03 May 2023Prayer Global is an interesting new prayer tool that enables you to strategically pray for specific places and peoples in the world!
The site has a method for integrating a community together to pray for 4,770 provinces/counties (1 "lap around the world") - "300 people, each praying 16 minutes, can pray for every place in the world --1 lap-- in one week."
Very easy to use and engaging! Prayer.Global is available on iPhone/iPad and Android platforms.
Check out this 10-minute video describing it
On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent. You [intercessors] who remind the Lord, take no rest for yourselves; and give Him no rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth [at Jesus’ return]. (Isa. 62:6-7, NAS)
We are pleased to bring you this May 2023 edition of IPC Connections!
I trust that you will be blessed and encouraged as you read the articles, news and resource info that follows! So many answers to prayer and glimmers of amazing, God-filled breakthrough!
This edition brings the launch of Come to the Table – a collaboration of prayer & missions networks & movements around the world, uniting in global prayer, communion & mission in 2023. Do visit the website which details numerous events and initiatives taking place this next several months. Lots of amazing things happening!
Over the last couple of months, we have met with leaders from across Africa and formed IPC’s Africa Regional Prayer Council under the Directorship of Bishop Austen Ukachi. Our South East Asia Prayer Council ‘ring of fire’ nations met, led by IPC’s Senior Advisor – Tom Victor, and blessed the Church and people of Vietnam. Many of you took part in the Exalting Jesus series, written by David Bryant which due to its popularity is just beginning a re-run in the lead up to Ascension Day!
Reports and testimonies are still coming in of huge numbers who were praying during the recent One Miracle Night - Global Day of Prayer for 24 key Muslim cities. We are thankful for the thousands of Christians across many of these cities who were sharing Jesus with their friends and neighbours, many using the Jesus Film!
SAVE THE DATE! - Please save the date of our next Global Day of Prayer – Pentecost 2023, on Pentecost Sunday – May 28th, when we will be praying for the peace of Jerusalem, for Israel and Jewish people worldwide. See the Prayer Guide. There will be a 26-hour streamed broadcast including 2 hours live – from the Southern Steps in Jerusalem! Our friends at 10 Days will be holding 24-7 prayer for the 10 days leading up to Pentecost, do join them.
ISAIAH 62 FAST - This month, IPC are partnering with Mike Bickle, IHOPKC and numerous worldwide networks in a 21 day Isaiah 62 Fast in the lead up to Pentecost Sunday, during which over 1 million believers are expected to engage in prayer for Israel - daily for an hour. Join us as we pray for the increase of God’s salvation promises and plans for Jerusalem and Israel!
WPA2023AU - We are pleased to announce that registrations are OPEN for the World Prayer Assembly 2023 in Perth Australia!! “Blessing all nations, peoples and cities with the transforming love and goodness of our God!”. Join thousands of Christians of all ages from the worldwide Church and Prayer and Missions Movements for this unique gathering in unity – to repent, to worship, and to contend for the fulfilment of the Great Commission! More info follows below.
ASBURY+ - All our eyes have been on the Asbury revival in recent months! We are bringing you an insightful and thought-provoking article from IPC Council Member and friend, Jason Mandryk that explores several other awakenings that have taken place, but that are not so much in the public eye. Grateful thanks to Jason for this insightful piece.
THANKFUL MEMORIES - This last few weeks, two more giants of the faith, George Verwer (OM) and Pastor Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) went to be with the Lord. We honour and recognise these two men for their faithful and biblical teaching and mission work which has birthed truly global impacts. We are running one of Charles’s articles once more below, which I know you will find inspiring
CORONATION - Our thoughts are with our UK and commonwealth friends this month, as King Charles III is crowned amidst much celebration and a national holiday. Praying with you that the Gospel message will come through the sermon that is delivered to a huge global audience during the Coronation. Also praying that King Charles will be a true defender and ambassador for the Christian faith through his role as Governor of the Church of England. See this blessing from the Church over King Charles
Will you Partner with IPC?! - IPC Connections is brought to 5,000+ networks, groups, churches and personal partners free of charge. As an organization, we are dependent on personal donations, legacies and occasional grant support for our income. This Christmas, end of year season, we would welcome your support no matter how small!
If you would like to sow into the IPC Vision, please click here. Thank you for your support!
Thank you for continuing to partner with us in mobilising and informing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.
May we express grateful thanks to Andy Page and the IPC Editorial Team who put this email together each month.
Every blessing,
Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect
This Pentecost, May 27th and 28th will mark the beginning of a decade of prayer, evangelism and discipleship, launching a ten-year journey of global collaboration between churches of Bible-based denominations, and mission organizations responding to the Commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations – mobilizing the whole body of Christ for a Bible, a believer, and a body of Christ within everybody's distance. Everybody needs to know somebody who's a Christian. Everybody needs to have access to scripture. Everybody needs to have a church that they can get to and why?
Because of the absolute worth of Jesus – he is all deserving of all our worship, all of our obedience and all of our affections.
We are currently in the year 2023 - 10 years away from 2033 - the 2000 yr anniversary of the death, burial, resurrection, the ascension of Jesus, the Commissioning of the church and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. Organizations and collaborations across the Body of Christ are joining together in obedience to the call of the Lord -
The first Protestant missions’ movement sprang up from a group of Moravians led by Count Zinzendorf, who dedicated their community to a scripture found in Isaiah 62
“On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest, and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in the earth”. (Isaiah 62:6-7)
The Moravian community established night and day prayer and worship after a move of the Holy Spirit and from this community a 100 year, 24/7 prayer meeting was launched, resulting in one of the greatest missions movements in the history of the Church.
Like the Moravians I believe today we are seeing the convergence of a global prayer and missions’ movement around the world - until Jerusalem becomes a praise on the earth!
This Pentecost will also be the 3rd Global Day of Prayer for more than 100 Million plus believers from Jewish, Arab, and Gentile backgrounds focused on Praying for the salvation of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. With the promise from Paul in Romans 11:11-12,
“I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles. 12 Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!”
Each year from 2023- 2033 the global prayer movements are committed to praying for the 110 most unreached cities in the world on four global days of prayer each year – for the Buddhist world, the Muslim world, the Jewish world and the Hindu world! We are praying together for Jesus Christ to be enthroned as King over these unreached cities, and nations with the vision to make disciples of all nations!
Recognizing the need of the more than 8 billion individuals on earth to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus Christ,
Believing that God our Savior has provided the way of salvation for all people through the mediating work of His Son and that it is not His will that any should perish but that everyone should come to repentance,
Responding to the commission of Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations, preaching the gospel to everyone in the power of the Holy Spirit,
Approaching the 2000 year anniversary of Christ’s Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost,
We therefore unite to:
- Collaborate with one another toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission
- Pray for the salvation of our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and the people of the nations of the world
- Mobilize the followers of Jesus entrusted to our ministry and local churches in reaching every person on earth with His grace and truth
- Invest increased resources in evangelistic efforts especially for people who have never heard the gospel
- Go with the good news using every means available so that everyone has the opportunity to know Jesus Christ.
We dedicate our lives to obeying Christ’s command and call for the global Church to unite with us in making the next ten years the greatest decade of Great Commission effort in history.
1 Timothy 2:3-6; 2 Peter 3:9; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15
To become a signatory of the 2033 Commitment, please complete the form HERE. Thank you!
More info and sign up for Amsterdam 2023:
May the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward for his sufferings as we unite together in prayer and mission in this next decade 2023-2033!
For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,
Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By the late Dr. Charles Stanley with thanks to
Lord Jesus, teach us to pray in a way that moves mountains.
Dr. Charles Stanley, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia, addressed the National Prayer Congress in October 1976. With his kind permission, his talk was revised and edited for inclusion in IFA’s February 1977 newsletter. We bring you this timeless message in honor of his life and ministry.
This excellent message pinpoints characteristics of effective, dynamic prayer. Not until we recognize the power behind the forces that oppose God, can we realize how great our prayer offensive must be. Nothing less than total commitment and obedience will dislodge satanic strongholds that cripple the Church and hold our nation in spiritual bondage.
And when they were come to multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him and saying,
Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatic, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water. And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.
Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I suffer you? Bring him hither to me.
And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.
Then came the disciples to Jesus apart and said, Why could not we cast him out?
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:14-21).
I believe the supernatural prayer of God is available to every single believer, to remove any and every “mountain” in his or her life, and by “mountain” we mean any circumstance, any event, any aspect of a person’s life that prevents him from doing or attaining the will of God for his life. Above all, we need to remember that God is in the mountain-moving business: He knows exactly what to do to remove any and every “mountain” that comes our way.
Often when we face such a circumstance in our lives, rather than looking to God immediately, we complain, and we moan and groan to our friends. We get down in the dumps, we lose our faith, we ask God where He is-while all the time the Scripture says we should bring our mountains to God so that He can move them for us.
But even beyond our personal mountains, when I look at our nation today, I see mountains that seem absolutely insurmountable from a human point of view. When we look at these mountains and then at our own resources, we tend to say, “Lord, there’s no way for these mountains to be moved.” That’s correct-as long as we look at ourselves-for it will take a supernatural miracle of God to change what is happening in this country. The most powerful resource we have as God’s people is in looking to God in prayer, believing Him to move the mountains that threaten to destroy this nation.
Now, all the praying we can do is great, but the kind of praying that I want to specifically talk about is the kind that moves mountains no man can budge. The type of praying that moves mountains is the prayer of faith. The Lords says throughout the Scriptures, “If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.” He says, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” He says, “Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not,” He says, “This is the confidence that we have in him, if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us, we know that we have the petitions that we desire of him.” Hebrews 11:6 says, “Those who come to God must believe that God is.” God is what? God is able to do anything and everything. God is really willing to release His supernatural divine power in human circumstances if He can find somebody who is willing to believe Him and expect Him to do it.
Do you believe that God will move the mountains that keep us from being the people God wants us to be, or from being the nation God wants us to be? I believe that God is just as much in the mountain-moving business today as He was 2,000 or 4,000 years ago. What He’s looking for are men and women who are willing to trust Him, willing to get out on a limb and believe that God will intervene in any and every human circumstance.
The second characteristic of that kind of prayer is that it must focus on God and not on the mountain. You see, one of our difficulties in praying is that we get caught up in the problem. One of the most beautiful examples of the right kind of praying is in 2 Chronicles 20 when Jehoshaphat heard that his enemy was approaching. What did he do? He didn’t call a committee! The Scripture says he fell on his face before the Lord and cried to Him for the rescue and protection.
He didn’t begin saying, “O God, look at our enemy; look how strong they are; look how powerful they are!” No! He began by saying, “O God, Thou art the Creator. You are the one who brough us out of Egypt.” He began to pray a prayer that focused completely on God. And the next day, the Scripture says, he went out to meet the enemy. Do you know how he went out? He went out with his choir out in front of his army singing their way to victory. Why was he able to do this? Because Jehoshaphat knew that the secret to mountain moving is to focus upon the God who moves the mountains and not on the mountains themselves.
The third characteristic of prayer that moves mountains is that it must be faithful praying. Many of us get excited about a prayer need for two or three days; then when somebody asks later, “Are you still praying for so-and-so?” we reply, “Oh, I almost forgot about that.” The Scripture says a man ought always to pray and faint not. That expression “to fain not” doesn’t mean to fall down and lose consciousness. It means to “lose heart, to give up” because the answer doesn’t come immediately.
How many of us are willing to pray with the same tenacity that Jacob had when he wrestled the angel? He said, “I’ll not let you go until you do what I want done.” I believe God is looking for people who are willing to hold on to Him, to bombard heaven, to keep on asking until the asking becomes praising and thanksgiving. The kind of prayer that moves mountains may start off in weakness, but it ends up in strength. It may begin with asking, but it ends up in thanking. God will honor that kind of tenacious hold on the promise of God.
The fourth essential characteristic of mountain-moving prayer is it needs to be fearless praying. If we’re going to see miracles, we’re talking about something only God can do. If we want to see in this nation the release of supernatural power that can change when voting cannot change, what councils cannot change, what committees cannot change, it can only come by God’s intervention. And if that’s true, there must be fearless prayer…prayer that comes to God expecting Him to do something.
There is a passage in Isaiah that most people have probably never read. Isaiah 45:11 says, “Concerning the work of my hands, command ye me.” You and I might think, “Who in the world are we to command God?” But God says, “Concerning the work of my hands-concerning what I want to do-command ye me.” God is more willing to answer prayer than we are to ask Him. He doesn’t want us to approach Him hesitatingly, as if we were beggars, or as if we were unworthy, but rather with confidence and boldness. We aren’t coming in our own righteousness, but in the blood of Jesus Christ. And when we approach the throne in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, He says, “You can command Me, and I will answer your petition.”
If ever there was a time when the people of God need to lie prostrate before the Lord and hear Him say, “Command ye me with fearlessness, with boldness, with anticipation, with excitement, with expectancy,” this is the time! Little puny prayers that we lift up while hopping out of bed or going down the expressway in the morning don’t get the job done. God is not going to change a life or change a nation with that kind of praying. I know the excuse people give: “You can pray anywhere.” Sure, you can, but you don’t move mountains by praying down the expressway! The kind of prayer that approaches God, expecting Him to do something and not giving up until it happens.
How many times have you said to God, “Lord, here’s what You said You’d do. I am not giving up until You do it. I’ll keep throwing it back up to You until the answer comes pouring out of heaven, just like I ask.” That’s fearless praying!
Another characteristic of that type of praying is that it comes from a person who is able to feel the burden of the Lord. We’ve all heard people get up in Sunday school and read off a little prayer: “Now Lord, bless our Sunday school, this, that, and the other.” God doesn’t hear it! What I mean by prayer that feels God’s burden is this: when you and I are willing to get quiet enough, long enough for God to share something of the tremendous weight of the burden of His heart with us, then we’ll experience prayer that moves mountains. There has to be some weight. There must be something of a burden from God.
When is it that your praying really gets down to serious business? When somebody’s life is at stake? When some tremendous burden is placed upon you and you begin to vicariously feel something of the hurt, and the pain, and the suffering in somebody else’s life? Then when you pray you tell God what you want. You quote Him a Scripture. You remind Him of what He promised to do. That’s the kind of praying that moves mountains.
Can you imagine Elijah walking up to that altar of sacrifice and saying, “Lord, I want to pray in Jesus’ name, or in the prophet’s name, and I sure hope you’ll take care of this.” Nothing would have happened. Elijah, before God, felt the weight of the paganism and the unbelief of Israel. He said, “It’s time you began to make a choice. Stop halting between two.” The problem with Christians in this country today is we don’t hold much burden for this country. While we see these mountains engulfing us, we run our way with our pleasure, doing the thing we want to do while God looks for Christians who are willing to be quiet and to feel the burden of what God feels.
When you begin to feel what God feels, something will absolutely transform your prayer life. It will no longer be light little perfunctory prayers at bedtime, when you spend just two or three minutes with God. It’s going to be the kind of prayer that drives you to your knees, prostrate on the floor before God when you plead with Him to do something you are unable to do.
Another characteristic of prayer that grabs hold of God is that it must be mixed with fasting. Jesus told the disciples, “The reason you couldn’t heal that boy was because of unbelief in the kind of prayer that moves mountains; it is the kind of prayer that is mixed and intermingled with fasting.” Now, why? Because fasting necessitates and involves the discipline of one’s life-getting your life under control and determining to hold on to God. It declares that your devotion to Him is more important than eating, more important than sleeping, more important than fellowship. It means that you are willing to bear the burden of God, willing to become what God wants you to be in order for God to use you the way he wants to.
Remember–God is the mountain mover; we are the instruments; but prayer is God’s plan for moving the mountains. If He can find a group of people willing to pay the price, I believe God could change the history of this nation. When you look back in history, it’s amazing to see how many times God has altered the history of a nation, the course of its direction, because a handful of people were willing to pay the price in prayer.
The supernatural power of God is available to each of us if we’ll meet the requirement of getting God in on what we’re up to. I remember back in 1957 when I was a student in school at Ft. Worth, Texas. I was in a corner of my living room and had been praying for quite some time when I felt God say something to me, I have never forgotten. I had been talking to God about what I wanted to do with my life, and I felt Him saying to me, “Charles, whatever you accomplish in your life you will accomplish only on your knees.” As I look back on my life, I see the times when I have gotten up, and nothing happened. But as long as I stayed down, God has done some tremendous things.
I believe the principle is not only applicable to me, but to every believer: God releases His power only when men are willing to get on their knees in humility, submission, surrender, and yieldedness to the will of God, depending in faith upon God’s supernatural power. I believe when we can do that, the windows of heaven will open a tremendous flood of the blessings of God will come upon us.
We have done everything else. You name it and we’ve done it. We’ve had crusades, we’ve tried everything that comes down the track, but there still has not been a time when this generation of Christians in America fell on their faces before God in desperation-holding the inspiration of the Scriptures in their heart, believing God, clinging to Him until the asking turns to praising. We only have one resource for levelling the mountains that threaten to crush us, and it is available to every one of us. That resource is to pray. If we do not pray, my friends, I want to ask you—what shall we do?
On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, In Touch Ministries announced that beloved pastor Dr. Charles Frazier Stanley had passed away at 7:30 a.m. that morning at age 90. Known to audiences around the world through his wide-reaching TV and radio broadcasts, Stanley modeled his 65 years of ministry after the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24: “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.”
With thanks to:
Beyond Asbury: 6 other places where revival is happening now
Our global God is always on the move, says Jason Mandryk. To take just one example, there is good reason to think there are more than 1 million believers in the Islamic Republic of Iran, he says. And you can be certain that none of them are nominal!
If a revival happens in the forest and no Westerners are around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Such a twist on the old philosophical thought experiment seems timely, given all we hear about the incredible move of God in Wilmore, Kentucky.
Does revival need to happen on a well-lit stage, livestreamed on social media, with people flying in from around the world to attend, and have thousands of articles written about it to count as such?
In the context of majority world Christianity, moves of God tend to happen in places of poverty, persecution, upheaval, and desperation. They are mostly removed from news cameras (for a range of different reasons), and since they unfold outside the Anglosphere, they tend to be off the map for the vast majority of Christians in the West.
What would revival look like deep in the rainforest where there is little to no electricity, never mind 5G? Or in a remote valley amid mountains and deserts where the nearest city is three days’ ride? Or in the churning chaos of a slum with little infrastructure and an endless stream of migrants fleeing drought, flooding, or the latest militia group?
Given that the cultural, social, and economic milieus we are talking about are vastly different from our own, one might expect such spiritual breakthroughs to seem almost alien. But the reality is that the symptoms are remarkably consistent.
When the body of Christ in a community – or across communities – rise early in the morning to pray together for hours, stay up late into the night to worship together (and pray some more), meet together in fellowship several times a week or even every day, find the Word of God coming alive through powerful preaching and personal testimony, confess their sins, cut the ties binding them to their old lives, reconcile to one another, love their enemies, welcome and offer assistance any in need, experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, and see unbelievers drawn into their midst to encounter the living Christ – are we talking then about revival?
For all who follow Jesus, the longing to experience revival is a good one. And no place where God moves powerfully could possibly be dreary or dull! But there is – or should be – a degree of normalcy to the body of Christ experiencing the conditions above. If the presence of the phenomena of revival mean that it is revival, then it follows that it is less about profundity or anything extraordinary, and more about believers doing all the things that we wish would happen when revival ‘happens to us’. What we hype up as this elusive, extraordinary state of ‘revival’ should arguably be more par for the course. In his tome on the subject, Barry Chant observes, “Revival is the Church being what it ought to be.”
Perhaps these are truths that we in the global north have lost. As per Luke 6, we are rich, we are well fed, and we laugh often: causes for woe, in Jesus’ own words (perhaps the fact that we are less and less well-spoken of gives us reason for hope!).
No, the places where revival seems to be happening with the greatest frequency are the places where believers have no recourse to anything but God breaking in. They are poor, powerless, harried, under pressure. They gather to pray and fast, to worship, to hear God’s word, to confess and forgive, to share all they have and to be healed by God’s power precisely because they have nothing else they can do and nowhere else to turn.
Allow me to share some examples where such profound breakthroughs are happening. They include sustained church growth amidst persecution, spiritual breakthrough and public proclamation, costly forgiveness, the compulsion to go forth, the inclusion of the least of these, and the presence of relentless prayer.
1. Iran – Sustained growth despite great risk
It has been widely publicised for well over a decade that the church in Iran is growing faster than in any other country.
Iran’s ruthless regime and harsh brand of Islam imposed since the Islamic Revolution have brought about great disillusionment, especially among the younger generation. The body of Christ has suffered under intense persecution. Yet the unrest we see in Iran today is matched by the spiritual hunger of Iranians. Turmoil spreads, but the Church keeps growing!
The underground nature of the Church makes verification impossible, but it is very reasonable to estimate that there are more than a million believers in Iran. You can be certain that none of them are nominal!
2. Thailand – Breakthrough at last?
Thailand has traditionally welcomed missionaries but has also appeared to be resistant to the gospel. Much has been sown into Thailand through prayer and mission but with little fruit. However, in the last few years, the Free in Jesus Christ Association (FJCCA) movement has experienced explosive growth and contextually effective discipleship. Through village-by-village evangelism, thousands of mostly rural house churches have been planted – so many that the relatively new FJCCA has more fellowships than any other denomination or group in Thailand.
Mass public baptisms – the last one including 1,435 new believers – are reshaping the perception and impact of Christianity in this strongly Buddhist nation. Dwight Martin, a researcher who is deeply involved with Free in Jesus, doesn’t call what is happening a church planting movement or a missiological breakthrough, but a revival.
3. Myanmar – Tragedy, terror, and transformation
A number of ethnic minorities in Myanmar (such as the Karen, Kachin, and Chin) have had a strong Church for generations, in contrast to the 95% Buddhist Burmese majority. They, and other groups like the Rohingya, have long been subject to ethnically-targeted violent suppression by the regime.
Since the military coup of 2021, the brutality of the regime has escalated. Churches and schools are targeted by artillery and fighter jets. Some Christians are part of resistance forces fighting against the regime, others are not. But all are subject to the ruthless attacks. Poverty and hunger are commonplace alongside of the atrocities.
Despite the terror and destruction, many thousands are experiencing revival. The faith of nominal Christians is being renewed. The Church is growing and spreading – even Burmese Buddhists are becoming Jesus followers! Amidst terrible suffering, Christians are learning how to live not out of hatred and vengeance, but in Christ’s love that empowers them to forgive even their persecutors.
4. Algeria – From enclave to outreach
The Kabyle are a Berber ethnic group indigenous to mountainous north-eastern Algeria, residing there long before Arabs imposed Islam on the region.
In recent years, the Kabyle have experienced revival that has enlarged the Church among them to tens of thousands of believers – an extremely rare occurrence in North Africa. This outpouring and growth began during the intense Islamist violence of the Algerian Civil War in the 1990s.
Prejudicial treatment, surveillance, church closures, hostility, and arrests have not deterred the Kabyle Church. Not only do they keep making disciples and growing in number, but they are reaching other Berber groups, the Arab majority, and increasingly, sending missionaries to other nations to reach peoples ethnically related to them.
5. India – The least of these
The injustices of India’s caste system, especially for Dalits and Tribal peoples, are well-documented. The large bulk of those who follow Jesus come from the above groups and lower castes.
India’s sex-selective abortion problem and millions of ‘orphans’ demonstrate the lowly status of children, especially girls, who are often considered surplus to requirements. But the younger generation is forming a dynamic part of the growing ranks of the body of Christ in India.
One national leader shared of 170,000 children involved in just one network of kids’ clubs, where they are fed, educated, discipled, and taught to worship Jesus and pray with impressive fervency and authority. This is only one network, operating in only half of India’s states! The same leader shared that spiritual breakthrough and transformation is happening in many parts of India. But the sheer size of India and its population, combined with the security concerns tied to intensifying Hindutva-driven persecution, mean that many of these breakthroughs happen below the radar even of those paying close attention.
6. Africa – Persistent prayer, scaled up
The well-known Holy Ghost Service of the Redeemed Christian Church of God takes place outside of Lagos, Nigeria on the first Friday of every month, beginning at 7pm and lasting through the night. Attendance has been known to exceed one million people – the musicians and singers alone number in the thousands!
Heaven’s Gate Prayer Mountain in Kenya is near to Elementaita (“place of dust”), and is a retreat centre for prayer and fasting. Food is not permitted on the premises. It can accommodate 2,000-3,000 people. It operates year-round, but at peak times, it overflows and people are begged to stop coming. They sleep on the ground and pray in the fields if there is no more room.
Mount Ambericho in Ethiopia was home to a line of witch doctors for centuries until one of them turned to follow Christ. Others followed suit. The crowds who gathered every year to worship the witch doctors began to come to worship Christ. As many as 100,000 climb the 9,900-foot mountain for a whole day of prayer.
Closer to home, Black churches in the UK gather for prayer with a fervency and in numbers that should humble the rest of us. Whether Friday night prayer meetings or New Year ‘Crossover Services’ or city-wide/national prayer events, corporate prayer has long been a strength of Black churches. Swiss theologian Walter Hollenweger noted, “Christians in Britain prayed for many years for revival, and when it came they did not recognise it because it was black.”
No doubt some would disqualify each of these from fitting into their rigid criteria for revival. In his upcoming book Prayer Power - Changing the World and You Stuart Robinson writes, ”Attempts to agree on a concise definition of what is our meant by expectations of revival, would seem to have as much hope of success as David feeling comfortable in Saul’s armor." Others would assert that insisting on Western definitions and concepts for revivals or any other move of God is yet another example of colonialism in a global Church.
How much do definitions matter? In each of these examples there is a strong sense of - and hunger for - God's presence. The Holy Spirit is clearly at work, bringing new vitality to God's global Church and extending his kingdom into communities hitherto deprived of the good news. But the common threads of prayer and fasting, poverty, persecution, and close community confront our materially comfortable, individualistic Western churches.
We say we long for revival. What price are we willing to pay?
Jason Mandryk was born, grew up, and studied in Canada before moving to the UK to join the Operation World team. For over 20 years, he has served through multiple editions and publications of this ministry, as researcher, editor, author, and co-director. He is currently based in Seoul, South Korea. Jason also serves on the Exec Team and Council of International Prayer Connect.
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Ukrainian officials say Russia is mustering its military might in the Luhansk region, in what Ukraine suspects is preparation for an offensive in the eastern area in coming weeks as the anniversary of Moscow's invasion approaches.
Military analysts anticipate a new push soon by Moscow's forces, with the Institute for the Study of War saying in an assessment that "an imminent Russian offensive in the coming months is the most likely course of action."
Ukraine is keen to secure more Western military aid as it tries to fend off the much larger Russian forces. It has already won pledges of tanks and now wants more.
The international criminal court has issued warrants for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, his commissioner for children’s rights, for directly supervising the atrocity of kidnapping Ukrainian children for “adoption” and “re-education” in Russia.
According to the Ukrainian government, 16,226 children have been deported to Russia, of whom 10,513 have been located, and 308 have returned. Reports indicate that there have been various reasons for the abduction, including “evacuation” from state institutions, transfer of children to camps, and parental consent, whether coerced or not.
Pray: A prayer for the one year anniversary of the war in Ukraine (Christian Aid)
Almighty and Great God, accept our gratitude for your boundless mercy towards us. Hear the supplication of our afflicted hearts for the land and people of Ukraine, as they confront foreign aggression and invasion. Open the eyes of those who have been overtaken by a spirit of deception and violence, that they be horrified by their works. Grant victory over the powers of evil that have arisen and bless Ukraine with your gifts of liberty, peace, tranquillity, and good fortune.
We implore you, O Merciful God, look with grace upon those who courageously defend their land. Remember the mothers and fathers, the innocent children, widows and orphans, the disabled and helpless, those seeking shelter and refuge, who reach out to you and to their fellow human beings looking for mercy and compassion.
Bless the hearts of those who have already shown great generosity and solidarity, and those who prepare to receive their Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Ukraine’s greatest time of need. Bring us together as your children, your creation, and instil in us your strength, wisdom and understanding. May you be praised and glorified, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen
Sudan is currently facing a crisis involving a conflict between the military and civilians over control of the government. The conflict arose after the overthrow of former President Omar al-Bashir in 2019 and the subsequent formation of a transitional government led by civilians and the military.
In October 2021, the military launched a coup and arrested several members of the civilian government, including Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok. This led to widespread protests and a call for a civilian-led transitional government. The military agreed to a power-sharing agreement with civilians in November, but tensions between the two sides remained.
In recent months, there have been reports of escalating violence in the Darfur region, including clashes between armed groups and government forces. The violence has displaced thousands of people and led to a humanitarian crisis. The government has also been accused of restricting media and internet access to suppress dissent.
Warring factions agreed to a 72-hour ceasefire, mediated by the US and Saudi Arabia, while Western, Arab, and Asian nations raced to evacuate their citizens from the country. The army and the rival paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have not abided by several temporary truce deals over the past week. Fighting between them erupted on April 15, and at least 427 people have been killed so far, turning residential areas into war zones.
Millions of people remain trapped in their homes in the capital Khartoum and are running short on food and water. Tens of thousands of people have fled, including Sudanese and citizens from neighbouring countries, despite instability and difficult living conditions.
At least two convoys involved in evacuations came under fire at the weekend, and diplomats have been targeted in attacks, and at least five aid workers have been killed. The United Nations has expressed concern over the deteriorating situation in Sudan and has called for the release of political prisoners and the protection of human rights.
More: Independent, Al Jazeera
Pray: Heavenly Father, we come before you today with heavy hearts for the people of Sudan who are facing so much turmoil and suffering. We pray for peace to reign in their country and for the violence to come to an end. We ask that you comfort those who have lost loved ones or who have been injured in the conflict. We pray for your divine intervention to bring about a resolution that is just and fair for all parties involved.
As it says in Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." We ask that you raise up peacemakers in Sudan, individuals and groups who will work towards reconciliation and unity, and who will strive to bring an end to the conflict. We pray for their protection and provision as they seek to bring about positive change.
Lord, we also pray for the humanitarian crisis that is unfolding in Sudan. We ask that you provide for the basic needs of those who have been displaced, who are hungry and who lack access to medical care. We pray for the aid workers and organizations who are working tirelessly to provide relief to those who are suffering.
UN experts expressed outrage at the deliberate poisoning of more than 1200 schoolgirls in Iran’s major cities and the State’s failure to protect them, prevent further attacks and conduct swift investigations.
“The first reported poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran occurred on 30 November 2022, in the city of Qom. Since then, targeted chemical attacks against girls’ schools have been reported in 91 schools located in 20 provinces across Iran,” the experts said.
“The poisonings have already resulted in hundreds of schoolgirls being hospitalised. Many parents have removed their daughters from school for fear of these attacks,” they said.
“We are deeply concerned about the physical and mental well-being of these schoolgirls; their parents and the ability of the girls to enjoy their fundamental right to education. While arrests have just been announced, we remain gravely disturbed by the fact that for several months, State authorities not only failed to swiftly investigate the attacks, but repeatedly denied them until recently,” they added.
On 1 March 2023, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi, whose Ministry leads the investigations was still dismissing the intentional nature of the attacks, stating that 90 per cent of reported cases could be attributed to “stress." State-affiliated media outlets similarly described the poisoning incidents as an attempt by students to miss exams.
More: United Nations,
Pray: For the safety of all young girls in Iran, that they may be protected and healed and be able to live as children should. (Exodus 14:13-14)
For accountability and justice, that those in power may acknowledge the crimes being committed and bring the perpetrators to justice. (Psalm 89:14)
That God will unite and strengthen the Iranian Christians, that they may be effective witnesses and salt and light to their people and country. (Matthew 5: 13-16)