An excerpt from Justin Welby’s sermon: ‘The weight of the task given you today, Your Majesties, is only bearable by the Spirit of God, who gives us the strength to give our lives to others. With the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the King is given freely what no ruler can ever attain through will, or politics, or war, or tyranny: the Holy Spirit draws us to love in action. This is promised by Jesus who put aside all privilege, because, as the first reading tells us, God will give all things for our sake, even his life. His throne was a Cross. His crown was made of thorns. His regalia were the wounds that pierced his body. Each of us is called by God to serve. Whatever that looks like in our own lives, each of us can choose God’s way today. We can say to the King of Kings, God himself, as does the King here today, “Give grace that in thy service I may find perfect freedom”.’

A surprising surge of faith continues to spread among America's young people. It led to what some are calling the largest campus outreach event ever when 60,000+ students filled the University of Oklahoma's football stadium for worship and evangelism. The ‘Fill the Stadium’ event began when a graduating senior prayed a simple prayer: ‘God, what's next?’ The event sold out within days of its announcement. CBN News travelled to Oklahoma City to hear the sound of spiritual awakening rising in ‘The Cinderella City’. Students rallied for a time of worship with Kari Jobe and Chandler Moore, coupled with a concert from hip hop star Chance the Rapper. It won’t end here; this is the beginning. Many people are turning to Jesus and getting connected into small groups, campus ministries and churches. They will become disciples who multiply.

The royal family waved at crowds and watched a flypast at Buckingham Palace's balcony after the King and Queen’s coronation that was full of ancient Christian pageantry and symbolism. The 2,200 guests included the Royal Family, celebrities, faith leaders and heads of state. Thousands lined London streets to catch a glimpse of the King and Queen and members of the royal family in coaches and limousines as they went past. Elsewhere 52 members of Republic, the anti-monarchy group, were among those arrested near Trafalgar Square for public order offences, breach of the peace, and conspiracy to cause a public nuisance. Their organisers were arrested earlier that morning when police seized hundreds of placards saying, ‘Not My King’. Human Rights Watch said the coronation arrests were ‘something you would expect to see in Moscow not London’. Christian barrister Paul Diamond said that arresting anti-monarchist protestors before the coronation was an instance of ‘serious lawlessness by the police’.

Justin Welby has said the Illegal Migration Bill would not stop small boat crossings, and it fails in our moral responsibility towards refugees. The archbishop and nearly 90 peers will speak in the House of Lords debate. He said the bill ‘fails utterly’ to take the long-term view of migration challenges globally. He agreed existing international law needs updating, but the bill is a ‘short-term fix which risks great damage to the UK's interests and reputation, at home and abroad’. He was speaking as the bill begins what is expected to be a rocky passage through the House of Lords as the government does not have a majority there. The home secretary is urging peers to get behind the legislation. The bill is a key part of Rishi Sunak's plan to ‘stop’ small boats crossing the English Channel. Opposition parties and charities say the bill is unworkable and could breach international law.

In recent years the Government has formulated and implemented new policies and initiatives to change the way farming is conducted. Many focus on helping and encouraging farmers to restore overworked land and improve care of the environment. 'Catchment sensitive farming' aims to work with farmers to produce food in a way that protects water, air and soil, reducing flood risk on agricultural land. Meanwhile, a National Farmers Union campaign, with the slogan ‘Our shops should never be empty of any food that can be produced by farmers and growers in Britain’, seeks to promote British food production and security. Pray for wisdom, especially for Christians in agriculture and horticulture, to seek the Lord for direction and inspiration and to be able to witness His wisdom, grace and hope to those with whom they work. 

Extreme weather

12 May 2023

On 10 May heavy storms caused flash flooding in southern England and a major incident was declared in Somerset. On 11 May yellow warnings of thunderstorms and flash flooding were issued from Kent to Scotland. South and East Anglia has issued 36 ‘expected or possible’ flood alerts. Dozens of homes were evacuated after mudslides. Torrential rain is causing treacherous driving conditions, damage to homes and businesses, blocked roads and disrupted rail services. Teams are checking flood gates and clearing waterway drains’ trash screens. More rain is forecast for 12 May. People are urged to sign up for flood warnings, continue to monitor weather reports, and not attempt to drive through flood water. Pray that people check the road situation before going on a journey. A farm lost 200 chickens, garden walls and outbuildings were demolished, cars floated away, and people living in low-lying properties were stranded. May God give the rescue services stamina and wisdom.

Christians across Britain have been given a call to action over plans by the channel island of Jersey to legalise assisted dying. Approved in principle by Jersey politicians in 2021, the move would involve allowing some terminally ill adults to die with medical supervision. ‘For Christians listening across the British Isles, this is something that should concern us and to be engaged with’, commented James Somerville-Meikle, a spokesperson for the Catholic Union. Although the island of Jersey is not part of the United Kingdom, it would be the first place in the British Isles to legalise assisted suicide. A public consultation has revealed that people do not want to see medical professionals or care homes forced to facilitate killing patients.

Wind turbines have generated more electricity than gas for the first time in the UK. Imperial College London’s research revealed that 1/3 of UK electricity came from wind farms in the first three months of 2023. National Grid also confirmed that April saw a record period of solar energy generation. By 2035 the UK aims for all electricity to have net zero emissions. There are still many hurdles to reaching a completely fossil fuel-free grid, but wind out-supplying gas for the first time is a genuine milestone event. The majority of the UK's wind power comes from offshore wind farms. Installing new onshore wind turbines has effectively been banned since 2015. Under current planning rules, companies can only apply to build onshore wind turbines on land specifically identified for development in the land-use plans drawn up by local councils.