1. The Lord is guiding and blessing the UPrising: World Youth Prayer Assembly in South Korea where it will happen next year, July 26-30. A suitable venue near the DMZ has been offered for the WYPA with lots of possibilities for 2000 to 2500 participants with hotels 15 minutes away.   Young leaders there are on board and keen to move ahead and we hope to bring more senior leaders into the process as well. Please pray for the mobilization of the right youth, children and seniors from every region of the world to take part so that it will be truly global, intergenerational and tri-generational.

2. We need about $1 million USD to pull it off including in-country costs and for partial travel subsidies for those youth who need them. Please pray with us for the release of His abundant provision to happen now.

3. Please pray for Jonathas Abdou, a younger leader in Brazil’s prayer movement and new member of our IPC leadership who wants to mobilize youth there for the WYPA. He also wants to further develop a youth prayer movement for his large nation. 

4. About 25-30 younger and older leaders from the prayer movement will form the WYPA Exec Committee that will meet in Manila, The Philippines, this next week, Nov 3-6. We need to determine speakers and program for WYPA. Please pray for this process. Registration will begin Dec 1 so there is much that needs to be accomplished quickly. Please pray for His anointing, unity, clarity and wisdom for this program planning process and for the convener Jerome Ocampo and his team working on all these logistical issues. 

5. Other initiatives to pray for in 2015 or 2016:

  • Arab and European prayer leaders, Switzerland, Nov 18-21
  • Persian Gulf regional prayer initiative, Feb. 18-21, 2016
  • Turkey national prayer initiative, May 18-21, 2016

6.  IPC website – pray with us for the effective launch of the new IPC website and server in the next couple of weeks.

7. Pray for the 24 members of the IPC leadership team as they lead various prayer initiatives in their regions and internationally that they will be always led of the Spirit and enabled by Him to do what they are being called to do. May they and their families be greatly blessed and be a thorough blessing to many others!

Thanks so much for your support in this way!

Please pray for a peace breakthrough

“Iran will be invited to participate in the Oct. 30 round of talks in Vienna on ending the conflict in Syria, a U.S. State Department spokesman said Oct. 27, Reuters reported. An unnamed official from the Middle East said Iran had already been invited by both the United States and Russia, and Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian would attend the talks. The possible participation of Iranian Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was still under discussion, the official said. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke with both Zarif and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry earlier in the day. If the Russian and Iranian efforts to stabilize al Assad's forces and restore their advantage on the battlefield prove successful, Damascus will be in a much more favorable position at the bargaining table.”

From Stratfor.com, OCTOBER 28, 2015

An airstrike by the US-led coalition last Thursday killed Sanafi al-Nasr, a Saudi citizen and the leader of an al-Qaeda offshoot called the Khorasan Group. The Pentagon commented, ‘Al-Nasr was a longtime jihadist, experienced in funnelling money and fighters for al-Qaeda, and moving funds from donors in the Gulf region to al-Qaeda leaders from Pakistan to Syria. He was the fifth senior Khorasan Group leader to be killed in the last four months, and this operation deals a significant blow to the this group's plans to attack the United States and their allies.’

Twelve fathers of the 200+ schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram from Chibok spoke out about the dangers their families face on a daily basis, and shared their pain of not knowing what has happened to their daughters. They are refusing to give up hope that one day they will return to them. One of the fathers, when asked, 'Where do you think your daughter might be?' said, 'She is in the hands of God'. It was a sentiment echoed by all the parents. They are not going to think about any other reality. Despite the media attention on Chibok, the whole region remains under heavy threat by the Islamic militants. Some of the fathers sneak out at night to be the first line of defence against Boko Haram and to protect their families. The challenge to international organisations is that Chibok is incredibly dangerous to reach. Earlier this month it was reported that one of the schoolgirls was pregnant and carrying diseases by Boko Haram terrorists. See: http://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-chibok-schoolgirls-alive-pregnant-boko-haram-terrorists-diseases-147662/

On 19 October Canadians chose Justin Trudeau to be their new prime minister as Liberals returned to power. A Liberal government will change Canadian politics and be felt on the world stage as Canada ends its participation in the coalition against IS, refocuses military efforts on training local forces and humanitarian efforts, and launches a national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women. On 17 October Guinea's president won re-election but the opposition leader is calling for protests against fraud. On 25 October three elections will be held. One is in Côte d'Ivoire, where the incumbent will be seeking a second term to promote stability. The Tanzanian general election on the same day could be controversial, while Poland’s election results will have repercussions beyond Warsaw - from the role Poland will play in Europe’s refugee crisis to David Cameron’s chances of success in renegotiating Britain’s status in the EU before holding an in/out referendum.

The escalation in Turkey's fight with Kurdish rebels has made life harder for Kurdish refugees from Syria, and indigenous Christians are working with them. Kurdish refugee families find that the Turkish government is unwilling to help them when officials discover they are from a predominantly Kurdish area of Syria. Now they have another problem because Kurds are fighting against Turkey in the southeast of the country. These families have nowhere to go and do not know what to do. In one refugee camp most of those who have fled the terrorist advances of IS are Kurdish. IS had terrorised them in the name of God. But now Christians are ministering to them with clothes, food and vitamins for their health, saying, 'Here I am. Jesus sent me to you.’ A grandmother said in Arabic, ‘Thank you! So many wounds. Tell Jesus to save us.'


23 Oct 2015

Embroiled this year in mounting discontent, Lebanon’s protesting population has called for government replacement due to ‘political garbage’. At least 1.5 million refugees from war-ravaged countries like Syria constitute nearly 25% of the population. They have overburdened Lebanon's severely deficient water and power infrastructure. Pray for Christians in Lebanon as they continue to reach out to refugees. They are putting on children’s clubs and doing food distribution. Praise God that Christian leaders in Lebanon are being challenged and encouraged in transformational ministry; there is a willingness to train and build healthy leaders. Pray for the continued ministry to Muslims. May they come to know the Lord, and may He draw more Lebanese to Himself. For a prayer guide to help you pray for Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan click the ‘more’ button.

Another wave of Syrian refugees have started their hazardous journey to safety as forces loyal to President al-Assad moved in on Aleppo last Friday, backed by Russian warplanes, Iranian ground troops and militia fighters. An estimated 70,000 fled the southern Aleppo countryside as a result of an assault moving in on three sides of the shattered rebel-held city. ‘People are scared to death, everyone is on the move,’ said the head of the Union of Syrian Medical Relief Organisations, as he returned from the area. ‘People are sleeping in the streets and the fields, but there is nowhere for them to go.’ The Syrian Network for Human Rights, a monitoring group, said there had been ‘massive displacement’ in recent days. An aid worker in southern Aleppo said that several villages stood almost empty. ‘The strong travel on foot, pushing the elderly in wheelbarrows; those left behind face severe medical shortages.’