Egyptian Christians have requested our prayers following a series of similar incidents in several provinces across the country in which Christians have been threatened or attacked. Egyptian Christians are keen to stress that there are a range of motivations behind these =
incidents, and the primary call is for prayer that effective rule of law will be established and applied equitably to all citizens and institutions throughout the country.

On 5th November a group of Salafists occupied church-owned land in the Shubra district of Cairo. Church leaders informed the Interior Ministry who arranged for the Salafists to leave the site the next day. However this problem is ongoing as Salafists do not want the church to put up a fence or an administrative building, in spite of the fact that all legal documents have been in order for some time and the Church has the support of the Governor. Church leaders have urged members not to engage with Salafists who visit the site.

In early November the General Manager of the Coptic Agricultural Bank in Minya was kidnapped. He was released on 4th November. A ransom was demanded. However, effective police action led to the man being released with no payment made.

In late October a Christian concert was stopped in Minya province due to accusations from Salafists that it was an evangelistic event. Church leaders stated that, whilst the concert was open to anyone who wished to attend, it was made clear to all that it was a Christian event intended for a Christian audience.

Egyptian Christians note that incidents like these often occur as a result of inadequate state security provision, and that Muslims are also suffering as a result of this lack of security. They note that since January 2011, weak security and rising Salafist extremism mean that Christian communities are increasingly vulnerable. Because the authorities seem unable or reluctant to protect Christians from extremist assailants, it has become more common for minor disputes to escalate into sectarian clashes.

Egyptian Christians request our prayers that:
a.    The government of President Mursi will uphold the rule of law, ensuring the equitable treatment of all citizens
b.    This will be enshrined in the new constitution, which is currently being drafted
c.    The situation in Shubra will be resolved and the church’s rights upheld and respected by all
d.    Church leaders will know the Spirit’s enabling wisdom to respond to injustice with fact, firmness, and clarity while maintaining a faithful and clear witness to Jesus
e.    All officials involved will love mercy, act justly, learn about Jesus, and choose to follow Him
(From a Christian leader in the Middle East)

Some stats in relation to Egypt

•    Estimated 85-90 million people in Egypt.
•    Approximately 13 million of them are Coptic Christians
•    With a further 1 million Evangelical Christians
•    Cairo (capital) has an estimated population of 23 million people, of which 5 million commute to Cairo for work from outlying areas
•    Since the revolution, there is a limited police force on the ground, but it’s virtually non-functional in day-to-day affairs.
•    The army has retracted mainly to military operations and oversight of the country; Egypt is ruled by a Muslim Brotherhood-led government whose chief aim seems to be the institution of Islamic Sharia Law to establish Egypt as a pure Islamic state, thereby limiting the role of Christians and if possible rid the country of its 2000-year Christian history and witness.
•    There is an increasing lawlessness with emerging gangs of young Muslims terrorizing parts of city and country.
•    An estimated 120+ thousand Christians from the more affluent and educated levels of Egyptian society have emigrated since 2011 revolution.
•    We heard there is an excess of 1 million Muslims coming to faith over the last five years with some estimates varying up to 5 million. It is happening for sure, but it’s very difficult to get accurate numbers.
•    Across the country, there are massive problems with poverty, failing infrastructure, religious disharmony and persecution between Christians and Muslims, as well as Muslim sectarian fighting.
(Quoted from a visiting prayer leader who was recently there.)

Strategy: Every week, two nations are encouraged to mobilize all Christians to stand in the gap to pray for their nation: the national Christians, expats, missionaries and mission agencies working in that nation, and churches that are supporting missionaries in that nation. Every nation is encouraged to take 2 weeks of extra-ordinary and non-stop prayer for their nation, one week every 6 months.

  • Encouraging believers to come together in larger groups (where possible) to have extended times of prayer.
  • Encouraging believers to have prayer rooms or prayer watches where all 168 hours of the week can be covered in prayer.
  • Encourage Christians from other nations to send prayer teams to those nations during the specific week.

Every nation use all possible means to mobilize the church in their own country.
Prayer focus for the first 6 months: the Church
1. Establishing new believers in Christ (Phil. 4:19)
2. Salvation of unsaved and church that will take Matt. 28:19-20 seriously.
3. An outpouring of the Spirit of Prayer and Supplication on the church (Zec. 12:10).
4. That God will fill the church with the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:28-31; Eph. 5:18).
5. For the church to reach out to the poor and needy as well as the social need and pain in their communities (Eph. 2:10; Isa. 58).
Prayer focus for the second 6 months: Godly leadership in the church and establishing of the kingdom of God in all spheres of society
For more information, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Information also available in Arabic, French, and Farsi.

Approximately 250 local ministry leaders supported by 70 international intercessors met not far from the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) separating North and South Korea. Some North Korean defectors were present and shared about the awful conditions and suffering of the Christians in the prison camps of the North There was a powerful and moving time of repentance between participants from the two divided nations, different denominations in the South and for the bloodshed of millions through the history of the Korean peninsula. Praise God for the sense that history was being made during this strategic initiative! We believe that His breakthrough and deliverance for the North is coming soon. Please continue to pray for this with us.
Robert Park, the missionary activist who walked into North Korea two years ago and was severely abused during his imprisonment there, spoke passionately during the PINK gathering, calling for mass demonstrations as well as prayer for those suffering in the North. He has since written about “reports of mass starvation and widespread death in North Korea not only from defectors (refugees) he knows personally but also in the media.” See the pictures from recent report by MSNBC and share with others:
He goes on to say: “North Korea is the most militarized nation on earth, and spends more money according to gross domestic product on its weapons program than any country in the world. It would be simple for them to feed these children and prevent their deaths - but the children are being sacrificed in the most wicked and abominable manner to meet the political ends of the regime.”
One way to help practically, he affirms, is to “raise financial support for the North Korean refugees so they may send remittances into these areas of North Korea and save lives that otherwise will die. That this is a confirmed route to affect the starvation-stricken areas has been confirmed in government and academic circles, see for example:”
Please also see article Park wrote for the Washington Post in April for specific recommendations he has for the international grassroots community to solve this catastrophe: "The forgotten genocide in North Korea"(April 20th, 2011):

Faith of a Child
I’m writing today from Santa Fe, NM, where the North American Prayer Summit with delegates from Canada, Mexico, and the United States have gathered to pray for these nations and for our continent. Christian leaders from other nations as well—India, Italy, the United Kingdom, and South Africa, as well as leaders from the Navajo Nation have joined us, too. But what has surprised me most are the children.
The children are leading us in prayer! Kids between the ages of 11 to 15 or so (I’m guessing) are the ones who stand up front and lead in intercession for the prayer needs that God is bringing to light. We adults are learning from them. It makes sense, though. We heard from Mexican brothers and sisters how children in that nation are being killed in violence surrounding the drug cartels. How they are being recruited to work as drug dealers. How some of them are being orphaned because their parents are killed in the drug-related violence. The Indian brother shared about the thousands of orphans in India and how God called us to be fathers and mothers to them—not just to feed, clothe, and educate them, but also to teach them how to pray for the world.
Some prayer leaders are calling children around the world the “4-14 Window.” They say that Christians are losing the generation of children between the ages of 4 to 14. Check out the video at
It’s really been moving to see these children (part of a New Mexico children’s prayer movement) lead out—with faith, passion, and tears—for the needs of our three nations that directly impact their generation. I realize how important it is that I pray for these young ones—and whenever possible, disciple them in prayer, too. There’s lots more I could say, but I need to get to the next session. As always, I welcome your thoughts, stories, and questions.
Kingdom-Subduing Prayer
Last week I wrote to you from Santa Fe where the North American Prayer Summit convened to pray for the three nations that make up the North American Continent. Needless to say, we prayed some gigantic prayers. I knew God heard us and would answer—but I didn’t imagine it would be this powerfully and quickly (Oh me of little faith!).
As delegates from various states in Mexico shared their prayer requests last week, they all had one thing in common: All asked us to pray about the drug cartels. Murders, kidnappings, extortion, cities emptying out, children being recruited to drug operations—it’s no surprise that the illegal drug rings in Mexico rise to the top of most Mexican Christian’s prayer lists.
So we prayed. Representatives of three nations—including the child intercessors I told you about last week—prayed that God would bring down the drug operations that were crippling and terrorizing their country.
Today, just one week later, I read that key figures in two of the country’s most powerful drug cartels have been arrested!
As I ponder this incredible answer to prayer, I am reminded of something Brother Andrew (author of God’s Smuggler) said: “The boundaries of evil are expanding every day, and fatalistic apathy is enabling those boundaries to grow because it offers no resistance. But Christians must oppose evil: we were born for battle! Every Christian is a soldier, a “member of the resistance” in God’s army, taking part in spiritual warfare. . . . Will you ‘subdue kingdoms’ through your prayers?”
Murray Dodds, Canadian Coordinator of the NAPS
I appreciated the contribution of the internationals who came. They brought a sense of the bigger picture and I felt more of a connection to where North America fits in to the global perspective
- The reconciliation with Matteo Calisi and Mexicans was great to see. Having him there will open doors with the Catholics. Gave us a greater appreciation for them as well.
- It was good to connect with those we had not seen for some time in the North America group.
- I felt something shifted for the USA during prayer time for them. It was hard to get to as so much was at stake.
- We were able to springboard off of the time together to plan an initiative between Canada and Mexico that might not have occurred if we had not met.
- We continued to build on already developed relationships between the three nations.
- We all had a greater appreciation for the moving of the Spirit in prayer and how we need to listen to the voice of the Lord.
- We continue to grow and learn from one another as we intercede for the continent.
I was interested to see on the news just several nights ago how in Canada and the US economic job growth had increased for the first time in three years and in Canada we had our lowest unemployment rate in three years at the end of Sept. I believe this is part of the Lord hearing us and showing results in the economy!
Mexico arrests senior Sinaloa drugs cartel suspect
“Police say Noel Salgueiro Nevarez was taken in a carefully planned operation. Mexican forces have arrested a man they say is a key figure in the country’s most powerful drugs cartel. Noel Salgueiro Nevarez is accused of running Sinaloa cartel’s operations in the northern state of Chihuahua, where drug violence is rampant. Defense officials said his arrest would seriously weaken the cartel in Mexico and abroad.
The arrest was made on the same day as that of Martin Rosales Magana, who is accused of leading the La Familia gang…Defense Ministry spokesman Ricardo Trevilla Trejo said Noel Salgueiro Nevarez was behind much of the extreme violence which has plagued Ciudad Juarez, Mexico’s murder capital. He said the suspect, also known as El Flaco (The Skinny One) led a gang of hitmen who extorted local businessmen, kidnapped for ransom, and tortured and killed members of a rival gang, the Juarez cartel.” (See BBC News article at
Praise God that He is answering! Pray that all remaining drug cartel leaders will be apprehended and that their activities of drug, arms and human trafficking will be discovered fully and shut down. Pray too for President Felipe Calderon and his administration for their protection, wisdom and effectiveness in combating this nation-crippling problem.
Dos Naciones, Un Proyecto (Two Nations, One Project) has produced an excellent prayer documentary video on the Mexican drug war that will help you understand what is really happening and how to intercede for His further breakthrough. You can get a copy by contacting: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let the “New Wave” of His Glory Fill the Earth!

Your heart will be stirred to see the new World Prayer Assembly video which is called "The New Wave is Coming!" It was filmed and produced by the award-winning Media Village. Here is a direct link to the 7 minute video:

Please have a look and share the link with others you think would be interested in seeing it. Many are seeing a spiritual tsunami rising up through the global prayer movement. As we meet from around the world in Jakarta this May, the waves from many nations will converge and this great tsunami of His Spirit will cascade outward from the prayer revival now happening in Indonesia to the rest of the world. This is the theme of the new video. Please pray with us for those He is calling to join us at the WPA and for every nation to be represented in Jakarta.

“But which of them has stood in the council of the Lord to see or hear his word? Who has listened and heard his word?”-Jeremiah 23:18
Some snapshots of the global prayer movement as reported by our leadership during a recent conference call:
 24/7 Prayer Movement- Amazing stories of growth. Website hits have increased about 30%. Since the beginning of the year, there was a 40% increase in prayer response. Missional communities are growing everywhere and new movements are starting. In South Africa, taxi drivers at war with one another came together with the church leaders at a stadium, and there was reconciliation. Out of that spread a number of prayer initiatives. - Etienne
 One great need for prayer across Central Asia concerns increased persecution. It is a new season in the region and prayer is needed on how to move forward for the Great Harvest that He has promised. – Eunice
 The Latin America Prayer Summit concluded with 31 people representing 12 nations (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, El Salvador, Mexico, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, and for the first time a good representation from Venezuela.) The meeting was in Curitiba, Brazil, March 2-5. Powerful days. A highlight was the participation of the youth with the anointing they brought to the meetings. They will participate together as nations in a continental prayer agenda, lifting up an altar of praise, worship, and intercession to the Lord. - Yanira
 China, Hong Kong and Taiwan- Intercessors on the prayer wall have been working well, and multiple prayer walls were established for the past year. About 600 people are going to the World Prayer Assembly and will be one of the most strategic groups there. – Gloria
 Europe- national initiatives have multiplied and often there are reports of other convocations and prayer meetings. Croatia—3 years ago started to fulfil their call. Denmark has a prayer initiative. Prague in the Czech Republic had a prayer gathering recently. - Ioan
 USA- Presidential and other governmental elections in November that generates a significant amount of prayer- a momentum of deep, profound prayer for the USA and how it influences the world. Re-launching of Pray magazine now called Prayer Connect (name influenced by IPC and acknowledged). New initiative called the “One Cry” movement which calls forth 50,000 prayer warriors in a common revival vision and to equip them to become ongoing and informed intercessors. – Steve
 United Kingdom- Major events happening: Diamond Jubilee of her Majesty, the Queen, and Olympics (July/August, 2012) and the Para Olympics. A couple months ago, Christian prayer was banned in all council chambers, government chambers, and other public places. A footballer collapsed at a match. A call spread across the nation to pray for him including one of the most secular newspapers that wrote “God is in Control” when hearing the man was getting better. Organizing ahead of the Olympic torch, praying ahead and behind the torch “Jesus, the Light of the world”. – Ian
 Sri Lanka- Every region has monthly prayer movement with pastors/elders (inter-denominational). Within our own denomination, 5,000 involved in intercessory prayer. Despite bleak situations in the country, God is moving by His Spirit through spiritual warfare, intercession, prayer, unity. - Leslie
 Operation World prayer guide being abridged from 1,000 to less than 300 pages and rewritten in more accessible English for non-native English speakers. To be translated into many languages—more than the original larger book’s translations. Project will be done in autumn 2012. - Jason
 Caribbean- Another regional prayer summit being planned. In Jamaica, they are in high gear for 50 years of independence. They are declaring jubilee over the nation and to seek to bring the nation into repentance and transformation. - Maria
 The World Prayer Assembly has required 8 trips to Indonesia, Korea, and surrounding nations. Hectic and very demanding but also joyful and thrilling to see what the Lord is doing through the WPA. Denominations across the nation are united to participate, God has given favour with political leadership, and millions in more than 350 cities will pray with the Assembly in a live broadcast on May 17 that will also be connected
around the world by GodTV. The Indonesians have developed the “My Home” Project where believers adopt their own streets for prayer and reach out in loving service to their neighbours. Millions of Christians will be involved in this. - John
 The World Prayer Assembly Intercession Task Force has received a word from the Lord in different groups but the same vision: a big book is opened, and a "new page" is showing a new season, a new day in which the Holy Spirit is orchestrating a worldwide prayer strategy that will surpass any other prayer movement during the Church’s history. In the WPA 2012, the Holy Spirit will equip the Body of Christ to participate with Jesus in His intercessory ministry. The result will be a great harvest of souls that will be added to the Kingdom of Heaven. IPC is a tool that God is using to align His people to his prophetic agenda. Not only a new wave, but a fresh anointing in prayer and intercession will be release all over the earth. – Yanira
 I resonate with Yanira's word that this is a new page of a the Chronicle as the Lord also put the scripture of Revelation in my heart about the opening of the Scroll for the WPA:
 "When he had taken the scroll; the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell before the Lamb, each holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. They sing a new song: 'You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slaughtered and by your blood your ransomed for God saints from every tribe and language and people and nation; you have made them to be a kingdom and priests serving our God, and they will reign on earth." (Rev 5:8-10).
 We will enter into a new season for the nations to see the opening of the Scroll! This is about new understandings of the end-time redeemed purposes and unique destinies of different nations in His kingdom before the creation when different tribes and languages gather before His throne and worship Him with new song and intercession during the WPA. Corporate listening during that time is thus very important!
 And as the WPA is going to open on May 14, the Lord also impress me with the same number of scripture in 1 Peter 5:14: "And this is the boldness we have in Him that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of him." Corporate intercession in unity during the WPA is therefore history changing! - Gloria
World Prayer Assembly - Final Call to Register
This is the last call for the WPA, a once-in-generation encounter with the Lord, cutting-edge ministry leaders, on-fire youth and praying children from around the world. We will be meeting in the midst of the greatest prayer revival happening on earth with millions of believers in 350 Indonesian cities also participating. You can register at until April 14 for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Hope to see you in Jakarta,
WPA International Coordination Team, leaders from the Indonesian and Korean prayer movements, the International Prayer Council, and many other prayer and ministry networks

Ari Bhod which is sponsored by the Venice Community Agape International Spiritual Center.

"They shall be turned back and be utterly put to shame, who trust in idols, who say to their molten images, you are gods."  Isaiah 42:17

"To whom can I give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they can not hear. The Word of the LORD is offensive to them. They dress the wound of My people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say when there is no peace." Jeremiah 6:14

"O YHWH, the nations have invaded Your inheritance...

The Tibetan sand mandalas being built as offerings to their gods are of particular concern because of their desire to empower connections between the Media and politics through the invocation of powerful demonic entities and territorial possession. We have watched the emergence of Tibetan Buddhism in America over the last twenty-five years and are gravely concerned over the proliferation of Tibetan teams building mandalas coinciding with the 2012 Presidential Election. We have never seen so many made in such a short time, which is a cause for alarm as where ever we've seen them built, disaster is soon to follow. We pray that the harvest will not be spoiled, but that we may still see many souls saved. We pray that the intrigues of the LORD's enemies be their downfall.

A prophecy given by a Kenyan years ago, predicted civil war would soon come to our land. As a Christian he cautioned us not to be involved in bloodshed against our neighbors. We are in fact to pray for and love our enemies as ourselves, a high and holy command from Yeshua, one that is only possible through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  

As Christians we know that we battle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in heavenly places. That our weapons are NOT carnal, but spiritual for the pulling down of strongholds. You know the rising dangers of modern sophisticated witchcraft and well organized funded Tibetan Buddhist machinery which is introducing idolatry into America at an unprecedented scale never before witnessed. We have many Tibetan Christian friends who have been persecuted for being followers of Jesus. We long for many more Tibetans to know Yeshua. This demands fervent prayer AND repentance for much of the church has opened the door to the darkness of Tibetan Buddhism embracing it as a cultural and spiritual experience. One cannot take burning coals next to one's chest and not be burnt. Idolatry is expressly forbidden in the Word. Pray for more teaching in the Church against idolatry.

Jeremiah said, "And though the LORD has sent all his servants the prophets to you again and again, you have not listened or paid attention. They said, "Turn now, each of you from your evil practices, and you can stay in the land the LORD gave to you and your fathers forever and ever. Do not follow after other gods to serve and worship them; do not provoke Me to anger with what your hands have made. Then I will not harm you.  But you did not listen to Me with what your hands have made and you have brought harm to yourselves." Jeremiah 24:4-7.

1.    Pray for repentance for the lack of discernment in the Church, magistrates, and public about the dangers of modern sophisticated idolatry.

2.    Pray for the opening of the eyes of those blinded by the enemies of YHWH. Pray against the spread of Buddhism, Islam, secularism and idolatry.

3.    Pray for our president that he would be convicted of his sin and come to repentance. Pray for him and his wife and family’s safety, total health.

4.    Pray for all those who have won election to public office to be men and women of integrity seeking to serve the people with noble motives.

5.    Pray that the people of the US would return to God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. Pray for the spirit of intercession to fall upon the land.

Gradually the attitude of Mexicans about their nation’s security is brightening. There has been a “sharp reduction of bloodshed” along the border area and in the country at large according to a news report. The October murder rate in the city of Juarez which used to be known as “the murder capital of the world” was the lowest in five years. Grupo Reform, a newspaper consortium, said that the cartel-related murders have dropped 18% from last year in the nation at 8326 as of October 26. (Albuquerque Journal, Nov. 4, 2012)

God is answering our prayers! Under President Calderon, authorities have been successful is the nation’s struggle against the drug cartels, but there is still more to do. Let’s continue to pray for Mexico and the eradication of the drug cartels and their crime, whether the trafficking of drugs, weapons or human beings used in the sex trade. Pray that the new president and his administration will keep from corruption and accommodation with the cartels and continue this good fight.

Mexico’s Drug War: When Evil Tries to Look Good

The death of the Zeta's cartel leader Heriberto Lazcano marks another in a series of takedowns of Mexico's most wanted capos, otherwise known as the "kingpin strategy". This strategy implies that once the leader or kingpin of the cartel is taken arrested or killed, the cartel will crumble. However, this has not proven to be the case.

Of the 37 capos identified in 2009 as Mexico's most wanted men, 25 have now been captured or killed. Undoubtedly Lozcano was the biggest catch of them all, and of the Mexican criminals whose notoriety is comparable to Lazcano's, only four remain at large: Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, Servando " La Tuta" Gomez, Juan Jose " El Azul" Esparragoza, and Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

While this is a tremendous triumph for Mexico, the violence and cartel influence continues to be strong. Even when the arrest of a capo does lead to a group's disintegration, this does not mean that its members decide to adopt law-abiding lifestyles. Many times they splinter into smaller organizations, all vying for power…

Is there hope that the grip of the cartels will be loosened and trafficking, drugs and violence will cease? God reminds us, the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the LORD will possess the land (Psalm 37:9).


•    We praise you, Mighty God, that the cartels have been shaken. We thank you that so many kingpins have been captured; we thank you for hearing our cries for the people of Mexico.
•    We ask you to continue to break the foundation of the cartels so that there will be a complete crumbling of their organizational structure. We call for the four main leaders to be captured and held accountable for their evil deeds.
•    We implore of you, God of Hope, to bring light and encouragement to the people of Mexico. May they see your hand at work and stand firm in the knowledge that you have a plan for their future of good and prosperity. (Jer. 29:11).

There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. - Proverbs 23:18