During the last 25 years thousands of new followers of Christ have been born among peoples who were historically starved of the gospel. These mass turnings to Christ are happening among Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist peoples through natural networks of family, household, and friendship. The gospel is introduced through a person with an abundance of natural links in the community, often called a ‘person of peace’. Discipleship is learnt in groups meeting to discuss the scriptures and seeking to obey Christ. Each person is taught to reproduce the discipleship process in their own networks. Living out the Kingdom by serving others is seen as important in glorifying God and in reducing hostility to the message. Praise God that many thousands of people are meeting Christ in Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist communities. Pray for church-planting initiatives around the world to be channels of grace.

A Venezuelan activist has warned Americans that torching and toppling historical statues could be dangerous. She noted that destructive behaviour toward significant figures such as George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and Abraham Lincoln, is an effort to destroy a national identity. When she was a teenager in Venezuela statues came down because Chavez didn't want Venezuela’s history displayed. Then he changed the street names, school curriculum and some movies couldn't be shown on TV. Meanwhile, the USA’s top infectious disease expert warned, ‘Over recent days we've seen a pandemic spike well beyond the worst previous ones. We’ve got to get that under control or we risk an even greater outbreak.’

Oil pollution accumulates in the air, in the soil, and in people’s bodies. When it reaches a certain level, it causes illness or death. The Kurds of northeast Syria were valiant against IS, but today they face a potentially even more deadly scourge, putting the lives of four million local residents at risk. Syria’s contested crude oil is leaking from dilapidated pipelines and contaminating rivers and streams. When the rivers flood, as they did in April, they spread their poison over agricultural crops, just as thousands of rudimentary refineries belch their own toxic fumes into the air. Sporadic protests have resulted in makeshift refineries being shut down, only for them to pop up elsewhere. Locals in affected areas say that many dangerous illnesses caused by the pollution are multiplying. Residents requested anonymity, fearing retribution from authorities - a telling sign of how caustic the danger is.

Hundreds of thousands of protesters brought sweeping change to their government in 2018 blaring the music of Hachalu Hundessa, a popular activist singing for the liberation and empowerment of the largest ethnic group - the Oromo. Now 34-year old Hundessa has been gunned down in Addis Ababa, causing massive new protests. By 2 July over 80 were dead. The internet has been cut nationwide. The prime minister, praising the singer, called for calm. Authorities say suspects are in custody, but beyond that little is known about what happened. In a deeply fragmented nation of 105 million people, coronavirus has forced the postponement of August’s national elections. Ethiopians, already in heightened social tension and economic uncertainty, now have to wait until next year to express their grievances and preferences through normal political channels.

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We are pleased to bring you IPC Connections for July 2020.

In this month’s edition, we are bringing you an inspiring editorial article entitled ‘The knowledge of the Glory of the Lord’ written by Dr Jason Hubbard, our Executive Coordinator.  In it, he encourages and teaches us about our role as ‘messengers of the hope’ that we all have through Christ’s Glory (Hab 2:14).  Our Hope is in Christ Alone, Amen!  Do download the full article from our website.

In the midst of a global pandemic, we have seen a massive increase in prayer and unity in the body of Christ. It has been astounding to watch so many come together in an expression of John 17 ‘oneness’ across nations, denominations, and generations for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Only Jesus gets the credit. He is the One who is leading the global prayer and mission’s movements.

Jason has prepared a dynamic narrative report with details on the various global initiatives that have taken place between Passover and Pentecost 2020.  These are exciting statistics to read that suggest a huge shift towards prayer and massive numbers seeking (and sharing) the Hope that we have in Jesus.  Global Voice of Prayer have compiled a short review video of some of the impacts and testimonies of our various partner networks during Pentecost.  Feel free to view it here.

Let’s continue to be praying for the GO2020 initiative which seeks to reach 1 billion worldwide for Christ!

Watch the GO 2020 Video  |  Download the Brochure  |  Download the July Prayer Guide

The vision and mission of GO2020 continues with the 90 Days of HOPE which runs through to August 2020, which encourages us to continue to put our prayers into action with evangelism and sharing our faith.  Download the Flyer Here

The covid-19 pandemic has just passed 10 million identified infections worldwide.  The situation has brought massive challenges to every nation of the world.  In this edition, we bring some top level updates, prayers and links to partner organisations resources.  Many of us are assisting brothers and sisters who are serving the Lord as pastors and mission workers in lesser-developed countries.  As well as praying, we are conscious of a massive humanitarian impact that the lockdowns are causing that demands our practical and sacrificial financial responses.   

Holy Spirt

Holy Spirit, from creation's birth,
Giving life to all that God has made,
Show Your power once again on earth;
Cause Your church to hunger for Your ways.
Let the fragrance of our prayers arise.
Lead us on the road of sacrifice
That in unity the face of Christ
Will be clear for all the world to see.

This 'collab' arrangement of the song Holy Spirit – by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend was put together for Pentecost Sunday 2020 by IPC colleague Andy Page along with friends from Christ Church, Weston-super-Mare, UK. It nicely weaves in the 'Gabriel's Oboe' theme from the film - 'The Mission' as the intro. At a time when we could perhaps be a little overwhelmed with the prayer needs of the nations, let's be encouraged as we listen to this beautiful ensemble singing these affirming words.

We are keen to get to know our ‘network of networks’ better and to understand how we can best keep you connected and informed. Over the next ten days, we will be emailing all of our contacts to invite you to let us know a little more about you and your organisation.   The info that you provide will only be used by IPC.  We won’t be selling or sharing it with anyone else.  We will be providing 2 free gifts to say thank you for responding.  Thank you in advance for your participation! 

International Prayer Connections is produced and distributed freely each month to inform God's praying people around the world. We are grateful to those who have given generously to enable this to happen and continue to need such support for this and our other transformational prayer initiatives.

If you can make a gift towards our costs by giving to our funding arm, the Transformation Prayer Foundation, we would appreciate it. Please click here.

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in catalysing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

May we express grateful thanks to Andy Page and the IPC Editorial Team who put this email together each month.

Wishing you His continued blessings,

Jason Hubbard - Executive Coordinator
John D Robb – Chairman
International Prayer Connect

Isaiah Declared It!

Isaiah 11:9 (ESV), “They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea”
Our Hope is rooted in the promise that the earth will be ‘full of knowing the Lord as the waters cover the sea by filling it to the fullness of it’s capacity. The premise is that everywhere God will be present and in every place the knowledge of him will be enjoyed to it’s fullest expression!

Habakkuk Repeated It!

Habakkuk 2:14 (ESV), “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea”

Habakkuk was complaining to the Lord, asking the Lord why he was allowing evildoers to judge his people? God’s answer to Habakkuk’s complaint settled it. God works in the world to accomplish his purpose, but God’s purpose goes beyond simply punishing the wicked. God desires that all the world know him. The final verse of the third woe gives an uplifting and positive element to the woes. God will work to make himself known in all the earth. In Hebrew thought “knowledge” means more than information. “Knowledge is seen in fundamentally relational terms. To know God is to be in a right relationship with him, with characteristics of love, trust, respect, and open communication. Knowing involved intimacy and experience, being used in its most fundamental sense to describe the marriage relationship. For the earth to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord involved knowing God rather than simply knowing about God. Not to know God for Israel and for the nations invited His judgment (Ps 79:6; Jer 10:25), which was the context here in Habakkuk.

Jeremiah also pictured a knowledge of the Lord coming in a New Covenant that transcended geographical borders or conventional barriers (Jer 31:31–34)

Ezekiel repeatedly uses the recognition formula, “and you shall know that I am Yahweh” to show that all God is doing has divine purpose behind it. That purpose is to introduce himself to Israel and to the nations.

In the Old Testament “glory” is a “technical term for God’s manifest presence” (see Exod 16:7), or his “revealed excellence” often connected with the cloud (Exod 16:10) and with the Ark of the Covenant. It was represented as a consuming fire (Exod 24:17). All the earth would be filled with the knowledge of the manifest presence of God.

Israel expected God’s glory to fill their place of worship (Exod 40:34, 35; 1 Kgs 8:11; 2 Chr 7:1–2; Ezek 10:4; 43:5; 44:4). Habakkuk joined a prophetic chorus calling for more. God’s glory should be recognized as filling the entire universe (Num 14:21; Ps 72:19; Isa 6:3), letting all the people of the world experience and respond to God’s manifest, weighty presence. The prophet wanted the knowledge of God to be as pervasive as the waters that fill the seas. For Christian believers the verse takes in mind and heart to the work of Christ, who came into the world to make God known in the most unique way possible (cf. John 1:14; Eph 1:17). Through Christ the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.

David Sang It!

Psalm 72:19 (ESV), “Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen!”

Psalm 22:27 (ESV), “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you”

For David, the whole earth would be filled with God’s glory in the context of worship-saturated prayer in the ‘tent’ or ‘tabernacle of David’ David, the man after God’s heart (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22) saw the intimate details of God’s dwelling place in heaven –the perfection of beauty (Ps. 50:2; 119:96), along with its’ governmental order of worship around His throne (1 Chr. 28:11-19). David was commanded to replicate this liturgical pattern on earth (2 Chr. 29:25). The heavenly order of worship that David received by revelation was God-centered (Ps. 27:4), relational (Ps. 149:3-4), continual (1 Chr. 9:33), musical (1 Chr. 15-16), and antiphonal or responsive (Neh. 12:8-9, 24).

Due to David’s all-consuming desire to dwell in God’s immediate presence within the heavenly temple (Ps. 27:4; 28:2), he vowed to establish a dwelling place for God on the earth, as it is in heaven (Ps. 132; Mt. 6:10). Around 1000 BC, David set the Ark in the tabernacle that he pitched for it in Jerusalem (2 Sam. 6; 1 Chr. 16:1), where he employed 4000 musicians (1 Chr. 23:5) and 288 singers (1 Chr. 25:7) to minister to God in day and night prayer with worship, as a full time occupation (1 Chr. 16:37). Thus began the “Davidic order” of worship with prophetic music and singing, centered on encountering God’s beauty, as it is in heaven.

David’s Song is found in 1 Chronicles 16:8-36. Throughout the song there are multiple verses related to all the earth and the nations. About a third of the verses in David’s song had to do with the nations or publishing the Good News. For example, the very first verse of the song (v. 8) reads: "Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done" (NLT). Verse 9 continues “Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds.” Note also verses 23-24; 29-31;35-36.

Malachi Proclaimed It!

Malachi 1:11 (ESV), “For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to my name, and a pure offering. For my name will be great among the nations, says the LORD of hosts”

Malachi proclaimed that from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord will be made great! He proclaimed that in every place on the earth, incense (prayers of God’s people) will be offered to his name together with a pure offering of worship! And again the purpose was so the ‘Name’ of the Lord of Hosts would be made great in the nations of the earth!

Amos Prophesied It!

Amos 9:11–15 (ESV), “In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old, 12 that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations who are called by my name,” declares the LORD who does this. 13 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it. 14 I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit. 15 I will plant them on their land, and they shall never again be uprooted out of the land that I have given them,” says the LORD your God.”

Scripture testifies to a worldwide movement of worship-saturated prayer that will create a global open heaven for a great end time harvest. It is based on the biblical premise of the restoration of the Tabernacle of David globally. A great harvest will result as the booth (tent) of David is restored in the earth according to the pattern of unceasing worship in heaven! It is God’s desire to have a global covering of worship-saturated prayer on earth after the pattern of heavenly worship around the throne!

These verses clearly refer to the last days because in verse 15 God says of Israel "I will firmly plant them there in their own land. They will never again be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the Lord your God. (v.14-15). This part of the prophecy occurred in May 1948 when Israel became a nation. This ties the promise of Amos 9 to the present day. Amos linked the restoration of the Davidic order of worship to the acceleration of the great harvest (vs. 11-12) in the generation in which Israel was restored to her land forever (vs. 14-15).

James Validated It!

James highlights the same prophecy in Acts 15:16-17 at the Jerusalem council,

“And with this the words of the prophets agree, just as it is written, ‘After this I will return, and I will rebuild the tent of David that has fallen; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will restore it, 17 that the remnant of mankind may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles who are called by my name, says the Lord, who makes these things”

Verse 17 ties this promise to the harvest: "… So that the rest of humanity might seek the Lord.”

This movement of worship-saturated prayer will be fueled by God’s beauty (Isa. 4:2; 62:3-5, 6-7), releasing such intimate revelation of Jesus through song that it produces the same response in the nations as when Isaiah actually saw Jesus face-to-face (Isa. 6:5; 24:16). God’s people won’t just sing “worthy”, they will sing why he is worthy and the nations will respond! This time it would not just be local, partial and limited as in David’s day but global, total and comprehensive, including all the Gentiles in every place!

Revelation 4 and 5 Illustrated It!

Revelation 4:8 (ESV), “And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”

Revelation 5:8–9 (ESV), “And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. 9 And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”

Revelation 4 and 5 reveal the pattern of worship in heaven. Day and night the 4 living creatures and the 24 elders never cease to say “Holy, Holy, Holy..” and then are singing a new song, with harps (worship and praise) and golden bowls full of incense (the prayers of the saints), “Worthy is the Lamb” This leads to a harvest song about the redeemed coming from every tribe, language, people and nation because of the absolute worth of Jesus!

Moving Forward as ‘Messengers of Hope’

According to Habakkuk, as the revelation of God’s greater work – to cover the earth with his glory as the waters cover the sea – becomes ‘plain’ herald’s, or messengers of hope will run with it (Hab. 2:2). The will do so confident that the vision will not linger, but that “it will certainly come and will not delay” (Hab 2:3). Even Habakkuk himself became such a messenger: ‘Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day … he enables me to go to the heights” (Hab. 3:2, 19). Interestingly, Habakkuk’s book was written to be sung in the temple, and thus to be his ongoing message of hope to all who came to worship.

“GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places. To the choirmaster: with stringed instruments” (Hab 3:19).

Revival encompasses the hope of the extraordinary, divine interventions that pour out on us the ‘manifest presence of Christ’ a phrase for revival coined by the 18th century Puritans.

God’s desire is to use ordinary people to do extraordinary exploits for his names’ sake! He longs to send forth messengers of Hope who like Paul will, “Proclaim Christ, the Hope of Glory”

Colossians 1:15–18 (ESV), “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent”

Colossians 1:27–29 (ESV), “To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 28 Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. 29 For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me”

Our one central and all-consuming focus ought to be the unrivaled preeminence of the risen and living Christ. Jesus Christ FIRST in everything. The risen and living Christ is deserving of absolute and unchallenged preeminence in all things: in life, in work, in love, in marriage, in money, in business, in the halls of government, in our universities and elementary schools, and most of all in the hearts of all people. All things were created through him and for him, meaning that our lives exist for the spread of his fame, for the extension of his reign, for the increase of his gain, and for the honor of his claim of that which rightfully belongs to him!

Our hope is found in Christ alone! Hope is the anticipation of God’s goodness in every area of our lives. Our ultimate hope in the goodness of God is in seeing and savoring, praising and prizing, recognizing and relishing the glory of God in the face of Christ. Christ is our HOPE! He is the summation of all the promises of God, the source of all the riches of God, now and forevermore. In Christ we have been given an inheritance of HOPE. Our Hope is in hearing the music of the future, and dancing to that music, by faith, NOW! The song being sung is the Beauty and Majesty of Jesus Christ.

Let’s enter into the power and pleasure of being obsessed with the magnificence of Jesus today! As Paul wrote,

“I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly (Phil 3:8-9, AMP)

Prayer of Repentance

Too often, we fall woefully short of this glorious obsession. Therefore, Father we REPENT - - individually and on behalf of all your people:

We repent… for how we have diminished your Son, regarding Him more as our mascot than our Monarch.

We repent … for how we have manipulated your Son, coming to Him to use Him. As far as we think we need Him – that far and no more.

We repent… for how we have hoarded your Son, seeking His blessings for ourselves, with little thought about bringing those blessing to others. We’ve assumed that He was there only for us. We’ve acted as if He was not Lord of neighbors and nations.

We repent… for how we have resisted your Son, withholding our affections from Him because we were afraid of what it would cost us to draw near to Him – and thus we denied His lordship over all.

We repent… for how we’ve replaced your Son…with creeds and programs, and organizations, and causes performed in His name - but without the consuming passion He deserves as the Lamb who was slain!

To that end, Father, awaken us – awaken us to see All that the Lord Jesus Christ is: to see who He is as the Son of God … to see where He is leading in the Purposes of God… to see how He imparts the Resources of God … and to see what He must receive from the People of God.

Father, Help us recover ALL the hope we are meant to have in our Sovereign Savior. Do this for the revelation of Your glory in Him, throughout this nation – and among all the nations! AMEN!

A messenger of Hope will likely share these characteristics and convictions:

A messenger of Hope recognizes Christ is our message. He is our ‘hope of glory.’

A messenger of Hope acts in the power of the Holy Spirit, whose major ministry is to take the things of Christ and reveal them to us, especially to show us what is to come (John 16:12-15). He causes us – and our message – to abound in Hope (Romans 15:13).

A messenger of Hope is marked by a lifestyle of hopefulness. Our daily decisions must constantly be wrapped around the hope of revival, and nothing short of that will do.

A messenger of Hope is a person of prayer. Before he speaks a message to others, he will pray his message back to God.

A messenger of Hope looks at our generation with a vision of the future from God’s perspective – God does all things for his Glory and our Joy! Our hope encompasses the whole plan of God for all the nations. God is better than we think he is and doing more than we think he is doing.

A messenger of Hope, like all servants of Christ, must be ready to sacrifice to fulfill their calling. As Henry Blackaby says so well,

“Lord, whatever it costs me, I release my life to you to be a spiritual leader during these times of crisis. Do with me whatever you will. Amen”

As messengers of Hope may we...

Seek Jesus more fully for all He is by how we pursue and encounter him through prayer which leads us to

Savor Jesus more fully for all He is by how we praise him and treasure him in worship which leads us to

Speak of Jesus more fully for all He is by how you talk about him with other believers which leads us to

Show Jesus more fully for all He is by how you imitate him in word and deed -which leads us to

Serve Jesus more fully for all He is by how you minister to others for his sake -which leads us to

Share Jesus more fully for all He is by how we introduce unbelievers to him as Lord and Savior!

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,

Dr. Jason Hubbard
Executive Coordinator of the International Prayer Council,

DOWNLOAD a PDF of this article

A prayer report looking at Covid-19 Hot Spots, Flattening the Curve, and Hopes for a Vaccine with links to resources.

As of 1st July, the total global figure for people infected by Covid-19 stands at 10.3 million according to the World Health Organisation. In addition, the current death toll stands at over 500,000.

Covid-19 hot spots

Brazil has been hugely impacted due to a blend of inconsistent and incoherent rules, and economic inequality making access to healthcare difficult for poorer citizens. This has given the country the highest number of deaths globally over recent weeks and second in confirmed cases. To make matters worse, the true number of cases is likely much higher due to their low rate of testing with a study by the University of Sao Paolo Medical School estimating that the true rate of infection is 15 times greater.

Elsewhere in South America Chile, French Guiana, and Peru have recorded among the top 10 countries in the world for confirmed cases per 100,000 population despite stricter lockdown restrictions than Brazil’s.

These statistics may be in part explained by differing test rates between countries making international comparisons difficult. The same issue applies to how deaths are recorded in different countries.

The US has the most confirmed cases in the world, growing to almost 2.6 million as a result of a recent big increase in the rate of infection in southern and western states after many regions loosened lockdown restrictions prematurely.

Over Europe the rate of infection has stabilised to a confirmed case number of 130,000 per week; half of the rate at its peak of the virus. Hotspots on the continent can be found in Russia where the new daily cases remain around 7,000, and with smaller regional outbreaks within the likes of Ukraine, UK, France, and Germany.

Other countries around the world struggling to contain the virus include India, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia, where the numbers of new cases and deaths are strongly rising.

Has the curve flattened?

In some countries around the world where good social distancing has been practised, masks worn where necessary, efficient testing and quarantining has taken place, and test-and-trace systems have been implemented, the rate of infection has been shown to fall and in some places be reduced to 0. This has been fully enacted by small countries and island nations and has seen positive results from larger countries such as New Zealand, Taiwan, and Iceland where the virus was once prominent.

In other countries, there has been impatience during lockdown, not waiting long enough for case rates to fall before reopening. This prevents a reduced rate of transmission, which doesn’t work towards the eradication of the virus. Through further restlessness and more easing of lockdown restrictions, the rate of transmission has increased again producing a so-called ‘second spike’ as shown by the recent dramatic increase in cases in the US or Iran.

The efforts that have been put in place by countries all over the world have reduced the impacts of the virus, though. Without the measures such as social distancing designed to reduce transmission, the new numbers of cases would likely not have dropped, and the death toll would have been much higher by now.

Vaccine update

Two drugs have received emergency use authorisation from the Food and Drug Administration for use in clinical trials on patients to test their effectiveness in treating coronavirus. The first of these, hydroxychloroquine, had this authorisation removed after studies showed the drug not to be effective, and the second, remdesivir is awaiting data. It will likely be months before a treatment drug can be proven, and longer before it can be widespread.

Numerous vaccine trials are taking place around the world including one produced by the University of Oxford taking place in Brazil with 5,000 participants, and a smaller trial in Germany generating positive results in its initial phases.

Let us continue to declare that the novel coronavirus is defeated by the blood of Jesus.

We pray for divine intervention and for God's name to be glorified even as each nation and government tries its best to flatten the curve and finally arrest this epidemic. 

We release wisdom, skill, and integrity upon our leaders. 

We pray for protection, wisdom and strength, for those working to bring treatment and comfort to the sick and their families.

We pray special grace and help for the vulnerable population and nations. We pray for refugees and displaced peoples. We pray against domestic violence and other crimes that have become rampant during lockdowns.

We pray for a safe, effective, and affordable vaccine to be released soonest.

We continue to release faith, hope, and love over the peoples of the world. May the Church seize this opportune time to manifest Jesus our Lord and Savior to those who are seeking answers and peace.

Pray: Lord God, the One who has Almighty power, we agree according to your promise in Matthew 18:18-20 that this virus will be stopped in its tracks. That the medical researchers will get a download from Heaven on how to quickly develop a vaccine to counteract COVID-19 and a cure for those who have become infected.

We also agree in prayer, asking that the Body of Christ worldwide will rise up in love and boldness, trusting in your blood to cover and protect us and throwing off fear, so that we can be available to serve, bless, and bear witness to those around us who are terrified and depressed at being infected.

Let us seize this unprecedented opportunity to make you known to those without hope in Christ!

Thank you for your promise that surely, you will be with us "always, even to the very end of the age”  so that we can carry on with the mission you have given us for our world (Matthew 28:20).

Join in Online Prayers:

World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK – Virtual House of Prayer

iHop Kansas Prayer Room

247 Prayer Coronavirus Prayer Room 

Additional Prayer Resources for Coronavirus

A coronavirus prayer from Pete Greig

19 Things to Do in response to Coronavirus

Prophecy Today UK’s Responses to Coronavirus

PrayerCast Video and Prayer Briefing
CSM Nigeria Article
Lausanne Resources
Operation World EBook on the impact on Mission

WW11 Veteran Gets 180k Praying

Reporting from John Hopkins University: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality

Further data on Europe and the world: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/geographical-distribution-2019-ncov-cases

This prayer update is based on input from a contact of IPC’s who is living in the region…

Thank you for your faithful prayers for Afghanistan.

COVID-19 spreads like wildfire and it looks like the whole country is penetrated by this virus. We received reports that it has now reached the mountainous areas whereas it was mostly contained in the larger cities.

Many people are dying because of lack of medical facilities. People are poor and cannot afford to buy oxygen cylinders. A big number of brothers and sisters, expats and locals have become quite seriously ill. Some are also suffering from tiredness, anxiety and depression.

Deborah Lyons, Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), told the Security Council on Thursday that the novel coronavirus outbreak is casting “a huge shadow” over Afghan daily life.  Under the leadership of the Afghan government, the United Nations is supporting a coordinated response that includes setting up a nationwide network of laboratories and the provision of personal protective equipment, she said.

Pray that the desperately needed medical aid will reach as far as the rural hospitals and clinics.  Pray that sufficient oxygen can be supplied to relieve the suffering of all of the patients, regardless of circumstances.

The other great challenge is the strong attacks of Talibans and ISIS against the army and police. They killed and wounded over 400 soldiers in one week. The National Security Council called it the bloodiest week in 19 years. https://aje.io/q3gru

Please continue to pray for an end of the fighting and that the Taliban and ISIS movements would come to an end.  Despite these attacks, the U.S. government is committed to withdraw their troops.

Pray that Afghans in their great desperation would call on the Name of the Lord and will encounter and start to follow Him.

Pray also for continued boldness for those in the country to witness and share the gospel.

Sayed Mukhtar 13, an Afghan teenager who was trained by the Taliban for a suicide attack, has surrendered to the Afghan security forces in Kunduz province, the Ministry of Interior said on Thursday.

The teenager claimed that he spent five years in a Taliban camp and pursued military education and tactics for suicide attacks.  Sayed Mukhtar was due to detonate explosives strapped to his body in a marriage gathering two days ago, but he changed his mind and surrendered to the Afghan security forces.

“This is one of the examples of how the Taliban has resorted to such brutal acts over the past decade-and-a-half. they could have devastated tens of youngsters and youths,” said Tariq Aryan, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior.

Pray that these despicable attacks will be stopped in their tracks and for the youngsters who have been brainwashed – that they will reject the instructions to cause devastation and the loss of innocent lives, like Sayed did.

UN Article More: https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/06/1067162