The UN chief called on the world to step up “financial, humanitarian and political commitments”, to help end nearly a decade of brutal conflict and suffering across Syria, in a video message delivered to the fourth Brussels Donor Conference on Tuesday.

“After nearly a decade of war and economic hardship, the scale of suffering remains shocking”, said Secretary-General António Guterres.

The conference received pledges of $5.5 billion in funding, to support humanitarian, resilience and development activities in 2020, and $2.2 billion for crisis response in 2021 and beyond.  In addition, multilateral development banks and bilateral donors pledged up to $6.7 billion in loans.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed; half the pre-war population, or over 12 million Syrians, are displaced, including 5.6 million who fled the country; millions are going hungry or are malnourished; and 90 per cent of the population lives in poverty. 

And all of this is being further compounded by the coronavirus

UN in solidarity 

Currently over 11 million Syrians need emergency assistance just to survive, many of whom rely solely on the UN and its humanitarian partners.  “We provide life-saving food, healthcare, sanitation facilities, education and protection services, to millions of Syrians every month”, the UN chief said. “We help to address their trauma and provide legal advice so they can start to rebuild their lives” – all of which depends on “generous” donor support. 

Since only “a political solution can end the suffering in Syria”, he urged “all those with influence” to help Syrians find common ground.  

Downward spiral

Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock noted that the Syrian crisis is “approaching the length of the combination” of the two World Wars, as it wreaks havoc and acute economic strain across the region.

He painted a gloomy picture of the Syrian economy in “a dramatic downturn” with prices of essential food, medicines and fuel “soaring” as the Syrian pound “fell to a record low against the US dollar this month”. 

The UN official cited estimates from the World Food Programme (WFP) in revealing that an “unprecedented level” of 9.3 million people there are food insecure and almost half a million children suffer from stunting, a consequence of malnutrition.

“And now we have COVOID-19, which has the potential to cause much more suffering and loss, with preparations to tackle it inside Syria wholly inadequate in the light of the degrading of the health system through the years of crisis”, added the humanitarian coordinator. 

Mr. Lowcock elaborated on how the UN was supporting the situation on the ground, including by providing food assistance to more than 3.2 million people; nutrition support for half a million children; critical water and sanitation for 1.3 million people; and four million medical procedures.

“The humanitarian assistance we provide across Syria and in the region depends on the generous support of the States and constituencies represented here”, he flagged.

Stolen educations

Noting that “one of the most tragic consequences of the horror story of the last decade has been the robbing of millions of children of their right to a decent education”, he foresaw major long-term consequences, “for more than fifty years”. 

“One of the major challenges is funding”, Mr. Lowcock said and asked donors to prioritize pledges to the education of these children, saying it is “in your own interests, but most importantly in theirs”.  

‘Unlocking’ a political process

Syrian Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen reiterated his call for “a nationwide ceasefire”, along with the need to be vigilant about COVID-19, the importance of resolution 2254, which calls for a ceasefire and political settlement,  and the challenges posed by groups listed as terrorists by the Security Council. 

Moreover, he again appealed for the Syrian Government and other parties to “carry out large-scale, unilateral releases of detainees and abductees, and meaningful actions on the missing persons”.   Mr. Pedersen expressed his hope that the Syrian-led, Syrian-owned Constitutional Committee facilitated by the UN in Geneva “will be able to meet on a regular basis throughout the rest of the year”. 

Acknowledging that a constitutional discussion would not address the full range of dire realities Syrians grapple with, he maintained that the Committee’s work can be “a door-opener to unlock a broader political process”

Pray: For a negotiated ceasefire and a political settlement.
Pray: With thanks for the pledges of loans and donations to support the humanitarian aid, education and covid-19 relief efforts.  May further funds be released to scale up all of these initiatives.
Pray: for the organisations delivering the aid and medical assistance, for protection, good health and free access to those who need their help.
Pray: For the many people who have been displaced by this war, that they will find safe refuge amidst the challenges and hardships.
Pray: for the UN and countries with influence, that they will bring about lasting peace to Syria and the region.


Conveyed by Brad Long of Presbyterian Reformed Ministries

The United States of America is at a historic inflection point, transcending the political sphere. From where we stand in the present moment, you and I are in the hour of a great move of God and the hour of the power of great evil being unleashed against it. It is the role of the intercessor to stand in the gap and pray through God’s will for the discipling of the nations.

America is a center of the spiritual battle right now with global consequences for the nations and for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Rejoice with us in the opportunity given by the Holy Spirit to intercessors from all nations to uphold the United States and its leaders during its time of crisis!

A Call to Prayer for the USA

The Lord is calling intercessors to pray for the Holy Spirit to Anoint Key People in the Trump Administration to be the Means of National Healing and the Restoration of the United States of America to the Best of its Founding Principles.

After the prayer call on June 4, 2020, I felt that there was a shift in the heavenlies.  Space has been made for national leaders, called by God for such a time as this, to step into an anointed role, not only to restore the foundations of liberty and equality before God upon which the nation of the United States was founded, but to pray the prophetic dream of Martin Luther King Jr. into fulfilment.  We are invited to intercede for the constraining hand of the Holy Spirit against anarchy at high levels that would destroy that order, and for the emerging move of the Holy Spirit beyond merely restoring order, a move that is sure to bring deep healing to the racial and political divides in the nation. 

I felt the Holy Spirit giving me a break and was very peaceful as I went to sleep.  However, as I was drifting off, the Holy Spirit fell on me and I started to speak in tongues, and over and over again I heard the Lord saying to me, “Your assignment has changed.  Now you are to pray for the team that I am raising up around President Trump who will be anointed to bring healing to the nation.” 

Suggestions for Prayer

Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray, but here are some suggestions for prayer:

Pray that President Donald Trump would be, and continue to be, willingly, consciously, and humbly submitted to God and to God’s law.

Pray that a recognition and Biblical fear of the Lord – the knowledge of the Glory of God prophesied in Habakkuk  – would be established as the center of American society.

Pray that all ideologies seeking to dethrone God in the nation – left, right, or center – would be unable to gain any ground in the United States.

Pray for national healing to begin to happen as the United States of America discerns and restores the best principles stated in its founding documents.

Pray that God would continue to raise up truth-tellers – and truth lovers – among the media and those watching and listening in the United States and throughout the world.

Pray that the Word of God would be lifted high within the land and would become central to the hearts and lives of Americans.

Pray for the protection of the United States’ form of government, and pray that the Lord would break the deceptions and thwart the intentions of those who would seek to replace that government with forms of tyranny.

Pray that all who curse would find themselves compelled instead to bless.

Pray that violent attacks against churches and synagogues in the land would come to an end and for there to be reverential respect for houses of worship.

So, I started praying into that, for the Lord to raise up the Aarons who can speak for President Donald Trump into this crisis and through them can come the means for healing the nation. 

Well, the Lord showed me this picture and said, “These are the Aarons!! Pray that they with the President will be anointed to speak, as Aaron spoke for Moses.” 

Suggestions for Prayer

Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray, but here are some suggestions for prayer:

Pray for those the Lord has raised to advise and influence President Trump in this work of restoration and national healing, including: Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Ben Carson, William Barr, Mark Meadows, Kayleigh McEnany and others who are called but whose names we do not yet know.

Pray that the Lord would anoint them for the task to which he has called them.

Pray that, like Aaron, they would be able to articulate and communicate well.

Pray that the Lord would bring national healing through His words, that God as with Samuel would “let none of them fall to the ground,” and for His works “laid out before the foundation of the World”.

Brad Long

Presbyterian Reformed Ministries


Christian human rights campaigner Benedict Rogers has spoken of his heartache for the future of Hong Kong after Beijing passed the contentious national security law.

Rogers, East Asia Team Leader at Christian Solidarity Worldwide, said the passing of the legislation was "heartbreaking" and represented a "grave threat" to the freedoms of the territory.

The development, he added, has left Hong Kongers "in fear" for their future, safety and freedoms.

"Twenty-three years ago today, Hong Kong was handed over to China with the promise that Hong Kong's way of life, basic freedoms and the high degree of autonomy would be protected under the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle ... that is valid for the first 50 years after the handover until 2047," he said.

"And yet today, less then halfway through the lifespan of that promise, the Chinese Communist Party has flagrantly broken that promise to the people of Hong Kong and breached that international treaty.

"The imposition of the national security law on Hong Kong poses a grave threat to Hong Kong's basic freedoms, which have already been seriously eroded over recent years."

Rogers criticised the way in which the legislation was passed by China's National People's Congress rather than the Hong Kong legislature, saying it "seems to bring an end" to the high degree of autonomy promised to the region.

However, he went on to share a message of hope with the people of Hong Kong as he spoke of the "unexpected" victories that he had encountered in his many years of campaigning for human rights.

"Even though you may be entering into a period of great darkness and grave danger, do not lose hope," he said.

"History shows that no dictatorship lasts forever.  I've been involved in other struggles for freedom and freedom has come sometimes when we don't even expect it.  Unexpected victories, unexpected dawns come.

"I've seen countries freed [where] I didn't necessarily think [that] would happen.  And I believe the same can happen for the people of Hong Kong, and for all the people of China."

Pray for the people of Hong Kong – that they will remain resilient amidst the pressures and uncertainties that this new law has imposed.

Pray for democracy, the 50 year promise and freedom of speech to be respected in Hong Kong.

Pray for the Christian clergy, many of whom have campaigned for the pro-democracy movement – that they will not be detained or put on trial.

See also:

The following request was received through Maria Harbajan, IPC's Regional Director for the Caribbean:

1. URGENT Pray for Curacao.

Curacao is a Lesser Antilles island country in the southern Caribbean Sea about 65 km (40 mi) north of the Venezuelan coast.

The Nation has been under siege from within.

It began with mass demonstrations versus the Government over economic issues. They stormed the City and broke into the Government buildings. It has escalated with criminal elements now burning buildings all across the nation, attacking security facilities and threatening government officers.

Dutch troops were sent into the island to assist local police in keeping unrest in check, broadcaster NOS stated on Saturday. The move follows days of violent protests against Covid-19 layoffs which saw demonstrators looting stores and storming the government palace on the island.

The addition of Dutch troops to the island is expected to allow local authorities ease the 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m curfew it has held in place in recent days. A reporter for the broadcaster said that there were dozens of fires set leading into the early morning hours of Saturday, and that the authorities seemed to have a difficult time preventing them from happening.

Unrest on the island was ignited on Wednesday after the local government announced that a number of garbage collectors on the island would be laid off. Protests ensued, which quickly turned into riots that culminated in the storming of the government center Fort Amsterdam on the island's capital city, Willemstad. In addition, large numbers of storefronts in Willemstad were looted, with fires being reported across the island.

A total of 48 people were arrested on Wednesday alone, many of whom were young people suspected of theft and vandalism. According to the local authorities, a number of gangs also took advantage of the chaos in order to run roughshod.

There was concern that the presence of the Dutch military might make matters worse with the imagery reminiscent of the island's history as a Dutch colony.

The Prime Minister has summoned a meeting with Pastor Bakhuis and the Council of Churches to meet with him.

Let's be in prayer that calm can be restored and financial assistance can be brokered for those whose livelihoods have been adversely affected by the pandemic.

Pray also for the over-stretched medical staff on the island as they handle the covid-19 situation.


2. Update on Guyana:

Beloved , Guyana now awaits judgement at the level of the Caribbean Court of Justice concerning the March 2 Elections results which are still pending.

The hearing will be on July 1st. Of course, we are looking to The Righteous Judge of all the Earth for His judgement. The stakes are great. The warfare Intense, lots of propaganda & misinformation. 

We would greatly appreciate your prayer. Both major political parties have grieved the Lord. But God's will & purpose for us, a Church which has failed Him in many ways, is the important factor. We plead for His mercy.

3. Event: 'Intercessors at the Summit... Soaring like Eagles'

We have an Upcoming Intercessors Camp 2020 which is going ONLINE using Zoom.   The theme will be: "Intercessors at the Summit...Soaring Like Eagles."   Date: July 31 - Aug 1 2020 starting each day at 9am (Jamaican time).

More info will be available shortly at

Opposition leader Lazarus Chakwera has won Malawi's latest presidential race, defeating incumbent Peter Mutharika with 58.57% of the vote. Chakwera is a theologian, pastor and former President of the Malawi Assemblies of God.

Following his victory, the new president said the election — which was a rerun following last year's poll being scrapped due to voting irregularities — was "a win for democracy and justice". He is the first opposition leader in Northern sub-saharan Africa to win a voting rerun after a result has been overturned due to fraud or irregularity.

He said his heart was "bubbling with joy" at the result.

In his speech after being sworn in, Chakwera said: "Time has come for us to go beyond dreaming, time has come for us to wake up, to arise from slumber, and to make our dreams come true.

"With your help we will restore faith in having a government that serves; not a government that rules, a government that inspires, not a government that infuriates, a government that listens, not a government that shouts but a government that fights for you and not against you."

Mr Chakwera worked as an instructor at the Assemblies of God School of Theology from 1983 to 2000 before becoming the Principal in 1996. He was given the name Lazarus following the death of his two older brothers when they were infants -- convinced that his son was going to live, Chakwera's father named him after the Biblical character who was famously raised from the dead by Jesus Christ.

Speaking to the BBC after being sworn in on Sunday, Chakwera promised to unite the troubled African nation and root out government corruption.

He said: "There's no cause for fear because I will be your president and my policy for inclusivity means we are building a new Malawi for all of us. I'm not a president of a faction, I'm a president of everyone in the country. I want to provide leadership that makes everybody prosper, that deals decisively with corruption and theft of public funds and a leadership that will follow the rule of law."

The new president added: "I do feel like Lazarus, I've come back from the dead, it's been a long journey and we feel vindicated in a way."

Following his victory, on Twitter, he simply wrote: "Thank you, my Lord Jesus."

Praise God for the election of this Christian President who honours and publicly professes his faith in God.

Pray that President Chakwera will quickly win the trust and confidence of all of the people of Malawi.

Pray for God-given wisdom for Lazarus Chakwera as he appoints his government and implements his manifesto.

Pray that the President will develop and strengthen the Malawi economy so the country will not need to depend on foreign aid.

Watch a video of Lazarus Chakwera telling his testimony to God’s grace.

He is affectionately called Patrick Annan; He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as a child and went on to become a powerful intercessor even as a child. Filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, he operated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit especially in Words of Knowledge and Prophecy. I remember him saying that he prayed overnight and the Lord brought his mother back to life from the clutches of death.

He lived a very disciplined life of prayer and bible reading from his teenage days and would spend long hours in personal meditation of the word and prayer. He believed in a lifestyle of prayer, meditation of God's word, and simple, sacrificial living. His second son Jim Elliot died of Malaria in 1994 on the mission field in Jharkhand state, India. Jim was my friend at the university, and played a vital role in my life as a believer. 

Mr. Joshua joined Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMBP) almost from its inception and started serving in various capacities until he was appointed as General Secretary. With his rich experience and expertise, he was able to steer FMPB to new heights and was instrumental in making FMPB one of the most effective and successful indigenous missionary organizations with the highest number of missionaries serving in the remotest parts of India.

While serving in missions for decades, Patrick had a call and personal visitation from the Lord to unite the larger body of Christ for Prayer and Revival, hence the National Prayer Network was born in 2002.

God connected us supernaturally in the year 2002 after my call from the marketplace to ministry.  I served along with him and the journey took both of us to around 300 plus cities and several nations to unite and trigger the passion of united prayer and revival.

Since 2002 Patrick played a vital role in the International Prayer Council and his presence in the global prayer gathering with his soft speech drew many to intercession. I also remember that he used to spend much time praying for America, which led us to mobilize prayer for the USA.  We travelled several times to this nation visiting many states and encouraging the churches in the USA to pray without ceasing for a great awakening.

It is a sad day for the Christians in India and especially for the prayer movement in India. I lost a spiritual dad and a mentor who recognized the call of God and trusted me to serve along with him in the nations.  

What I am now is what he has invested in my life - not with teaching, but by practice.

Surely there is a celebration in the Heavens,

R. Onassis Jeevaraj

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./ +91-98401-55251.

Co-Founder and Initiator- National Prayer Network,

India National Director, India – GO2020,  

Executive Board Member – International Prayer Council (IPC),

Chief Executive Director – Window International Network (WIN),

Video obituary from Dr Jason Hubbard, IPC’s Executive Coordinator

Video obituary from Tom Victor, IPC’s Senior Advisor and Exec Team Member

Video obituary from Pastor Austen Ukachi, IPC’s West Africa Regional Director



The original plan for Go 2020 Kids in Africa was to mobilize 1 million children across 31 nations where the Prayer Covenant for Children was active. Each child would be challenged to reach out to 20 students during May with a Prayer Covenant for Children Prayer Card that included the Gospel message, designed by the children, on the other side.

The Pandemic, of course, closed the schools and most to the actual “outreach” part of those plans had to be put on hold until the schools open again. But prayer was mobilized with current numbers showing 700,000 participating by praying for those they want to reach. And new doors opened for Go 2020 Kids to be active, like the radio stations that partnered with the All Africa Baptist Youth Fellowship (21 denominations) to allow daily “on-air” prayer programs across 19 nations in multiple languages.

Two days of prayer and fasting were observed on May 28 and 29.

Then on Saturday, May 30, children went to the streets to share the Gospel. Here’s one report from Elias about Go 2020 Kids. It represented the activity of just one church in Togo on Go Day.

The experience of children spreading the Gospel was very fruitful as 22,004 evangelistic tracts were distributed by the children in our church in Togo - during May 30 – Go Day!

It was an excellent experience for children to have the opportunity to be part of God’s mission by sharing the Gospel.

They were so excited as they first enjoyed praying for winning souls.

They see themselves no longer as useless people to God.

Many Christians, especially youth and adults, saw themselves as lazy as they saw children committed to share the Gospel

This morning I got a voicemail from one Christian brother who found my number on the outreach cards that children gave out during Global Outreach Day. He confessed that he was very touched to see children committed to evangelism and he was impressed and edified by the tool of the Prayer Covenant for Children evangelism card.

2020 a year of evangelism across the UK

90 Days of HOPE - 1 June - 31 August 2020

Global Day of HOPE – 29 August 2020

Intercessors at the Summit...Soaring Like Eagles.
July 31 - Aug 1.
 (Start at 9am Jamaica time)

National Prayer Assembly (USA), Washington, D.C., October 14-15

Movement for African National Initiatives – Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 8-12 March 2021

UPRising Events Calendar

UPRISING Chile – November 2020 (Date TBA)

GLOBAL UPRISING Manila, Philippines, Nov 2021

UPRISING MINDANAO (Mindanao, Philippines)-- dates TBA
- UPRISING BUKIDNON (Northern Mindanao)
- UPRISING CARAGA (Butuan, Bislig, and Surigao)
- UPRISING DIGOS (Davao Del Sur)

- UPRISING CENTRAL MINDANAO (South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, and General Santos)
FB: United Prayer Rising Mindanao
FB: United Prayer Rising North Mindanao
IG: @uprisingmindanao