Please keep this potentially most dangerous border on earth in prayer. Between them, India and Pakistan have an estimated 230 nukes and according to Dr. Kent Moors, an intelligence expert, "are literally gambling with the fate of the rest of the world".  A nuclear conflict between these two nations could, he says, "set off a global famine that could kill two billion people and effectively end human civilization" because of spreading radiation.
Having already fought three wars over the disputed Kashmir territory, another all-out war is possible, especially with much of the military of Pakistan under the influence of radical Islamic groups who do not fear "mutually assured destruction", the deterrence that thankfully kept the Cold War from going nuclear.
1 Please pray for the governments of Pakistan and India that they will find a way to keep the peace between them and to settle their differences over the much-contested area of Kashmir as well as the matter of sharing precious water resources.
2 Pray for the discrediting and overthrow of radical, extremist Muslim and Hindu groups that are willing to provoke a conflict and do not care about the end of the world scenario that could be activated.
3 Pray that the devil, diabolos, the divider and destroyer would be bound and unable to exacerbate this long-standing conflict.

(See Kent Moors' book, The Great Game: The Coming Face Off for Global Supremacy, The Money Map Press, 2014 for more intelligence on geopolitical issues worthy of serious prayer focus.)

Two crucial, timely prayer seminars to build up the Iraqi prayer movement will be held in the next several days, first in Erbil in Kurdistan and then in Baghdad. "The need for prayer there with the Iraqis and teaching is urgent", says the facilitator, a dear friend and prayer initiative colleague named Sam. "They  wrote  that  relief - support  is  plenty  but  no  one  to  lead  and call  for  prayer  among  the  locals."

Erbil, 4th  -  9th

  1. Please  pray  that  many  sincere  believers  &  leaders  would  come  for  the prayer - days  and  unite  with  one  heart  for  the  nation  of  Iraq.
  2. For a  strong  interest  in  the  prayer -  meetings  &  in  the seminar!
  3. For a  strong  presence  of  His  Holy  Spirit  to  lead  us  into intense  times  of  prayer,  repentance,  grieving,  weeping  &  wrestling!
  4. For HIS  heart  for  the  nation!
  5. For revelation  &  guidance  of  the  Holy  Spirit  to  know  how to  pray.
  6. For  strong  protection  over  the  participants  and Sam and his family.

Baghdad, 11th - 15th

  1. Please  pray  for  a  huge  participation  of  believers  &  leaders and that  the  Lord may  keep  the  roads  open  for  people  to  travel  to  the  venue.
  2. For unity  and  God's  heart  for  the  city  &  nation!
  3. We  need  a  strong  presence  of  HIS  spirit  &  a  flow  in  prayer and real  brokenness  among  the  believers  &  leaders  to  really  cry out  for  their  nation,  to  repent,  grieve,  weep  and  wrestle  for  Iraq.
  4. Pray for  a  strong  prophetic  anointing,  revelation  and  God's  strategy in  the  meetings.
  5. For a  strong  protection  over the  believers  in  Baghdad!

Pray also for Sam to have God's wisdom, guidance and anointing and that he will enjoy special favor and protection in this current core trouble spot of the world.

People waiting in line at Baharka transit camp in Erbil to receive their food assistance from WFP. Photo: WFP/Mohammed Albahbahani
27 August 2014 - Food aid convoys from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) have reached displaced Iraqis in Karbala, southwest of Baghdad, bringing the number of people receiving food assistance to over 700,000 people since the start of violence in mid-June...
"The humanitarian situation in Iraq is extremely challenging," said Mohamed Diab, WFP Regional Director for the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and East Europe...
Throughout the country more than 1 million people have been displaced - many without access to food, water or other basic needs. They are living in unfinished buildings, mosques, churches, parks and schools...
Before the latest wave of displacement, WFP was already assisting about 240,000 people displaced by conflict in Iraq's al-Anbar governorate, as well as more than 180,000 refugees from the conflict in Syria who are sheltering in Iraq.
UN News Centre
Pray for the UN, World Food Program, and other humanitarian efforts to help the Iraqis who are displaced due to the ISIS invasion and takeover of their cities and villages. Pray for effective coordination and a generous and abundant flow of aid to those who need this help so desperately.

The parents and children of this Syrian family sleep on the streets of Istanbul in Turkey. They are among the 3 million refugees from Syria, many of whom live in desperate conditions.

29 August 2014 - Three million Syrians will have registered as refugees outside of their country today, the UN refugee agency reported, amid accounts of increasingly horrifying conditions inside their homeland - cities where populations are surrounded, people are going hungry and civilians are being targeted or indiscriminately killed
A news release issued by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said that a further 6.5 million people are displaced within Syria, bringing to almost half of all Syrians who have been forced to abandon their homes and flee for their lives. One in every eight Syrians has fled across the border, fully a million people more than a year ago. Over half of those uprooted are children.
"The Syrian crisis has become the biggest humanitarian emergency of our era, yet the world is failing to meet the needs of refugees and the countries hosting them," said High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres.
And UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie said: "Three million refugees is not just another statistic. It is a searing indictment of our collective failure to end the war in Syria."
UNHCR Spokeswoman Melissa Fleming told a press briefing in Geneva today that increasing numbers of families are arriving in a shocking state, exhausted, scared and with their savings depleted. Most have been on the run for a year or more, fleeing from village to village before taking the final decision to leave their country.
The vast majority remained in countries neighbouring Syria, with the highest concentrations in Lebanon (1.14 million), Jordan (608,000) and Turkey (815,000), according to UNHCR.
In addition to the 3 million registered refugees, governments estimated that hundreds of thousands more Syrians had sought sanctuary in their countries with more than four in five refugees struggling to make a living in towns and cities outside of camps, with 38 per cent living in sub-standard shelter, according to a recent survey.
Syrians are now the world's largest refugee population under UNHCR care, second only in number to the decades-long Palestinian crisis. The Syria operation is now the largest in the agency's 64-year history.
Jens Laerke, Spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), stated that more than 191,000 had lost their lives since the beginning of the conflict in March 2011. Even that high number was considered a conservative estimate with the real death toll likely to be much higher, he said.
He said the advance of Islamic State (IS) militants into central Syria had taken violence against civilians to a whole new level as the group continued to commit horrific atrocities against those opposing its rule. There had also been an increase in the use of barrel bombs by Government forces in Aleppo while Islamist militants had cut off the water supply to an area for displaced people, also in Aleppo, on several occasions. That kind of collective punishment was clearly a breach of some of the most basic principles in international humanitarian law.
Overall, nearly 11 million people are in need of aid in Syria and 4.7 million of them live in areas that are hard to reach. There are still some 241,000 under siege in various locations. Mr. Laerke informed that the UN has now sent nine shipments to Syria from neighbouring countries and more are planned over the following month.

While donors had contributed more than $4.1 billion to successive regional response plans since 2012, more than $2 billion more is needed by the end of 2014 alone to meet the urgent needs of refugees...
Please pray for the end of Syria's conflict and the huge numbers of refugees suffering in the midst of this way. Pray too that the remaining need in humanitarian funds will be met by the international community. May many Muslim Syrians encounter Jesus Christ in this terrible disruption of their lives!
UN News Centre

Photo: UNHCR/S. Baldwin

Afghanistan's finance minister has said deadlock over the disputed presidential election has cost the economy $5bn. Omar Zakhilwal told the BBC he would have to cut salaries and lay off government workers if the crisis was not resolved by the end of the month. Foreign investment is at a standstill and government revenues have fallen sharply since the April vote.

Two contenders have claimed victory but have so far failed to reach a deal on a government of national unity. A full audit of the votes is still under way under United Nations scrutiny. But the BBC's David Loyn in Kabul says the audit could take weeks to complete.
The two leaders competing for power, Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, have failed to reach a deal despite a personal intervention from US President Barack Obama.Our correspondent says there is a worsening air of crisis and that prices of basic foods have risen sharply, while the Taliban have staged some of their biggest assaults for many years, taking ground in the south and east.
Mr Zakhilwal told the BBC that cuts he had already made in non-essential spending had had a "depressive effect" on the economy, and the continuing political uncertainty was having an impact in every corner of the economy.

Ashraf Ghani, who was leading in preliminary results, has most to lose from conceding too much ground before the final result is known.

His rival Abdullah Abdullah has accused election officials of "massive fraud". Many of his senior supporters want him to take a tougher line, believing that their candidate won the vote.
Pray for this political and economic crisis to be handled effectively and for a government of national unity to result from the audit of the voting process.
Also, continue to pray that the Taliban Muslim extremists who recently launched an attack near the capital of Kabul will be defeated and put to flight by the Afghan military forces. One of their leaders has also expressed interest in linking up with the ISIS "caliphate" in Iraq, which would add significant further danger to the war on terror.

From some Iranian ministry leaders:
After 18 years of work, in partnership with Wycliffe Bible Translators, we are excited to be able to provide the people of Iran with a beautiful, elegant and accurate translation of the Bible. In recent years the Iranian church has experienced remarkable expansion. Operation World says it is the fastest growing church in the world today. Iranian Christians have been waiting eagerly for this new Bible. They already love the translation of the New Testament portion and have seen its massive impact.
There are so many stories of people who have found Christ through reading it. Just last week I heard that the son of an Ayatollah came to Christ as he read the Gospels. We believe as the Word of God spreads, Iran will be transformed.
Please pray for:

  1. Seamless printing of 100,000 copies before yearend
  2. Wisdom for distribution
  3. The Lord to open new channels for getting Bibles into the country
  4. Protection for all those involved in transportation, receiving and giving out the Bibles
  5. For the Holy Spirit to speak to believers and non-believers as they read the Bible
  6. That Iran will be spiritually transformed as the Word of God spreads.

During the last couple of weeks, 105 people died, 195 are missing, and around 20,000 people have been displaced through serious flooding. It is really hard for people.
Please pray for God's grace and mercy upon flood victims and for the relief efforts.  Pastor Jaggu Gahatraj in mid west Nepal reported that his 45 church members were displaced and do not have food and home and clothes... Many have become orphans, homeless, landless, and many have lost their loving family members. Pray that God would be with these needy people.
We appreciate your prayer and love.
Govinda Budhathoki
House of Prayer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The world urgently needs to find a drug that can fight Ebola
More than 100 scientists and industry executives will convene this week at the WHO's headquarters Geneva, Switzerland, in response to a spiraling Ebola crisis. Their urgent mission will be to comb through the world's stock of experimental Ebola drugs and vaccines and agree on a plan for clinical trials...
Experimental Ebola drugs - though still wildcards - have been touted as possible miracle workers in the international fight to quell the outbreak, the worst on record. The epidemic has subsumed Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia, and it has appeared in Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of Congo...
Meanwhile, the WHO announced last week that it has drafted a broad roadmap to "dramatically scale up the international response" to the crisis and halt Ebola's spread within six to nine months.
Health workers have been highly critical of what they say is a lackluster international response to the emergency: after a U.N. meeting on Tuesday, Doctors without Boarders president Joanne Liu excoriated the leaders of unaffected nations for scrambling to secure their own borders against the virus, but failing to sending sufficient aid and experts into the crisis zones.
"Six months into the worst Ebola epidemic in history, the world is losing the battle to contain it," Liu said, calling on able countries to send bio-defense teams to West Africa. "We cannot cut off the affected countries and hope this epidemic will simply burn out. To put out this fire, we must run into the burning building."
Liu told the U.N. much of what has been done so far to stop the virus is not working. "Riots are breaking out," she said. "Isolation centers are overwhelmed. Health workers on the front lines are becoming infected and are dying in shocking numbers. Others have fled in fear, leaving people without care for even the most common illnesses. Entire health systems have crumbled."
The U.N. meanwhile warned on Tuesday that the quarantines are expected to cause a food crisis in West Africa, as restrictions on movement in and out of afflicted communities are affecting food supplies, and as panic buying is jacking up the prices of ever-scare staples.
More than 1,500 people have died in West Africa - almost half of the some 3,500 cases confirmed since the disease was identified in March. The WHO predicts that around 20,000 more people will fall ill with the virus before its spread can be stopped.
Please pray for a cure to be found for Ebola and for the WHO and other organizations and national governments to become effective in containing and eradicating this awful, death-dealing disease.