the end of that year. Hundreds of Christian workers came in to help the nation. Things improved dramatically. However, the ground was not held through ongoing intercession and the Taliban have come back, threatening to take over again. Many organizations and their workers have left the country due to threats or attacks or being closed down. Over the last two years, a dozen Christian workers have been killed by the Taliban Pashtuns.
Large areas of the country have come again under the control of the Taliban and all four access roads into Kabul, the capital, are now threatened with insecurity. Many locals are nervous and want to leave the country because the Coalition forces have announced they plan to withdraw in 2014. In addition, President Karzai will be leaving power since new elections will be held during that same year. Afghans know their government will probably not hold together and is likely to be overthrown by the Taliban with terrible violence for the nation.
Pakistan is being rocked by suicide bombings and assassinations and is ruled by a corrupt and inept government that is unable to maintain order or lead the nation out of the political, economic and religious quagmire into which it has descended. The national elections that may happen early in 2013 are not likely to help as they will most likely be accompanied by riots and other destabilizing acts of violence and conflict.
Today, most public places are surrounded by guards; churches have guards for safety. Many Pakistanis who can are leaving the country, the wealthy and educated. Those who cannot leave are beginning to have a feeling of hopelessness that those of influence who can save us are leaving the country to the Taliban and fundamentalists.
The pirs, Islamic spirit mediums, have a huge influence over political leaders and also have empowered the Taliban for their terrorist actions in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. For example, many suicide bombers have been set aside for Muharram, one of the four “sacred” months of the year which is going on right now.
Since the first missionaries came to Pakistan to reach the Pashtuns dozens of them have been killed by them. Numerous Pakistani Christians have also been killed for their faith over the years. The Taliban have also targeted and attacked more liberal people who are concerned for human and minority rights within the country.
The spirit of death and violence seems to stalk Pakistan as well as Afghanistan and manifests itself most strongly through the Pashtuns. We, therefore, propose the following strategy for mobilizing prayer for the dominant Pashtun people and these two embattled, broken nations that if they collapse could become launching pads for awful destruction on the rest of our world:
1) Declaring a year of prayer for the Pashtuns, Afghanistan and Pakistan throughout 2013 and inviting prayer networks and intercessors across the world to partner with us for this project.
2) Sending out monthly one- to two-page prayer alerts with in-depth, strategic information to guide united intercession and enable the prayer of agreement for specific desired changes. Please adopt the Pashtuns as your “people of the year” with others you know and together we will watch what the Lord does among them through our prayers of agreement and faith.
Let’s first be praying that the spirit of violence and death that seems to be gripping many of the Pashtuns will be bound and driven from them and that the Taliban will dissolve as a destructive and destabilizing force within these two countries.
The Situation in the North
Kim Jong Un's policies that seem to be aimed at creating a more modern and appealing North Korea continue to draw the ire of the ordinary people leading to some new crack downs on complaints. At the same time, there are steady efforts to build the personality cult of the new leader through, among other things, postage stamps, new mosaics (also leading to complaints) and new Kim Jong Un badges. There is also a new effort to court international approval through such things as celebrating Mother's Day for the first time in many years. At the same time the food situation continues to be difficult, particularly as soldiers take to thievery from the fields to gain money of their own.
The government continues to struggle to prevent the flow of information into the country and people out. A new ban on travel to China is in force for the period leading up to the first anniversary of the death of Kim Jong Il. In spite of these efforts, information does continue to get in.
It will be a while yet before we are really able to get a sense of the direction in which the new government is taking the country even though it has been a year now since Kim Jong Il died on December 17th of last year. At the same time there are those who continue to do humanitarian work--as Christians--and run businesses--as Christians--in North Korea with little change from before.
We continue to pray that Kim Jong Un will bring in new economic policies that truly benefit the people and provide for more openness in real ways. Join us in these prayers.
In His Name,
Ben Torrey,
11th to the 16th of February 2013
Ashirwad Global Learning Centre (Seva Bharat),
Koremella Village, Ghatkesar Mandal, Rangareddy District, Hyderabad-Andhra Pradesh - 501301 India For further information contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Igniting the Ends of the Earth
The world is changing rapidly. Some of it is good while there is plenty that is bad, with sins of violence, corruption, bribery, sexual immorality, homosexuality, gay marriages, millions of abortions, AIDS, addictions, human trafficking, and sectarianism, sadly even within the established church. With most countries at the edge of fiscal cliff, not to mention frequent environmental mega–disasters, one would imagine that the world has reached tipping point and ready for implosion.
However, there is good news also. The simple house group movement has simply gone viral in many countries but especially so in many 10/40 Window countries, where just a decade ago, Christ was not known. Stunningly it is not the religious superstars but the simple women, some like the Samari-tan woman, even non/semi-literate ones, who are driving the change, with 85% or more houses of peace being birthed by them. Women are the custodians of faith in any culture and in hostile restricted communities they are playing a pivotal role in quietly advancing the Kingdom at the fringes. Reaching the ends of the earth is now no longer a distant dream.
This is Harvest Time
Be the light among those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. Be the Tree of Life wherever you are planted. Women play a significant role in this because they are naturally relational and have relatively easy access in restricted communities, to witness, pray for the sick, find persons of peace and plant replicating worship groups. This Summit is designed to encourage and empower such women.
Four billion people of the world, half of them women, still need to hear the gospel in their culture, context and heart language. There is an urgent need for mentoring and mobilizing a new generation of Apostolic women with confidence and competence to equip tri-generational leaders to finish the task of the Great Commission. The coming of our Lord is imminent so “everyone must reach someone.” Many nations persecute Christians hence planting below the radar small groups of 2 or 3 provide, safety, security and abundant fruitfulness. They are flexible, free and reproducible.
The Father is restructuring His church from being hearers of the Word to doers of His will. James 1:22
Global Summits orchestrated by Starfish Alliance
Leveraging House Churches in November 2009, Delhi. Global Marketplace Summit held in February 2011, Bangalore. Global Summit for the Sons of Ishmael in October 2011, Hyderabad. Summit for Buddhist Background Believers in August 2012, Chiangmai, Thailand. Delegates from around 50 nations, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and from Myanmar to Mongolia have already participated in these Summits. The concept of organic house groups as the platform for reaching all nations, tongues and tribes, is now being viralized in many countries, and CPMs are starting everywhere. It is now crucial that competent coaches are equipped in numbers innumerable with the cutting edge biblical concepts, insights, skills and best practices, to build up an unstoppable Disciple Making momentum with special focus on women.
WELCOME - Women, Men and Youth leaders There are direct flights from New York, Newark USA, London UK, Europe and many Middle East and South Asian countries to Hyderabad, India. So come or sponsor someone and have a spiritual feast in warm and sunny Hyderabad. Registration fee includes food and simple accommodation for 10/40 Window candidates for six days is only $120 per person while for others from the West, it is $300 DATES: 11th—16th FEBRUARY 2013
For centuries, the worldwide church has been dominated by men resulting in a dysfunctional church that lost its mandate to fulfill the Great Commission, to go and make disciples of all nations, tongues and tribes. God the Father is once again pouring out His Spirit on all flesh, especially women, thus restoring the original gender-neutral New Testament form and function of the Body of Christ. Affinity groups are now sprouting up everywhere and the Lord is adding tens of thousands of new believers daily, flocking in homes, offices, market place, schools, hospitals, banks, clubs, beauty parlors and coffee houses to eat, meet, gossip the gospel and multiply.
There is an urgent need for teachers who pass on information and insights, coaches to pass on skills, mentors and spiritual fathers and mothers to impart vision and character to turn these new believers into dynamic disciples who can go and turn their world upside down. The time for status quo is over. Come and share how the Lord is transforming your nation.