Please pray for Mozambique. Visit

From Norm Johnson:
“After the loss of thousands of lives in South Sudan, affecting the lives of more than 100,000 people recently in South Sudan, we received notice of a peace initiative represented by people from the various fighting tribes. Below is the press release of what is known as the Jonglei Peace Initiative. Please pray for an end to the hostilities and that God will use people to his glory and for the sake of his kingdom.

Jonglei Peace Initiative
For Immediate Release January 23, 2012
Found on the second half of this web page:

Washington, D.C. – Twenty-five South Sudanese Diaspora community leaders from across North America, including both Canada and the USA, gathered in Washington, DC, January 21-22, 2012, and focused on helping bring peace to their native state of Jonglei in the new country of the Republic of South Sudan. We are known as the Jonglei Peace Initiative (JPI) and include men and women from the Anyuak, Nuer, Murle, and Dinka people. Officials from the Embassy of South Sudan and international resource people joined us. We have agreed to call ourselves JPI — USA.

Here is a list of quick links you can use to fine out more:
• (Download a 30-second promo video or a 2-minute vision-casting video to play at a service.)
• (Invite people through the Facebook event page.)
• (Go to the online promo page with posters, social media links, videos, and more!)

The organizers write: “We would be honored if you join with other leaders from LA, America, and beyond for this strategic day of prayer. Your presence is powerful. If you are planning to come, please let us know so we can be sure and get you on the VIP seating list. You can connect with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..”

“Fox News Latino reported this week that Mexico is the world's No. 2 producer of child pornography and is classified as a source, transit and destination country for people traffickers involved in sexual exploitation, Mexico lawmakers said.

Child pornography is the number two illegal business, trailing only drug trafficking, and generates $42 billion annually, Special Committee to Fight People Trafficking chairwoman Rosi Orozco said. Approximately 50% of those trafficked are children and teenagers. Orozco reported that only two Mexican states have handed down convictions for child pornography and only 19 jurisdictions in the entire nation of Mexico have laws against child pornography. Orozco introduced a bill in August 2011 to ban and punish people trafficking; it is still awaiting action.

First Lady Margarita Calderon stated that Mexico must bolster its judicial and public safety institutions to fight people trafficking and child pornography.

Child sex trafficking also thrives in communities across Arizona and along the Southwest border where vulnerable young girls and children as young as 13 years old are exploited and often abducted from their schools and local shopping malls. To add to this tragic fact, these children are physically and emotionally scarred for life. Many of them are sold and smuggled to parts unknown to be discarded later as used merchandise never to be found again.

O LORD, You have heard the cry of the afflicted; You will strengthen their heart, You will incline Your ear to vindicate and free the orphan, the captive and the oppressed, so that man will no longer cause them terror (A prayer fashioned from Psalms 10:17).
    Heavenly Father, awaken me to these horrible realities beyond my sight. Give me a deep and godly compassion for the fatherless, the enslaved and the oppressed.
    Protect Congresswoman Rosi Orozco and give favor nationally for her bill to stop child sexual exploitation; that legislation will come quickly. Continue to pray for Ms. Orozco's success in her in fight against sex trafficking (Psalms 82:3-4).
    To put an end to those producers of child pornography. For the sexual exploitation business to be shut down and be put out of business.
    For those addicted to pornography to come to Christ Jesus and be forgiven, set freed and delivered.
Answered Prayer!
The Mexican security forces have arrested 11 alleged members of the country's most powerful drug gang, the Sinaloa cartel. They said those detained worked for Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, the most wanted man in Mexico. They were arrested during a helicopter raid on a ranch in the north-western state of Durango on Friday. During the raid, elite troops killed the regional leader of the gang, Luis Alberto Cabrera Sarabia. The security forces said his death was a severe blow to the Sinaloa cartel's operations in Durango and Chihuahua. Mr. Cabrera Sarabia is accused of having controlled much of the drug trafficking in the two northern states.

We continue to pray for the capture of Joaqin El Chapo "Shorty" Guzman. We declare he WILL be captured this year!”

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." (Psalm 33:12)
Pray that our leaders will follow the ways of the Lord and make their decisions based upon fear and reverence of His Word. Pray that we as a nation will not turn our backs to God's will and desires. Pray that our leaders will deliver us as a nation from destruction by honoring our Creator and Sovereign who has established us and desires to bless us as a nation.

By Jeff Coors, Executive Chairman of the Board for Intercessors for America

In the back of most Americans' minds today are questions about our nation's future. Can the future of this country be as bright as the past? Have we seen our best days? Does God care about America as a nation? People wonder, "Can America be saved?"…History is filled with the graves of nations who turned their backs on God, but this same downfall doesn't have to happen to America.

First, God can save groups of people from the wrath they deserve. As we read in Micah 5:15, God says, "I will take vengeance in anger and wrath on the nations that have not obeyed me." He does hold nations accountable for their collective actions, just as He holds individuals accountable for their personal decisions and actions. Isaiah describes God's standards of judgment when he writes in 64:5, "You come to the help of those who gladly do right, who remember your ways. But when we continued to sin against them, you were angry. How then can we be saved (yasha)?" Jeremiah 5:1 answers this question: "Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem, look around and consider, search through her squares. If you can find but one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth, I will forgive this city."

It appears that our God will save a group of people from His wrath based upon the obedience of a few. An incredible measure of mercy! In the midst of this mercy He still demands a nation's obedience. Isaiah 45:22 emphasizes that only our Lord can save a nation: "Turn to me and be saved (yasha), all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other." Mercy comes, and yet complete obedience by all is desired. God saves nations from His wrath and also from outside threats…Pray that He would save us from His wrath, which we deserve, drawing us toward obedience as a nation; and that He would save us from our enemies.

U.S. CONGRESS: 2011 Most Futile Legislative Year on Record

Pray that our 2012 legislative sessions will reflect the heart of God's will for this nation. The Lord desires to bless the nation that honors Him. Pray that our legislators will be sensitive to the needs of our population and that they be granted wisdom for how best to address those needs with the stressed 2012 budget. Pray for reconciliation between the House and the Senate on the important issues which include the economy and national defense.

It's official: Congress ended its least-productive year in modern history after passing 80 bills - fewer than during any other session since year-end records began being kept in 1947. Furthermore, an analysis by The Washington Times of the scope of such activities as time spent in debate, number of conference reports produced and votes taken on the House and Senate floors found that Congress set a record for legislative futility by accomplishing less in 2011 than any other year in history.

The Senate's record was weakest by a huge margin, according to the futility index, and the House had its 10th-worst session on record.

“ From a very reliable source, we received the following message.  Please join us in Prayer for our brothers and sisters in Syria. We've all seen and heard about the uprisings in the Arab world.  The Middle East is heating up for better or for worse.   We talk about fighting for democracy, desiring to see all ethnic groups obtain it, and even children seek some type of democracy of their own.  It takes a huge amount of hatred and ignorance for anyone to refuse such democracy, and yet in the mind of fundamentalists and extremists, there is no room for it.  This is the struggle of Christians in the Middle East, especially those living in Syria.

The last few months have been some of the hardest times for Christians in Syria, in the fight against corruption.  They have united together to support the call to change.  Things began to heat up in the streets, and the effort to fight corruption turned into power struggles, where sects in Islam are fighting each other, trying to take control, forcing their beliefs on one another.

Many slogans have been heard throughout the revolution.  One in particular goes something like this, “Take the Christian man to the grave and their women to bed.”  Hearing hundreds of men in the streets, chanting against Christians, has brought fear into their lives.  Fear for the safety of their women and young children.  It has come down to a battle for existence, all because of what they believe.  Many stories of Christians being attacked and killed, woman being kidnapped and raped, are being heard throughout Syria.  All in the name of Islam and of “Democracy!!”

Please Pray:

•    For an end to the blood shed and that any change of government will lead to greater freedom for the people of Syria.

•    That the rights of Christians and other religious minorities will be protected

•    That the church will have strength to stand firm and bring the light of Christ to their nation.”

Please pray for the resolution of Burma’s (Myanmar’s) ongoing ethnic conflicts even as there has been some improvement of the political situation in the nation with the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and other pro-democracy activists from house arrest and imprisonment. Pray for effective talks and actual, enduring ceasefires between the Burmese government and various tribal groups.

The Free Burma Rangers’ (FBR) mission is to provide hope, help and love to internally displaced people inside Burma, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Using a network of indigenous field teams, FBR reports on human rights abuses, casualties and the humanitarian needs of people who are under the oppression of the Burma Army. FBR provides medical, spiritual and educational resources for IDP communities as they struggle to survive Burmese military attacks.
For more information, please visit

SUMMARY: A group of about 200 al-Qaeda terrorists has taken control of Rada, a city just 130 kilometers south of Yemen's capital. Opposition leaders have accused President Saleh of allowing al-Qaeda to advance in order to convince the public that he should remain in office. Saleh is supposed to step down in February.

“Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (a terrorist group affiliated with al-Qaeda) seized the Yemeni city of Rada on January 16, 2012. Though the militants have controlled a number of towns in the south, this is the closest they have come to the capital of Sana'a. According to "The Australian," "Many sleeper cells of the terror network are thought to be located" in this area.

According to ABC News, "Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula now controls seven population centers in Southern Yemen."

•    Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will govern with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)

•    Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to be defeated. Pray for the salvation of leaders and members. (The Bible, 1 Timothy 2:1-4)

•    The people of Yemen to be set free from the bondage of Islam. Pray for the Lord to open their hearts and minds so they will know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:3,4)

•    This time of unrest to become an open door for the Gospel. Pray for Yemenis to be receptive to the Good News of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Roman 1:16)

The Kingdom of God to come to Yemen with miracles, signs, wonders, dreams, and visions. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)”