An impulse for my Christian friends in Germany and Europe, linked with a proposal on how we should pray for Europe during these critical times…

We know that the unity of all followers of Christ, is on the heart of the Lord. It was the last prayer He prayed for His disciples and for us who have come to faith centuries later. Unfortunately, Christians in general have allowed themselves to be split into tens of thousands of denominations....

This document outlines the work of the Holy Spirit in changing lives from Bible times to the present day.

Many intercessors want to pray for their ministers or a missionary but do not always know what to pray, or how to pray. These guidelines will help the intercessors to pray more objectively than merely saying "Lord, please bless the person, Amen".

Seek my face

07 Nov 2012

A practical guide on how to watch and pray for one hour.

Some principles and guidelines to start and maintain a national prayer network.

The adult version of Children in prayer, with Chinese subtitles.

This document outlines how to find a personal intercessor and the qualities that they should have.