The 'Children and Praying Together Course'  (link below) has been established to help children learn to pray and to help parents and grandparents pray for their children / grandchildren. It includes helping children to understand their spiritual heart and provides suggestions for encouraging children to pray. In addition, the course offers help to parents in how to pray for their children using scripture.
The 'Praying Together Course' is an interactive course designed to help people grow in prayer and their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The course challenges one to move forward in prayer and relationship with the Lord, and it encourages joining together with others in prayer. Scriptures are used to encourage prayer and the course examines issues affecting prayer and joining with others in prayer.

Things continue to be very difficult in North Korea.  In fact, so many things are causing problems from government policy to the weather that people are speaking out and complaining as never before. A recent trip to China by Jang Sung Thaek, Kim Jong Un's uncle and right hand man, far from bring better economic news (as had been hoped) has resulted in major increases in the exchange rate as people hoard Chinese money.  Even the national security forces are having a hard time feeding themselves and the situation in North Korea's bread basket region of Hwanghae Do is particularly dire as flooding followed drought. Many news reports casually mention people starving to death.  To make matters worse, Kim Jong Un's new economic measures include seizing private fields that people were allowed to create following the famines of the late '90s.  It is these private fields attached to homes and on steep hillsides that have actually provided a significant amount of food for the overall economy in recent years.  Farmers are very upset.  The government's response to all this is to put in place price controls that will only aggravate the situation and prove ineffective.  At the same time, the Supreme People's Assembly meets and makes some decisions about compulsory education but not a word about the economy.  What the government is doing is selling gold from its reserves to raise cash needed to replace that spent on the Kim Il Sung 100th anniversary celebrations and failed missile launch.  In the face of growing famine and flood devastation, South Korea offered aid but it was rejected as not what was wanted.
The reality is such that defections have been increasing including a single group of twenty who fled in September.  The number of street kids or kkotjebi (swallows) as they are called, is increasing as well. Many of these homeless children cross the border and make their way eventually to refugee camps. There are some 400 North Korean kids without parents in South Korea.  Pray especially for these children.  They need food, health care, stability and a safe place to grow up.  They need homes.
The annual Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue was just held in China.  North Korea and its nuclear program were the main topic of discussion.  This is an ongoing attempt to get world leaders discussing real issues in the region.  We pray that these meetings and others like them bear positive fruit.
Ben Torrey,
The Fourth River Project, Inc.
Journalist: US Policy Must Aim to End North Korean Regime
Melanie Kirkpatrick, former deputy editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal and author of the new book Escape from North Korea: The Untold Story of Asia’s Underground Railroad, says the United States isn’t taking a tough enough stance on North Korea. “We can’t work with them and we shouldn’t pretend that we can,” she told LIGNET managing editor Fred Fleitz this week in a televised interview. Official U.S. policy, she says, should be “the downfall of the Kim family regime” and the unification of the Koreas. Also, she says, the United States should publicly denounce China for its policy of arresting North Korean refugees and sending them back to face life in prison, or worse.

From: LIGNET ‪<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>‬

Let’s continue to agree in prayer for a new day for North Korea and for His liberation of its longsuffering people and especially its children. Pray for the reunification of the two Koreas.

Kindly note the prayer mobilization for US Elections in India.

Mobilization of Election Prayer – 4000 Church Networks (Min. of 50 People in a Church for 40 days)

Mobilization of FMPB Prayer Groups – 5000 Prayer gps (Min. of 15-20 per group) across India.

Mobilization in Standing in the Gap Prayer – 10 Districts (Min. of 5000 people) in Prayer Rallies (12 hours Prayer)

From: Onassis Jeevaraj, India National Prayer Network (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Please join in prayer for the right leaders for the USA in this most crucial election in our history which will also deeply affect the rest of the world.

Christians are being beaten and threatened in several places in Pakistan. The majority is making false blames of blasphemy against them, and they are being put in jail. One boy has been murdered in Essanagri and today I am going to share the message in his memorial service where thousands will attend this meeting.
One of the Christian Scholars who is the 2nd person after me doing nearly the same work as I am doing has been threatened and fanatics made firings at his house. In Lahore openly Christians are being threatened and being asked to embrace Islam. The situation is very critical and it is dangerous for me too because I am the one who came out of them and then preaching to them. So I need your prayer support as well. Thanks for already being on your knees. It seems that Pakistan will be broken into pieces soon. Too much violence is here. So we need encouragement in this tough time. God bless you and use you for the betterment of Christians here in Pakistan.
Brother David
"We went through the fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance" (Psalm 66:12)

Please uphold our brothers and sisters in Christ in Pakistan who are enduring a very difficult and dangerous time in their nation’s history. Agree in prayer for the binding of spiritual forces of darkness and death that want to destroy this nation and for the overthrow of fanatical groups that are being used by these forces. Pray for the government to take a strong stand to protect the minorities, including especially Christ’s people.

Key Players in Pakistan's Tribal Belt: Update

North Waziristan in Pakistan has become a haven for militants. Tribal and local intelligence sources say some 15,000 militants shelter in this semiautonomous tribal belt. A number of Taliban leaders and others have been killed in drone strikes; however they have a refuge along the border inside Pakistan and from there they continue to mount attacks on Afghan and Coalition forces inside Afghanistan, keeping that nation in perpetual war and instability. It is essential that we pray before the foreign forces are withdrawn in 2014 that the Taliban will dissolve and be defeated and that the Pakistani government will aggressively combat them, not allowing them any more safe-haven in their country.

A friend who with a great burden to pray for these two countries, wrote: “Two weeks ago in one of our prayer meetings the Lord reminded us that he told us clearly in 2001 that we must proclaim “Taliban-time is over” and we faithfully did it and there was a powerful anointing on us when we did this. ..The message was: “spring time is coming”…And the Taliban regime began to crumble. In 2002, so many Christians came into the country and it looked like the Taliban movement was over but it was not destroyed. It regrouped and came back again and now it has become a powerful force that even NATO admitted that they can’t win this war. … We feel that we must proclaim again what the Lord told us at that time and also the other scriptures that the Lord gave us like Ps 37.
Also the word was given to us clearly about King Joash coming to Elisha and he told the king to strike the ground and he did it only 3 times and stopped. Then the man of God became angry with him. You know the story, he should have struck five or six times 2 King 13.18 ff. We did the same, proclaimed for a while and then we stopped. This word came clearly to us and we repented, also on behalf of others that have just turned away from the land and thought “it was done”. Let’s proclaim again and strike the ground again. It is not too late even though in the natural things look like a big disaster coming... The key is also to pray against the demon powers that rule over and through the Pashtun. About 20 Christian workers were lost in the last 6 – 7 years, and all were killed by Pashtun.
Many times the Lord spoke to us to pray against these demonic alliances like between the Pakistan government/army and certain Taliban groups, Haqqaanis, Gulbadin and Al Qaeda. These groups work together and build a strong unity against the government of Afghanistan… This needs to be broken.
Let’s pray also that their power would be broken. That the people themselves would stand up against the Taliban and say: enough!!  This happened in a few areas and may it become a movement. Pray that many Pashtun Tribal leaders would stand up and turn against the Taliban. God can do it. As quick as this movement came the Lord can cause it to die out. We must specially pray for that…
More workers are needed for the Pashtun and also in general. Many workers have left and organisations pulled out. We need strong people that know how to stand against such pressures and know how to pray. Also that many of the Pashtun would come to the Lord and they would see signs and miracles and many visions and dreams. Keep praying against lawlessness and for real peace and security in Pakistan.

The situation in Pakistan is getting worse almost on a daily basis. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are carrying out more and more activities, with a weapon of fear, in an effort to bring down the country. Fanatics are also using this weapon of fear and using every way possible to force people to their way of thinking. The blasphemy law (misuse of the Koran with its death sentence) is being falsely used against Muslims and Christians. Most recently against a young Christian girl in the capital city (Rimsha Masih). It was an effort by the fanatics to see how far they can go.
Pakistan elections are formally to take place next February. The government that will most likely be next is promising Muslim law. Unrest is everywhere. A change of government usually takes place through discord and fightings in an effort to close down the government and businesses. Parties who are trying to seek leadership often do so by bringing discord and nasty demonstrations.

PRAY now for these elections,  for the spirit of fear to be broken:  Government, fanatics, Taliban, Al Qaeda.  The world is afraid of one Iranian nuclear bomb being made. Pakistan has hundreds of these bombs.  May they not fall into the wrong hands.

Call to Asia’ is the Asian Prophetic Intercessors Conference that is happening from 25th-27th October 2012 @ Bangalore, India. While you prayerfully consider attending this conference…we also would like you to:
•    Please keep this event in prayer individually and through your prayer network
•    Pass this information to al your Asian Christian friends, Bible Colleges, and & Prayer Networks

We are believing that God will bring to the conference those people whom He has prepared from all the nations in Asia, and we are expecting around 300 participants. If you have any queries, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +91-8105378435.

‘Call to Asia’ Team

Wycliffe's World Day of Prayer is held on November 11th. Well, it's that time of the year again when we ask the Body of Christ to join in united prayer for the ministry of Bible translation. I have attached a document that gives suggestions on how to pray for this ministry, especially on this day.

Thanksgiving and Praise
In 1999, Wycliffe Bible Translators and key partners embraced the vision that, through working in partnership under God’s direction, a Bible translation project will be in progress by 2025 for every people group that needs it. Since then, “more than 250 New Testaments have been published with Wycliffe involvement and new work has begun in almost 700 languages” ( You may want to see the videos you will find at the two links below. Thank God for the progress of Bible translation.

Prayer Concerns
Here are a couple sources of requests for your prayer time. Please follow the links.
•    Prayer Focus Bulletin ( This weekly bulletin of seven selected prayer requests is available in seven major languages.
•    Prayer Library ( This is an up-to-date list of current prayer requests related to Bible translation ministries of Wycliffe and key partners worldwide.
 Dr. Lloyd P. Estrada
 Prayer Advocate
 Wycliffe Global Alliance
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Brennan Manning is a former Catholic priest who has written many books. This is a powerful, encouraging video which only lasts 3.5 minutes!

1.    God’s truth and glory are revealed in Turkey, the Turkic window, and the Islamic region so that they may see spiritual restoration and revival.
2.    Help Turkish believers and Christian workers to be united and filled with the Holy Spirit and the heart of the Lord.
3.    Churches would be planted in every province and everyone would carry the Gospel freely. Particularly, plant churches in the 50 provinces without a single church

1.    May the armed conflict on the Syria - Turkey border not escalate to war. Pray that the Kingdom of God would come upon the Middle East Nations and ease tension.      

2.    These days, there is a surge of anti-American and anti-Christian sentiments in Islamic region, supported by films like "Innocence of Muslims" (on YouTube). May the negative sentiments stop spreading among Islamic region and not disturb the spreading of the gospel.