Four times a year, CARE publishes a unique topical prayer diary, which focuses on a different area each week.

The subjects include: politics, education, health, young people, carers, local community needs, environmental concerns, poverty, life issues and much besides.

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The Word for Today is a daily devotional produced by United Christian Broadcasters.

It contains a daily thought from Bob Gass and prayer points to pray each week, as well the bible in a year and other news from UCB. 

It has been produced for the last 20 years and has been an effective tool for helping people to know God more.

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World Watch List

07 Jul 2015

The Open Doors World Watch List highlights the 50 countries where it is most difficult to live as a Christian.

The most rigorous and detailed report of its kind, the World Watch List uses data from Open Doors field workers and independent experts to track the deep structures of persecution, measuring the degree of freedom Christians have to live out their faith in five spheres of life – private, family, community, national and church life.

Using the World Watch List, Open Doors has produced a range of resources to inspire committed prayer and action on behalf of persecuted Christians around the world.

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Connecting the needs of our immediate neighbours with the Living God, through the power of neighbourly care and prayer, is the heart of this amazing book.

These pages are bursting with information from different prayer and community initiatives around The United Kingdom. Full of fascinating facts and testimonies, this is a fantastic resource on how local churches can engage with local streets and draw closer to Jesus in the process.

Prayer is the most powerful way we can bring change to the broken lives and our neighbours on our streets. This book helps the reader to start praying for their neighbours, and then their street, to see our entire nation covered in life transforming prayer!

Major church prayer resource with contributions from: The Neighbourhood Prayer Network, The Order of St Leonard, The National Day of Prayer, Rev. Canon J. John, Christians Against Poverty, The Eden Network, Tearfund, Samaritans Purse, Street Pastors, Street Angels, United Christian Broadcasters, Sporting Marvels, Saltbox and much more!

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The Grace Outpouring (New Edition) by Roy Godwin & Dave Roberts:

Imagine a House of Prayer in every town.  Imagine Churches filled with Christians who want to bless others; who want to pray and then stand back and watch God at work, changing lives before their very eyes

Since his arrival at the Ffald-y-Brenin retreat centre in rural Wales, Roy Godwin has been able to imagine all this - because he has seen the amazing effects of God working in sovereign power on people who weren't even sure he existed!

Roy has witnessed the outbreak of God's bounty and blessing in the retreat centre, in the grounds, in the fields and out in the community.  His story will be an inspiration to all those who are looking for a new trust in God's willingness to bless the needy with repentance and the Holy Spirit.

This new international edition (released October 2012) now contains a study guide.

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A reliable source in Ukraine says that a lot of media reporting is affected by Russian propaganda as Putin attempts to take control. He portrays Ukraine as divided, with a popular and generally peaceful revolution despite the threat of a military coup, etc. ‘I spent many hours reading news and reports from the internet and am outraged and saddened at Russian propaganda that so many Russians and others believe. I can only compare Putin with Hitlerpropaganda was a major instrument he also used. Anyway, Ukraine is united now more than ever before, and the patriotic, not nationalistic, spirit is high and growing.The vast  majority of Ukrainian citizens, not just Ukrainians and even most people in Crimea, are against Russian invasion and see it as occupation. All churches in unity have acknowledged the new government, opposed Russia’s actions and made a stand for sovereignty and unity of Ukraine. Today all churches and religious organisations of Ukraine issued a statement confirming the above. Even the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine condemned Russia's actions and called on Putin and Kirril, the Patriarch, to remove Russian forces from Ukrainian soil, which is very remarkable’. For the full content of this letter go to the link below.

Switzerland is preparing for the most intense heatwave in 12 years with weather experts predicting high temperatures above 35C for the first eight to ten days of July. The torrid conditions across the country are expected to be the warmest since 2003 when temperatures exceeded 35C and thousands of people - mostly elderly - succumbed to the heat across Europe. Forecasts are saying similar conditions will develop and continue until at least 8 July  as a stable high pressure system extends from the Atlantic Ocean to Central Europe. The European Environment Agency reported this week, ‘Climate change is happening now: temperatures are rising, rainfall patterns are shifting, glaciers and snow are melting and the global mean sea level is rising. We expect that these changes will continue and that extreme weather events resulting in hazards such as floods and droughts will become more frequent and intense. Impacts and vulnerabilities for nature, the economy and our health differ across regions, territories and economic sectors in Europe.’  See also:

A 15-year-old girl from southern Sweden, who has been missing since last month, has phoned her family to say she’s in Homs in Syria, Swedish media are reporting. The teenager, who has been put on an international watch-list, is said to have called home a few days ago, telling her mother that she had made it to Syria after travelling through Turkey with her boyfriend. The teenager suggested that she was planning to join al-Nusra, an extremist Islamist group with links to al-Qaeda. She told her family that she was currently in Homs but that the couple were planning to travel to another city shortly, adding that she would live with a group of women while her partner began military training. ‘I am waiting to hear back from them,’ the teenager’s mother is quoted as saying. ‘I cannot describe how terrible this is and I just wish I could go there myself and fetch her.’