Pastor Saeed, an American citizen, is in grave danger in a brutal Iranian prison where he says he is experiencing "intense pains after beatings in interrogations" and has been told he "will hang." His trial before one of Iran's "hanging judges" is set to begin on Monday. His alleged “crime” – threatening national security, which translates to establishing house churches in Iran.

The regime plans to use evidence that dates back 13 years to when Pastor Saeed converted from Islam to Christianity. As we know from the case of Pastor Youcef, who is now free because thousands of people spoke out, charges related to converting from Islam can carry the death sentence in Iran. The ACLJ is calling on the U.S. State Department to demand that Iran release this U.S. citizen immediately. We cannot be silent while this American suffers for his faith.

Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let us pray that Pastor Saeed will be exonerated and released. Pray for his protection from brutality, mistreatment and soon release from prison.

Folks in Morocco are beginning the new year with a 21 day fast to see God's Kingdom come in Morocco in greater measure during 2013. A prayer guide has been written and is attached to this email. If you are able to join in, you are all invited to choose one (or more) day during this 21-day initiative and sign up on a Google calendar to fast and pray for Morocco on that day. Details are below.

At the start of February, the 2nd Mediterranean Regional Prayer Gathering will be held in Gibraltar. This is a 3-day prayer event praying for the region. Please pray during January for the final preparations of this event. Pray for covering and protection over the whole event. And pray that God will move in a mighty way as people come together to seek His face and pray for this region of the world. Your prayers are a valuable part of the lead up to this event, so please join in.  Email us if you would like further info.

1. Go to:
2. Sign in details: email (note the underscore): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; password: yarp4moroc (note it’s mOroc and not mAroc)
3. You will then see the calendar. Along the top, you will see the date of the current week shown.
4. Click the arrow key till you get to the week you want to sign up for.
5. Click the day and time you want to sign up for.
6. Type in your initials and then click “create event”.
7. You should then be able to see your initials in the calendar.
8. Click “sign out” at the top right corner before you leave.


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The French intervention in Mali to stop radical Islamists from taking control of the country turned into a global conflict yesterday when Islamist terrorists at an Algerian gas pumping facility took 65 or more hostages from several countries – including the United States, Japan, and Europe. Thirty-five hostages and 15 of the hostage takers reportedly were killed this morning in an Algerian airstrike.

From: LIGNET This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please pray for the effective containment and vanquishing of the Al-Qaeda threat in Mali, Algeria, Somalia and other nations in the Middle East and North Africa so they will be unable to establish a stronghold like they did in Afghanistan. Pray that many of these fighters will, like other Muslims, have dreams and visions of Jesus Christ and come to faith in Him.

We need your help in this special prayer focus for 2013. Would you please join us in prayer and circulate this call to prayer to other intercessors you know? We will monitor how things go within these two countries as the year goes by and update you on how the Lord answers.

The Taliban are a group of radical Islamists that are threatening the survival of both Afghanistan and Pakistan and the security of the rest of our world. If they succeed along with allied terrorist groups in taking over these two nations, they will proclaim that militant Islam has triumphed and will be emboldened to launch attacks against the rest of the world from this base. As Pakistan has nuclear weapons, they could fall into the hands of these radical Islamists and be used against Israel, the West and other nations. It is of paramount importance that we as intercessors engage in united prayer for His protection and deliverance of these two nations.

Driven by their fanatical ideology and possessed by a spirit of violence and death, the Taliban have been wreaking havoc in both Afghanistan and Pakistan over the last decade. At 9/11, the rest of the world saw the destructive capacity of Al Qaeda, supported by the Taliban, to thrust their dagger even into the heart of the western world. The Taliban are primarily made up of the Pashtun ethnic group (called Pathans in the attached people group profile) that span the border of both nations and have been called “the most resistant unreached people in the world”. Captive to their warlike culture and code of honor that requires blood revenge, they are constantly fighting and killing one another and those from other ethnic groups. Since 2007, they also have murdered 16 Christian workers in Afghanistan. In Pakistan, they have wiped out possibly hundreds of Christian believers, also destroying their villages, churches, and homes.
Not all Pashtun are Taliban or serve as instruments of violence, but we suspect that this people group in general has become traumatized by centuries of fighting off invading armies. As a result, the Pashtun have become both the recipients and purveyors of terrible atrocities of war and human suffering. We believe this could be the way that Satan has gotten a grip upon their psyche and culture as a people and is now using them in the form of the Taliban and other allied terrorist groups to carry out his agenda to “kill, steal and destroy”. Jesus identified the devil as the “liar and murderer from the beginning”. It is he that we must come against in faith-filled prayer to see the Taliban dissolve and these two nations set free from their destructive influence.

After the fall of the Taliban Regime in 2001, they slowly regrouped and have since then continuously gained power. Many military leaders have now conceded that they cannot win this war militarily. Fighting with physical weapons as the Coalition forces have done in Afghanistan the last 11 years cannot be ultimately successful against spiritual forces of evil. We have seen that mobilization of prayer leaders and intercessors as well as praying children can be effective in putting the principalities and powers to flight in nations. Here are a few examples:

• In Cambodia, The Khmer Rouge, worshippers of a serpent demon, began to give up their maniacal, murderous struggle and surrendered to the government two months after a mass prayer mobilization was launched in 1994-1995.
• In Burma, thousands of children have been praying for their nation since last year, and there are now sweeping political changes going on.
• Many other cases from Bosnia, Sri Lanka and nations of Africa could be mentioned where God has used national prayer initiatives to end wars, create governments of national unity and bring about peaceful development. Some African nations now even have born-again presidents who are involved in nationwide prayer efforts!

In Afghanistan, since the mid 1990s, prayer teams started to go into the country, and in the beginning of 2001 the Lord impressed on the hearts of local Christian workers to prophetically proclaim an end to Taliban control. As thousands around the world prayed, this came to pass by the end of that year. Hundreds of Christian workers came in to help the nation in humanitarian and development efforts. Things improved dramatically. However, the ground was not held through ongoing intercession and the Taliban have come back, threatening to take over again. Many organizations and their workers have left the country due to threats, attacks or being closed down. During the last two years, twelve more Christian workers have been killed by the Taliban.

Large areas of the country have come again under the control of the Taliban, and all four access roads into Kabul, the capital, are now threatened with insecurity. Many locals are nervous and want to leave the country because the Coalition forces have announced they plan to withdraw in 2014. In addition, President Karzai will be leaving power since new elections will be held during that same year. Afghans know their government will probably not hold together and is likely to be overthrown by the Taliban with terrible violence for the nation as the result.

In Pakistan, the Taliban are Islamic fundamentalists who are forcing their beliefs upon society at any cost. In recent years, as the government has sought to ban and stop the Taliban, they have risen up with new names and expanded across the country imposing their beliefs. Physically, they are now almost an unstoppable force in the hands of the devil.

Pakistan is being rocked by suicide bombings and assassinations and is ruled by a corrupt and inept government that is unable to maintain order or lead the nation out of the political, economic and religious quagmire into which it has descended. The national elections that may happen early in 2013 are not likely to help as they will most likely be accompanied by riots and other destabilizing acts of violence and conflict. If a certain political party comes to power, that will  strengthen the Taliban even more.

People live in a constant state of fear, wondering if they will return in safety to their homes or if their area will be the next place of attack. For their own safety, they try to travel a different road each time. Those who can afford it always travel with armed guards. Most public places are surrounded by guards; even churches have guards for safety. A significant exodus of educated and wealthy people is occurring. Those without the means to leave are being left with a feeling of despair as they feel that those who can help them are now leaving the country to the Taliban and the fundamentalists.

The pirs, Islamic spirit mediums, have a huge influence over political leaders and also have empowered the Taliban for their terrorist actions in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Government education has almost completely failed and left a vacuum. In its place, pirs and their fundamentalist schools or madrassahs are raising up a generation of fanatics who are willing to lay down their lives for the beliefs of the Taliban. For example, thousands of suicide bombers are being trained to carry out their demonic activities locally as well has throughout the world.

Since the first missionaries came to Pakistan to reach the Pashtuns, dozens of them have been killed by them. The latest victim was a Swedish missionary lady who had served for many years there. She was shot and died in December 2012. Numerous Pakistani Christians have also been killed for their faith over the years. The Taliban have also targeted and attacked more liberal people who are concerned for human and minority rights within the country.

A spirit of death and violence stalks Pakistan as well as Afghanistan and manifests itself most strongly through the Taliban. The best military powers in the world with all their sophisticated weapons have not been able to stop this demonic force. The battle must first be won in the heavens. If Afghanistan and Pakistan collapse, they will surely become launching pads for awful destruction to be carried to the rest of our world. We, therefore, propose the following strategy for mobilizing prayer for the deliverance of these two embattled, broken nations:

1. Declare a year of prayer for the Taliban (Pashtuns) in Afghanistan and Pakistan throughout 2013 and inviting prayer networks and intercessors across the world to partner with us for this project, including especially praying children.
2. Send out monthly one-page prayer alerts with in-depth, strategic information to guide united intercession and enable the prayer of agreement for specific desired changes.
3. Encourage teams of veteran prayer leaders to go into both countries during 2013 to pray on-site and encourage the local believers and prayer groups.
4. To initiate monthly or bi-monthly Skype calls for updating prayer network leaders and praying in agreement for the liberation of both nations and the dissolution of the Taliban.

Here are some first prayer concerns we want to share with you for the coming month:

1. Ask that the Lord would raise up many intercessors from around the world who will join us in serious and dedicated prayer till we see a change in Afghanistan and Pakistan, an army of intercessors that will join wholeheartedly in this spiritual battle.

2. That the Taliban movement in both countries would be completely thrown into confusion, disunity and crushed. They are trying to set up political headquarters in either Dubai or Saudi Arabia.  May this not happen. We continue to proclaim “Taliban Time/Rule is over”. Satan’s power over the Taliban will be broken.

3. That their leaders would either surrender, give up and stop fighting or that they would be taken out before they spread even more violence and bloodshed. Especially let this happen for their key people like Mullah Omar, Gulbadin Hekmatyar, the Haqqanis and other high-ranking leaders.

4. That the demonic unity between the Taliban and their allies be broken and that they would turn against each other.

5. That the fear of God to fall on them and as many as possible of their key leaders would be converted to Christ.

6. Pashtun tribal leaders throughout the areas where the Taliban operate would be so fed-up with the Taliban and their allies that they would not allow them to use their territory any more and start opposing them. It happened already in some areas, and it should spread out throughout the Pashtun areas.

7. Talks are going on in this coming week between the US president and the Afghan president about how many troops should remain. Pray that a strong force would be allowed to stay as long as necessary and that the Afghan army would be strengthened enough to protect the nation and overcome Taliban threats.

8. Elections are to be held in Pakistan in the Spring. A party very sympathetic to the Taliban and one that promises to bring in Sharia law is popular and predicted to win. Pray for a moderate party to win and one that will rule with justice.

For protection of the Christians that are a tiny proportion of the population in both countries. They are facing increasing persecution. May they be encouraged and strengthened and come together in unity to pray for their troubled nations.

We are very delighted in another moment of Psalms 133 and Acts 1, Acts 13 where brethren praying and dwelling unity. Our strategy is very simple: 300 leaders gathered in Kansas City joined by IHOPKC staff at our Global Prayer Room on March 24-27, calling 100,000 simultaneous prayer gatherings around the world focusing on prayer for 7 challenges, 7 spheres, 10 geographical regions, 4/14 windows global initiatives and the Back to Jerusalem missionary mandate.
The backbone of these prayer gatherings is made up 100,000 praying homes that will be hosted by 100,000 leaders. Each home can 3-30 people gathering to prayer in 2 hours slots through the 3 days period synchronizing their schedule with TW2020-IHOPKC

Beyond this 100,000 homes, we need to call for prayer gatherings in churches, public venues, schools, colleges, hospitals, government offices, businesses, entertainment studios etc. These venues are chosen by leaders who sign up as prayer gathering hosts.
We need you to rally your network to sign up to be prayer gathering host and Here is a possible short email or mobilization you can sent out:

We need you to rally your network to sign up to be prayer gathering host and here is a possible short email or mobilization you can send out:

Dear servant friends,

We are in a kairos moment in world history. As nations are in uproar, economies in upheaval, social order declining, and times increasingly tumultuous, God is beckoning His Church to advance His kingdom.

Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020, March 24-27, 2013

In response, Transform World and the International House of Prayer are co-sponsoring a prayer summit, “Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020,” March 24–27, 2013 at the International House of Prayer Missions Base in Kansas City, MO. We are writing to invite your participation and encourage your prayerful participation, as key leaders in the Body of Christ.

70 Hours of Prayer
Vision 2020 is a convergence call to the Body of Christ. For 70 hours, under the banner of ongoing 24/7 worship, prayer, and prophetic impartation, we will cast vision, seek the Lord’s guidance and anointing, and engage with seven critical challenges that the Body of Christ is facing.

This prayer summit will launch a seven-year prayer focus on these challenges, linked to the seven spheres of society, seven regions of the world, as well as the 4/14 Window and the next generation.

7 Challenges
 Ideological challenge: Issues surrounding Islamic fundamentalism
 Family Challenge: Focus on Christian marriage and the family, with a call to integrity, purity, and witness
 Orphan Challenge: Focus on care for orphans, with a view to a world where every child belongs to a family
 Poverty Challenge: Reviewing global poverty lines, with a focus on the availability of basic needs to the poorest communities in the world
 Justice Challenge: Toward a godly society based on God’s justice—considering injustice in casteism and North Korea, etc.
 Christ’s Missional Challenge: Reaching the last and the least with the truth of Jesus
 Celebration Challenge: Identifying, connecting, and encouraging 24/7 houses of prayer and worship in every nation

7 Spheres of Society
1. Arts
2. Business/workplace
3. Church
4. Delivery of media
5. Education
6. Family
7. Government

10 Regions of the World
• North America
• Latin America
• Eurasia/Western Europe
• Arab World/Middle East
• Africa
• French Africa
• South Asia
• East Asia
• Southeast Asia
• South Pacific

24/7 Webstream
Intercession and worship from this prayer summit will be streamed live throughout the 70 hours, beginning at 4:00 pm on Sunday, March 24, and continuing throughout the day and night until 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 27, 2013.

Through the webstream, Vision 2020 will be an opportunity for college campuses and ministries in the US and around the world to pray and strategize about how best to meet the seven challenges and advance God’s kingdom. Afterwards, the event will be archived. We also hope that GOD TV will assist with broadcasting parts of Vision 2020 live.

The following leaders have committed to be part of this concerted effort of prayer along with many others:

Dr. Luis Bush (Transform World)
Mike Bickle (International House of Prayer)
John Robb (International Prayer Council/ World Prayer Assembly)
Dr. Paul Cedar (Mission America)
Billy Wilson (Awakening Alliance/ Empower 21 Movement)
Dr. Thomas Wang (Former Chair of AD2000 & Beyond Movement)
Paul Eshleman (Jesus Film/ Campus Crusade)
Mark Anderson (Global Pastors Network/ Call2all)
George Otis Jr. (Sentinel Group/ Transformations)
Jim Fiske (Prison's Fellowship/ Christian Worldview Coalition)

Sign up NOW to be part of the 100,000 leaders in the nation to host a prayer gathering in your location at

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From the Sudan Support Network (SSNet): We feel compelled to mobilize a 40-hour prayer chain for Sudan & South Sudan for the weekend of 25 to 27 January 2013.

To be exact: Next weekend, starting on Friday evening 19:00 to Sunday 11:00.

The structure is quite easy to understand: 40 slots of 1 hour each. We want to encourage believers from different nations to take responsibility for part of that 40 hours. It does not matter so much if in the various time zones it does not match up precisely; we believe that in heaven it will add up.

Please mail me specific commitment(s) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Could I encourage that you sign up and ask others to do too for 1 hour or more next weekend in prayer for Sudan.

Key directions for prayer:
*Psalm 2 – the whole Psalm

*From the Scripture given below, it is a sobering thought that in the past month more than 100 Christian workers have been kicked out of Sudan. Right now, they're picking up the pieces. The process is continuing relentlessly! It reminds a LOT of when Christian workers were kicked out "en masse" from China in the 1950's. Everybody thought that's the end of Christianity in China, but now we know that GOD had to do that for the growth that would come.

Pray that God would raise up indigenous believers to take up the baton in Sudan. (He's already doing that).

Pray healing and direction for those kicked out and picking up the pieces.

For more info on Sudan, please go to

“News from Pakistan is a huge challenge to pray for our land, our people and us. Since 14th January an "Arab Spring" like situation has developed in our capital city, Islamabad. Several hundred thousand men, women and children have congregated in Islamabad calling for an end to the present corrupt government, electoral reforms and a new caretaker government to carry out elections. The government has adopted a wait and watch attitude hoping that the movement will fizzle out; the opposition parties have rallied together to oppose what they call a "circus" in Islamabad; civil society is also against the gathering in the Capital and we are praying that no violence will ensue as there are women and children in the gathering. The whole shebang is being led by a religious scholar who has recently returned from Canada to bring about reforms in Pakistan. As a dual-nationality holder he is barred from taking part in national politics but has adopted this novel way of bringing about reforms.

Islamabad has been under lock down for the last four days with millions of man-hours wasted due to which the economy has been adversely affected. In addition the Taliban and other militant groups are carrying on a brutal wave of bombings, target killings and suicide attacks on the general public, security forces and especially the Shia'ite community, minority sect in Islam. In one city alone over a hundred people were killed by bombings. Later, the affected people brought out the coffins of their loved ones and laid them in a street for three days before the government even decided to talk with them! Death and destruction have become so commonplace in our country that it takes a jolt like this incident to get people out protesting against such excesses. Unfortunately, the "circus in Islamabad' overshadowed this event also. Please pray that our country will see peace and a return to “normality.”

The Situation in the North
We would like to start off by calling attention to the arrest and detention of Kenneth Bae (Korean name: Pae Jun Ho), a US citizen and resident of Los Angeles. As you can see from the links in the sentence, Kenneth Bae was the owner of Nations Tours in Los Angeles. He was apparently arrested when North Korean authorities found compromising material on the computer of a person on one of his tours. Please pray that he be safe from harm while in custody and for his speedy release.

This past December 17th marked the first anniversary of the death of Kim Jong Il. The Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, which had been closed earlier in the year for renovation, was opened to the public again on that date to display the embalmed body of the dead leader. Here is an article with a number of pictures. This is part of the ongoing effort to memorialize Kim Jong Il in the same manner as his father Kim Il Sung and to establish the succession of his son.

As experts reflect back on this first year of Kim Jong Un's rule, they agree that he is bringing in changes--some very remarkable--but commentators differ as to what they mean. Andrei Lankov (Russian historian and North Korea specialist) discusses the great changes that have occurred in the military in this piece on missing generals. Here is one analyst who does not think that Kim Jong Un will be able to hold onto power for very long while another one here sees steps that he has been taking to establish his rule. At the same time, the new leader is beefing up security around himself and in Pyongyang. There is also evidence that people are taking greater liberties in their discussion of Kim Jong Un then when his father ruled.  He has acquired a new nick name, "General Soimae" after a popular cartoon figure, "The Boy General."

Of course the big news in both South and North Korea is the election of Park Geun Hye as South Korea's new president to take office in February. The election of a woman has astounded the people of the North. The northern government made a speedy but terse announcement not referring to her by name. People everywhere are wondering what her election will mean for the future of North-South relationships as she is from the same, conservative Saenuri party as the current president. She has also visited North Korea on her own. While her father, the former military dictator of South Korea, Park Chung Hee, was in power in the 1960s and 1970s, he was the first South Korean leader to engage the North. There are many firsts related to her election.

In addition to the returning Obama administration in the United States and Park Geun Hye's election in South Korea, China also has a new president, Xi Jinping, who will take office in March. With these new administrations in three of the nations around North Korea, we can certainly look towards significant developments in this new year. Please keep this whole Northeast Asian region in your prayers.