Urgent Prayer for the Iraq Situation

Iraqi Christians have requested urgent prayer as the situation deteriorates virtually to the point of all-out civil war.

Sunni militants, many aligned with the radical Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an al-Qaeda off-shoot group, began their violent take-over on Friday 6th June. ISIS has full control of the northern cities of Mosul and Tikrit and has this morning seized Saadiyah and Jalawla in the eastern province of Diyala. Meanwhile, Kurdish forces, who are seen as a bulwark against the Sunni Muslim insurgents, say they have taken control of Kirkuk.

A spokesman for the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, told Sky News that she is ‘extremely concerned’ by summary executions, extrajudicial killings and the displacement of more than 500,000 people. By Wednesday 11, half a million residents from the Mosul region had fled from the violence, many attempting to find refuge in the nearby Kurdish provinces of Northern Iraq. Huge numbers of people have been displaced in other areas.

Pray that Christians of Mosul, Kirkuk, Bagdad and surrounding areas will know the presence of Jesus, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the protection of the Father.
Pray that humanitarian assistance would reach all who are in need, whether displaced or remaining in situ.

At the time of compiling this bulletin, Sunni insurgents have vowed to march on to Baghdad. The Iraqi Parliament has delayed voting on a request to grant the PM emergency powers due to it failing to reach the necessary quorum. Government forces have reportedly launched air strikes against positions held by militants in Tikrit and Mosul. The US says it is considering further assistance to Iraq, without giving details.

Pray for the government and military to be united and strong in dealing with this invasion and not to be intimidated.
Pray that they will be able to re-take the cities in the north and western parts of the country that have been overrun.

Hundreds of Christian families are among those fleeing the area, and at least one Assyrian church in Mosul has been burned down in the recent violence. Christians feel particularly vulnerable, especially in the light of the treatment of Christians in the Raqqah province of northern Syria. (In February, ISIS established its authority in Raqqah. Christian community leaders were forced to sign a contract agreeing pay a special tax (known as jizya). They were only allowed to have Christian meetings behind closed doors so as to be neither visible nor audible to Muslims, and Christians were to adhere to Islamic commercial, dress code and dietary regulations.)

Pray that those who have chosen to remain in the cities would not be subjected to violent or unjust treatment.
Pray that Christians will not be discouraged and will continue to unite in authoritative prayer for their nation.
Pray that Christians throughout Iraq will know the peace and presence of Jesus each day, and will remain faithful to him and clear in their testimony.

Mosul and the surrounding Nineveh plain is the traditional heartland of Iraq's Christian communities. Many Christians fled to this region when forced to leave Baghdad and other areas in recent years. Christians are alarmed at the ISIS take-over bid for Iraq and fearful that this will further accelerate the decline of the Christian presence in Iraq.

Pray that God will bring about His purposes for this nation and the surrounding areas. Pray that those who are perpetuating the conflict will know the Spirit's conviction of sin and come to understand the depth of Jesus' forgiveness.

A pastor from Iraq sent the following:
‘The terrorists have captured many towns, killing and destroying many buildings, burning anything they come across. The internet connection is very slow and sometimes disconnected. Huge numbers of families have already left their residences heading for nowhere. There is a huge need for food, blankets, shelters, medication, care for elders and children. There is a lack of everything. At least a couple of million people are homeless in an extremely hot season topping 122 F. Many have fasted and prayed all day Wednesday for the intervention of the Lord to stop this unrest.’

Pray for the millions of refugees that need shelter, food, and water; for a swift and well-co-ordinated response from the government, international community and humanitarian organisations.



With sirens screaming and lights flashing, a motorcade of AK-47 armed soldiers and government officials drove our team at high speed into the city of Baghdad from the airport. It was the beginning of a four-day prayer initiative with about 150 Iraqi believers who had gathered to pray for their city and nation. Many of these dear brothers and sisters in Christ felt hopeless as a small minority in a land torn apart in ongoing sectarian violence between Shiite and Sunni Muslims. The first day we arrived, seven car bombs went off, killing 24 people who were taking part in a massive Shiite religious festival. This heinous crime was undoubtedly the work of Sunni extremists.

Two of us who were Americans confessed as private citizens the tragic mistake and sin of our nation in invading and occupying Iraq, asking their forgiveness. A number of the locals came forward and cried because they had lost precious relatives because of the U.S. military's attack. They told us that the two wars with the USA (and probably including the Iran-Iraq war) had left 1.5 million widows and 4.5 million orphans. We were astonished and grieved to hear their reports.

Our team was also interviewed for two satellite TV channels that carried the message of the prayer initiative to others across the nation. May the Lord be glorified and may Iraqis be drawn to Him, the Healer of the Nations!

We had hoped to get to Babylon, the ancient fount of worldwide idolatry, but did not succeed in going due to the massive Shiite festival that blocked the roads.

To the glory of the Lord who answered many prayers, the local organizer of the initiative described the impact of this special time in Baghdad:

"What a blessed time, time of a divine visitation, strongholds came down, walls destructed, chains dropped, families reconciled, souls saved, hearts refreshed, lips shouted out loud for the first time that Jesus is The Lord. What a week in a divine appointed timing, even national roads were closed, yet the Almighty drew and set a new season of refreshing and awakening that people has never before experienced...
I have very positive feedback from many where all were uplifted and have experienced a huge breakthrough in their life. Many reflect on Saturday's (spiritual) warfare with a tremendous joy and as we say, that thing which you enjoy created a desire for much more. People already are on fire and commenced prayers and look forward for more of breaking down of strongholds that have kept them down for ages."

After leaving Baghdad, with some Syrian and Lebanese believers, we were able to hold a day of prayer for Syriain the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon close to the Syrian border. There were only 10 of us who took part, but it was a special and moving time since two Syrian prayer leaders came across the border from Damascus to share their hearts with us.

Please pray with us for the following:

1) The bottom line is that both Iraq and Syria will have their prayer movements strengthened and that the Lord will raise up mighty prayer warriors, who like Gideon of old will multiply many more intercessors. That, we believe, is the key thing that will bring the end of the awful violence and appalling destruction as well as the restoration of prosperity as more and more turn in desperation to the Lord their Maker and Deliverer.

2) Pray with us that the oppressed atmosphere in both nations will give way to the light and freedom of the Holy Spirit as the Iraqis increasingly utilize His authority in united prayer.

3) God's protection and encouragement of the 150 or so who took part in the Iraq initiative. Several prayer groups were formed and all were encouraged to adopt prayer partners. Pray that they as well as prayer coordinators in various cities will continue strongly, persevering until more breakthroughs occur. Also, that the spirit of violence, death and destruction will be bound throughout the nation and that the terrorist networks will be broken up and unable to continue destabilizing the nation.

4) We praise the Lord for answering prayer from the last initiative in Lebanon for the formation of a new government. Also, the army was successful in apprehending up to 100 terrorists. Pray for the right person to become Lebanese president, the most powerful position in the government. It should be a person who cares for his people and land, who is of high character and who also has the gifts and support to lead effectively.

5) For Syria, pray with us in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14 for the healing of this embattled, war-weary land that there will be a ceasefire and peace agreement that will end the war. Over 160,000 have already been killed and many millions are now refugees. Psalm 46 tell us that it is the Lord who "makes wars cease to the ends of the earth." It is therefore imperative that His people come together to pray to Him.

Thanks so much for your prayer support,

John Robb, IPC Chairman

Mr. Narendra Modi, the Hindu nationalist leader, as he claimed has been elected Prime Minister of India after. Dr. Man Mohan Singh. He is known as the hardcore leader of Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian People's Party). Bharatiya Janata Party has emerged as the largest political party in the 2014 Indian Parliamentary Election with 282 seats out of 543. The ruling Congress Party suffered a great set back and humbling defeat and reduced to 44 seats only. It is assumed that BJP has come back to power with its polarization vote bank as they took advantage of corruption, scams, price rise, policy paralysis etc., during Indian National Congress rule in the last 10 years.
Mr. Narendra Modi who was at the Chief Minister of Gujarat State for fourth term, claims that Gujarat is the most developed State in India. It is in this context during election campaign he promised development, good governance, employment, 24 hours electricity, water, good roads and what not. It is also to be noted that BJP manifesto highlights the construction of Ram Temple which has been a controversial issue for years. Time will reveal what Modi will do in the next five years for India to fulfil the aspiration of voters.
What is the matter of concern is that Bhatiya Janata Party is the Political Wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (National Volunteer Organisation), a nationalist Hindu organisation established in early nineteen century, with the sole objective to make India a Hindu Nation. RSS has grown bigger and stronger over the years and strongly implementing their agendas across the country. Modi is a product of RSS and worked for years as RSS pracharak (preacher) since he was a young man and had very humble beginning. However, it was the RSS leadership who proposed Narendra Modi as Prime Ministerial candidate.
Now, the Modi Government will be working, hand in glove with RSS and it is apprehended that all major decisions will be taken in consultation with RSS top brass. As of now they are meeting and discussing for formation of the new govt., which is in the public domain. Therefore it is a matter of concern for the minorities like Muslims and Christians in India.
At this juncture we seek prayer for the Modi Government that his policies and actions should not harm the minorities in India and more over Religious Freedom should continue since India is a democratic country as per its provision in Indian Constitution.

Rev. Dr. P. R. Parichha,DD,                                                                     
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The big news in North Korea these days is the collapse of a large,new, 23 story apartment building housing many families of the elite and the leadership. It is feared that hundreds have died. Kim Jong Un was caught off guard and shown in the official press to be enjoying himself at a football match a couple days later but the coverage quickly changed to portray him as deeply distraught over the tragedy spending sleepless nights in grief.    It is highly unusual that North Korea would acknowledge such a disaster but the high profile of those affected and strong protests that were made required some sort of official response. The North quickly sought out scape-goats to sacrifice and executed several officials blaming them for the catastrophe. However, this is exactly what many have feared as Kim Jong Un has been pushing for more construction at increased speed drafting students and soldiers to do the work.  Personally, I was not surprised being aware of the strong emphasis on external appearance with little regard for what is under the facade.  When I was working in the North there were buildings that I was afraid to enter knowing how they had been built.  
North Korea continues to crack down on anything that exposes its citizens to outside influence recently adding a number of clauses to the criminal code requiring harsh punishment including execution for such things as viewing South Korean videos, calling people in the South by cell phone and other similar activities. This article lists the new laws and some of the punishments mandated.  A man was recently executed as an example and some 100 Pyongyang citizens have been sent into internal exile.  At the same time the State Security Department has shifted tactics from belligerence to sweet talk to get people to come back from China who have overstayed their permitted time but not many people are believing it.
On the international front, while Russia seems to be reassessing their relationship to NK in a positive light, NK's staunchest ally, China, is expressing anger and seems to be putting some distance between themselves and the North over the nuclear issue.  In relation to South Korea, there has been an exchange of artillery fire at sea and scathing comments in the press--a not uncommon occurrence.  Even so, the North has just announced that they plan to send a team to the Asian Games coming up in Inchon, South Korea in September.  We hope that this will be an opportunity to tone down the rhetoric and re-open avenues of peaceful communication.
We have a bit of hopeful news concerning Ken Bae for whom we continue to pray. A group of Asian American leaders meeting in Washington in May were able to make an appeal to the White House for the US Government to get more fully involved in seeking the release of this US Citizen who has been held in prison in North Korea for 18 months now--by far the longest period of time for any American since the Korean War.  His sister was with the group and reported that while they have grave concerns for his health, especially under the sentence of hard labor, he is allowed to have his Bible. He has read it 9 times so far during his incarceration.

Ben Torrey <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

Please pray for China - I received a letter that needs our attention in prayer, please pray with us.

"We are in an unstable situation under our government. It seemed that we had more freedom to share the Gospel and plant churches from last year until March this year.
But there is a huge change from the end of March until this week. The attitude of our authority towards the Church is uncertain, they are very friendly to some, very harsh and strict to some others in some places. There are around 200 people were arrested. They have torn down many church buildings within few weeks. On 8th May, there were more than 10 church buildings torn down, and put a notice on the meeting places "Forbidden to have religious meetings." We felt that we went back to the 60s and 70s, which harshly suppressed religions. It seems telling us that there will be many people suffer and shedding blood for their faith.
Last week, we have had a 3 days meeting, all the leadership in our country attended this gathering. The believers from the government churches, house churches and city churches were willing to commit themselves to stand for their pure Faith, even if it means to die. They also committed t to live, to die and to stand for one another.

We urgently to ask you please pray for us in the followings:

1. Ask God, that our country will rise up, be a useful vessel in His hand, turn the heart of our king to obey God's will, not oppose Him.
2. Pray for the Churches, to shine the Light under the suppression, so that the world will recognize that we belong to Christ. Don't give up to disobey God's will because of hardships.
3. We have sent out message to all the churches in our country, ask all the leaders, not look at the present situation, but trust in God's power and His word. Fix our eyes on Him and ask Him to keep our faith in Him.
4. We will not look at the suppression, but continue to do what God has called us to do. Please pray for us to remain faithful to Him unto death.
5. Please also pray for the key church leaders, so that they may always make right decisions. Just like the Lord led His disciples in the early church, the church went forward instead of backward.

Please let us stand with our brothers and sisters in China, knowing that they are also praying for us.

Also, the China Government is undergoing lots of crucial reformation to remove bribery, corruption, idolatry and etc from the nation. At the same time, lots of political tension with e a lot of other nations, especially in the East Sea situation. It is always very strategic to pray for them too.

Dear Brothers and sisters,

Mozambique has been for over 470 years a Roman Catholic country and for the first two decades of independence (1975-1990), Mozambique was a Marxist (Communist) country. Under the Portuguese Roman Catholicism and Marxism, there was no religious liberty.
From 1990, the New Democratic Constitution has granted Religious Freedom, and we are so thankful to God for that. However, there is still lack of a specific law on Freedom of Religion and Worship in Mozambique, churches are registered under the law of association as "associations". In 2012, MMD Global has brought together Mozambican Pastors in "Pastoral Coffee" meetings and they have undertaken to draft a Proposal of Religious Liberty.
The proposal is ready and all the necessary supporting signatures are ready. We have contacted the National Parliament and we are waiting for the date of submission. Please pray so that we can find grace in the process and that the parliament can debate and have the law approved so that the church will have better legal framework to operate.

God bless you, Por favor, passe a mensagem.
André Inguane
President Mozambique House of Prayer, (CASOMO)

Sharia Law:  Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah stunned the world by his announcement last October that Sharia law would be implemented May 13.  It has been temporarily delayed. The tough Islamic law includes flogging, severing of limbs, and death by stoning.  The Sultan stated Sharia law would act as a "firewall" for Brunei against outside influences. The United Nations warns that punishments like these classify as "torture or other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment."    

Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah delivering a speech in October 2013. Source: AP
Double Standards: Thirty percent of Brunei's 400,000 are not Muslim, and they express anxiety over whether the law will apply to them.  The new code also violates freedom of religion, opinion and expression. The Sultan is well known for his opulent, self-indulgent lifestyle in this tiny but oil-rich country. Now 67, he has slowly been moving Brunei in this direction for decades, but this recent, drastic declaration has no clear motive. Brunei is not a target of Islamic extremists, so why now? No one knows.  Religious scholar, Reza Aslan comments, "This is obviously not coming from a place of religious devotion, since the Sultan himself is in violation of every single rule of Sharia law you could possibly imagine."
The nation of Brunei is number 24 on the 2014 Open Doors World Watch List of the worst persecutors of Christians in the world. Window International Network Partners pray for Brunei on Day 20 in accordance with the Praying Through the Window 9: Global Terrorism and World Religions prayer calendar.

Lets Pray for:

The non-Muslim population that can unknowingly err with committing a minor infraction, such as uttering the word, "Allah," and suffer extreme consequences. Pray for their protection from antagonists (The Bible, Proverbs 26:27).
The Muslim population that is already deprived of many comforts due to the Sultan's extravagant life-style (The Bible, II Samuel 12:1-14).
The women who would bear the brunt of the harsh new laws (The Bible, I Timothy 2:2).
God to convict the Sultan of his harsh ultimatums so that he will repent and revoke them (The Bible, Daniel 2:28).


A divided Supreme Court ruled legislative bodies such as city councils can begin their meetings with prayer, even if it plainly favors a specific religion. The court counts 5 to 4 that Christian prayers said before meetings of an Upstate New York town council did not violate the constitutional prohibition against government establishment of religion; the justices cited history and tradition.

Pray that Christians will respond to the Court's 5-4 decision with divine wisdom. Yes, we give thanks  for the Court's vote favorable to public prayer in council meetings, but with caution. This decision is no "mandate" in favor of Christian prayers. Our freedoms do not come from human government but from the Creator.
Pray also for widespread spiritual awakening that will bring many to repentance and faith in Christ.
Pray for a national focus on the true "Author of liberty." All nations that repudiate a proper recognition of Deity eventually become insignificant. Pray accordingly.   
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD."
(Proverbs 16:25, 33)
"To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isaiah 8:20)

The Pledge of Allegiance does not discriminate against atheists and can be recited at the start of the day in public schools, Massachusetts' highest court ruled friday. The supreme judicial court said the words "under God" in the pledge reflect patriotic practice, not a religious one. The court acknowledged that the wording has a "religious tinge" but said it is fundamentally patriotic and voluntary.

How far will this go? Federal buildings in Washington, DC, including the Supreme Court, are adorned with biblical symbols, from "In God We Trust" to images of the Ten Commandments and a statue of Moses. Now, Massachusetts' Supreme Judicial Court has rightly ruled against an atheist family's attempt to remove "under God" from the pledge. As Christians, we do not judge the atheist family, but the Bible calls unbelief in God as Creator "foolish" and "evil." Pray for them as you are led.

"The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" (Proverbs 14:1)
"And the way of peace [unbelievers] have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes." (Romans 3:17-18) "Beware ... lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God." (Heb 3:12)   

A New Jersey town has canceled a naturalization ceremony at its borough hall because federal immigration officials refused to let the event begin with a prayer. Carteret Mayor Daniel Reiman said he had requested that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services relocate the Saturday ceremony, which will now be held in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' Newark office.

These stories continue to pop up as the U.S. moves further away from its biblical roots and Christian heritage. The issue is not an individual bureaucrat but a trend. Pray that God stir up righteous anger in His people against the stealing of our national heritage. It is difficult for intercessors to face the harsh fact that we are no longer a Christian nation. Indeed, many national leaders show no regard for biblical truth. Let us call upon God, in Jesus' name, to revive His Church, bringing renewal and unity among believers to stem the tide of unbelief and reassert our country's biblical roots.
"Our father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:9-10)
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.... For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come." (Heb 12:28-29; 13:14)  

Intercessors for America