April 28, 2015

 "For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now..." - Matthew 24:21

This past Spring, Joel Rosenberg and I taught through the book of Joel as we led a prophecy seminar at The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove. It was my privilege to give the first two messages that covered Joel 1:1 through Joel 2:17.  The impact on me was profound.  Both times, when I stepped off of the platform, I knew God had spoken.  The messages almost made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.  Why?  Because God was clearly warning that His judgment is coming on America and it's going to be ugly. I knew it then, and I know it now.

I believe Jesus is soon to return to take all of His followers to Heaven with Him in The Rapture.  While this will be deliverance for you and me, can you imagine the impact on our nation, let alone the world, when suddenly every single authentic Christian disappears? Institutions will collapse. Banks will close.  The Stock Market will plunge. Planes will fall out of the sky. Cars will crash on the road. Government in America at every level will disintegrate.  Families will be torn apart. In the unprecedented turmoil, our nation will be vulnerable for our enemies to seize the moment and attack us. There will be mass chaos, confusion, fear, grief, despair, anger, threats, danger... judgment.

Just as God allowed the Israelites, His people, to go through three of the ten plagues He sent in judgment on Pharaoh and Egypt in Exodus 6-8, God may allow His people today to go through a time of distress and trouble before the rapture takes place. I believe we are in that time now. I believe it's time to not just pray.  It's time to cry out to God on behalf of our nation and our world.

MAYDAY! MAYDAY! is an international distress call that signals a life-threatening emergency. And it's the call to cry out that I am issuing May 15-May 23.  These are the nine days between the Day of the Ascension of Jesus and the Day of Pentecost that have Biblically and traditionally been days of prayer and fasting for an outpouring of God's Spirit.

The purpose of MAYDAY! MAYDAY! is ...

    To claim God our Father's promise of an outpouring of His Spirit in these days following extraordinary signs in the sky ...I will pour out my Spirit in those days ...The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.  Joel 2:29, 31
    To implore God the Holy Spirit to compel the church to repent of sin and our nation to return to faith in the living God, that times of refreshing may come... Acts 3:19
    To entreat God our Savior for an abundant harvest of souls for His Kingdom in the remaining days. Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for harvest. John 4:35
    To delay or soften God's judgment that is coming on America and on our world. Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing. Joel 2:13-14

I'm asking you to please partner with me, and invite everyone on your email address list, or who follows you on facebook or twitter, to join us.  I will be posting a blog this Thursday, April 30, at    http://www.annegrahamlotz.org/mayday/ that will include specific information on how to participate.  Please feel free to forward this letter to your constituents or use it in any way that would be helpful.

I will provide a prayer I have written for each of the 9 days to help unite us in one spirit and one voice as we cry out to God.  Those who receive the eBlast are invited to sign up for the daily email prayers. Please be assured there is no other agenda to this initiative. This is not about promoting anything or anyone.  This is all about calling God's people together to pray, before it's too late, and judgment falls on our nation. [1]  Please let me hear back from you as soon as possible.  Time is short.   

Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress. -Psalm 107:19

[1] [1] One month after Mayday! Mayday! the Supreme Court will make a landmark decision on marriage. And four months after Mayday! Mayday! Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish Feast of Trumpets that many people believe will be fulfilled by the rapture of the church, will take place on September 13-15. Soon after Rosh Hashanah, the fourth blood moon will occur on September 28.  The time is critical, and the time is now, to pray!

For the third year in a row Australia's National Day of Prayer and Fasting team has called the nations of the world to pray and fast for the USA. This year it will be for seven days from 30 April to 6 May 2015.  These dates bridge America's National Day of Repentance on 30 April and the National Day of Prayer on 7 May. Last year over 40 nations joined. This year they are believing for over 100 nations.

In this Good News Update we urge you to join in prayer and fasting for the USA. What happens there very much affects the world including us.

America is a nation whose greatness is inextricably linked to its motto "In God We Trust".  It is a nation which has been a beacon of hope, a bastion of freedom and a bulwark against evil to the nations of the world.  

And we must not forget that America is a long time friend of Australia. Both our nations fought together in World Wars I and II and many other conflicts.  Now we fight side by side in a spiritual battle for our respective nations.

Indeed no other nation has been used by God as mightily to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Yet it would seem, at this time, that America is shaking and drifting from its Christian foundations and even sinking.  It is in such a time of America's economic uncertainty, social upheaval and increasing international isolation that we are called to pray and fast.

Lana Vawser from Australia said, "There is a fight for the destiny of the USA right now. The destiny of America hangs in the balance. The Lord is calling his people to arise and pray for the United States of America. It is time to contend."

Please view this encouragement to pray and fast for America.

Global Call: Prayer and Fasting For America - 30 April to 6 May 2015

For the third year in a row Australia's National Day of Prayer and Fasting team has called the nations of the world to pray and fast for the USA. This year it will be for seven days from 30 April to 6 May 2015.  These dates bridge America's National Day of Repentance on 30 April and the National Day of Prayer on 7 May. Last year over 40 nations joined. This year they are believing for over 100 nations.

In this Good News Update we urge you to join in prayer and fasting for the USA. What happens there very much affects the world including us.

America is a nation whose greatness is inextricably linked to its motto "In God We Trust".  It is a nation which has been a beacon of hope, a bastion of freedom and a bulwark against evil to the nations of the world.  

And we must not forget that America is a long time friend of Australia. Both our nations fought together in World Wars I and II and many other conflicts.  Now we fight side by side in a spiritual battle for our respective nations.

Indeed no other nation has been used by God as mightily to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Yet it would seem, at this time, that America is shaking and drifting from its Christian foundations and even sinking.  It is in such a time of America's economic uncertainty, social upheaval and increasing international isolation that we are called to pray and fast.

Lana Vawser from Australia said, "There is a fight for the destiny of the USA right now. The destiny of America hangs in the balance. The Lord is calling his people to arise and pray for the United States of America. It is time to contend."

Please view this encouragement to pray and fast for America.

Global Call: Prayer and Fasting For America - 30 April to 6 May 2015


On July 4th the World Prayer Centre team together with leaders from around the nation are meeting in Birmingham England to hold a Trumpet Call national day of prayer at the International Convention Centre. The ICC site is significant in that from the middle of the 18th century until the middle 1960's great preachers of the Gospel including ,D L Moody, A.R. Torrey, George Jeffrey's and Billy Graham saw many thousands coming to Christ on this very ground.

So we are going back to this site in the heart of our City in the heart of the nation to blow a trumpet of alarm and a trumpet of proclamation.

Our nation that for centuries had the Christian faith as a foundation to its very existence, is saying we don't' do God and we don't' need God.  This is giving opportunity for other religions and ideologies to fill the spiritual vacuum.  At this time, God has called us to sound the alarm, declare that we desperately do need God and pray into the following 5 areas.

To declare the pre-eminence of The Lord Jesus Christ

For the release of God's Word and Spirit and the preaching of the Gospel

For the power of unity in the body of Christ

For the Church to awaken to the seriousness of the situation

For a revival in our children and young people producing a harvest generation.

We would be honoured and blessed if you our brothers and sisters around the world would stand with us on that day.

We would be more blessed if you would like to send a greeting from your nation that we could share with the 3000 folks we are inviting.

We would value prayer for a general election in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There is much uncertainty as to the outcome and whatever that is, it will have huge consequences for the immediate and for generations to come.

Thank you, together we stand in Christ to see His Kingdom come and His will done wherever you are on earth as it is in heaven.

Ian Cole, Director, World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK
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f you want to see the local church revived, prayer altars raised and the working life released by the Spirit of the Lord and you being part of it, then you should seriously consider attending this Conference. We will gather before the Lord in unity with diversity, representing different countries, cultures and callings in the church-at-large, with society, working- & business life and prayer in special focus.

Together we will seek God in prayer and worship and let Him speak to us about our common calling as Nordic countries, the current state and future restoration, in seeing His kingdom come and will be done.

We want to rediscover our redemptive purpose in God to manifest the positive spiritual "Viking" inheritance of boldness, dedication and resourcefulness. Embrace the call of being channels of God´s power and presence in our societies, proclaiming freedom over our Nordic countries to become a place of refuge, a sanctuary in times of trouble, and to stand in a covenant relationship with Israel.

We want to be relevant in solutions for today´s agenda and issues and take responsibility in standing in the gap, in prayer and action, for our nations, as a united people of God. Ezekiel 22:30 - So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.


- Call forth leaders and elders to rise to the challenge to join in strategic prayer together with those who have a prophetic calling in intercession, church planting and working life.
- Lay the foundation for a solid strategic network of servant leaders between the people of God in different areas in all Nordic countries, with a purpose to become a blessing for society and our countries, not seeking our own blessings. Jer 29:7.
- Be able to form a strategy for an effective coalition of prayer in the Nordic countries.
- Inspire the multitude of Christians to establish altars of prayer in their homes, workplaces, cities and nations, to invite the manifested presence of God.
- Make a prophetic manifestation of unity before God and man.


Remaining Christ-centered, Spirit-led and securely grounded in the Word of God. Work toward fulfilling the Great Commission through the manifest presence of God, and by overcoming through the word of our testimony, in all spheres of our society and beyond. This means:

- To serve the world - making an impact and manifesting His Kingdom.
- To equip us to better understand God's Yes, His redemptive purpose and calling to us as individuals, as peoples and nations of the North.
- To inspire us all to serve the Lord "fulltime" and to take responsibility by "standing in the gap" for our Nordic countries and our relationship to Israel.
- To gather marketplace & business people, intercessors and church leaders from the Nordic nations to walk in unity as a "people".

It is an Initiative from ICCC in the Nordic countries, but together with many big Christian organizations such as The Oasis movement in the Nordic countries and others. We have connected with the intercessory movement in all the Nordic countries and with leading churches. So the three:  

1. Business/working life representatives, like ICCC,
2. Intercessors
3. Church leaders

...are now standing together - calling forth the redemptive purpose from the Lord regarding the Nordic Countries. IT IS TIME FOR THE NEW SPIRITUAL VIKINGS TO TAKR TERRITORY AND BE BOLD IN THE SPIRIT !!

Finally, and from the bottom of my heart I invite you all to the coming strategy and prayer Conference - The Nordic Summit in Stockholm 14-16 May 2015.

ICCC International board and the steering committee for the Nordic summit 2015
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Prayer requests for the conference could be:

- A new unity between the Nordic countries and the peoples
-  A new, fresh and relevant church - who are bold and take action and stand in the gap for God and his people the Jews and the state of Israel
- A deeper understanding of God's YES to the Nordic countries and the redemptive calling and gifting to be used in anew way in the future - after the conference
- A better understanding of God's YES to different industries, sectors and issues (Media, education, migration, security, defense and Agricultur, etc. )
- A high level of freedom and liberty in the conference so we reach the purpose and objectives
- That the worship team can deliver what God has on His heart - and that the prophetic actions will be aligned with the Lord's purposes of our time in the Nordics and in the conference

You have no doubt heard about the tragic earthquake in Nepal that so far has killed over 5000 people. The toll is likely to go higher. A friend of ours who leads a house of prayer in Kathmandu wrote a couple days ago.

"Please pray for Nepal. Please remember us in your prayer. Praise The Lord still we are safe from His grace but many people died including believers....We just built tent home and we will stay there tonight, please continue pray for us that God be us and protect everyone through His power. May The Lord bless you, Govinda and family".

Please be in prayer now for the following:

1 That the after shocks will calm down and for protection over those huddling in make-shift encampments outside their homes and in public squares.

2 For effective and well-coordinated national and international rescue and relief efforts for those who may still be trapped under collapsed buildings as well as for the quick supply of food, medicine and tents and that epidemics will be averted. More than 10,000 also need medical treatment.
3 Pray also for God's peace, comfort and love to surround this beautiful nation and this precious people, the great majority of whom still need to find Christ. May this tragedy and the loss of so many be used redemptively by the Lord to break the hold of Hindu and Buddhist idolatry and to bring huge numbers in every unreached people group to deliverance and faith in Him.

Thanks for your prayers.

John Robb

The apostle Paul writes to his young protégé, Timothy, "Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Soldiers don't get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them"(2 Tim 2:3-4).

There is a particular lifestyle associated with being a soldier. It is essential to remember that as a soldier, you are no longer a civilian. You are called apart and live separately. Getting entangled in the mundane affairs of the civilian world is not allowed for a soldier on duty; you serve a higher cause. Off- duty soldiers who get caught up in naughty behaviour unbecoming of a man in uniform face more severe consequences than would some random person on the street. Living within the chain of command means that you are accountable to your commanding officers for your actions and attitudes, that you are accountable for those under your command, and that you are accountable to your comrades in arms. When the accountability built into the chain of command fails, the effectiveness of the armed forces declines. The discipline and accountability required of a soldier is there to save his life and the lives of those serving with him.

Moreover, the overarching reality of life as a soldier is not that you get to shoot big guns, travel the world, ride in helicopters and battleships and wear cool gear like night vision goggles. The overarching reality is that you no longer belong to yourself. You belong to a larger and greater cause. Your life is not your own. You don't get to just opt out when things get messy, your unit comes under fire and lives are at stake. Doing so is desertion, a crime punishable by death through much of military history.

As a Canadian, I was taught in high school of the history of Canada's participation in World War. Many regard Canada's participation on the Western Front as a defining coming of age as a nation. The campaign in which Canadian troops especially distinguished themselves was that of Vimy Ridge. That episode in Canadian history is superbly retold by the eminent Canadian storyteller and historian, Pierre Berton, in a book of the same name.

These young men in the Canadian Corps, from places like the Yukon and Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island, went to war in a far-off land, against enemies from foreign country (predominantly Germany), effectively on behalf of yet another country (Great Britain). They sailed to the other side of the world and lived in horrendous conditions. Trench warfare was noted not only for its grotesquely high casualty rates, but for the miseries endured by the living. Life in the trenches was a living hell, full of disease and rats, endless mud, inadequate food and drinking water, and either claustrophobia in airless tunnels or exposure from lack of shelter, not to mention the soul-crushing wait to pile into the meat grinder and die from machine gun fire, artillery explosions, snipers, grenades, bayonets, or most horribly, from poisonous gases now banned by the United Nations. These men from not just Canada, but from Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the far reaches of the British Empire lived and fought and killed and died for a cause that didn't even really belong to them. The majority of them were volunteers.

And yet we, as part of a cause that is infinitely more glorious and eternal, can't even rouse ourselves to a lifestyle of prayer. It's a sobering thought.

In the mission organization I serve with, small prayer groups are dotted around the world, interceding for workers serving on mission field. These prayer groups were called "prayer batteries". This is not because of the modern concept of a battery providing energy and power, although that, too, is a good metaphor for how intercession supports those serving in mission. This agency was founded in 1913. It grew out of an era when a battery was understood to be an organized group of artillery pieces. This is a superb analogy. Just as the artillery fire provided cover for advancing infantry, suppressing the enemy and softening the defences for the first wave of ground troops, so too our intercession not only covers the missionaries with spiritual protection, but opens up the ground for the greatest possible impact upon engagement.

Military language and metaphors are no longer en vogue in missiological vocabulary. We recognize that our mission is to demonstrate the love of Christ to all people and to serve others humbly. Adversarial, militaristic language can communicate the wrong idea that we are the good guys and everyone else the bad guys. It can encourage, or at least imply, imperialistic attitudes. Yet we also recognize that our battle is not with flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers that set themselves up against the authority of Christ. Such wicked powers long for the subjugation, degradation, and destruction of all people and societies. In the hyper-technological, modern world many of us live in, to think of a disembodied, Satanic foe seems the subject of a horror film or campfire story. Yet Christ himself as well as many of the writers of the Bible made no bones about the reality of our spiritual enemy. Go spend extended time in a context that is not prosperous, cozy, and insulated from the "real" world by chrome, digital displays, Vicodin, air conditioning, drive-throughs, and hand sanitizer, and you will quickly discover that very modern and educated people know very well the realities of spiritual evil and oppression.

C.S. Lewis sagely wrote that "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel and excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors, and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight."[i] Yet I do not intend to write a treatise on spiritual warfare. There exist already many excellent resources on that subject, and should you become engaged in a lifestyle of intercession, then I suggest you avail yourself of them.

The truth is that we are in a war, although most of us don't live like it. There will be casualties in a cosmic struggle on such an epic scale. The devil is filled with great wrath, because he knows his time is short. (Rev 12:12) People who engage in shining light into the darkness and setting the captives free from oppression and bondage are going to face opposition. The world, the flesh and the devil do not willingly give ground when the gospel advances. There will be many kinds of suffering. Some of us will die for our faith. And that is to be expected. The devil was overcome by the blood of the Lamb (i.e. Jesus' suffering and death on the cross) and by the fact that the saints "loved not their lives even unto death." (Rev 12:11) There are always casualties in war, and this is the defining war of human existence! When we look at the big picture, whether we live or die is such a tiny issue compared to the grand campaign of bringing Jesus' life and freedom - now and for eternity - to those who suffer in chains.

You know what you never hear in church? "Want to live an adventure? Want to take risks? Want to live dangerously? Come to the prayer meeting!" This is not because such claims are untrue, but because most of us have lost the sense what is at stake in our intercession. We do not see prayer as a dangerous act. Yet true intercession puts us in the crosshairs.  Remember that the word itself means interposing ourselves. A life of intercession means that we make ourselves a conduit between humanity and God - on behalf of loved ones, on behalf of the Church, on behalf of our communities, city and nations, on behalf of the whole human race. It also means that we place ourselves between those whom we love and care for and our spiritual enemy, who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy. Standing in the gap in this way certainly can be dangerous. Yet the sense that our prayer lives should be dangerous and risky is missing for so many of us, especially among the younger generation.

There is one other dangerous element in global intercession - the likelihood that God changes you through the process of prayer. Richard Foster states, "To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us."[ii] God may seize your heart for those suffering or lost, leading you to changes in your lifestyle and faith. The Lord may even call you - gasp - to full time service, possibly even in missions! As Eugene Peterson rightly observes, "Be slow to pray. Praying puts us at risk of getting involved with God's conditions...Praying most often doesn't get us what we want but what God wants, something quite at variance with what we conceive to be our best interests. And when we realize what is going on, it is often too late to go back."[iii]

[i] C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters (London: Fount, 1986), p.9.

[ii] Ibid, p. 30
[iii] Eugene Peterson, Working the Angles (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987), 30-31

You have no doubt heard about the tragic earthquake in Nepal that so far has killed over 3400 people. The toll is likely to go higher. A friend of ours who leads a house of prayer in Kathmandu wrote a couple days ago:

“Please pray for Nepal. Please remember us in your prayer. Praise The Lord still we are safe from His grace but many people died including believers….We just built tent home and we will stay there tonight, please continue pray for us that God be us and protect everyone through His power. May The Lord bless you, Govinda and family”

Please be in prayer now for the following:

1 That the after shocks will calm down and for protection over those huddling in make-shift encampments outside their homes and in public squares.

2 For effective and well-coordinated national and international rescue and relief efforts for those who may still be trapped under collapsed buildings  as well as for the quick supply of food, medicine and tents and that epidemics will be averted.

3 Pray also for God’s peace, comfort and love to surround this beautiful nation and this precious people, the great majority of whom still need to find Christ. May this tragedy and the loss of so many be used redemptively by the Lord to break the hold of Hindu and Buddhist idolatry and to bring huge numbers to deliverance and faith in Him.

Thanks for your prayers and may the Lord bless you,

John D Robb

Request for Prayer: Armenian Genocide Reconciliation – 21 and 24 April 2015

Rosemarie Streseman of Intercessors for Germany asks special prayer for the following:

“Tomorrow on  April 21 there  will  be  a  major  service  of  repentance with  approximately  3000  participants  with  hundreds  of  pastors  from  all  over Armenia   (Baptists,  Free  Churches,  Protestant  circles  etc.). This  meeting  has  an  immense  importance  for  the  brothers  in  Armenia and  Armenians  around  the  world.

A  small  team  of  Germans  is  there  with  Rosemarie  Stresemann  and  Prince  Philip  who's  grand-father, Kaiser Wilhelm,  was  in  power  in  Germany  at  the  time of  the  major  genocide  against  Armenians  during  the  Ottoman - Empire. This  brother, Prince  Philip,  wants  to  ask  all  the  participants  for  forgiveness for  the  partial  guilt  of  Germany,  not  helping  the  Armenians  during  the  genocide  100  years  back.   He  will  do  that  again  on  April 24th at an  Orthodox  -  church  during  their  service. The  1st  service  will  be  live  tomorrow  at   6.00  pm  Armenian  time  on  the following  net - address:   http://7x70.tv/ http://wolarm.org/

Prayer requests:

-   Wisdom  to  fine - tune  the  service  so  that  Jesus  can  do  all  he  wants. 

-   For  protection  and  a  spirit  of  repentance  for  all  who  come  from  Germany

-   For  a  major  healing  and  encouragement  for  the  Armenian  nation

-   So  that  everything  that  will  be  loosened  on  earth  will  be  also  loosed  in  heaven  and  that  the  will  of  God  will  become  reality  in  our  nations  &  governments.”