Pray for Paris

16 Nov 2015

The events of this weekend's Paris attacks have changed Europe forever. We have all watched with sadness and wept with the people of Paris, for those who have lost loved ones, and those traumatised by this brutal attack on the city and people they love.

Lord, have mercy on France and bring deep comfort to those who mourn. Draw close to those in hospital and bring healing.

France is a secular nation, where the Church is restricted, and it birthed much of the secular and humanist thought in Europe that set itself up against God. At the Bataclan concert hall on Friday night it was as the band Eagles of Death Metal were playing a song called 'Kiss the devil' that the gunshots started (see reports in The Sunday Times). In many ways France has given up on God. In Zephaniah, the Lord says "here comes upon you the day of the wrath of the Lord. Seek the Lord all you humble of the land, who do His commands; seek righteousness and humility" Zephaniah 2: 2-3. God has not given up on France. His cry is "turn to me", "I will comfort you" I will give you peace in your hearts".

We declare God's love for France. May your Church in France be equipped and enabled during this time of mourning, may many come to know you. May you bring hope.

Great wisdom is needed at this time. As France responded with bombing ISIS strongholds in Syria, will there be ramifications? On social media, people are already pointing the finger at refugees.

Lord, we ask for Your wisdom for world leaders and those in government and the security services searching for the right ways forward. For God to reveal intelligence to the French Police, Interpol and other security services to expose the works of the enemy and for His to light to shine.

President Hollande said 'this is a declaration of war'. We believe that war was declared by ISIS some time ago in the heavenly places – God wants to bless and Satan wants to bring evil, mayhem, murder and lawlessness. As the Archbishop of Canterbury said on Friday, "Lord, deliver us from evil".

We declare the Supremacy of Christ 'who disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in Him' over France. (Colossians 2:15) Protect our brothers and sisters on the frontline of this spiritual battle in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Iran, and provide for their basic needs. Change the hearts of the ISIS leaders and persecutors.

This is not just a French problem. Europe was once the Gospel-sending centre of the world – now it is in desperate need of the Gospel again. The refugee crisis will become an even more complex and troubling issue. Jesus says "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me" Matthew 25:35-36. We believe much of the spiritual warfare is because many Muslims are coming to Christ. Finally, pray:

  • Prepare us Lord for the times that lie ahead – humbly, with compassion and grace.
  • That the deep mercy of God and his grace will be revealed in every nation in Europe.
  • Bless the refugees across Europe – may they meet with Jesus, their only hope.
  • For the peoples of Europe 'let them say among the nations – the Lord reigns.' 1 Chronicles 16:31


Syrian soldiers fought their way into an air base in northern Syria on Tuesday and freed hundreds of military personnel. A military source close to the government said the army was securing the Kweires air base in Aleppo Province, where soldiers and officers have been under attack since 2013. It is the most high-profile victory for Syria since Russia launched an air campaign on 30 September. State television broadcast live footage from the air base of an emotional fatigue-clad reporter announcing the news, played victory songs and ran archive footage of military exercises. ‘We, the heroes of Kweires, are now celebrating with our brothers this victory,’ one of the freed soldiers told state TV. ‘We dedicate this victory to President Bashar al-Assad and we promise him we will continue fighting until all of Syria is liberated. We will not kneel to Daesh,’ he said, using an Arabic name for Islamic State.

The European Commission has called Turkey to address urgently significant failings on human rights and democracy. An annual report on Turkish prospects for EU membership says there have been serious setbacks in the past two years on freedom of expression. It also says that the independence of the judiciary had been undermined and that new laws run against EU standards. The report's publication comes at a time when the EU needs Turkey's help in trying to control the refugee crisis. Turkey's ministry for EU affairs called the comments unfair and excessive. The BBC's Brussels correspondent said the key findings are a direct criticism of Turkey's powerful president. In Turkey there are now ongoing and new criminal cases against journalists, media writers and social media users. There is intimidation of journalists and media outlets as well as authorities blocking websites without a court order. All these are of considerable concern.

In many areas of life, we are challenged to balance speed and accuracy - for example medical researchers searching for the quickest path to a cure with the fewest side effects. When it comes to Bible translation, speed and meaningful accuracy are fundamental principles that undergird the work. Translators have an incredible sense of urgency to ensure that all people can access the gospel message, and take very seriously the spiritual responsibility to ensure that each new translation accurately relays the Scripture’s full meaning and spirit of the gospel. Please pray for all those engaged in the balancing act of delivering the Bible in a new language as quickly as possible while ensuring that the accuracy of God’s Word is captured. Technology has allowed translators to make huge leaps forward in accelerating the process. Pray for all who develop cutting-edge software that not only safeguards Bible translation, but also provides immediate access to collaboration tools of historical, archaeological, and linguistic value.

Myanmar president Thein Sein congratulated Aung San Suu Kyi's opposition party on its success in Sunday’s polls. Ms Suu Kyi has written to the leadership requesting talks on national reconciliation, but the president’s spokesman has delayed any meetings until after the final results are announced. Correspondents say Ms Suu Kyi is treading carefully despite her landslide victory. The NLD won elections decisively in 1990 - only for the result to be nullified and Ms Suu Kyi placed under long-term house arrest. The ruling military-backed Union Solidarity Development Party - which won the last, widely criticised election five years ago - has only won 5% of the seats being contested. A quarter of seats are reserved for the military. An anti-persecution charity has called on Myanmar's military government to accept the will of the people in the country's first free election for a quarter of a century. See also:

Increased military aid to Israel and prospects for peace with the Palestinians were discussed at a friendly meeting between US president Barack Obama and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week. ‘We do believe it's very important,’ said Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security adviser, ‘that in an uncertain security environment we are signalling our long-term commitment to Israel and its security, and are designing a package that is tailored to the threats and challenges that Israel will be facing over the course of the next decade.’ Obama and Netanyahu also discussed the fresh wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence that began two months ago and has spread across Israel (see above). Officials said that Obama no longer believes that a Palestinian state can be achieved before 2017. Netanyahu said he still hopes for peace, two states for two people, with a demilitarised Palestinian state and recognition of the Jewish state's right to exist.

The Palestinian political scene has yet to agree on the nature of the confrontations taking place with the Israelis since early October. Some observers define them as an intifada, while others call them ‘peaceful’ popular uprisings, and a third group believes they are protests against Israel’s police raid on the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Palestinian forces and organisations include Hamas (a Hebrew word which means violence), Fatah (which means conquering), Islamic Jihad (jihad means struggle), the PFLP (a secular Marxist-Leninist revolutionary socialist group favouring a one-state solution), and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (which maintains a paramilitary wing called the National Resistance Brigades). They all appear to want to continue this ‘intifada’ until it achieves its objectives - which the various groups can’t agree on. The choices include ending Israel's Al-Aqsa Mosque policies, Israel returning to negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, and Israel stopping West Bank settlement activities.

Britain's security services published a new list of what they believe are the greatest threats to the country. International terrorism from IS and the threat of returning UK jihadists from Syria are among the top concerns and Russian aggression, in particular Putin's ‘willingness to display force’, has unnerved Britain's defence network, according to the security draft. The report, which will be released by David Cameron on 23 November, mentioned Russia's aggression in Ukraine and the country's soaring military budget as cause for worry. Britain's defence experts are also known to be concerned over Russia's increased involvement in the Middle East. Russia's increasing isolation in international politics (the G8 met last year as the G7, excluding President Putin from the table), increased military spending and apparent willingness to display force in the face of universal condemnation suggest the next five years could well see an escalation of the Russian threat to security.