After 307 years since the union of the Scottish and English Parliaments created the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the people of Scotland will on 18 September vote in a referendum to decide if they wish to stay part of the UK or become an independent state.  This is the latest stage in a long process that has seen the growing calls for more 'self-government' result in the creation of a Scottish Parliament in 1999 with its own First Minister and government, with responsibility devolved from the UK Parliament in London for running a range of domestic services such as health, education, justice etc...  
We give thanks to God that the campaign, while vigorously conducted on both sides, has been a 'war of words', with none of the violence that sometimes accompanies such campaigns in other parts of the world.   However, whatever the result, the Referendum will have a profound impact on the whole of the UK.  Even if there is a 'no' vote, it remains to be seen what effect the emotions and forces released by this campaign will have on the unity of the British state, as parts of England are now calling for strong regional assemblies with devolved powers similar to those enjoyed by the Scottish Parliament and, to a lesser extent, by the Assemblies that also exist in Wales and Northern Ireland.
As we approach the vote we praise God there is a rising tide of prayer and increasing unity in the Church, with a shared concern for the future moral and spiritual life of this nation.  A unique call for two days of national prayer and fasting on Sunday 14th and Wednesday 17th has been signed by 16 leaders of major denominations supported by many others.  Also two days of continuous prayer on the 17th and 18th until midnight led by Parliamentary Prayer Scotland in Edinburgh. For details of these and other prayer events in the final week before the vote see  
Please pray with us:
For the spiritual life of the nation.  As the campaign draws to a close pray for 'God's will to be done and for His Kingdom to come'.  Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our nation, that Church leaders will rise again, empowered to be bold, fearless and to speak with wisdom and authority into every level of society.
That many will respond and take part in the national 'call to prayer'.  That in every community churches will come together, laying aside their differences, uniting in common cause for the good of their community and the nation.  That a chorus of intercession such as has never been heard before will ascend to the throne room of heaven so that, whatever the result, the atmosphere over this nation will be changed for the better, and permanently.
For national unity.  That the result will be accepted graciously by both sides, with neither extreme triumphalism nor bitterness being displayed.  For reconciliation within families, neighbourhoods, workplaces and wherever there has been division through opposing views.  That at a national level political leaders will demonstrate a degree of statesmanship that transcends political rivalries, and that the Church will play a prominent role locally and nationally in the reconciliation process.
For the political leadership in the UK and Scottish Parliaments, and for the leaders of the 'Yes' and 'No' campaigns - for wisdom, respect and moderation as they conclude their campaigns.  For the truth to be paramount and for the facts to be presented clearly and honestly so that we can vote from a well-informed position.   For the Members of the Scottish Parliament and their families at this time of intense stress and relentless campaigning - for strength and health to keep going, with love and patient support from all those around them.
That all may be done 'to the glory of God and the good of Christ's church'.

Alistair Barton, Chairman, Pray for Scotland -
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Anne McIntyre, Director, Parliamentary Prayer Scotland -
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We have a generation today that is hungry for a cause that will  match their unique DNA. They are waiting to be challenged to reach their full potential, as individuals and as a generation. The World Youth Prayer Assembly (WYPA, working event name) believes that God is setting-up a globally-connected, digital, extreme generation whose passion is to seek His face, for such a time as this. They only need to be gathered, challenged, and released to their destiny.

Last August 26-28, 2014, an initial consultation meeting among 27 leaders, both senior and youth leaders from 9 different nations, was held at The Noah's Ark Hotel and Resort in Hong Kong. The vision of calling forth and engaging an emerging generation across nations to challenge and empower them to fulfill their destiny as catalysts for change was agreed upon. There was no debate in saying that the WYPA will not be just another event; it is foreseen to be a catalyst of a movement that will eventually have a life of its own.
It was important for the leadership to agree upon the core values of the gathering, understanding that should different regions and nations catch the DNA and run with it, the 'pocket gatherings' should have the same values and standards as the one set by the organizing body. These values include being Biblical and flowing in the Spirit, Jesus-centered, Kingdom-focused, Holy Spirit-kind-of-radical, multi-generational (focusing on the family and championing the youth), and unifying, among others. These values are projected to result to young people being awakened to their destiny, empowered to occupy, and released to become catalysts for change in their respective walks of life. It is also hoped that the young people will receive a clear understanding of their unique, individual callings. With that, it was agreed that the gatherings will be planned from the perspective of the ones attending, and the program will be put together by the youth and for the youth. It was noted that worship will play a major role in the program, knowing that this generation's gift is to seek the face of God thru worship. Some of the key, guiding Scriptures that were laid out are Malachi 4:5-6, Luke 9, Acts 17, 1 Peter 4:7-8, Isaiah 60, Isaiah 40:3-5, 1 Timothy 4:12, Joel 2:15, Joel 3:9-10, Psalm 110:3, and Psalm 2.
After careful consideration of criteria that would meet the need for host countries, and after revelations of "multiple birthings," the following nations are being considered to host the WYPA, pending their country's spiritual leaders' agreement and welcome: South Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Hong Kong. And what was initially just one gathering for 2016 is now shaping up to be a three-year, annual assembly on 2016, 2017, and 2018.
An "International Dream Team" of 30-40 youth leaders from different organizations all over the world will be organized to be the stirrers of the WYPA. An 'incubation period' for them is being planned for October 2014, possibly in South Korea, after finalizations with hosting countries are made by end of September.

Please pray...

  1. For Jerome and Abel Ocampo and their family as they take the lead in these significant gatherings. Pray for key leaders in every host nation who will run alongside them in the vision.
  2.  For the leaders of the different nations being considered to host-that they may decide according to God's heart for the WYPA.
  3.  For wisdom for the Executive Leadership as they make crucial decisions for the gathering.
  4. For the youth leaders who will compose the "International Dream Team"-as God hand-picks each of them, that they will find their gifting and anointing complementing one another's for the vision of the WYPA to come into fruition.
  5. For financial provision for all that will be needed to see a generation rise up and take their place. An estimate budget of $3M-$5M is projected for each gathering.
  6. Recently, Ps Jerome is contemplating on changing the event name from World Youth Prayer Assembly to International Youth Prayer Convergence, believing that it will be new wine skin for the young people to embrace and identify with, while still maintaining the touch and flavor from the WPA. Please pray about the final name the event will carry.

More than 60 world leaders have gathered in Wales for the NATO summit taking place right now. They represent 28 member countries, with 4,000 delegates attending. The first session today focused on the future of Afghanistan, with NATO combat troops planned to leave this year. Ukraine, the Islamic State militant threat, and the very future of NATO are also on the agenda.

  1. For President Obama and other NATO leaders that they will be enabled to come to agreement on taking wise, strong and courageous actions for deterring Russia in Ukraine and overthrowing the Islamic State army of terrorist killers in Iraq and Syria.
  2. That a strong international coalition of military forces will be assembled to fight and defeat the ISIS terrorists as well as giving the Iraqi military and Kurdish army any military supplies they need for their war against them. That ISIS will be thrown into confusion, disunity and retreat and that the Iraqi military, Kurdish army, and international forces will be able to overcome them and taking back the territory they have captured.
  3. For caring, effective humanitarian aid efforts for many millions of refugees (Syrians and Iraqis).
  4. That Muslims will turn to Jesus Christ in the Middle East and worldwide, now seeing what the real spirit of Islam is like. May the veil of deception that blinds their minds be removed!
  5. For two crucial, timely prayer seminars to build up the Iraqi prayer movement, first in Erbil, Kurdistan and then in Baghdad led by a dear friend and prayer initiative colleague named Sam.  (He and I with others were there in both places earlier this year.)

Pray for many to be able to take part, for a strong presence of the Holy Spirit and that the participants will be enabled to  really  cry out  for  their  nation,  to  repent,  grieve,  weep  and  wrestle  for  Iraq.  Pray also for Sam to have God’s wisdom, guidance and anointing and that he will enjoy special favor and protection in this current core trouble spot of the world.

We need a “Gideon’s Army” of 300 specially called and anointed ministry leaders and intercessors for each of two critical prayer gatherings coming up:

Please pray with us for both events that the right people will register to take part and that these initiatives will be used of the Lord to even change the history of the USA.

“If my people who are called by my name…” (2 Chron. 7:14)
“History belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being.” - Walter Wink

Thanks so much for making such a difference through your prayers!

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land".~    2 Chronicles 7:14

In 2010 Pakistan recorded the worst flood on record, with over half of the country covered in water.   The UN said, "more people were affected than the  combined total of 3 other major catastrophes - 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, 2005 Pakistan earthquake and the 2010 Haiti earthquake."

Punjab the largest province (meaning land of the 5 rivers) where the most people live is experiencing even more devastating floods than in 2010.  So far over 1.8 million people have been affected; 700+ villages have been wiped away; 10,000's of livestock have been lost; the military has evacuated 4,000+ people by helicopter and boat; and over 4,000 people are still marooned. Roads and infrastructure are being washed away; food and drinking water are needed.  Many are living on dikes and are being asked to leave as these dikes are being blown up to divert floods away from major cities. The monsoon rains are still continuing as the floods move south carrying destruction in their path.

For people who have lost everything.
For aid to reach these people. ( The Taliban and Al Qaida are the ones giving the most aid. Last time they did this to further their cause and get people to join them.)
May Christians be able to mobilize help.
May people see that Christ is the true savior and the one who loves them. May they realize that their god is not a god of help but one of destruction and death. May Pirs and demonic places be wiped out in the wake of the flood.

Demonstrations are still continuing by the same two parties demanding that the government be overthrown.  Last week they were even saying the government of Musharraf was much better. (In the last 40 years more progress was made during his time than any other government.)
PRAY for a righteous and just government.

The Pakistan military has been bombing and carrying out heavy raids against the Taliban along the Afghanistan border.   A group called the "Punjab Taliban" has broken away from the TT and said they are "ending their armed struggle within Pakistan."  PRAY this may continue.  The Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP - a very ruthless group) are having internal struggles with groups like the above breaking away, and fights over leadership. A new leader has just been named.

Thank you for your intercession

May I ask for your prayers for the National Prayer Assembly that those God is calling, a Gideon's Army of ministry leaders and intercessors, from America and other nations will be assembled for this crucial time of intercession for the USA at the end of next month? Also, if the Lord moves your heart  to take part, you are invited to register on the website noted below.

Thank you,

John Robb
IPC Chairman

National Prayer Assembly: Seeking the Face of God for America, October 29-30, Pentagon City Sheraton, Arlington, VA.

The National Prayer Committee, Mission America, Intercessors for America, Jesus Alliance and International Prayer Council are cooperating to call together people with a heart to pray for an all-out time of prayer for the nation just before the congressional elections. We sense that the country is at a crucial point in its history with many dangers and threats from without and within that need to be confronted through getting on the Lord's wavelength with others from across America. As one theologian put it, "History belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being!"

In the Missionary organization in which I was working, namely Friends Missionary Prayer Band, we found from the beginning that prayer is the spiritual strategy for transforming people groups along with what is done by evangelists and missionaries.  Psalm 2:8 says, "Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession."  We focused on 300 people groups with a target time.  We took all the stronghold details (religious blocks and barriers for the Gospel, social blocks and barriers, cultural hindrances and all bad customs and habits among the people).  We started thousands of prayer groups to pray all kinds of prayers such as one-day prayer group prayer, fasting prayer on Wednesdays, 3 days full fasting prayers, all night prayer and other special prayer initiatives.  The Lord of the Harvest really granted our prayer requests, doing great things in all the mission fields with signs and wonders.

FMPB was able to plant 1157 churches, 6607 congregations with 614,834 believers.  The Government of India in their research found that wherever there is Christian missionary work in progress, there is no Naxalite (communist guerillas) or terrorist activity.  

Sometimes it takes time for separate parts of complex situations to fit together.  God knows the perfect time to give maximum results.  The Anti-Conversion bill in Tamil Nadu, the state where I live, was removed after two years of prayer by many believers in the churches throughout the state.  God took two years to put the complex political situations in line to remove the anti-conversion bill.  Normally it is impossible to remove such an ordinance by the Government.    

Sometimes it takes time for God to prune our negative attitudes, wrong habits, values on possessions and spiritual idols, which will be normally hindering our prayer life.

Sometimes He requires massive prayer to make a breakthrough in the devil's hold and fortresses.  The Tamil Nadu Highways department planned to demolish the Arcot Pentecostal Church building, which was on the Vellore Chennai High Road.  The whole church prayed through chains of prayer day and night.  The Lord answered their cries and the Tamil Nadu Highways department changed the road laying plan to the opposite side of the church. The church premises was safely spared and now it is a growing, witnessing church.

There is always a mystery in the timing of God's answer.  It is a mystery to us because we cannot see as God sees.  If we see as completely as God does, we would understand what God means by "the proper time." "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" (Galatians 6:9).

Sometimes the answer is delayed because the devil is strongly possessing a people group or a situation or a place. Jesus taught that some cases of demon possession required more prayer and fasting than others. Spiritually sensitive people have sometimes been aware of greater spiritual darkness and resistance in certain geographical areas.  Satan seems more entrenched, particularly in areas where there has been much Satan worship in its various forms, occult practices, or idolatry.  It often requires prolonged prayer or amassed prevailing prayer before spiritual breakthrough comes in such places.

The following model of prayer practiced in Sandola village is a radical example of how persistent and continuous prayer can change a dark village into a Christian village. The tribal people of Sandola village which is in Jharkhand state used to sacrifice cows, goats, buffalos and hens for their gods.  If their gods were displeased with such sacrifices, they used to do human sacrifice also.

A few missionaries went to lead this people to Christ in the year 1987.  The village people stopped them from entering the village.  Missionaries, evangelists and believers prayed for that village with a great sense of burden.  After 7 years of prayer and perseverance, a few women from Sandola village came and asked us to teach them songs of Jesus.  As per their request, we proclaimed Jesus in Sandola village through songs in the year 1993.  As a result, 64 persons (60 women and 4 men) took baptism in the month of October 1994.  The women who took baptism said: "We pray for our husbands with fasting.  They too will accept Jesus Christ".   God honored their faith and they participated in the Christmas service as families.  The next day, all the village people took baptism.  From that day onwards, they stopped their animal and human sacrifices and began offering the sacrifices of praise joyfully to the Lord Jesus.  A church was built there, and the people are worshipping God.  Hallelujah! So perseverance is a very important component of the intercessory prayer to receive answers from God in His sovereign time.

Ezra Malto, an evangelist in Jharkhand prayed with a great passion and with fasting to ask the Lord to give one church in each of 76 villages of Hiranpur Taluk.  On the 4th day of his fasting he fainted.  When revived, he was asked to take some food.  He refused to take food, saying unless the Lord answered his prayer he will not stop his fasting prayer for Hiranpur Taluk.  By the Lord's grace, he completed 7 days of fasting prayer successfully. Then, a real spirit of prayer broke out among his church elders and believers.  Many continued to join Ezra Malto and prayed and did continuous outreach in all the 76 villages of Hiranpur Taluk.  Now, there are churches in each of the 76 villages of Hiranpur Taluk.  60 villages have become totally Christian villages.  This is another example of importunate, persevering prayer.

Having served 22 years in a missionary organisation, the Lord enabled us to network prayer and organize many united prayer initiatives such as 12 hours of fasting prayer, 24 hours, or 72 hours.  Such united prayer efforts have ignited movements of prayer in places wherever we practice this regularly.  United prayer increases unity and faith among the praying people and churches in the area or state where we practice this continually.  Powerful strongholds are pulled down by the Lord's answers to united prayer.  We still have freedom to preach the Gospel and plant churches in those areas in spite of opposition due to the arrogance of Hindu majority-ism.  

But after attending World Prayer Assembly from 14 - 18 May 2012, Jakarta, Indonesia, we from India felt that what we do in India for prayer is very less compared to what is happening in Indonesia, Korea and China and other nations

M. Patrick Joshua
Director of the National Prayer Network of India and IPC Leader

This letter which contains much wisdom from J. John, a British evangelilst, was forwarded by Leighton Ford to a friend of ours

"My son asked me last week, 'How should we pray for ISIS?'A good question and one that needed pondering for a few days! It is hard not to feel very strongly about the rise of ISIS in the Middle East and the brutal and very public barbarities it has carried out. This all raises many questions for the Christian. How should we respond? And what should we pray: 'Lord, destroy them!' or 'Lord, forgive them!'?
There is no doubt that some sort of intelligent military action is necessary. This is a merciless organisation whose destruction of Christian and other communities in the Middle East tells us that it cannot be allowed to continue. Yet there are real dangers for us all here. The first danger is that we adopt an arrogant self-righteousness. The meteoric rise of ISIS - or whatever it calls itself now - is actually no unexpected wonder. It draws its support from a widespread dislike and contempt for the unjust and corrupt political systems that have long dominated the region. Yet these are regimes that, despite knowing fully what they did, the West was very happy to support as long as they supplied us with oil, bought our goods and didn't oppress our people. So in our praying we must admit at least some responsibility for the present state of affairs.
A second danger lies in having a coldness of heart. In our praying and our actions we must be concerned for the many in the region, of every religion and of none, whose lives have been turned into tragedies by current events. We need to pray, 'God have mercy!', but as we do so let us also be prepared to be the answer to that prayer.
The third danger is quite simply that of hating those who fight for ISIS. Let me suggest three reasons why this is wrong. The first is that we believe in a God who judges. We know that at the end of time the Lord will call all men and women to account before him for what we have done. Knowing that our enemies face such a prospect should transform any temptation to hate them into compassion.
The second reason why hatred should be avoided is that we who are Christians are under orders not to hate but to bless. In the Bible we read this: 'Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing' (1 Peter 3:9). There is a profound psychological logic here. Hatred only breeds more hatred in response; in contrast, grace and forgiveness can end it. Let's have the courage to pray that these people might encounter the true and living God and abandon their evil deeds.
The third reason why I believe hatred must be shunned is not primarily theological but actually tactical. Something that the media has largely failed to understand is that the public and deliberately shocking nature of such acts as the beheadings of journalists and aid workers is a deliberate strategy to make us hate the perpetrators. Their goal is to create a situation in which Islam and the West find themselves in a bitter and bloody war. They want us to hate them, and I suggest that we are wise not to fall into that trap. Indeed, the greatest of all dangers is that the Christian Church so demonises the forces of radical Islam that our religion of grace and love is extinguished under the weight of wrath. Under such circumstances the Church would cease to be the Church. In a bitterly ironic triumph of evil we would have simply become the mirror image of our enemies.
These are perilous days, but God is great and prayer can achieve what armies cannot. Let us pray and if, as we do, fine phrases fail us, we can always pray those simple wise old words, 'Lord, let your Kingdom come and your will be done."