Late afternoon beachgoers watched twelve drug traffickers beach their motorboat on the sand and casually unload their cargo. They were oblivious to the onlookers as they offloaded their illicit cargo and were filmed by a member of the public. The video, posted online, shows a large black dinghy arriving on a stretch of coast near Gibraltar and the men moving the cargo to shore. Police sources reportedly confirmed that the packages probably contained cannabis. The traffickers were not detained by the authorities during or after the incident. Spanish police said the scene reflected the growing impunity of criminal traffickers. A statement from the organisation guarding Spain’s borders and coastline said the situation around Gibraltar was ‘out of control’ due to a lack of staff and resources to tackle the traffickers and criminal organisations which have ever-greater resources, personnel, structure, support, sympathy and capital at their disposal to commit crimes. There’s a high level of unemployment on the Spanish side of the border as well as the problem of terrorism being funding through drug trafficking.

This small European nation controls some of the continent’s major transit routes due to its central location between Central and Eastern Europe. After World War II, Slovenia became part of Yugoslavia and it finally gained independence in 1991 after a 10-day war. The independence was almost bloodless and Slovenia now has a solid infrastructure. The Catholic Church is predominant in Slovenia, but high rates of secularism and spiritual apathy are growing within it. Despite having an evangelical witness since the Reformation, today’s evangelical presence is known for nominalism and a failure to serve and witness outside of the Church. Very few Christian books have been translated into Slovene, the nation’s official language. Pray that those in Slovenia would break free from their nominal ways towards Jesus.

He expressed deep concern at the recent violent anti-immigration protests in Bratislava on 20 June,  a date also celebrated as World Refugee Day. These are complex issues and even in the United States there are multiple views of how best to address them. But we can all agree that at the core of the issue, we are discussing the lives of fellow human beings – women, children and men – in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, and we have a moral obligation to help. The debate about how best to assist them should remain a reasoned, peaceful exchange of ideas.

Captured sixty times and destroyed thirty-eight times, Serbia’s beautiful capital city Belgrade exemplifies the war and civil unrest that the Balkan Peninsula has undergone over the past two millennia. Ethnicity and religion go hand-in-hand. Over half see their faith as cultural and as their ethnic identity, leading to rampant nominalism. The Serbian Orthodox Church has suppressed other churches, often in totalitarian fashion. Non-Serbian Orthodox churches are increasingly attacked, Muslim/Christian relations remain tense. Protestantism has had a history of influence on Hungarian and Slovak minorities, but its impact on Serbs is minimal. But despite deep divisions within the faith community and difficult cultural hurdles, a tiny but growing body of evangelical believers is attempting to overcome ethnic division and are worshipping together in unity.

San Marino is a small country located inside the borders of Italy. It is the world’s oldest republic and was founded in AD301. Most of the country is Catholic, and there is freedom of religion but currently, sharing one’s faith in this ’ancient land of liberty’ is rarely done due to historic opposition. Pray that believers will proclaim the truth of the gospel that gives people true abundant life boldly. Pray for revival in the nation’s churches and that they will have a renewed focus on the person of Jesus Christ. Pray that the youth will embrace Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Please pray for the political leaders of San Marino.

Russian gas firm Gazprom has confirmed that it has again halted gas supplies to Ukraine after a breakdown on pricing talks. It comes a day after Ukraine's state energy firm Naftogaz announced it was suspending gas purchases from Russia. That announcement came after EU-brokered talks aimed at keeping supplies running for three to six months broke down without agreement. Gazprom said it halted the supply because Ukraine did not make an ‘advance payment’ for July's delivery. It is the second time in a year that Russian fuel supplies have stopped running to Ukraine. For the past year, the European Union, which mediated at the price negotiations in Vienna, has forged a series of temporary agreements that need to be renewed every three months. Ukraine consumes about 50bn cubic metres (bcm) of gas per year, producing about 20bcm but importing the rest. On average, Kiev experiences four months a year when the average temperature is below 0C.

Romania is still working to overcome the physical, economic, and emotional damages brought about by 42 years of oppressive totalitarian rule. Much-needed economic reforms were slow to be implemented. Motivation to join the European Union accelerated many changes but corruption and economic problems persist and have left many frustrated. An estimated 25% of Romania's 22 million people live below the poverty line. Romanians claim to be Christian but little evidence is seen in their lifestyles. Romania has one of the highest abortion rates in the world and difficulties from drug abuse, prostitution and pornography reflect the emotional state of many. The church is Eastern Orthodox, which discriminates against other Christian churches. However, Romania has the fourth-largest growing evangelical population in Europe. An increase in materialism, devotion to tradition and lack of unity in denominations and churches has not stopped a growing receptivity to Jesus Christ in Romania.

As a predominantly Catholic country, Portugal is even further unified by the culturally embedded traditions and practices of the church. Despite this, drug use has become prevalent, with half of all teenagers reportedly experimenting with illegal substances. The country is known as the bridge for shipping cocaine and hashish from Southeast Asia to Europe and North America. The Portuguese government is still struggling to pull its nation out of increasing debt and social depression. Portugal is a financially and spiritually bankrupt nation. 94% claim Christianity as their faith but it is a stagnant belief based on tradition - few openly practise or evangelise. There is little evidence of living and growing relationships with the Lord. The youth are overlooked, and New Age ideals, Mormons, and Jehovah's Witnesses are beginning to take hold of those who do not know Christ. Portugal is in desperate need of a revival now