Thank you for your interest in praying for the elections. There are many who believe this is perhaps the most important election in the history of our country. Our moral decline continues to go unchecked. We desperately need revival in the church and a standard of righteousness to be raised up across this country again.

We encourage you to not only pray, but use every bit or your influence to encourage and challenge friends and fellow believers to join you. can lead you to the resources you need to promote prayer in your spheres of influence.

We are excited at all the pre-election prayer emphases that are being promoted around the country. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of believers are and will be praying for God's purposes to be released over our nation.

Many will be praying with us at There are three ways you can participate in what we are promoting for prayer from September 28-November 6. We will be using the guide Desperate for Change: 40 Days of Prayer for America ( by Dave Butts, chairman of America's National Prayer Committee.

There are three ways to get this guide:

1. Purchase a copy or copies for your church members.
2. Sign up to have it emailed to you each day.
3. Sign up for an RSS feed of the daily guide.
Click Here for More Information: (

A Historical Look at How Prayer Turned the Tide in U.S. History

By David Kubal

We all know the verse: "If my people who are called by my name. . . ." Go ahead and finish it. The words are so common they have become a cliché. We have said the verse enough and heard it enough, yet we often look at our country and wonder if our prayers are having any visible effect.

Thankfully, history assures us that this verse is true, and that the powerful Word of God is never simply a cliché. When a nation comes together to pray, fast, and seek the will of God, things do happen.

Free Downloadable Guides includes a number of guides from various authors that are available as free downloads.

Check out:

2012 Election Prayer Guide (
40 Days of Seeking God by Greg Frizzell (

An Election Prayer Guide by Sara Ballenger (

We encourage you to also explore all the other ministries that are holding various prayer initiatives for the elections. Find the best fit for you and your church.

Please pray for these important remaining debates that could determine the course of the presidential election.

October 22, 2012 Topic: Foreign policy Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Location: Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida (Tickets) Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates Participants: President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. Moderator: Bob Schieffer (Host of Face the Nation on CBS). The format for the debate will be identical to the first presidential debate and will focus on foreign policy.

From Jason Hershey, leader of David’s Tent, a 24-7 worship ministry going on now on the White House Ellipse in Washington, D.C. (See

“These 40 days have been an urgent season, yet a glorious opportunity to call the church to pray!  However, this being said, we know to have a "Nine One One God," "call on him when you're in a bind"  isn't the fullness of love, though it is part of the glorious opportunities the Father of Lights has given us.  

Please prayerfully consider how you and the National Prayer Committee might aid the prayer movement here in DC after November 7. I believe it's imperative to get 24-7-365, a congress, ecclesia, of prayer and that no stagnant hour would remain in DC.

Many prayer initiatives are happening this fall leading up to this presidential election.  Many of them are coming to Washington DC, as they should. I want to ask  two questions.  Why are they coming to Washington DC? Why not just have the prayer gatherings in their local churches where they are from?

Here is how I would answer these questions. I believe it was significant that Jesus made intercession in Jerusalem, not Galilee. I believe it was significant that Daniel opened the window and faced Jerusalem to pray each day. Couldn’t he just pray in his prayer closet? In Deuteronomy chapter 12 God clearly instructs His People that there is a specific location that the nation was to come together to seek the Lord. He is so emphatic that you would think Jesus is a real estate agent, location location location!  In the pantheistic culture of the time God clearly raises a standard that there is One Place for the nation to Gather as One Man, to worship One God!  This place was finally secured by King David when he conquered the land of the Jebusites and set up Jerusalem as the Capital both governmentally, but also the place where Israel would gather to worship.
In America, I believe it is imperative that a 24/7/365 House of worship and prayer is established in our Capital.  I have committed my life to such a task, yet I know that without the participation of believers from all across the country, this task will never be completed.
Americans send representatives from every part of the United States to Washington DC to create law.  We know them as Congress. I believe it is time that we assemble the House of Prayer 24/7/365 to continuously minister to the Lord from Washington DC!  In spite of the great prayer movement across America, I see it as almost a surprise that we have not a 24/7/365 House of Prayer in Washington DC! At this point, most of the prayer events happening this fall are in the pipeline, meaning they’ve been planned, the ball is rolling, no turning back. My focus has now has turned to this, “What happens November 7?”
Please pray and partner with us as we consider how to establish a long term prayer presence in DC.  I’d love to inaugurate a long-term 365 day expression of what’s happened for these 40 days this fall.  Let’s dream together, for Jesus’ Glory!    

How to pray?

All that is left is the "place of faith." We have the staff we need to admin it here in DC. The Ellipse has been genius of the Spirit because it birthed faith in all the worship teams and worshippers to come and help fuel this throne of praise. If God would release a "place of faith" to house this, I believe America will have a signpost of God's restoration in Washington DC.

Jason Hershey
David’s Tent DC.

The reports have been rolling in all week on the capture of prominent cartel and gang leaders. We salute all those courageous law enforcement and military that successfully captured and arrested these bad guys; but, most of all, we give thanks to our Heavenly Father, who has heard and answered our prayers!

•    Jorge Eduardo Costilla Sanchez, known as "El Coss," leader of the Gulf drug cartel, was arrested Wednesday evening in the Gulf port of Tampico. Sanchez controls some of the most valuable and violently contested smuggling routes along the U.S. border. His capture is a major victory in the military battle against drug trafficking, but could open a power vacuum and intensify a struggle south of the Texas border in northeast Mexico, a region that has seen some of the most horrific violence in the country's six-year war among law-enforcement and rival gangs.
•    The Mexican navy arrested Mario "El Gordo" Cardenas Guillen, a presumed senior  member of the Gulf cartel, on Sept. 3 in Altamira, Tamaulipas state. Mario Cardenas Guillen is the brother of former Gulf cartel leader Osiel Cardenas Guillen.
•    On Sept. 2, Mexican federal police arrested David "El Comandante Diablo" Rosales Guzman, alleged Gulf cartel plaza boss, in Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon state, a city and municipality of the Greater Monterrey Metropolitan area. Rosales Guzman is accused of ordering several attacks on bars as well as kidnappings that left at least 19 dead in Monterrey in August.
•    Three suspected Hezbollah operatives were arrested in Merida, Mexico, on Sunday, September 9th. Rafik Mohammad al-Laboun is a US citizen and was extradited to the American authorities soon after his arrest by Mexican security forces. Laboun was wanted by the US prior to his arrest. The two other Hezbollah members, Justin Yasser Safa from Belize, and George Abdalah Elders, remained in Mexican custody.
•    A high-level member of Mexico's powerful Sinaloa drug cartel was arrested by the Federal Police, the Public Safety Secretariat said. Adelmo Niebla Gonzalez was captured last Thursday in Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa. Investigators have determined that Niebla Gonzalez smuggled marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin into the United States via the Arizona desert. He was also involved in weapons trafficking into Mexico.
•    Three brothers suspected of being leaders of the Jalisco Nueva Generación drug cartel were captured by Mexico's military. Ramon, Rafael and Jesus Alvarez Ayala were arrested last Thursday in a simultaneous operation staged by the army and federal police in the western cities of Guadalajara and Zapopan. Ramon Alvarez Ayala is suspected of being the cartel's No. 2 man, while Rafael Alvarez Ayala is a top member of the drug trafficking organization. Ramon Alvarez Ayala was "the main associate and right-hand man" of top cartel leader Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, and he was in charge of overseeing the gang's expansion into the central states of Guanajuato and Michoacán.
•    Mexican police have captured Ramiro Pozos Gonzalez, a founding member and leader of La Resistencia drug gang based in western Mexico. La Resistencia operates in Mexico City and the states of Jalisco, Michoacán and Mexico. La Resistencia was created in 2010 by former members of the Gulf, La Familia and Milenio drug cartels and later formed an alliance with the brutal Zetas drug cartel.
•    Mexican State police have captured Felipe De Jesús Gastélum Castro, aka: "El Vaquero or "El Felipillo", wanted in the killings of several police officers. He is believed to be involved in the executions of over 40 people.

•    Lord, we stand in awe of your power and might. We thank you for hearing our prayers and for guiding the authorities in capturing these violent men.
•    Father God, in our role as intercessors (standing in the gap), we continue to pray for the dismantling of all drug trafficking organizations (DTOs). We ask You to shine Your light into the dark world of these drug and human traffickers, exposing where they are hiding. Mighty God, give law enforcement the needed insight and direction to capture all DTO members in Mexico and in the USA.
•    We call upon You, Mighty God, to break through in this violent war on humanity and bring an end to these criminal organizations. Heal our land and restore godliness, righteousness and justice to Mexico and the USA.
•    We ask for Your protection, Merciful God, upon all who are fighting to dismantle the DTOs and murderous gangs.

Mexican Marines have killed Heriberto Lazcano, the founding leader of the extremely violent Zetas drug cartel.
Killed in a gunfight in a small village in the northern state of Coahuila on Sunday afternoon, Lazcano, also known as "El Lazca" or "Z-3," was one of Mexico's most-wanted men. Only Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, head of the Sinaloa cartel would represent a bigger prize to the Mexican government.
Just hours after he was killed, a masked, armed group snatched Lazcano's body and that of another Zetas member from the funeral parlor. It appeared the military was unaware it had killed Lazcano until his corpse was stolen. Authorities had already taken fingerprints and photographs of the body and later confirmed it was, indeed, Lazcano. [1]  
Lazcano, alias "The Executioner," was the highest profile drug lord to be killed or captured in a military offensive launched since President Felipe Calderon took office in late 2006.
Lazcano's death was a double blow to the Zetas criminal organization. Senior Zetas plaza boss Ivan Velazquez, also known as "El Taliban" or "Z-50" was captured last weekend. Since 2009, government troops have caught or killed more than 20 major drug lords, claiming three of the "most wanted" bosses in the past month alone. [2]  
The Zetas are considered one of the two most powerful drug gangs in Mexico and have carried out some of the worst atrocities in a drug war that has killed about 60,000 people during Calderon's term. [3]
Under Lazcano's leadership, the Zetas grew into a gang of more than 10,000 gunmen with operations stretching from the Rio Grande to deep Central America. [4]
This is evidence that God is hearing and answering our prayers for the success of President Calderon's "war on drugs" and for the safety of our southwest border.
    Father, we ask for President Calderon's continued success in the drug war during the closing days of his presidency. We ask You to assist Mexico's military in striking crippling blows to the cartels, including the swift capture of Sinaloa Drug Lord "El Chapo" Guzman.
    Thank you for hearing our prayers and shaking the foundations of the brutal Zetas cartel. We ask you to hinder the Zetas from rallying and regrouping.
    We stand against violence and the death of the innocent that might ensue in a power struggle in the aftermath of Lazcono's death.
We pray for those who are deeply imbedded in the criminal activities of the drug cartels. We know that You take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. (Ez 33:11).

“Even a small number of people, firmly committed to the new inevitability on which they have fixed their imaginations, can decisively affect the shape the future takes. These shapers of the future are the intercessors, who call out of the future the longed-for new present…the reign of God.”-  Walter Wink
In Indonesia, a few colleagues and I from the IPC heard thrilling reports from about 200 city leaders who coordinated World Prayer Assembly efforts in their cities and regions. In many cases, they reported that the great majority of churches united for the WPA and continue to meet for prayer with their leaders in an ongoing movement. God gave such favor that even the government in some places was giving money, buses and venues for the WPA! Christ’s people are now getting involved in reaching their communities by adopting their streets, schools and offices for prayer and loving service. Praise the Lord for the huge move of His Spirit, truly a “New Wave”, that is sweeping through this largest Muslim populated nation!
In Chennai, India, I was able to meet with the India National Prayer Network, which is led by two of my IPC colleagues. I also spent a lovely time with the Royal Kids, orphans who pray 24/7 for the nations and have been prayer partners with us in the WPA, in order to report to them on the impact of their prayers and to thank them.
In Vasai, a city near Mumbai, I spoke and led prayer for 700 Catholic charismatic prayer people from many local parishes organized by their leader who was at the WPA. They were among the most fervent and powerful intercessors I have met and were extremely gracious to me as their Protestant brother, as was the Archbishop. In Hyderabad, I presented to about 350 leaders of the nation’s mission movement on the relationship between united prayer, effective mission and socio-political transformation.

We are doing 21 Days of Focused Prayer for the Silk Road--Oct 1-21.  If you know those who might join, please let me know.  Each day's prayer focus will be posted on the Facebook page Silkroad Prayer in English and Russian.  We are also sending these out by email every day.

Global connection at the same time of many Christians (and others) in a common prayer for humankind and its urgent needs every day from 3.00 - 3.05 p.m. Greenwich time - to form a wide channel between God and humanity in order to increase the love and power from God on our planet and thereby unitedly support the manifestation of His will for us and the transformation of our world.
•    You who want to join the SEPTIME to pray for humankind on a Biblical foundation seek at the time given a quiet place wherever you are - in the kitchen, bedroom, fields, etc.
•    Pray for one to fine minutes (or more) for the urgent needs of mankind - whether globally, for your region, city and/or friends and family and what else is on your heart. The targets of prayers you can get from the news of the last week for the respective field of prayer and/or find your own prayer targets.
•    The time for prayer is chosen because of the fact that most people in the world have and most people are awake at the suggested time of the day, except for the Pacific Area (around 7 a.m. in the western North and South America, 11 p.m. in eastern Asia).
•    It is recommended that your prayer start with the Lord's prayer, then followed by the specific prayers in the Name of Jesus.  
•    No network for further directions should be needed. The message of the SEPTIME prayer could be spread through congregations, Christian media, social media and other ways that the Lord shows us.

In the Sweden-prayer, we have some good experience of prayer in distance when we meet "in the Spirit" and many of us then recognize a "wind of prayer". It might work for people to have a short regular prayer time where to join brothers and sisters in Christ in prayers for mankind, for the nation, for the city/village or what else God puts on our minds. Think of the picture of an electrical very thick wire, consisting of many, many little threads transporting the power. Maybe a global prayer connection will work in a similar way.
 For more information, please contact Sweden Prayer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Have a look at this link. All our resources on 24/7 prayer are here.

Maybe you are interested in the global invitation to make 2013 a year of non-stop prayer. You will find info on Facebook.!/prayonthewall

People will do it in different ways in different nations.

In South Africa we are simply taking the 730 cities and towns in the country, allocate 2 weeks (one in the first semester and one in the second semester) to a city of town and ask them to pray all 168 hour. This will give us about 55 cities/towns per week that will engage in night and day prayer.

Bennie Mostert
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For most Muslims the Hajj is the pinnacle event of their lives.  They are commanded to make a Hajj at least once in their life if they are able. This year, the Hajj will start on October 24 and last for 3-4 days. During this time, millions of Muslims from all over the world will flock to Mecca to perform this Islamic sacred act. Pray for Muslims to come to know the Lord Jesus.

Hajj 2012 Prayer Video on YouTube

4 Day prayer Guide