Since January, there have been no democratically elected officials in power. Gangs control Port-au-Prince, and other areas with violence, kidnappings, extortion, murders and rape. The Church has spiritual plagues, muddling Catholic practices with Vodou (a Haitian witchcraft) and animism (belief that rivers and rocks possess a spirit). For those with no religion, their ‘gods’ are survival and power. Haiti’s evangelical Church is 17% of the population. They work the clinics, hospitals and fly aid to the hungry and homeless, being Jesus’ hands and feet. We can pray for the Lord to show himself in this dark hour to the Haitian people. May God be their rescuer and their strength. Pray for wise, compassionate, and godly leaders within the Haitian government. Pray for the truth of the Gospel to release those in bondage to vodou, witchcraft and animism. Pray for the Haitian Church to embody Jesus' love for the poor and needy.

10% of Seychelles is dependent on heroin. Addiction threatens to overwhelm them. Foreign workers are brought in to do the work that drug-dependent locals cannot do. Seychelles is number one in the world for heroin consumption. Tanzanian guards are in the jail to stem heroin flowing into the cells, but it’s not working. The jail no longer has a methadone programme or counselling sessions to treat heroin dependency. Addicts outside prison can get free Methadone if they register. Surprisingly, in a nation captive to heroin, methadone is the only support available. Taking methadone without detox and counselling is not a good solution. Yet, all residential rehabilitation centres are closed. However a grant from the UAE has been released to build a rehabilitation centre. Pray for this to begin to turn around Seychelles misery. Heroin enters Seychelles by boat and is sold in improvised shops in people’s homes. A cottage industry with whole communities involved.

This week, a US judge ordered Swiss mining and commodity giant Glencore to pay US$700 million in a long-running corruption probe. Last year, Glencore pleaded guilty to channelling at least US$100 million in bribes to public officials globally - from Brazil to the DRC, and Nigeria to Venezuela. Glencore negotiated with Brazil, the UK and America to pay up to US$1.1 billion. This week’s sentence confirms the US portion of the coordinated settlement. But it doesn’t address the full scope. There are more populations and individuals who suffered harm from Glencore’s scheme. Pray for a more comprehensive effort to identify and adequately compensate all those affected, particularly the most vulnerable. Meanwhile Indonesia wants guarantees from the UK that they will receive a portion of any future financial settlement resulting from a corruption inquiry into an aircraft manufacturer after Jakarta was excluded from an agreement made with Airbus, even though Indonesia assisted with the investigation.

Beginning at sundown on 22nd March over a billion Muslims around the world will abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sex from dawn to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan. Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and one of the highest forms of Islamic worship. Abstinence from earthly pleasures and curbing evil intentions and desires is their act of obedience and submission to God and an atonement for sins, errors, and mistakes. Fasting is an act of faith and worship to  increase their spiritual piety. Fasting together as a worldwide community (Ummah) affirms the brotherhood and equality of man before God. Throughout the day many go out of their way to help the needy, both financially and emotionally. Believing that a reward earned during this month is multiplied 70 times and more. For this reason, Ramadan is also known as the month of charity and generosity.

Exalting Jesus! - is a 21-day journey into Easter... and a 21-day journey into more of Christ!

It takes place online between March 19th and April 9th 2023 (Easter Sunday)

Join us! - as we seek to enliven and enrich our relationship with Jesus Christ for all that He is!

Exalting Jesus is a series of 21 short daily video devotionals with responsive prayers for personal, group or church use. It has been produced by David Bryant of Christ Now in association with IPC.

More info at

#exaltjesus #exaltingjesus #christnow #ipcprayer


THEME - 'Wave of Glory'

We invite people of every tribe, family and generation to join us as we unite in worship and prayers for Australia, New Zealand, Oceania and the nations of the world!

"My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations" - says the Lord Almighty

Full details of the program will follow shortly - in the meantime, do save the date, sign up for email updates, follow us on social media and share this post far and wide!

A warm Aussie welcome awaits you in sunny Perth!

More info:

#wpa2023au #worldprayerassembly #waveofglory #malachaich1v11

MARCH 18 - APRIL 17, 2023

Join millions of Christians worldwide as we learn about the Muslim world and pray for our Muslim friends and neighbors during their annual month of Ramadan.

The free Prayer Guide is available in 20 languages online and 10 languages as a printable pdf.

More info at

#110cities #prayfortheunreached #thykingdomcome

Aftershocks are still shaking the eastern Mediterranean as far as Iraq, following on from the severe earthquakes in southern Turkey and northern Syria which left over 50,000 dead and millions homeless. Amidst all the misery, death and destruction, we are hearing testimonies from people who were buried alive and rescued from the rubble after more than a week. They all experienced a bright figure in white who came towards them and gave them something to drink.