Seek God for the City is designed to empower entire churches and even citywide movements to unite their prayers for a special 40-day season. Now the children’s companion guide is available—providing a way to equip children to pray along with each other and their families. The kids’ version of Seek God for the City 2012 is available as a free downloadable PDF file. You have permission to photocopy all that you need. Find it online at
Check out the new pages on our website. You’ll see a short helpful video by Trudy Landis, the author of the kids’ prayers. There are other practical ideas for Sunday School teachers and parents to help young minds learn to express prayers of hope for their community.
Steve Hawthorne, Director

P.S. Be sure you have plenty of booklets for the adults. Our supply of Seek God for the City 2012 is moving rapidly. It’s not too late to get copies of the English and/or Spanish booklets. Call us today 800-264-5214, or find us online at

Please keep praying for the WPA! Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.

Please pray that those from every nation God is calling to take part in Jakarta will be able to be with us and for that the resources for them and the Assembly itself will flow in abundance.

It is amazing to think that this time last week thousands of us were gathered together at Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City lifting up the name of Jesus. The unity, love, faith, passion and power that everyone walked in was awesome! Thank you again. We will never be the same. Since last Thursday, testimonies of how lives were shifted and hearts transformed have been pouring in. We are so thankful.


The week before TheCRY, we had 2 prophecies given to us saying that there would be rain after TheCRY Hollywood and that this would be a sign that God had heard the prayers and that the land was being cleansed. When we opened the curtains on Friday morning we were greeted with, you guessed it, rain! Our team could not remember a day since January that it rained like this. Shortly there after reports came of flash flood warnings in the area as well. It seems God was giving tangible sign that He had heard our prayers. And should we be surprised, He promised He would (Mt. 18:19), and we are so full of faith as we look to the next months and years to watch the answers to prayer unfold!

Please join us in continuing to keep Hollywood and this sphere in prayer. Prayer really does change everything. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? We will be sure to keep you posted on upcoming events that carry the spirit and DNA of TheCRY Hollywood. This was not a moment, it was a movement.

When people think about prayer, they often think about going into a room with a solemn atmosphere so as not to disturb anything. But now in this era, people are catching the vision of GOD about transformation—that His kingdom has to be established in every place, not only in the church building but also in the market place where so there is much darkness at work. God’s people have to bring the light and drive the darkness away.

In the 18th February 2012, more than 5000 people gathered at Jakarta’s Gelora Bung Karno National Stadium. They came from various age groups and walked hand in hand around the stadium, winning an award by Indonesia’s Record Museum (MURI) for this event. I am very proud of our youth fellows that stood forward with all the risk. They made history by destroying the spirit of tradition and the religious spirit. Yes, now it’s time for God’s people to boldly shine forth.

I also respect and salute the church leaders who came and became father figures for many next-generation leaders. This event has caused a spiritual wave that will flow into the bigger wave that will occur on 17 May 2012 at the World Prayer Assembly. On that day, 100,000 people will gather in the same national stadium linked by live TV together with another 300 cities in Indonesia. Forty days before the WPA2012, we will have fasting and prayer from April 4 to May 13. We will have 300 intercessors praying everyday for 12 hours in Jakarta.

According to our history, there has never been such a wave of the prayer movement that has connected hundreds of cities. We do not see physical changes yet, but we feel the separation walls among churches, in the culture, and between generations are now being destroyed. All this is happening because of God’s will and His people’s willingness to be used as instruments of peace. Humility and willingness are the keys to enter the next wave of God.

There will be 280 cities that are planning to hold city-wide prayer on May 17. It is likely there will be more than 300 cities, even up to 400 cities, taking part and praying together for Indonesia and our world. This has never happened before! It’s really God!

May our nation be covered by a canopy of prayer to fulfill Habakkuk 2:14 as the other nations join in as well.

We hope that all who read this can join with us in prayer and fasting, also mobilizing others to pray with you. A Word Concerning the World Prayer Assembly from the Pacific-2012 The Year of the Breakthrough!

Here is the key word for 2012 from the Lord, through the young prophet Son of the Mountains. The Lord has declared 2012 to be the ‘Year of the Breakthrough’ for His people all over the world. The Background story is the Breakthrough the Lord provided for King David and for Israel against the Philistines at Baal Perazim. The Key to God’s Breakthrough for King David and for us today is total obedience to the voice of God. I am so excited about this word and I know 2012 will be a year unlike no other.

For the Global Church, our breakthrough will come from the World Prayer Assembly (WPA) in Indonesia in May 2012. I will write another report on this later on. The last WPA in Seoul, South Korea in 1984 birthed many movements in the world including the Deep Sea Canoe Vision and Movement from the Pacific. Just as the Breakthrough in Baal Perazim opened the way for David to bring the Ark of the Covenant/Shekinah glory into Jerusalem, the WPA in Indonesia in May will be the ‘Breakthrough’ for the glory of God to return to Jerusalem in 2017, according to the Deep Sea Canoe Vision, for the glory of the Lord to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

All glory, honour and praise to God alone, the Lord of the Breakthroughs!

20th February till 30th March 2012—please lift up these strategic prayer concerns to the Lord for this embattled land.

Pray for the 40-day Campaign itself that it will be an instrument of motivating churches to pray for strategic issues as well as unleash a united prayer. Pray that more and more pastors will come to the understanding that their churches are to become “Houses of Prayer” if they want to see a true revival in the nation.

Pray that the Church will understand its responsibility as a Watchman and start praying fervently for spiritual and physical issues that are confronting the Church and the country as whole.

Pray for unity among Christians/church leaders and churches and that the long-standing denominational barriers should be removed.

Pray for the Prayer Movement in Pakistan which is in its initial stages that the Lord will strengthen and it will develop into a sustainable growing movement engulfing the churches in it. The church leadership would understand its importance and become more and more a part of it. Pray that the Pakistani church will understand the power of cooperate prayers and churches will move into a culture of prayer. Pray for a national wide awaking and revival of the church in Pakistan.

Pray for the Senate Elections in coming March, for the first time four minority senators will be elected. Please pray that a maximum of Christian senators would be elected. Please also pray for the Senate elections on the whole that honest people with integrity would be elected and that God will bring such people into the senate who will be favorable to the Gospel and His people.

Pray that the political turmoil of Pakistan would soon end and the country would continue on a path of democracy and freedom. Pray that the internal and external issues of security would be settled.

Pray for abolition or repeal of all discriminatory laws in Pakistan, especially the blasphemy laws (295 B and C). This law feeds into the prevailing extremism. Pray that this stronghold would be brought down and that the Lord will intervene into the fabric of the society to open the minds of the people who believe this law was a divine law. Pray that the Lord will protect Christians and a Muslim brother who are working to abolish this law, which includes Church, civil society leaders, and politicians. Pray for the Christian brothers and sister who are in prison, facing trials falsely accused under this law. Pray that the Lord would give the government sincerity at heart and wisdom to deal with the issue of changing or repelling this law.

Pray that the government will take sincere measures to curb the rising extremism and radicalization; pray that the strong holds of terrorism in the country will be destroyed. Pray for peace and security in the country and the region. Pray for terrorists to come into peace with the Lord and turn away from their plans of destruction. Pray that their plans of terrorism, suicide attacks, and bombing would be exposed and foiled. Pray that the armed forces and law enforcement agencies fighting against these terrorists would have protection from the Lord and there would be minimum causalities in this war against terrorism.

Pray that the Lord will give supernatural favor to the moderate people of the society so that they can socially, politically raise a voice and an effort to fight this menace of extremism. Pray that the National and local media would stop portraying terrorists, extremists as heroes and avoid such news and stories that gives support to extremism and radicalization.

Pray for different types of shortages that are occurring in Pakistan: water, electricity, natural gas, food commodities like, cooking oil, sugar etc. Pray that the government will take sincere measures to resolve these issues which are making the everyday life of a common man miserable.

Pray that Pakistani church will be especially focusing prayer against corruption and lawlessness that is prevalent in every tier of the society especially the government. Pray that the common man in Pakistan will get justice as injustice in the society is becoming a reason for extremism. Pray that the government will bring their own house in order, and take sincere measures against corruption and lawlessness.

Please read the attached article and pray accordingly. This is one of the most dangerous situations on earth. Please pray for Iran that it will change its stance regarding the acquisition of nuclear weapons and avowed intention to use them against Israel, the USA, and other Western nations.

Excerpt from an article in Newsmax by Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter:

Middle East expert Walid Phares tells Newsmax that the Obama administration is not convinced that the Iranians pose a serious danger – even as a top Iranian official declared that his country is prepared to launch a pre-emptive strike. Phares, while nothing that he believes the Iranian quest for nuclear weapons is “not stoppable,” also says a resolution passed in the U.S. Senate last week is a “message to the administration” that it is time to confront the Islamic republic before it obtains such weapons…

An Iranian official vowed that his country would take pre-emptive action against its enemies if it felt its national interests were endangered. “Our strategy now is that, if we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran’s national interests and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions,” said Mohammad Hejazi, the deputy head of the Islamic republic’s armed forces.

In the exclusive interview with Newmax TV, Phares says economic sanctions on the Iranians won’t persuade them to stop their nuclear weapons development efforts. “The Iranian regime is convinced that they are going to go forward with their program, he says.

“That program includes the nuclear weapon but also the delivery system. They’re working very hard on missiles, both intercontinental when they can, and regional, and certinaly they can put Israel, most of the Arab countries, Europe, Moscow, India, and our fleet in the Gulf and in the eastern Mediterranean in their range. “But they are also going to try to negotiate gain time. In the meantime, the buildup of their weapons system is on. It’s not stoppable.”

Asked whether Israel will disregard urging from the United States not to launch a pre-emptive attack on Iran, Phares responds: “Certainly the Israelis have their own clock that is different from the American clock, the European one, or the Arab one. It has to do with the width of Israel. It has to do with Israel unaccepting the idea that they could absorb one strike. “So if the Iranian regime is very close to putting a weapon on a missile, then no questions asked, [the Israelis] are going to try to take action.”…Pahres adds: “What you see in Iran is preparation for confrontation, and if you don’t confront them, it’s like the National Socialists in the ‘30s. If you don’t stop them, they’re going to continue. After Czechoslovakia, it was Poland, then France. And after Iraq, it’s Syria and then Lebanon and eastern Arabia.

“It seems to me the Obama administration is not convinced that the Iranians are really a threat. It is convinced that they are a nuisance and a deal eventually after those sanctions would work.  That’s the view of this administration. But what we have now in the Middle East is way more dangerous than what we had before, even after the killing of bin Laden and after the Arab spring. What we have now is an Iran that is much closer to the bomb. And you have the rest of the Middle East falling slowly under the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The United States needs to contain Iran and the jihadists and partner with real democratic forces in the Middle East that are ready to work with America, Phares says.

Mexico – Early this week, police in northern Mexico announced the capture of a Zeta drug lord responsible for some 75 deaths. In a separate case this week, 119 other suspects were also charged for drug trafficking (among other things), according to the Law Enforcement Examiner.

With all of these arrests in hand, is the drug war actually being won?

Todd Szalkowski with E3 Partners (E3) ( just returned from Reynosa, Mexico, and says the violence may actually be getting worse.

“[In Reynosa], I heard stories of the increased violence across Mexico in places where we hadn’t seen it before: Veracruz, Mexico City, Guadalajara. Places that had not been impacted the way that the border had been impacted had seen some of the atrocious gang-style executions that had occurred along the border now happening in these cities,” says Szalkowski.

As evidence of the increased hostility elsewhere, Szalkowski adds, “Women of the church in Reynosa had been invited to a conference in Guadalajara and were afraid to go. These women live in one of the most dangerous cities on earth and were afraid to go to Guadalajara for a women’s conference.”

The violence is affecting believers’ day-to-day lives in a number of ways. Although innocent bystanders are not affected as much, says Szalkowski, nearly every family, it seems, has some ties to drug cartels.

This makes E3’s ministry difficult. For one thing, people are disappearing.

“We’ll see people disappear, and we’re not sure whether or not they’ve disappeared because they have been executed or whether they flee simply to try to hid from the influences they no longer want to be a part of,” notes Szalkowski.

Prayer is a must in this situation.
•    Pray for boldness as Christians attempt to share their faith.

•    Prayer that they would feel God’s presence.

•    Pray that Christians would not be targeted but would be seen as peace-bearers.

•    Pray that Mexico would turn to Christ in this time of turmoil.

Read the full story HERE

“This is what the Lord has been showing and saying. The WPA in Jakarta is going to be the precursor of a global revival which is going to take the whole world by His Spirit. I saw a great wave in the form of a Tsunami. It came in huge force excavating huge strongholds and high places, breaking into pieces every work and structure of darkness and evil. First, the Tsunami destroyed all the high places of darkness and this huge wave swept the debris of all broken down structures.
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. All oppressive evil political power structures will come down, all darkness exposed. The ugly face of Satan and his demon angels will be exposed. Some well established ministries too will be shaken up in their roots. With the mighty shaking the Lord is going to shake the Arab world and judge the gods (principality powers) like the way He judged the gods of Egypt during the time of Moses and Pharaoh.
As the evil power structures get uprooted the Lord is also going to make available 'Hidden treasures in secret places' to the body of Christ. Treasures as in Gold and Silver and human resources are going to emerge. "Unsung heroes" in the body of Christ are going to emerge, a new generation of leaders and unique ministries.
The Church in Indonesia has conceived in her womb through years of travail in seasons of persecution. The Church united, cleansed herself, travailed in prayer and went into intimacy with God and she is now ready to give birth to this new wave of the Spirit, the spiritual tsunami. The Church is ready to give birth to global ambassadors of prayer, which will be sent around the world. This great wave of prayer is going to pull down strongholds in every city, province, and village, causing great peoples movements across the world. Peoples of every language, color and nationality will be swept into the kingdom of God. The wave, Tsunami, move of God will not stop but will pick up momentum and the whole world will be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”
Amen and so be it!