“We received word of devastating flooding in the the northeastern region of Najin-Sonbong.  Typhoon rains caused a dam to collapse and to flood the city of Sonbong.  Many people have died, buildings have collapsed, bridges are out.  Relief workers have to walk miles to bring in food and supplies.  Fields and food supplies were destroyed.  Pray for a swift recovery in the area and that food and other needed supplies get in.  

We have no new information of the many people detained in both China and North Korea.  Please keep praying for Canadians Kevin and Julia Garratt in China and Pastor Hyeon Soo Lim of the Light Presbyterian Church, Toronto who continues to be held in North Korea.  Also remember American Peter Han in Tumen, China and South Korean pastors held in North Korea: Jong-wook Kim, Kuk-ki Kim and Chun-gil Choi.

The big news lately on relations between North and South Korea has been the tensions that escalated recently as South Korean soldiers were killed by North Korean land mines south of the border.  This led to charges and counter-charges.  However, we thank God for a new agreement that has resulted from the tension as both North and South seek to return to a more peaceful relationship.  This agreement also includes plans for visits among separated families bringing together North and South Korean relatives.  Continue to pray that the agreement not only hold but be the beginning of an ongoing improvement of relations.

Even as things seem to be cooling a bit between North and South, Kim Jong Un has been ordering increasing clamp down on the border with China to prevent defections.  New border fencing is being installed all along the border and security personnel are being rotated more frequently.  However, this is still not enough to prevent the truly determined from leaving as two families crossed into China from North Hamgyung Province last month.

Still, life goes on, such as it is, in much of the country.  Much as in South Korea, young women in North Korea are concerned about how they look and are occupying their summer time with getting plastic surgery, often without anesthesia.

As you know, we here at The Fourth River Project are thinking a lot about the future and the special issues that make eventual reunification, really the raising up of a New Korea, particularly difficult.  We are not the only ones thinking about these things.  Here is a thoughtful discussion of some of these issues, especially the problem of systemic bribery throughout the North.  Please continue to join us in prayer for North Korea now and for good preparation for the future.

Here is your prayer calendar for October in both Korean and English. Please click the link below.



In His Name,

Ben Torrey


The Fourth River Project, Inc.


Emerging Markets:

Emerging markets such as Turkey, South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. have made a classic mistake of presuming the future (James 4). Assuming that China’s growth rate would remain very high (7-10% per year) these countries have borrowed enormous amounts of money and gone deeply into debt both corporately and personally. Much of this debt revolves the commodities and commodities markets, which have been necessary raw ingredients in China’s massive infrastructure build-out and urbanization (10-15 million Chinese moving from farms to the cities annually).

The dollar has been skyrocketing, especially against emerging market currencies, causing the repayment of dollar-denominated debt to be increasingly difficult as debt burdens have skyrocketed.

Prayer – 1st that the U.S. Fed will not raise interest rates, which would push the U.S. dollar even higher against emerging market currencies, and that banking and government officials in these countries will lower interest rates, and provide enormous amounts of liquidity (print money) to keep the debt contraction, which is presently underway and intense, from becoming catastrophic.


Their new premier has instituted a massive crackdown on corruption, which in the long run could be quite beneficial. However, in the short run it is scaring everyone to death (at least one execution so far), which is not exactly conducive to trying to “grow the economy”. In addition, China has experienced a massive bubble in their stock market which has now burst. While their economy revolves more around infrastructure build-out (highways, airports, dams, etc.), the massive urbanization mentioned earlier, manufacturing and exports the bursting of the stock bubble will certainly not help as there has been an exponential rise in lending outside of China’s “official” banking system (50% per year increase for 5 consecutive years- clearly unsustainable), much of it revolving around the stock market. 

Much of this debt will go bad and create bankruptcies or bailouts, which will hurt/slow China’s economy. China’s growth could go from the “official” 7% rate to as low as 4%, which would be great for most other countries, but such a radical slowdown (China’s economy was going at a 12% rate just 5 years ago), means that the engine of world economic growth (China) slowing so radically will cause all of the other cars on the train to crash (the other emerging markets). As the other emerging markets have become dependent on high rates of growth from China which is not happening.

My guess would be this could take 2-3 years to work out, and while I do not expect a collapse of the Chinese economy, and I do expect them to continue to grow over the long run, in the short run this is going to be tough. Bad debts will have to be cleansed (bankruptcies or bailouts) from the system before any semblance of economic growth can resume. China’s problems will literally affect everyone in the world, as they are the #2 size economy in the world after the United States. While the U.S. is bigger overall, the rest of the world (including Europe) has gotten addicted to rapid growth rates in China.

Prayer- That the Chinese officials will slowly let the air out of their debt and stock bubbles and not have a precipitous collapse.

United States: 

The U.S. is best position to weather this economic storm of any of the major players. Our banking system, after the sub-prime/leverage fiasco has been healing and the economy has been growing very slowly- but at least it’s growing. As best as I can tell, the only major vulnerability is our oil industry as we could see as much as a 30% shrinkage here, as people in the oil patch borrowed way too much money assuming oil prices would stay above $100 per barrel indefinitely (James 4). A combination of a very slight increase in supply above world demand was hammered by extreme leverage (borrowed money) in the energy patch and big banks related to energy and commodities. Now the forced liquidations will begin as banks, by law, must revalue all oil related loans every 6 months, and unfortunately it is “let the bleeding begin”. In the long run, this will likely result in a healthier, more stable oil industry overall with less debt in the system, but in the short run it will be very painful.

The U.S. only recently became the largest oil producer in the world (larger than Saudi Arabia and Russia), due to new technology revolving around horizontal drilling and fracking. Unfortunately, this oil price crash will cause a major contraction in the oil drilling and service industry, which will likely take another year or two, but within 24-36 months this oversupply will disappear and oil prices will likely go back up. Sometime in the 2020’s, I expect oil prices to go well above $200 a barrel as China’s economy gets back on track and India builds infrastructure, buys cars, and starts driving. Thus, all this hype over oversupply is way overblown.

In addition, I am very concerned about geopolitical stuff in the Middle East as Iran hates Saudi Arabia and Israel. Saudi Arabia hates Iran and ISIS hates everybody. Most of these countries need in excess of $100 a barrel to float their government budgets as most of their country’s revenues come from oil. Through the straits of Hormuz pass 30% of the world’s oil (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait). I believe that major geopolitical issues and possibly major wars could breakout within the next 2-3 years.

Prayer- That America’s oil industry will not be decimated as we are the chief producer in the free world. Excess debt will have to be cleansed from the system, but again it needs to be in a systematic controlled way not a massive crash.

Europe: Still has a fragile banking system and an unstable currency. Pray that the euro as a trading union and currency will not go into a chaotic fracture.

Japan: Is a massively aging society which has way too much government debt and unsustainable social spending structure for their old people, which are starting to outnumber their young people. Pray that evangelization will wake up and change Japan as I see no possible solution on how to fix the government’s long term (10-15 year) fiscal situation and debts.

Jerry Tuma
Cornerstone Financial Services
Dallas, Texas


Registered Representative offering securities through Independent Financial Group, LLC (IFG), a registered broker –dealer, member FINRA/SIPC.  Advisory Services offered through Cornerstone Financial Services, Inc. (CFS).  CFS and IFG are not affiliated firms.

Recently, our leadership team met and identified the following key prayer concerns that we hope you will share in intercession:

1. The migrant crisis in which tens of thousands continue to walk from the Middle East through Turkey or come via rickety boats across the Mediterranean needs our special prayers. It could be a huge opportunity for the Church to bring Christ to these people, but there is also the possibility of great danger through the infiltration of Islamic terrorists. Pray for the EU, the church leaders and for the migrants themselves in this biggest population movement since World War II.

2. Coming out of a August global prayer strategists meeting in London one strategy was recommended for wider implementation- pray 5 mins. daily at 11:55 am to noon for our world.

3. UPrising: World Youth Prayer Assembly  www.unitedprayerrising.com Please pray for Jerome Ocampo, the convener, the International Dream Team of youth ministry leaders and the Executive Team as they work together on arrangements for next July’s gathering in South Korea. Pray for the venue to be finalized and for a breakthrough in the provision of financial resources so that the WYPA can go ahead as planned.

A new video and other materials are in the works to add to the website above and help in mobilizing for the UPrising around the world. A global fast starts September 28 for an Acts 2 outpouring of the Spirit and the overthrow of any spiritual opposition to this effort on behalf of the younger generation, which we believe is so much on God’s heart.

4. Latin America- there is a heavy attack on prayer leaders with increased illness and death along with prevalent corruption and a desire to remove current political leaders. Pray for Yanira Gonzalez and her colleagues in the region for His blood covering and protection at this difficult time.

5. 24/7 Prayer Movement- Hannah McVeigh and her colleagues are busy developing and supplying new resources to students. Pray for the distribution of these resources and the large 24/7 gathering they plan Oct. 22-25 in Vienna.

6. Africa Prayer and Mission gathering in Ethiopia, Oct. 26-31- Austen Ukachi asked for prayer for this event with focus on reaching the unreached, persecuted church and the Muslim challenge.

7. Global Proclamation Congress, June 15-22, Bangkok, with up to 5000 pastoral trainers. Tom Victor is working on a strategy to develop a culture of prayer among them and the 100,000 pastors they will impact. He is looking for good resources to give them. Pray for Tom, the GPC, and his efforts. http://gprocongress.org

 8. National and international security prayer initiative, October 18-20, Colorado Springs, USA- “Seeking God’s Face for the Deliverance and Destiny of America”. The IPC’s John Robb and others are seeking to bring prayer network leaders and strategic intercessors together from across the USA. Pray for prayer leaders who should come to respond and be there and for a good convergence in the unity of the Spirit. Pray too for an effective strategy for national and international spiritual preparedness in this time of great vulnerability to attack by hostile agents, whether terrorists or enemy nations.

9. Persian Gulf prayer initiative in February. Christian leaders from the guest worker community are seeking to organize a region-impacting prayer gathering. Pray for this vital initiative to come together and attract many from all nationalities around the region.

10. Prayer Hub and the IPC Website- Andy Page is working on a Prayer Hub that will connect various prayer websites. He is also upgrading the IPC website to include it and make it more “lean and mean” with resources that are even more relevant and helpful. Pray for him and his important efforts to resource the international prayer movement in this vital way.

Thank  you  so  much  for  the  prayer- backing  during  the  time  in  Iraq. As  I  shared  with  some  of  you,  the  bomb blasts  and  suicide  bombings in Baghdad have  been  reduced  from   20 to 30 per day  in  2014   to  3 to 5  a  month now. In Erbil,  there have been no  reports  of  explosions  since  a  long  time.

The prayer initiative meetings  finished  well  with  an  amazing  prophetic  time  on  the 16th  morning  and  repentance  and spiritual warfare  on  the  16th  night. One  evening  a  phone call  came  from  10  young  Kurds  who  had an  encounter  with  Jesus  and  believed  in  HIM. The  reports  from  participants  about  the  harvest  that  has  started  among internally displaced people  and  Muslim - IDPs   as  well  as  Syrian  refugees  have  been  amazing. A  team  from  MHOP   has  gone   regularly  to  a  camp  of  Muslim  refugees and  found  so  many  people  who  had  a  vision  of  Jesus. Those  from  Catholic / Chaldean / Syrian / Orthodox / Armenian / Assyrian  background IDPs  are  totally  open  as  well  to  the  Gospel  and  are  coming  to  faith. It's  an  ocean  of  people  in  endless  refugee - camps  who  are  just  waiting  for someone  to  bring  them  Jesus  in  the  midst  of  their  sufferings.

During  a  meeting  of  Muslim background believers,  leaders  came  to  the  conclusion  that  there  are  more  MBBs   now  in the  Middle  East / North Africa  than  all  other  believers  together. We  had  to  acknowledge  that  ISIS  has  driven  the  multitudes  into  the  arms  of  Christ.

The sad part:  from  approximately  12  churches   in  Erbil  there  are  no  reports  of  any  unity, even  between  two  churches  and  extremely  little  prayer. In  Baghdad  as  well,  very  sad  to  find a   total  lack  of  revelation  about  the  need  of  unity  and  very  little  prayer. The  good  thing  is  that  Muslim background leaders  are  in  unity!!!!

So  God's  own  arm  is  bringing  Him  victory!   Isa.  59: 16

(From a Colleague in the prayer movement who facilitated times of prayer training for the believers in Iraq earlier this month)

Please pray for His unity among all who follow Christ in Iraq, that their hearts, especially of pastors and leaders would be softened and that they would begin to stand together in prayer for their nation and the driving out of ISIS. Pray too for those who were trained that they will put it into effect in their lives and that they will be used of the Lord to train and encourage others so that a strong, united prayer movement can arise in this much besieged and divided nation. Also, pray that these vast millions of Iraqi and Syrian refugees will be able to hear the Gospel with many of them coming to know the Lord who cares for them.

Videos discussing use of fetal tissue in research stir antiabortion activists' hopes of ban on federal funding for organization

Wall Street Journal, July 23, 2015 

"Videos of Planned Parenthood staffers discussing how they gather fetal tissue during abortions for use in medical research are stirring antiabortion activists' hopes of converting the controversy into a ban on federal funding for the organization. Cutting off federal funds for Planned Parenthood has emerged as one of the short-term moves that activists believe is most achievable in the wake of the release of two videos in the past two weeks. 

Some lawmakers preparing to debate appropriations bills cite the videos as a reason to cut off the approximately $500 million a year in federal funds Planned Parenthood gets for providing care to Medicaid beneficiaries, contraception through family planning programs and for helping people sign up for insurance under the 2010 federal health law. Long-standing restrictions bar the federal government from paying for abortions in most cases.

A new surreptitiously recorded video released by activists this week shows a Planned Parenthood official bluntly describing abortion procedures, and whether they could be adapted to preserve tissue that could be provided to researchers...

Kristan Hawkins, president of the Students for Life of America antiabortion group, said younger activists began In Planned Parenthood's most recent annual report covering the 12 months through June 30, 2014, federal and state grants and reimbursements of around $528.4 million were the organization's single largest source of income, totaling 41% of its revenue.The majority of its funds came from a combination of other payments for services, along with private contributions and bequests.

Ten states have barred state funding of Planned Parenthood clinics for family planning services, including Texas while GOP presidential contender Rick Perry was governor and Wisconsin under rival GOP contender and current Gov. Scott Walker.

In its annual report, Planned Parenthood said its affiliates performed 327,653 abortions. In recent years, about one million abortions have been carried out annually in the U.S.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton defended Planned Parenthood on Thursday, saying that the organization had apologized for one employee's "insensitivity," and that its work is important...

 "Listen, I've seen these two videos. They're gruesome and I think they're awful," Mr. Boehner told reporters. "That's why the Energy and Commerce Committee and Judiciary Committee are doing an investigation. I expect that we will have hearings, and the more we learn, the more it will educate our decisions in the future."

Planned Parenthood also reported providing 4,470,597 tests for sexually transmitted diseases, 3,577,348 appointments to provide contraception, including emergency contraception, and 935,573 appointments for cancer screening including pap tests, HPV vaccinations and breast exams.

Bans on taxpayer funding for abortion enjoy widespread support from voters, even among some of those who believe abortion should be legal in at least some circumstances. But lawmakers have had limited success in previous efforts to curb funds to Planned Parenthood for other services.

In 2011, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives wanted to disqualify Planned Parenthood affiliates from receiving any federal funds for family planning or as Medicaid reimbursements. A face-off with the then-Democratic-controlled Senate and White House nearly shut down the government, but ended with the House trimming funds for family planning and allowing Planned Parenthood to remain a participant in Medicaid.

Pray for a cut-off of government funding for Planned Parenthood which exists mainly to abort children and seeks to profit from selling their body parts. This is Nazi-like behavior that is being sanitized with the rationale that it is "for the benefit of medical science". May this cause a great outrage across the USA. Please pray also for the shutting down of this corrupt and deceitful organization that trafficks in the death of precious human beings God has knit together in their mother's womb.

The African Union Mission in Somalia, better known as AMISOM, has launched a renewed offensive against al Shabaab. Despite achieving major successes with the liberation of Mogadishu in August 2011 and Kismayo in September 2012, the

Somali military and AMISOM failed to eradicate the jihadist militant organization. Sustained ground operations and the targeted killings of its leaders by U.S. airstrikes damaged the group, but al Shabaab is still dangerous. As well as conducting direct attacks, the group routinely interdicts the movement and supply lines of African Union forces with guerrilla-style operations. The African Union is drawing on new resources and capabilities in an attempt to defeat al Shabaab, or at least render the organization ineffective.

The fight will not be easy, however. AMISOM forces have suffered setbacks in the past, being forced to conduct tactical withdrawals from untenable positions in the face of al Shabaab attempts to dislodge them. A June 26 attack on an African Union base in the village of Lego inflicted a notable defeat on AMISOM forces, highlighting a major problem facing African Union forces as they expand their area of operations. While typically able to defeat al Shabaab in conventional head-on battles, AMISOM forces become overstretched as they project into the expansive reaches of southern Somalia. They lack the necessary resources to secure lines of communication over land and, as a result, frequently have to withdraw from newly liberated areas to protect their own personnel.

The nature of AMISOM's limitations is not lost on military commanders. In an attempt to prevent further embarrassments, major efforts to stabilize the situation are underway. The most immediate is the launch of a major offensive against known al Shabaab strongholds. Known as "Operation Jubba Corridor," separate maneuver elements converged on the city of Baardheere on July 22, successfully routing its militant defenders. Baardheere had been under al Shabaab control for six years and has served as a refuge in the fertile valley region.

Even though the Baardheere offensive was successful, it will not necessarily prevent continued al Shabaab operations. The militant group has already been forced to stop depending on territorial control; its guerrilla and terrorist attacks have become its most potent tool against African Union forces. Denying al Shabaab refuge in the Juba valley will contribute to the gradual decline of the militants' capabilities. The more territory AMISOM forces liberate, however, the more resources they will require to patrol and secure those areas. That said a weakened al Shabaab poses less of a threat to extended positions than before.

Please pray for the African Union forces to prevail over the Islamic terrorist al Shabaab group that has caused so much destruction and death in East Africa. Pray for wise strategy, determination and the resources the AU needs to finish this campaign and clear the region of this scourge.

From Fait Non-Accompli AUG 3, 2015, VOL. 20, NO. 44 * BY William Kristol 

"The Iran deal turns out to be so no good, so very bad, so awfully ugly, that there is a chance-an outside chance-that a congressional process accepted by the [U.S.] administration because it seemed to virtually guarantee the deal's survival might actually kill it instead.

The administration is pulling out all the stops. The left is mobilizing. Pressure is being applied. But what's striking is how many congressional Democrats are balking. Serious Democrats look at the deal-at its failure to stop Iran's nuclear program, at the weak verification provisions, at the precipitous and massive sanctions relief-and can't quite believe the horror the administration is asking them to approve.

The public can't quite believe it either. The Pew poll this week had those Americans who knew something about the deal-a strikingly high 79 percent of the public-disapproving 48 to 38 percent. When has this happened before? A president signs a deal that purports to limit arms and reduce the risks of war, he makes his case to the American people against scattered voices of criticism and dissent-and he doesn't even start out ahead. A Washington Post poll that framed the deal in a way more favorable to the administration had only 56 percent approval. Most analysts experienced in these kinds of fights expected the deal to start out way ahead in public opinion, and then perhaps face some erosion as the debate proceeded. Instead, opponents are at least even at the start. And, by the way, the critics are so far handily winning the debate on the merits.

Still, is it really possible that over a dozen Senate Democrats and almost 50 House Democrats will defect from the president and vote both to disapprove and then to override his veto? Yes. It's possible, if not yet likely. And the possibility will grow if opponents energetically press their case. They will need to explain, among other things, that the sanctions regime isn't doomed if the deal is defeated. It is true that some damage will have been done by the United Nations action. But a Congress that insists on retaining U.S. sanctions will leave the next president-whether a Democrat or a Republican-with a chance to marshal the international community to continue the pressure on Iran and perhaps to negotiate a better deal.

Meanwhile, what about that U.N. vote? Congress owes it to the American people to disapprove the deal because it is bad and dangerous, but also precisely to establish the principle that the American people are the masters of American foreign policy, not the United Nations."

Please pray that the U.S. Congress will be able to overturn the recent nuclear deal if it will endanger the Middle East nations along with other countries by giving Iran, the world's leading sponsor of terrorism, over 100 billion in sanctions relief as well as a path to the development and deployment of nuclear weapons. This is a crucial matter of international security.

We received this blessing from a contact who believes that it should be released as a blessing prayer of villages, towns and cities on 31 October, Halloween, as the power of blessing is something that darkness cannot stand.

So, why don't you release God's light and blessing on that day in your location:


Heavenly Father, we take upon ourselves the mantle of authority that Jesus delegates to us and in His Name we speak to every household in this town and surrounding area and say to you:

"We bless you in the Name of the Lord. We bless your marriages that they may be strong and whole. We bless the relationships between each marriage partner that they may be loving, forgiving, merciful and strong. We bless every inter-generational relationship within each household that there may be peace and love and understanding flowing between each one.

In Jesus' name we bless every network of wholesome and supportive friendship.

We bless your health that you may be strong and well. In Jesus' name we resist any sickness or disease which seeks to invade this town and to every person in the surrounding area we say, be well, be strong, be healthy. To any who are sick right now we say we bless you in Jesus' name with a speedy recovery.

We bless your wealth that you may have plenty to replace poverty. We bless you to have enough to live and enough to give. We bless the work of your hands that whatever you turn your hand to which is wholesome may be profitable. We bless every wholesome enterprise that is conducted by you that it may prosper and be successful. We bless the shops and restaurants in every good that you do.

We bless the Residential Homes for the elderly, that they may be secure, safe and peaceful places where those who live there may be loved and cared for in a way that maintains their dignity.

We bless Pre-school, Schools, colleges and universities(name those within the town or those that you know the name of), that they may be secure, safe places for teachers and pupils alike. We bless the children's capacity to learn and develop relationships and we bless their simple trust in Jesus that their trust may grow and become enriched.

We speak to the Churches, (name as many that you know) and we say we bless you in the Name of the Lord that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God may flow out from you in power. We bless the hearts of all who live in and work in this town and surrounding area, that the overspill of the blessings of the presence of the Kingdom of God may fall upon you."

(After the pattern of the Blessing used at Ffald-y-Brenin Prayer Center, South Wales)

Download a PDF of the blessing