An introduction to the 4 to 14 Window Movement.

Globalized Youth

23 Sep 2013

What do Angry Birds and the Roman roads have in common? In this animation, we talk to Bambang Budijanto from Compassion Int. He explains how "the younger you are, the more global you are," and how this newest generation will be the most equipped to see the good news of Jesus Christ spread throughout the world.

Loren Cunningham explains how from the Gutenberg press to the "Googleberg press", all technology can be used to see the gospel of Jesus reach the world.

If the church does not wake up, it will lose a generation being discipled by the web and culture!

Our goal is to mobilize focused, fervent, united intercessory prayer of God’s people in every region of the world on April 14th for the Raising up of a New Generation from the 4/14 Window to transform the world.

If you are in a hurry and do not have time to read the rich articles in this Connections prayer journal, here is a shortlist of crucial prayer concerns we invite you to pray about.

“To pray unceasingly is to think, live and speak in the presence of God…Prayer is an outward, careful attentiveness to the One who invites us to unceasing conversation.” -Henri Nouwen
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, our partners in prayer throughout the world,

Please have these items in mind for prayer and participation:

  • New Wave International Prayer Network
  • Children in Prayer Training Conference for the Chinese World-May 16-19, 2013, Hong Kong.
  • United Nations International Prayer Initiative- November 18-20, 2013, New York City.
  • Children in Prayer Global Consultation- November 15-18, 2013, New York City.