www.Bible.is the popular Bible app from the Audio Bible ministry Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH), is now available for use in Arabic. Spoken by more than 221 million people throughout the world, Arabic now joins Spanish and English as the major trade languages available for users to navigate the app. Since their Digital Bible Project started last year, Arabic has consistently been in the top five languages accessed across the multiple platforms offered by FCBH. In addition to the www.Bible.is app, the ministry's Audio Bibles can be accessed via podcast on iTunes, as well as streaming and downloading directly from its website, all free of charge. FCBH currently has Audio Bibles in 538 languages, with 188 of those available for reading and listening on the Bible app, helping make the Digital Bible Project the world's largest resource of Bible recordings and texts. (Faith Comes By Hearing)

Praise: God for the work of FCBH and the way that so many can be reached with the Word. (2Tim.2:9b)

More: http://www.lausanneworldpulse.com/newsbriefs.php/1412/05-2011


Every year thousands of young people head out to the sunny coasts of Ibiza (Balearic Islands, Spain) for the super clubs, cheap booze and sex. Lucy Hardy from the UK has also spent her last couple of summers out on the main strip in Ibiza, but she is not your average holiday party animal. She works with Third Space Ministries, an organization that shares God’s love in places such as night clubs, gyms and coffee shops. Ibiza is the clubbing capital of Europe. In the centre of San Antonio, the main clubbing strip, Christians established a place of prayer and outreach. They’re on duty every evening until the early hours of the morning. ‘One group will go out on to the streets and one group will stay in the prayer room,’ Lucy explains. ‘We walk around in pairs down the main clubbing strip, praying: God, who specifically do you want us to go to?’ This regularly leads to amazing encounters.

Praise: God for all those who are called to reach out to the clubbers in Ibiza. (Ps.18:16)

More: http://www.thirdspaceministries.co.uk/blog/

Following the intervention of the Christian Legal Centre, Gloucester City Council has issued a statement apologising for stopping a Christian group from handing out leaflets and admitting it was wrong to stop them. The apology follows the threat of legal action after Gloucester City Council told a group of Christians that they could not distribute Christian literature in the town’s city centre. The tracts were being handed out by members of at least ten city churches during ‘Bible Day Gloucester’ last month. Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of the Christian Legal Centre, which is supporting the group, commented: ‘This is a victory for free speech. Gloucester City Council is to be commended for reversing their decision to ban the distribution of Christian literature. The Christian Gospel is all about freedom and freedom has been upheld in Gloucester. So much of what we value as a nation stems from the teachings of Jesus.’

Praise: God for the change of heart by Gloucester City Council. (Pr.92:1)

More: http://www.christianconcern.com/our-concerns/religious-freedom/gloucester-council-backs-down-after-christian-group-stopped-from-shar


For 30+ years the JESUS Film Project (JFP) has engaged people with Jesus through films in their native language with missionaries travelling the world with film, projectors, and movie screens as they share the story of Jesus. Now a new strategy will multiply global outreach through digital distribution. Over the years a library has grown to 40+ video products in 1,136 of the world’s languages. The new technology allows these tools to seamlessly be embedded in websites, cell phones and apps of ministry partners around the world in over 1,100 languages through 50,000+ speakers - and the digital technology provides the ability to see how many times the different films are viewed, downloaded, in what languages and from where. This information will help in the development of new materials. To date, the classic JESUS film has been shown in 220 countries.

Praise: God for the massive potential this technology provides. (Ro.10:17,18)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2011/s11100014.htm

Four years ago a grassroots mission movement was ignited among young people in Germany under the name ‘No Limit’. Since then 7,000 Christians have been mobilized to reach out to non-believers and 4,000 new people started following Jesus. Many healings happened on the streets, like a 15-year old who saw a blind person see again. A young teenager prayed with a paralyzed man who was completely healed. A team prayed in a hospital for a woman battling cancer; a short time later the Physician declared her completely healed. This Winter evangelism outreaches take place in over one hundred cities around the world. A large Summer2Go outreach is in preparation for 2012.

Praise: God for the growth of this mission movement among the young. (Lk.9:6)

More: http://nl.thull-hosting.de/index.php?id=4&L=1


If you would like to know what happened on the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) across the British Isles go to the ‘More’ link and then to ‘GDOP 2010 report from UK’ where you will find a shorter summary which has been prepared for the South African organisers. The GDOP team in South Africa have just sent through their vision for the future. Let's all take time to reflect and ask the Lord what is on His heart for our church, community, town, city, village as together we continue to make room for His presence to fill our land as we prepare to welcome the nations in 2012. You can access this vision via the ‘More’ link then under S Africa news ‘GDOP 2011 & beyond.’

Praise: that we will see the fulfilment of Hab. 2:14: ‘For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea’.

More: http://www.worldprayer.org.uk/gdop---welcome/gdop-news/

A South Devon Christian missionary, jailed for sedition in the Gambia, has been released. Fiona Fulton, from Torquay, and her husband David, originally from Troon, Ayrshire, were sentenced to 12 months in prison with hard labour last December. The Foreign Office has now confirmed Mrs Fulton was deported back to the UK on Tuesday after being released from the Gambian jail. Mr Fulton remains in prison after three more years were added to his jail term. Friends and family of the South Devon-based couple were last night celebrating Mrs Fulton's release after campaigning relentlessly to see her and David freed. Martin Speed, pastor of the Westhoughton Pentecostal Church in Bolton which supported the couple's missionary work in the Gambia, said the community's prayers had been answered. The couple were arrested in November 2008. They were sentenced to one year in prison with hard labour. The couple always denied the charges against them.

Pray: God that Fiona has been released and pray that David will be able to join her soon. (Is.42:6-8)

More: http://www.thisissouthdevon.co.uk/news/Gambian-jail-nightmare-mum/article-1661907-detail/article.html

The Foreign Office said it had been informed of David Fulton's release on Friday but could not confirm if he had returned to the UK yet. Mr Fulton's wife Fiona was freed in December last year and deported back to the UK after serving a year of hard labour for sedition. In a statement at the time Mr Fulton apologised to the Gambian public and the country's president. Gambia is a former British colony ruled by the same regime since President Yayha Jammeh seized power in a 1994 coup. Its people are given limited scope for free speech. The couple were reportedly advised to admit the sedition charges in an attempt to win a less stringent punishment. The tactic arguably failed when the hard labour sentence was handed out. The pair pleaded guilty in December 2008 in a Gambian court and were sentenced and also fined £6,250 each. The Fulton’s moved to Gambia 13 years ago to work as missionaries. (See Prayer Alert 5008 -12 December 2008)

Praise: God for answering all of our prayers for the Fulton family. (Lk. 4:18)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/gambia/7996640/British-missionary-David-Fulton-freed-from-Gambian-jail.html