The theme for the guide for 10 Jun to 20 July is 'CONSERVING the HARVEST'


Practical Tips

Pray on the go… to work, out and about, take the name of the unreached group of the day, or the 5 friends you are praying for, put a marker on your phone to remind yourself to pray for the lost around you.

A moment in your day… take a moment to open the 40 days of prayer guide, Listen to Jesus, what is He saying about those in your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and ends of the earth?

For more information on the Unreached People Group of the Day, go HERE 

Download the Mobile App on your phone 

Pray for 5 ?? (neighbors, co-workers, friends, family members)

PRAY WITH OTHERS: In your triplet, or small group, even online, have a moment for a time of repentance (personal and for the sins of our nations), a time to focus on others and the lost, and a time to yearn and long for God’s Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.

‘As soon as the outbreak of the virus was announced, we stopped all our face-to-face meetings,’ says a secret Iranian believer. ‘In this time of crisis, we have had more than ten hours of prayer meetings every day. We created a special prayer schedule that we call “Frontline”, where prayer members can virtually walk in and out to come to pray together.’ Open Doors partners gave them online resources. But their situation is dire. Inflation is so high that people cannot afford to buy meat, poultry, or fruit. In these dark times for the country, the underground church is shining brightly. They share their food and sanitary items with their communities. Church members feel blessed to be able to do this work: ‘The distribution was a fabulous and unbelievable experience. People were astonished when we gave them the food - praising God with thanksgiving psalms, crying, hugging, and shouting.’

Deshu writes, ‘I was born and raised in a Hindu family, all totally involved in idol worship. I suffered greatly from demonic attacks. I tried all kinds of medical treatments and made lots of sacrifices to our idols, but none of it helped. My neighbours who are followers of Jesus began to share with me and encourage me. I visited when a group gathered in their home to worship Jesus. They were all wonderful people and they prayed for my healing. The Lord answered their prayers and I was miraculously delivered from the demonic attacks. He became so real to me. I have placed my faith in Christ alone and have been baptised. I am so thankful to the Lord for His healing power and salvation. Please pray for me as I desire to see others find eternal freedom in Jesus.’

Choosing life

25 Jun 2020

Ruth Coghill, facing an unexpected pregnancy in her 40s, was offered an abortion by her doctor. ‘He let my husband and me know that it was now our choice whether we wanted to abort our baby. When I went home, I could not get that out of my mind. It was just not in my frame of reference. We had three beautiful children, and I had never been asked that. Was it just because of my age? What was this all about? Then I began to wonder; what would I have done if Bob hadn't been with me? What if I hadn't had somebody who loved me who was going to help me raise this child? All of these questions started coming to my mind. But I let it go, and our beautiful boy was born.’ Ruth chose life.

Boris Johnson has announced that the Department for International Development (DfID) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) will be merged. A new government department will be created. CSW is concerned as each department has a distinct, essential mandate. It said any proposed changes must not advance economic and security interests at the expense of poverty alleviation, humanitarian assistance, and the promotion of human rights The merger, to be made during a rise in global poverty caused by coronavirus and reconstituting the only department with a humanitarian focus, could be devastating. Another concern is that this announcement pre-empted the outcome of a defence, security and foreign policy review. CSW is urging the Government to await its conclusion before implementing any changes.

In just over a fortnight 33,000 people have used the crowdfunding website GoFundMe to donate to Black Lives Matter UK, known as @BLMUK and formally ‘verified’ by Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other sites carrying its content. BLMUK is influential and suddenly rich, having raised almost a million pounds in two weeks. Donors assume BLMUK exists to lobby against racism, but it can use its finances to pursue extreme aims which have nothing to do with racial equality. Their GoFundMe statement explains their commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and more. Those crowdfunding BLMUK are probably unaware that their donations could be spent in pursuit of abolishing capitalism or disbanding the police. BLMUK uses social networking to support BDS which calls for a boycott of Israel over its treatment of Palestinians.

With effect from 4 July, where it is not possible to stay 2m apart, people should stay ‘one metre plus’. Churches may open for prayers, services, and weddings for a maximum of 30 people, subject to social distancing and no singing. Restaurants and pubs will offer hospitality with table service only and limited contact between staff and customers, who must give contact details on arrival. Hotels, B&Bs, cottages, campsites, and caravan parks can also reopen; people can stay away from home for the first time since March. Other restrictions for meeting indoors and outdoors are being eased, as long as businesses protect the public from risk of infection. Sadly thousands of sun-seekers flocked to the beach at Southend just one day after the announcement, completely disregarding all rules by sitting or standing close together on a packed beach. See

After further easing of lockdown measures, health leaders are calling for an urgent review to determine whether the UK is properly prepared for the ‘real risk’ of a second wave. In an open letter published in the British Medical Journal, ministers were warned that urgent action would be needed to prevent further loss of life. The presidents of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons, Nursing, Physicians, and GPs all signed the letter which stated, ‘While the future shape of the pandemic in the UK is hard to predict, the available evidence indicates that local flare-ups are increasingly likely and a second wave a real risk. Many elements of the infrastructure needed to contain the virus are beginning to be put in place, but substantial challenges remain.’ The chair of the BMA urged ministers to set up a cross-party group with a ‘constructive, non-partisan, four nations approach’, tasked with developing practical recommendations. Pray that the public calmly consider this warning and act wisely.