Admin 2

Admin 2

Sunday, 18 December 2011 12:09

Twenty of Australia’s senior church and denominational leaders have urged the Government to protect the definition of marriage in Australian law. The Joint Statement on the Significance of Marriage follows: Marriage is the lifelong commitment and faithful union of one man and one woman. As such, marriage is the natural basis of the family because it secures the relationship between biological parents and their children. As Christian leaders representing different denominations or churches, we join together and affirm our shared commitment to promote and protect marriage. We honour the unique love between husbands and wives; the vital place of fathers and mothers in the life of children; and the corresponding ideal for all children to know the love and role modelling of a father and mother. We call on ourGovernment to: protect this definition of marriage in Australian law, and not change the meaning of marriage by adding to it different kinds of relationships.

Praise: God for this stand by the church and that the Government will protect traditional marriage. (Jer.29:6)



Thursday, 09 June 2011 15:24

Christian doctors and medical professionals will be travelling from many different countries around the world to prescribe ‘spiritual healing’ as an answer to sickness in the 21st Century, during a unique conference in Brisbane, Australia from June 11-12, 2011, reports Assist Ministries. The doctors will examine actual case studies of miracles presented by various respected doctors as they search for evidence of Divine Healing at the 8th Annual International ‘Spirituality and Medicine’ Conference to be held for two days at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. Brisbane plans to welcome hundreds of Christian medics who will be examining data presented by their peers about ‘miracles’ that they believe prove that God has intervened in impossible situations. The event is being sponsored by the World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN), an interdenominational organization composed of Christian medical professionals from around the world who believe in divine healing.

Praise: God for this conference and that it will bring glory to God and greater understanding within the medical profession. (Jer.8:22)



Saturday, 24 July 2010 08:40

Five more Audio New Testaments have been completed and released to reach tens of thousands of people with the Gospel, reports Mission Network News. These new Audio New Testaments represent 184,000 people throughout Mexico, Guinea, Papua New Guinea and Colombia. The five new releases bring the number of audio Scripture recordings released by Faith Comes By Hearing to 521. The Audio New Testaments that have now been made available are: Chinanteco de Tepetotutla, Ipili, Mazateco de Ayautla, Ticuna, and Yalunka. The production of these five audio Scriptures will not only make the Gospel available to a host of people, literate as well as illiterate, but it also brings Faith Comes By Hearing closer to its goal of recording audio Bibles in 2,000 languages by the year 2016. People often receive Audio New Testaments from Faith Comes By Hearing in the form of solar-powered Proclaimers, which contain the entire New Testament and can be hand-cranked or set in the sun to work.

Praise: God as the people receive audio Scriptures that they would understand and embrace the His Word. (Heb.4:12)


Wednesday, 12 January 2011 14:32

MSP’s were given a free vote yesterday, allowing them to vote according to their consciences rather than along party lines. The End of Life Assistance Bill was crushed by 85-16. Gordon Macdonald, of the Care Not Killing alliance said it was a fantastic result and a ‘victory for the most vulnerable in our community’. In rejecting the controversial legislation, he said MSP’s recognised that legalising assisted suicide would ‘seriously endanger public safety’ and had instead given a ringing endorsement to palliative care. ‘The sheer magnitude of the Bill’s defeat should settle this issue in Scotland for a generation,’ he said. ‘The key argument that decided this vote and the similar votes in the House of Lords in 2006 and 2009 is a simple one. The right to die can so easily become the duty to die.’ (See Prayer Alert 4710)

Praise: God for this answered prayer. (Mt.10:30-31)


Tuesday, 03 December 2013 13:56

he United Bible Society has reported a sharp increase in the number of Christian Scriptures distributed in some of the countries where believers suffer the highest levels of persecution. Statistics suggest that Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world and Baroness Warsi made headlines recently when she warned that Christianity could be wiped out in the Middle East. (See Prayer Alert 47-2013) However, recent figures released from Bible Societies around the world indicate that more Christian Scriptures were distributed than ever before in 2012. Global Scripture distribution rose from just over 381 million in 2011 to more than 405 million in 2012; an increase of 6%. Of the 405 million distributed, 32.1 million were whole Bibles, which matched 2011's record-breaking year of Bible distribution. Surprisingly, the highest increase was in Syria, with over eight times more Scriptures distributed by the Bible Society, through a network of church volunteers, in 2012 than 2011; 163,000 in total last year.

Praise: God that His Word still speaks and brings life. (Dt.32:2)


Saturday, 21 August 2010 08:40

Despite opposition David Hathaway spoke to encourage the believers and to pray for victory over all opposition in an Armenian evangelistic outreach. Four thousand people prayed Our Father Your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. And God’s will was done with people saved and signs and wonders following.- A 10 year old tumour the size of ping-pong ball on a ladies left jaw vanished! A cancer tumour on a child’s back completely disappeared A grandmother testified for her 4 year old crippled granddaughter who couldn’t walk and was healed! An 18 year old pain in a mans head disappeared. Five tumours on a young mans head completely gone! A broken left arm healed! A skin disease of open wounds on a ladies hands and feet now perfect flesh. - These are just a few of the recorded miracles; for more faith building encouragement click the more button below.

Praise: God for doing great things in Armenia, and pray that His fire will fall on all who step out in the ministry of evangelism and prayer. (Ac.2:21)


Tuesday, 04 October 2011 16:08

In Argentina, as in many Latin American countries, September is a month to celebrate the Bible. Churches coordinate lectures, workshops and conferences for youth, according to a news release from the World Council of Churches (WCC). ‘Spending a month each year focusing on the Bible helps us to affirm the Word as an essential nutrient to our faith and our commitment to life and justice,’ said Pastor Gerardo Oberman, from the Reformed Churches of Argentina associated with the Evangelical Church of the River Plate, the WCC reported. ‘The overall experience has different local nuances, but we are also motivated by the spirit of the Reformation in which one of the main slogans was the Sola Scriptura - that is, salvation by Scripture alone,’ said Oberman. September activities help believers ‘remember the centrality of the Word of God and highlight the work of Bible societies', said Bishop Nully Frank Brown of the Evangelical Methodist Church of Argentina.

Praise: God for His living word and pray that it will take root in the peoples. (Col.2:7)


Tuesday, 08 May 2012 13:02

The Archbishop of Wales has expressed his thanks to the Queen for continuing to uphold the Christian faith in national life. In an address at the start of the Queen's two-day visit to Wales, Dr Barry Morgan praised the Queen for 'doing God' in public in spite of changing public opinion. ‘Over the last 60 years, amidst all the shifting sands of public opinion and different viewpoints, you have regarded the Christian faith as the rock on which you have been able to draw strength and comfort,’ he said. ‘It is a reminder to the rest of us that this country has been shaped by the Christian faith and that that faith is still important in our national life.’ More than 600 people were at Llandaff Cathedral for the service of thanksgiving to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

Praise: God for the example of our Queen. (Ps.119:2)


Friday, 01 June 2012 08:22

Marriage is a dwindling institution in the USA, dropping 54% since 1960. During that same time, the number of couples cohabiting has skyrocketed. Craig Gorc, pastor of Cedar Park Assembly of God in Seattle wanted to fight for marriage and against cohabitation. He found one of the biggest barriers to a couple's wedding these days is the enormous cost (averaging $26,542 in Seattle), so he and the congregation at Cedar Park Assembly put on a Free Wedding Day last June, advertising through their website, social media, the news media and their senior pastor's email list of more than 6,000 people. Three couples took them up on the offer and more will this June. ‘The cost that we're saving them is about $8,000 to $10,000,’ Gorc told CBN News. ‘We provide everything you need except for the bride and groom.’ The main goal was to ensure couples wouldn't feel judged for their lifestyles or life choices.

Praise: God for this initiative and may many similar Christian outreach avenues be opened at such a time as this. (Php.3:7)



Thursday, 11 October 2012 13:58

At the fall of Communism and state-imposed atheism 20 years ago there were only five known believers in Albania. But recently local churches and Luis Palau collaborated to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to more than 20,000 people at Tirana’s Mother Teresa Square. TiranaFest with Luis Palau, a massive evangelistic campaign, took place in Albania’s capital, Tirana, on September 22-23. The square resounded with live music, athletic exhibitions, and a clear presentation of the Good News by Luis Palau and others. ‘This was totally different, something that has never happened in Tirana,’ Pastor Paulin Vilajeti of Albania Christian Center said. ‘Because people were attracted by different events, I believe and I hope that God touched different generations – from children to the old people.’ Local church leaders acknowledged the campaign as one of the largest faith gatherings – and the largest movement of churches – Albania has ever seen. See also Prayer Alert 34-20123

Praise: God for the growth of the Church in Albania and for the many decisions for Christ at the TiranaFest. (Joel.3:14)
