Robert Park, a 29-year-old Korean-American, was detained by North Korean authorities when he crossed the Tumen River bordering China. He recalls torture including sexual abuse which made him want to kill himself. But he did not. He felt his life could be used to report the actual crisis of human rights in North Korea and says their suffering is greater than his. Up to now, Park says 3 million or more North Koreans have been killed. Huge financial aid has not reached the people. Park says this is the biggest genocide since the Holocaust. He states the world has a huge responsibility for the fate of 20 million innocent and in hostage in North Korea. Park states that “resuming dialogue with Kim Jong Il is selling a soul to the devil.” The biggest obstacle is nuclear threat.
The Worldwide Day of Fasting and Prayer to stop the North Korean Genocide occurred on January 27, 2011. We are sharing their prayer requests:
1. Please pray for the millions of people in North Korea who are starving, tortured, and enslaved by the Kim Jong Il regime. Please pray for the liberation of all political concentration camps and for a supernatural way to be made for all starving people to immediately have the food and the nourishment they desperately need. (Luke 16-19-31, Jeremiah 32:35, Isaiah 58.6-12, etc.)
2. Please pray for Kim Jong Il’s genocidal regime to be overturned and for new, godly leadership to come that will respect the peoples’ human rights, lives, and fundamental freedoms. (Isaiah 37:14-20, Jonah 3:4, etc.)
3. Please pray for the liberation of all North Korean refugees in China especially for the hundreds of women who have been sexually enslaved by traffickers because China refuses them their rights under international law. Please pray for China to stop repatriating the refugees to their deaths in North Korea. (Isaiah 40:17, Isaiah 61:1-4, Luke 10:25-37, etc.)
4. Please pray for the repentance of South Korea, America, and the international community for allowing the genocide to continue even though we are aware of the horrific reality, which is the worst human rights crisis and genocide in the world today. Please pray for global media to publish, broadcast, and televise the truth about genocide in North Korea and China, and for people around the world to protest and demonstrate so that leaders will be pressured to act and that there will be an intervention to save these millions of lives. (Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 7:12, Ecclesiastes 12:13, John 8:32, etc.)
Please commit to mobilize prayer and to take urgent and specific actions for the lives of the North Korean people to become free and healed. (Joel 2:15-17, Esther 4:16, 2 Chronicles 7:14, etc.)
(This site also includes graphic pictures of the deplorable human suffering:
Additional requests:
1. Also, pray for the inward healing of Robert Park.
2. Pray at that God would never allow the nuclear threat of North Korea to be realized, that the technology would be foiled, and that a spirit of confusion and division sweep through the North Korean government and scientific leaders who are bent on evil.
Latest news - As of February 8, the Christian Post Correspondent now reports that Said Musa is "facing execution within three days for converting to Christianity. Said Musa, 45, was told by a judge that he would be hanged within days unless he reconverts to Islam. But the father of six has refused to renounce his faith, telling the Sunday Times, 'My body is theirs to do what they want with. Only God can decide if my spirit goes to hell.' He also claimed he was tortured and sexually abused by prison guards and inmates." If this report is accurate, the execution could be carried out by the 11th. Please pray urgently for our brother and his release. See for more details.
In the last IPC Connections, it was reported that Said Musa was imprisoned in Kabul in May, 2010, and Assadullah was imprisoned in Mazar-e-Sharif on October 21, 2010. Their crime was converting to Christianity from Islam.
The following is an update on their situation from within Afghanistan:
"The two prisoners are standing strong, and western diplomatic pressure may discourage execution. They could be released if they were declared insane. One of the men has already been put under six-month s care of a psychiatric doctor. There is major concern with this, however, because the physician is administering some unknown pills, the prisoner is afraid of being tricked into taking some mind-altering substances. Please pray for this, for God's will to be done and that He will protect these two men from any abuse or manipulation. In 2006, there was the case of Abdul Rahman, the situation around him was different but he was also arrested because he openly confessed to be an Afghan Christian. He was declared insane so the court case could be dropped, and he was put out of the country.
Please pray that the situation will be resolved soon, that the brothers will remain strong in their resolve, that those trying to defend them will have godly wisdom and not feel forced to use questionable or even harmful means to obtain their release.”
Compass Direct News ( announced that 11 Christians (including 2 children) were arrested at gunpoint while sharing an evening meal and being charged for conducting a “secret meeting” in a pastor’s home. Three church leaders were included and still remain in custody after the release of the other 8: PastorWanna from Nakoon village church, Chanlai from Tonglar village church, and Kan from nearby Nahin village church—all in Hinboun district, Khammouan Province. Despite government-approved Christmas celebrations between December 5th and January 15th and the fact that Pastor Wanna informed the government of a church gathering in his home January 5th, the arrests on January 4th occurred.
Joel News ( reported that Bibles were able to get into the hands of many in Laos, but the church asks for 2,000 more New Testaments.
Please pray:
1. That God’s Word be protected as it crosses borders and that it reaches the spiritually hungry.
2. That the 2,000 more New Testaments needed will get to the churches asking for them
3. That the reading and studying of the Scriptures will enlighten and empower the Church for the great works of God and to His glory.
4. That many will come to faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
A Christian brother from Switzerland was called by God in response to Numbers 10:2, 9.
“Make two trumpets of hammered silver and use them for calling the community together and for having the camps set out…When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and rescued from your enemies. “
And he has taken the “Blowing the Trumpets” ministry into all countries of Europe and most recently Pakistan!
Among the purposes/messages of blowing the trumpets:
1. A wake-up call to the church to break out of slumber.
2. Repent and come back to the Lord with a burning love that burns up all else: fear, doubt, jealousy, egocentricity.
3. A call to turn back to God’s Word (receiving our daily Bread).
4. A call to not forget the church’s roots as grafted branch of the olive tree of Israel (Jews) and perhaps depart from present ways to return to Him.
5. A call to love God more deeply and not be disengaged from Him.
6. A call to seek God as never before.
The trumpets were blown in Belgium, Holland, and Finland, where there was television coverage getting the message out to thousands even reaching to Estland (Estonia). In December, 2010, the shofar was blown in several places in Pakistan where our Christian brother witnessed many people coming to faith in Christ Jesus, people being healed (without anyone praying for them), and television coverage of the Christian messages!
Please pray:
1. That God’s Word proclaimed through the trumpet ministry would take seed and advance in Europe and beyond.
2. That the church’s response will be fueled by the Holy Spirit for great works.
"During the last watch of the night the LORD looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the Egyptian army and threw it into confusion". Ex 14:24
We need to stop and THANK GOD for what He is doing. Sometimes all we see around us is the darkness as we get caught up in the urgency of the moment. But let’s go back and see how God has answered our prayers.
This past month, large demonstrations continued in Islamabad over the blasphemy law. These were led by Jamat-i-Islam (largest political radical group in the country). Sobering is the fact that in videos one could see that many other militant groups had joined them in Islamabad (each group wears different types of clothes and hats). In such situations, it may seem overwhelming and discouraging.
But at the same time, let us see what God has done and PRAISE HIM for it. We have PRAYED for confusion in the ranks of the militants and religious leaders. This is exactly what began to happen. Each group wanted to be seen as the leader of this movement and fought for this position. Much of its power began to subside. Praise God. Continue to pray for confusion.
Next, demonstrations over the blasphemy law moved to Lahore, again largely led by Jamat-i-Islam. But now something new was added. An American Embassy person, while being robbed, shot and killed his two assailants. (Remember America and Christian are synonymous). It was like adding gas to the flames.
Continue to PRAY for confusion in the ranks of the militants and religious leaders. Jamat-i-Islam now say, "If the government rescinds the blasphemy law, and if this American is not tried in the Lahore courts, the revolutionary wave sweeping the Islamic world currently will not be kept away from Pakistan."
RESULT: Sherry Rehman decided to drop her attempt to amend Pakistan's controversial blasphemy law. She has been the leader against this for several years. This happened after hundreds of militants threatened her life. In regards to the Lahore courts, they have been the only courts in the past who have stood up for Christians regarding the blasphemy law. This past month they completely backtracked when militant demonstrators threatened them.
Is there hope this blasphemy law will be reversed? Yes, our God is much bigger. Continue to PRAY for confusion in the ranks of the militants and religious leaders.
Many in Pakistan are worried that what is happening in Egypt and the surrounding countries will spill over into Pakistan. Several articles have observed, "If Egyptians, Tunisians, and Jordanians have risen up against their oppressive rulers and have reached a stage of rebellion owing to injustice, repressive state, inflation, dearth of jobs, etc., it can happen easier in Pakistan whose economy is far worst than these three Arab countries put together."
1. The combined population of Tunisia, Jordan, and Egypt is 71 million. Pakistan’s population is 180 million.
2. Inflation in Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt respectively is 4%, 4%, and 12%. Pakistan’s inflation rate is 14%. Inflation is up to 30-40% for common food items after the floods.
3. Per Capita GDP (gross domestic product) in Tunisia, Jordan, and Egypt respectively is $9.50, $5.30, and $6.20. Pakistan’s per capita GDP is $2.40.
4. Percentage below Poverty Line in Tunisia, Jordan, and Egypt respectively is 3.8%, 13%, and 20%. In Pakistan the % below poverty line is 24.
5. Unemployment in Tunisia, Jordan, and Egypt 14%, 14%, and 9 %, respectively. In Pakistan, it is 15%.
6. External Debt $18 billion in Tunisia, $5 billion in Jordan, and $30 billion in Egypt. In Pakistan, it is $58 billion.
7. GDP growth rate in Tunisia (3.4 %), in Egypt (5.3%), and in Pakistan (2%).
(Figures from "The News")
The poverty stricken masses in Pakistan are nothing less then an explosive laden bunch and all they need is a spark to trigger a revolt and insurgency. This nation desperately needs the blessing of God.
Please pray:
1. That the government will have courage to do what is right in God’s sight.
2. That Christians will not fear but place their trust in God.
3. For the protection and safety of the Christians.
4. As in Exodus 14:24 (“During the last watch of the night, the LORD looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the Egyptian army and threw it into confusion.”) that God would confuse the ranks of the militants and religious leaders.
A personal letter came to our office with the following prayer requests:
1. For peace in Pakistan.
2. For Pakistan’s innocent humanity—especially the children and those in orphanages—for protection and provision.
3. For terrorism and evil attacks to cease against the innocent and against Christians in the land.
Father Anton Cruz shares that on Saturdays from 8 p.m. to midnight, the Royal Kids will be praying for CIP and WPA. To join them in real time, visit
Please pray:
1. For the prayer ministry of the Royal Kids to be funded, guided, and nurtured well.
2. For blessings to abound for the children who dedicate themselves to the work of prayer.
3. For the Christians around the world to understand, embrace, and emulate the model of what the Royal Kids do with their prayer ministry.
The World Weekend of Prayer is an international prayer event that will happen the first weekend in June (3rd, 4th, 5th) 2011, in Oxford, UK. The theme is “Together”. In past conferences, prayer booklets in 15 different languages including a child-friendly resource were published; it is hoped that these and other resources would be provided in 2011. Viva encourages child intercession for children at risk, adults signing commitments to pray for children, organizations starting regular prayer meetings for children at risk, and much more. (
Please pray:
1. For Viva to acquire the financial and organizational help needed for this prayer event.
2. That participants will in turn carry what they have gleaned back to home towns/cities and that there be a noticeable impact for the sake of children at risk.
3. For God’s protection over this conference and over children at risk.