A number of events, mandalas and initiations all based on the Kalachakra Tantra (Time God) Intended to alter the age of the world. (out of the Christian age into Aquarius and the rule of the Chakravartin)

Agree with those on site in the USA who are mobilizing prayer and also involved in covering prayer for this event which involves welcoming occult spiritual forces into the American capital. One prayer team will be on site in Washington DC from July 1-9 and another team on two weekends:  Jul 8-9, and 15-16. A core team plans to meet for prayer every Monday till the 4th of July.

One of them writes: “I am asking for His covering because the forces that are involved in this event are very powerful. I know the Lord has equipped us, but I need to know that we are safe in Jesus. We aren't trying to take on mighty powers here, we are beseeching the Lord, like Hezekiah did in Isaiah 37:14- 20, to not leave our land unguarded. It is God who is sending us to our capital for His purposes there. We go to seek Him, to listen to Him, to love and glorify Him.”

Thanks for your intercession!

August 1-30, 2011, will be the dates of the international prayer focus for the Muslim World. With humble beginnings, a small group of Christian leaders met for prayer for the Islamic world during a meeting in the Middle East in April, 1992. Millions of Christians worldwide have since joined the prayer effort. The 52-page prayer guide found at www.30-days.net is produced in 42 languages each Ramadan and sent to more than 32 regional offices not to be comprehensive but to motivate and inspire the reader to prayer. It contains information, statistics, stories, and photos. This August, the prayer event will coincide with the month of Ramadan in part to remind us to pray when we hear about this in the media. As Muslims fast and pray, Christians do the same. Christians are encouraged to befriend their Muslim neighbors. The purposes of the 30 Days of prayer for the Muslim world specifically are:

•    For greater breakthrough for the Gospel among Muslims
•    An increased commitment to prayer by Christians
•    And for more missionaries to be released to work among Muslims

There are many testimonies of Muslims coming to faith with some seeing Jesus in visions. Som Muslims have come to respect the 30 Days of Prayer network’s motto “Loving Muslims Through Prayer” while others have threatened their efforts. Please join in prayer during this time.

As usual, nearly 2,000 children will gather to prayer for the Nations and the coordinators of Children House of Prayer from different cities and nations will also be joining us. Our focus this year will be on training Spiritual Parents. Many countries are desirous to start a Children House of Prayer. We started Saturday night LIVE prayer for Global Day of Prayer in May, 2010. This has been going on continuously for the past 64 weeks. Every Saturday night, children pray and worship from 8-12 p.m. Hundreds of people from all over the world watch and call in to receive prayer from the children. We are able to see the Fire of Revival starting from India pour out to the nations. More than 100 delegates will be attending ICIC from different nations. Many leaders of CHILDREN HOUSE OF PRAYER will be participating. Donna from Canada and John Robb from International Prayer Council will bring the Fire of Love to our Indian children. Please pray that thousands of orphans will receive the Father’s Love.

We need your prayers to raise up 20,000 children intercessors this year.

Pr. Anton and Royalkids

The 10:10 Campaign now draws to a close, after two years of prayer, awareness raising, building working relationships and initiating action. The first year saw hundreds of people in the UK and the other countries praying for children accused of being ‘witches’, and praying for all levels of society to take action to put an end to these accusations and abuses. For many people, this was their first insight into the tragic scenario, present throughout the world, of children being called ‘witches’. The first year of the 10:10 Campaign had a significant impact in bringing the issue out into the open, encouraging people to acknowledge the problem, talk about it, and pray for an end to it. Another key result was the emergence of the RILPES network, with a determination from founding members to join forces in tackling the problem in DR Congo. Whilst continuing to pray, the second year moved more specifically into advocacy and action.

The 10:10 Petition enabled us to stand with RILPES in DR Congo, as they presented requests for action to their government—urging a national commitment to safeguarding children. 1,300 signatures were presented at a Public Forum in February, 2011. This was attended by representatives from government, large NGOs and small community organizations, church, local authority, the legal profession, and the media. RILPES is now following up on all the expressions of commitment and suggestions for action made at the Public Forum, and planning the most effective methods for ongoing action in the DR Congo. Action on behalf of children accused of so-called ‘witchcraft’ in Nigeria has continued, and those at the frontline of this work have been encouraged by the sense of support brought about by 10:10. In the UK, a number of church networks have introduced awareness of ‘child witch’ accusations into their child protection training and policies.

So, in summary, the two-year 10:10 Campaign has resulted in prayer, awareness, open discussion, networks and working, relationships, advocacy and the first steps of practical action to change attitudes, laws and procedures concerning the safety and well-being of children. Thank you for all that you have done thus far to help make children less vulnerable to accusation and abuse. But the story doesn’t end there…

The U.S. National Prayer Committee announces the release of its new magazine, Prayer Connect. “Can Prayer Save America?” is the timely theme of the premiere issue, which will release the week of July 4. Orders are being taken now at www.prayershop.org. Click on “Prayer Connect Magazine”. (if you want to use a hot link directly to the product page of the issue, use this URL:

Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.

Prayer Concerns:
1.    Please pray for the eight planning task forces: Program, Logistics, Mobilization (including the Media Strategy Group), Finance, Registration/Website, Youth, Children, and Prayer Support. We need to be led of the Lord, given His creative, anointed ideas, and to all do our work diligently, joyfully, and unitedly.
2.    This will not be just another prayer conference. The word “world” adds a great deal of complexity and challenge to the planning process since we hope to have 5000-7000 ministry leaders from all 220 nations. Please pray for excellent organization on the part of the Indonesians and Koreans who are co-hosting the event, for the International Coordination Team, and for the right people from every nation to hear about the WPA and be able to come to Jakarta for it.
3.    The WPA Concert of Prayer in Indonesia this year on May 17, 2011. This will also serve as preparation for the WPA that is one year to follow. Please pray for further guidance, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and unity.
4.    Some organizers that are key to the WPA process are: the Indonesian and Korean national committees who will co-host the event and the WPA International Coordination Team (14) that provides overall oversight. Please pray for His guidance, protection, and provision for each of us. The spiritual battle, as you can imagine, is intense.

Here are the two Scripture passages that have particularly inspired us in arranging the WPA:
•    The Church Becoming United—that all followers of Christ may be one so that the world may believe. (John 17:20-26)
•    Our World Being Transformed—that “the earth may be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea”. (Hab. 2:14)

Thanks so much for your gracious help through prayer that will mean so much, not just to those of us doing the planning and organizing, but also to our world that will be affected by the World Prayer Assembly.

Please also help us get word of the WPA out to “ministry leaders of influence” who will represent the “seven mountains” of society (Arts/Media, Business/Marketplace, Church, Development of the Poor, Education, Family, and Government) who should be part of the WPA. Again, for more information, please have them see www.wpa2012.org where they can also register their interest in participating.

You have an opportunity to shape history by participating in the World Prayer Assembly!  

WPA 2012 will be a “new wave” to strategically connect and empower the global prayer and mission movements as 5000-6000 Christian leaders from up to 220 nations join with the Lord and each other through united prayer, leading to Spirit-inspired action to transform our world.  It is being arranged and co-hosted by leaders of the Indonesian and Korean prayer movements, two of the most powerful prayer forces in the world, with the support of international prayer networks such as the International Prayer Council and the Global Day of Prayer.

The ultimate goal of the World Prayer Assembly is two-fold: to see the knowledge of the glory of the Lord filling the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14) and the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer that His followers become one so the world will know He is its Creator and Savior (John 17:21).

WPA 2012 will learn from and build upon what the Body of Christ has experienced through the worldwide explosion of prayer efforts since the last International Prayer Assembly (Korea,1984), by linking together prayer, mission and marketplace ministries from all church traditions, denominations and social spheres. In the spirit of Acts 13, together we will seek to hear from the Lord of the Church His plans to engage and direct the global prayer movement, so that every nation, city and rural area throughout the world becomes filled with ongoing intercession and Spirit-inspired action until His Kingdom’s values are fully manifested there.

Prayer networks and ministries worldwide will meet with those who are prayerfully working for transformation in all spheres of society such as government, education, business/marketplace, arts and media. Ministry leaders will learn from one another and plan new strategies. They will coordinate their efforts to advance world evangelization and the reaching of the unreached, ignite spiritual revival of the Church, as well as champion social justice and humanitarian efforts- so that His glory will fill the earth.

WPA 2012 will also encourage and launch the next generation to become cutting-edge leaders for Christ’s global prayer and mission movement, as children and youth take their positions as equal partners in helping to lead it.

In fulfillment of Jesus prayer in John 17, the WPA will unite a large proportion of Christ’s Body to cry out to God for breakthrough in the urgent issues of our time. On May 17 evening, during the WPA, 100,000 believers of all denominations, including 20,000 trained child intercessors, will gather in the national stadium of Jakarta for a massive prayer meeting. It will be linked live to 200 cities of Indonesia where there will be similar gatherings estimated at 2 million. Combining with the Global Day of Prayer broadcast through satellite TV, tens of millions of additional people will take part from other parts of the world, uniting their prayers to shape the history of our world!

For more information about the World Prayer Assembly or to register your interest in participating, please see the website at www.wpa2012.org or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Over 11 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and the newly formed Republic of South Sudan have been left in need of food, water and emergency healthcare. The U.N. calls it “the worst drought for 60 years), and it is this severe drought that has forced thousands of people to flee their homes and cross their country’s borders in search of aid. Southern Somalia is already experiencing famine – the first for 19 years – and unless the international community acts quickly, it may spread to the rest of the country within months. “We still do not have all the resources for food, clean water, shelter and health services to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of Somalis in desperate need,” said Marke Bowden, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Somalia.

The long-running conflict in Somalia has made it very difficult and dangerous for aid agencies to operate inside the country, complicating the crisis. Al-Shabaab, an Islamist insurgent group linked to al Qaeda, has recently once again banned international relief efforts, making it impossible for food agencies to help those most at risk.

From an article by Bryony Jones, CNN

Please pray for a lifting of this ban by Al-Shabaab and for the resumption of effective relief efforts where they are most needed. Pray for the rescue of those in the region who need food, water and emergency healthcare and that the international community will be moved to take quick and appropriate action.