Authorities in Iran's Fars Province detained seven Christians in a church raid on Friday, even as five other Christian converts who were detained eight months ago from the same province will face trial on Monday. Over 300 Christians have been arbitrarily arrested and detained over the last two years.
Security personnel on Friday evening raided a house church belonging to the Church of Iran denomination in the city of Shiraz, and detained seven Christians, U.K.-based charity Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reported.

The seven, identified as Mohammad (Vahid) Roghangir, Suroush Saraie, Roxana Forughi, Eskandar Rezaie, Bijan Haghighi, Mehdi Ameruni and Shahin Lahooti, were being held in Plaque 100, the Intelligence Ministry's notorious detention center.

Security men threatened older people at the prayer gathering, and then allowed them to leave while detaining the others.

CSW said the latest detentions were part of a "marked upsurge in a campaign of harassment of Christians of all denominations, with reports of a significant increase in arrests during recent weeks. "There appears to be an increasing tendency by the Iranian authorities to characterize legitimate religious activities as crimes against the state," CSW's Chief Executive Mervyn Thomas said. "In reality, people are being harassed merely on account of their faith."

Meanwhile, five Christian converts arrested eight months ago from Shiraz officially received a trial date through a lawyer for Monday, Mohabat News, an Iranian Christian news agency, reported.

The trial will be held in Branch 3 of the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz.

The accused were identified as Mojtaba Hosseini, Mohammad-Reza Partoei (Kourosh), Vahid Hakkani, Homayoun Shokouhi and his wife Mrs. Fariba Nazemian. The charges against them include "creating illegal groups," "participating in house church service," "propagation against the Islamic regime," and "defaming Islamic holy figures through Christian evangelizing."…

Reuters last month quoted Ahmed Shaheed, U.N. special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, as saying that he estimated that "over 300 Christians have been arbitrarily arrested and detained throughout the country since June 2010."

"Scores of other Christians appear to remain in detention for freely practicing their religion," Shaheed said. "Churches continue to report undue pressure to report membership, in what appears to be an effort to pressure and sometimes even detain converts."

Christians have faced a wave of arrests since the disputed presidential elections in June 2009. And persecution of minorities intensified as international pressure began to build over Iran's secret nuclear enrichment program leading to sanctions in the following months, World Evangelical Alliance's Religious Liberty Commission notes.

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering this abuse at the hands of the Iranian regime. Pray for their encouragement, protection and release and for the political transformation of this important and potentially dangerous nation.

Pastor Thanks Those who Prayed for his Release

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, recently released from an Iranian prison, has written a letter of thanks to all those who brought attention to his plight and prayed for his release.

Nadarkhani said God's goodness and protection was overwhelmingly evident during his imprisonment. He added, "I also want to express my gratitude towards those who, all around the world, have worked for my cause, or should I say the cause that I defend. I want to express my gratitude to all of those who have supported me, openly or in complete secrecy. You are all very dear to my heart. May the Lord bless you and give you His perfect and sovereign Grace."

Nadarkhani said while he had been tested, he had never felt lonely. He continued, "I was all the time aware of the fact that it wasn't a solitary battle, for I have felt all the energy and support of those who obeyed their conscience and fought for the promotion of the justice and the rights of all human beings. Thanks to these efforts, I have now the enormous joy to be by my wonderful wife and my children. I am grateful for these people through whom God has been working. All of this is very encouraging."

Nadarkhani said while imprisoned God comforted his family and gave them the ability to get through the difficult time. He said, "He has comforted my family and has given them the means to face that difficult situation. In His Grace, He provided for their spiritual and material needs, taking away from me a heavy weight." Nadarkhani said God provided wonderfully during the trial, allowing him to face the challenges ahead.

Egyptian Christians request prayer for a number of cases involving allegations of "insulting Islam and its prophet".  Several are new, whilst for others we requested prayer in August.

Egyptian Christians request our prayers that:
a.    Bishoy, Makrem and Gamal and, together with their families, will know the peace and presence of Jesus throughout these ordeals
b.    A way will be found to challenge Bishoy, Makrem and Gamal's unjust imprisonment
c.    Nevien will be exonerated from any wrong doing
d.    The situation in Marko in AL Fashen will be defused
e.    Laws and practice will be changed to grant all Egyptians greater freedom of expression, and that the law will be applied equally to all citizens
f.    All officials involved will love mercy, act justly, learn about Jesus and choose to follow Him.

The recent anti-Islamic film that caused the death of the US ambassador to Libya, has once again added fuel to an already dire situation in Egypt. The unpredictability of the political and religious situation in Egypt has caused an atmosphere of uncertainty to settle across all spheres of life. If a civil war should break out in Egypt between liberal and conservative Muslims , Christians will undoubtedly be caught in the middle, as was the case in Libya and is currently in Syria.

Up to 100 000+ Christians have already left Egypt in fear of radical Islam under the Muslim Brotherhood. If Egyptian Christians are caught in a civil war within the next two years, thousands more will flee the country, bringing Christianity in Egypt closer to the brink of extinction

Pray that Christians will not lose heart and continue to work towards forgiveness (towards those who persecute them). Pray that Christians will have the strength to stay in Egypt and be bold in sharing their faith. Pray for the new leadership in Egypt under President Morsi.
(INcontext Ministries:

As we see the Muslim world getting more and more violent in these last few weeks we need to remind ourselves that our battle is not against flesh and blood, there is a bigger battle and that battle is in the heavenly realms. Behind the people (M people) is a very powerful religion that leads over a billion people away from the Lord Jesus.

Jesus’ radical call for believers is still to love our enemies, and to pray for those who persecute us. Lord, help us to love Muslims right now.

Lord, we enter into the battle in the heavenly realms and ask for Your hand to be moving forward these events with the end result that more people would call upon Your name and be saved. You are the only answer! Lord, break down this power of Islam.

Lord, we pray for our people looking to take Your good news to Muslim nations. We know this is a trying time, but it is also a time of ministry, we ask for Your wisdom to be with them.

Lord, we lift up the governments of the Muslim nations. We ask that you give them wisdom in dealing with these situations. Help them to bring peace to their nations.

Lord, we ask for your fame to be known in all the world. We ask people would have a hunger to know Your name and know You. Send dreams and visions across the Muslim world.

Announcing: "Unite in prayer for Sudan / South Sudan from 19 to 21 October 2012". Take some time during these 3 days, wherever you are, to unite in prayer for Sudan/South Sudan. Prayer hub for this initiative in Khartoum. May it spread to believers in many different places in Sudan & South Sudan to many other nations.

Recent statements by American and Libyan officials linking last month’s attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi to Islamist insurgents from northern Mali highlight the danger posed by this new terrorist haven in the middle of West Africa. A military intervention by a regional African force to take back northern Mali from the insurgents is unlikely before next year, which will allow them to solidify their control over an area the size of France.

It was in 2006 that I understood in a new way, the promise children hold. The occasion was the Transform World Summit in India’s Bihar State, where 170 leaders representing 17 different tracks met to consider “Bihar.” For most who had gathered then, Bihar was termed the graveyard of missions and was referred to as the core of the core of the core of the 10/40 Window. 100 million population, 66% illiteracy rate, 35USD per capita income, 45,000 villages where 90% of the population lived and where 52% of all children under-5 were malnourished. Bihar needed help!

However, it was when a group of young orphan and destitute girls no older than ten, sang for us one evening that something special occurred. As they sang, God’s spirit moved upon the congregation, as conviction fell on the audience – their love for God, their dependence on the heavenly Father, their purity and sincerity all were evident. Spontaneously the majority of the congregation found themselves on their faces before the Lord in acts of repentance, renewed commitment and dedication. For several global leaders who had gathered from several nations of the world, this was a turning point. It was a turning point for me too.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matt 19:14)

Kathmandu, Nepal
From August 28-31, 2012, eighty-four servant catalysts representing six South Asian countries gathered to learn, plan, pray and serve together the 4/14 generation in South Asia. Six tracks including Media, Holistic Child Development, Ministry to Children, Government, Generation Y and Family served all participants including several visitors who also joined the sessions. World Without Orphans (WWO), Children in Prayer, Literature and National Facilitation Team (NFT) facilitators served the entire group.

The Call and Context
In the list of the top 10 countries in the world with children in this age group of 4 to 14, fall the three South Asian countries of India (248m children), Pakistan (38m children) and Bangladesh (36 m children). South Asia therefore assumes critical significance in this missional focus on children and her often desperate needs. The top 10 countries world-wide have a collective population of over 700m children vs. the 1.2billion of the world (58%) and together are larger by 16% of all other countries of the world put together. 1 out of every 4 of the world’s 4/14’ers are therefore from South Asia. The chart given below provides a deeper understanding of the areas of the world where the 4/14’ers reside.


322 million of the world’s 1.2 billion children reside in 3 South Asian countries alone
Foundational Assumptions

The focus of the 4/14 window initiative is to make an urgent appeal to consider the strategic importance and potential of the 1.2 billion children and youth. It is a plea to the Church to open hearts and minds to the idea of reaching and raising up a new generation from within that vast group—a generation that can experience personal transformation and can be mobilized as agents for transformation throughout the world. The vision and hope is therefore to maximize their transformational impact while they are young, and to mobilize them for continuing impact for the rest of their lives.

Jesus had an intense interest in children. He brought back to life three people, two of whom were children. He encouraged children to come to Him, and He used them as an Illustration of Simple Trust In Him. His interest in children is seen in His taking them in His arms and blessing them (Mark 10:13-16). Thus to neglect children is to run counter to what the Bible says about them.

Luis Bush says, “This requires that we become acutely aware of what is taking place in their lives. We must also endeavor to understand their nature and the essential means to nurture them. Only with this kind of informed awareness will we be able to reach them, shape them, and raise them up to transform the world.

“There are more than 1000 verses in the Bible to children”, says Dan Brewster, who also comments “that children play a significant role in the unfolding of the message of the Bible that God loves and protects them; that they are extremely perceptive in understanding the things of God; and that God often deploys them as His messengers and models – often it seems when adults may have been too corrupt and deaf to His calling…


The synergy developed in this South Asian region of the world is promising. The event served to be catalytic in nature, building strong inter-personal relationships towards jointly focusing on common challenges across national borders. The commitment expressed towards intentionally serving those in the 4/14 window in various states and nations through a variety of ministries was heart-warming to hear...It can be concluded that as the result of this conference, several dozen strategic ministry partnerships have been forged to serve multiple thousands of 4/14 in each South Asian country. It can also be inferred that as a result of this gathering, a key leadership group has been set in place to serve the 4/14 with greater focus, vision and commitment.

“Let the New Wave of His Glory Fill the Earth!”
The World Prayer Assembly will be a “new paradigm” for an international congress of ministry and marketplace leaders. It will be an Acts 13-type encounter with the living God who longs to reveal Himself to those who are listening and wanting to implement His strategies for “prayer-action” that will revive and transform our world. Five early church leaders at Antioch gave the Lord opportunity to speak and the result was the launch of the mission movement to the Gentiles that brought the Good News of Jesus Christ to Europe and eventually around the world, changing human history more than any movement ever. What will happen when 5000+ leaders gather in Jakarta to do the same? We believe it will be a “new wave” of His glory bringing revival and transformation to the nations as the Spirit of the Lord through the global prayer movement, joining with the mission and marketplace movements, rises up like a mighty spiritual tsunami and flows back across the nations!
There will be many internationally known men and women of God as well as many prayer, mission and marketplace networks from around the world. Some heads of state and other political officials should be coming also. However, we are not gathering around great human personalities or important networks and organizations, but to seek the Lord of all the earth, the majestic God of glory, wisdom and love, to hear from Him directly. His presence will be the main draw because we are convinced that He will speak if we give Him opportunity to do so. Every presentation will be brief and given to facilitate prayerful encounter with God around that particular issue so that we hear back from Him and get His assignments for us corporately and personally.
The WPA will be tri-generational. One-third of the participants will be under age 30 for the leaders’ day sessions and 40,000 youth and children will participate in the May 17 national stadium event that will unite many millions of praying people within Indonesia and worldwide. Youth and children will be co-leaders of the WPA along with the adults. God often uses the youngest and least known to convey His most important messages and we need to listen. As we partner with the younger generations and encourage them to share leadership, the Lord will raise up many new Josephs, Daniels, Samuels, Esthers, and Deborahs that will do exploits for Him in generations to come.
There will be approximately 40 2-hour track sessions on various international issues, models of ministry and social spheres in which participants will caucus according to their own choice and ministry calling to hear updates on what is happening in that particular arena of concern. They will then seek God with others who share their same passion for His strategies of “prayer- action” for the transformation of that issue or sphere.
The atmosphere of the WPA will be characterized by openness to God and others from diverse traditions and movements within the Body of Christ. We will meet in fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer in John 17 for true heart-unity within His Body. It will be a time of listening to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and sharing what we believe the Lord is saying. It will, therefore, be a kind of international prophetic council (Jer. 23: 18) so there will be a special Listening Team of intercessors who will seek to discern and evaluate each word that is given by God according to Scripture’s admonition (I Cor. 14).
The WPA will be saturated with prayer in many different formats and styles- personal, contemplative, pairs, triplets, small groups, as well as all together in plenary led by adults, youth and/or children from the platform, etc. We want to be open to the richness of what the Spirit is doing and saying throughout the Body of Christ, not foolishly thinking that our way of understanding and practice is necessarily the only right way.
It will be an adventure of learning from the Lord and one another, watching Him do His wonders among us as we enthrone Him and submit ourselves in His presence to the guidance of His Spirit and Word.
Welcome to the World Prayer Assembly! Welcome to a time of encounter with the Lord that we believe He will use to change the future history of His Church and of our world.
John Robb, IPC Chairman

We are in a kairos time in world history. As nations are in uproar, economies in upheaval, social order declining, and times increasingly tumultuous, God is beckoning His church to advance His Kingdom. In response, Transform World is convening a "Transform World Global Challenge Summit" November 6-9 in Indonesia. Under the Lord's guidance, anointing, and directions, 7 critical challenges facing the body of Christ will be discussed with focused visionary mobilization and engagement of the 7 spheres/mountains of cultural influence from all regions of the world. The convening will catalyze and  launch a 7 year concentration on these challenges with intentional inclusion of the 4/14 window and next generation. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated for all those sacrificing their time to come. The 7 challenges and spheres are as follows:

1.    Ideological challenge: Issues surrounding Islamic fundamentalism
2.    Family Challenge: Focus on Christian marriage and the family with a call to integrity, purity, and witness
3.    Orphan Challenge: Focus on care for the orphans with a view to world without orphans
4.    Poverty Challenge: Reviewing poverty lines globally with a focus on availability of basic needs among the poorest communities in the world
5.    Human Rights Challenge: Promote human rights against actions that violate and are contrary to human dignity
6.    Christ’s Missional Challenge: Reaching unreached people groups
7.    Celebration Challenge: Identifying, connecting, and encouraging 24/7 houses of prayer and praise to God in every nation

7 Spheres of Culture
1.    Arts
2.    Business/marketplace
3.    Church
4.    Delivery of Media
5.    Education
6.    Family
7.    Government

Prayer focus for the summit: (We would covet your prayers…even fasting, for all those attending this strategic summit)

•    Planning strategy and Participants: For those being called to prepare to build and connect with creative and effectual strategies
o    Pray for hearts willing to connect and build with each other
o    Pray for humility to gird and build with one another
o    Participants anointed for wisdom, revelation, and agreement towards effectual visionary strategies and mobilization
•    Provision for those coming particularly for funding
o    Financial provision for travel (very important!)
o    Spiritual provision/insight for strategy for each of the challenges and spheres for Kingdom advance
o    Wisdom for implementing strategy for the summit and coming years
•    Protection: Pray particularly for protection over health and finances.  
o    For all participants, their families, and ministries: health, jobs, relationships (Psalm 91)

On behalf of “Transform World Global Challenges” and all participants:
Djohan Handojo, Chairman
Luis Bush, International Facilitator
Iman Santoso, Servant Catalyst
Fred and Susan Rowe, Transform World “Celebration” Challenge Facilitators

Thank you so much for your prayer that we had very great dedication program. Almost 160 pastors and leaders came and prayed for House of Prayer and dedicated it on God's hands. We were anointed for national leadership for House of Prayer. Senior pastor Dr. Mangalman Maharjan did it through the power of Holy Spirit. We are so much happy that God is doing in Nepal