During the first two weeks of September, one of our colleagues whose name is Sam (last name not included for security reasons) was able to facilitate two prayer seminars for Iraqi believers in Erbil, Kurdistan and in Baghdad. Here is his account of what happened and some continuing prayer concerns:

"It  has  not  been  easy  for  the  believers  to  raise  up  in  faith  to  pray  for  their  nation. One  night  a  believer - lady  and  her  family  were  robbed  at  gun-point through  8  gunmen,  during  those  days  of  prayer.  This  really discouraged  believers  again,  after  the  major  bomb-blast  I  mentioned  before,  the  evening  before  I  arrived. Anyway, I kept  encouraging  them,  challenging  the  inner  -  circle  of  the  church to  increase  their  prayer -  commitment  and  taught  them  with  plenty  of  testimonies, how  prayer  changes  cities  &  nations.

We finished well with  several  active  prayer-times,  standing  in  cross  -  formation,  facing  in  the  directions  of  IS  etc.  and  once  for  the  young  generation  &  their  future. Prayed  against  evil  and  corrupt  &  wicked  politicians  to  be  removed,  for  God to  tear  down  the  wicked  high  places  and  for  the  march  of  death  by  Shias  to  stop  etc.

In the final meeting, I challenged them on bringing  a  real  expression  of  their  faith  into society  by  worship,  intercession,  prayer-walking  and  blessing  the  nation  and  the  majority  people. We  finished  with  a  ministry time  for  many,  many  individuals,  where  God  touched  some people  very  deeply  and  they  couldn't  stand  anymore. One lady was shaking for hours  through  the  power  of  God.  

Praise  God  for these things:

  • France  has  started  their  air campaign  in  Iraq  against  IS. Note from editor: 5 Arab nations have also joined with about 60 nations willing to assist now.
  • Kurdish  forces  have advanced against  IS  in  Northern  Iraq  and  Syria.
  • Believers  in  Baghdad  have  started  praying  for  their  neighborhoods  and  see  positive  changes.
  • One  lady doctor  is  committed  to  lay  her  hands  on  the  hearts  of  her  patients  while  doing check - ups  and  praying  for  them,  blessing  Muslims  etc.   

Please keep  praying  for  the  following for Iraq (and Syria). Here are some requests from Sam with some addtions from the editor:

  • Iraqi  believers  to  take  responsibility  for  their  nation  in  prayer  and  to  receive  a  fresh  boldness  instead  of  fear   (many  struggle  with  depression,  fear,  hopelessness).
  • Church  leaders  to  get  a  strong  burden  &  love  for  their  country  and  lead  the  believers  into prayer instead  of  leaving   (quite  a  number  of  churches  are  already  been  closed  down).
  • The  international alliance  of  nations  against  IS  to  effectively fight  IS  and  to  continue  a  successful  campaign  against  the  terrorists. Formation of an international expeditionary force to be rapidly deployed wherever radical Islam and terrorists operate.
  • The  government  in  Baghdad  to  be  strengthened  and  the  old  revengeful  politicians to  be  stopped since they cause  havoc  through  sponsoring  bomb-blasts  and killings. Pray for Prime Minister Haider to be strong, honest, non-sectarian. He recently received prayer by a friend in Baghdad. So did some Peshmerga military leaders for their actions against IS in the north. May many political leaders in the nation come to know and pray to the Lord for the healing and transformation of their nation!
  • For peace  for  Iraq,  development,  foreign  investment,  rebuilding  of  the  infrastructure  etc.
  • That all  places  that  have  been  conquered  by  IS  /  ISIS  /  ISIL  /  Al  Qaida   will be   taken  back  by  the Iraqi  &  Kurdish  forces.
  • For Christians in Iraq and Syria and other places affected to faithfully persevere; for their protection, provision for their basic needs and that they will boldly proclaim Jesus
  • For the influence of the demonic forces and evil alliances to be broken and destroyed.
  • For extremists/jihadists to meet Jesus Christ as their Saviour and as the Prince of Peace. (Percentage wise more radical/jihadist Muslims are coming to the Lord than any other group amongst Muslims.) Remember the man Saul a radical Jew who became Paul the greatest missionary of all time.

Concerned governmental sources have called for prayer over information they just received that ISIS sleeper cells in the United States are organizing in a coordinated effort to attack active US military and their families.

A confidential government source called BridgeBuilders' President Hal Sacks on Saturday night with the news and plea for prayer.

He told Sacks, "We were briefed last night by the Air Force that 3 or 4 days ago ISIS put out a call to all of the "sleepers" or underground ISIS members in the United States to start an organized attack against the active duty military and their families."

As Christians we must take this threat seriously! God can thwart this and any terrorist threat against our nation if we will fervently call upon Him (2 Chron. 7:14).


  • Pray for President Obama like never before!!  He is president during one of the most dangerous times for America and the world and needs our fervent prayers every day.
  • Pray for wisdom and strategy for the US Congress, Homeland Security, and the US Military
  • Pray for the Exposure of ISIS plots
  • Pray protection over our US Military personnel and their families.
  • Pray for the protection of US Military bases.

BridgeBuilders International Leadership Network, Phoenix, AZ.

Remember to pray for the yearly Hajj: 2-4 October 2014.  
We encourage you to ask people to pray also for the yearly Hajj - 2-4 October 2014. Between 2-3 million Muslims will visit Mecca during this time. The following two links will give you some information on the Hajj and how to pray about it.



Oct.ober  29 - 30, 2014 Washington, D.C.

The National Prayer Committee, Mission America, Intercessors for America, Jesus Alliance, IHOP and International Prayer Council are cooperating to call together people with a heart to pray for an all-out time of prayer for the nation just before the congressional elections. We sense that the country is at a crucial point in its history with many dangers and threats from without and within that need to be confronted through getting on the Lord's wavelength with others from across America. As one theologian put it, "History belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being!"

Calling for a Gideon's Army of Prayer Warriors for such a time as this!

Are you sensing a call of God to a time of intense intercession for the United States? At this time of growing crisis in which our nation seems to be have lost its direction morally, spiritually, politically and economically, a number of Christian leaders have heard that call and are inviting you to Washington DC, October 29-30 for a National Prayer Assembly.  Scheduled just one week before our national elections, it comes at a crucial time in our nation's life. It is not a time for politicking or posturing, but for passionate prayer for a fresh move of God for the transformation of our nation. Our prayer focus is on repentance, reconciliation, and revival in the spirit of God's great promise for national restoration in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

This gathering is being sponsored by America's National Prayer Committee, The International Prayer Council, IHOP, Mission America Coalition, Intercessors for America, and Jesus Alliance.

The venue will be the Sheraton Pentagon City in Arlington, Virginia near Reagan National Airport. A registration fee of $55 helps us secure the gorgeous meeting room overlooking all of D.C. and provides coffee, tea, and water for the two days of praying together. The hotel is located close to the Metro and allows us easy access to visit significant sites in the City for onsite intercession. The registration site is: www.nationalprayercommittee.com  Additional details can be found there, including information on reserving your rooms at the hotel. If you would like to stay at the Sheraton, the hotel number for reservations is: 1 800 325 3535. There are less expensive hotels a few minutes away in Alexandria.

A Billion Hours of Prayer and $1 Billion by the Year 2020

The 10/40 Window region is home to 3 billion Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus, the vast majority of whom remain with little or no access to the gospel in their language and culture. Over 90% of the world's least-reached people groups are in this region, among which 50,000 people will die each day without Jesus.

One answer to this spiritual darkness is a new initiative called Light the Window, which aims to equip 10 million believers around the world to pray and give sacrificially to reach 365 influential people groups in the 10/40 Window region. These 365 groups represent over 2.5 billion individuals who are the least-reached and least-evangelized people in the world. Mission strategists refer to these large groups as "gateway peoples" because if a breakthrough happens among them it may have a huge impact on the surrounding peoples, who are often related linguistically and culturally to these larger groups. In one way or another, most of the world's unreached peoples are influenced by or connected to these gateway peoples.
At its core, Light the Window is a strategic list for prayer and priority giving. Around this core are many related components which will equip the body of Christ for united impact in the 10/40 Window. Among these are monthly concerts of prayer, an online prayer exchange, a global strategic fund, and a service network. These four components are briefly described below.

Concerts of Prayer
Each of the 365 gateway peoples on the Light the Window list are grouped into one of 12 cultural regions, one for each month (see table). For example, in November the focus will be on Central Asian Muslims and in April the focus will be on Hindus of North India. Each month Light the Window participants will be encouraged to organize and gather in a "concert of prayer" for the particular region in focus. The concept of "concerted" prayer relates to two important dimensions of intercession: corporate unity and specific purpose. This is based on the principle which Jesus gave the church, "If two on earth agree about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." (Matt 18:19, ESV). Thus the purpose of a "concert of prayer" is not so much to mobilize or spread awareness about the 10/40 Window (though that will certainly happen), but it is more to enter into agreement as the corporate body of Christ in order to receive the authority God desires to give us to reach the nations.
Prayer Exchange
One of the major purposes of Light the Window is to equip intercessors around the world with prayer updates from the field, and to make these available in every major language with a significant number of evangelicals. To facilitate this field/intercessor connection, an online prayer exchange is being set up that will enable field practitioners to upload updates that will then be translated by volunteers in every country. In addition to this, a Light the Window app for smart phones is being developed which will allow participants to log their prayer participation and receive live prayer feeds from the 10/40 Window for the people groups they are following. Each year, these field reports will be edited and coalesced to update an annual Light the Window intercessory guide, which can be used in print or digital form.

Strategic Fund
If Light the Window achieves its goal of equipping ten million participants around the world, the potential for giving to fund strategic projects is enormous. Using "crowd-funding" technology and concepts, participants will be encouraged to give small regular contributions to fund big projects. Crowd-funding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo are raising hundreds of millions for funding commercial ventures through large numbers of people working together. The time has come for the global body of Christ to leverage its enormous giving power to finish the task of reaching all peoples with the gospel. By faith, Light the Window is aiming to raise at least $1 billion dollars from 10 million participants to fund strategic projects in the 10/40 Window. (This comes to just $10 on average per participant each month.) With an estimated 800 million evangelicals in the world, it is reasonable to assume that at least 10 million believers will have the capacity to participate in this strategic fund.
In addition to prayer and giving, participants in Light the Window will be encouraged to join service teams, which are being called PRIME teams, that serve the ongoing field work among unreached peoples. PRIME stands for prayer, research, innovation, media and engagement. PRIME centers will also be established on the field that will serve full-time as coordinating hubs for PRIME teams, with a focus on a specific gateway people or people-cluster. These teams and centers will be linked together through a network of organizations and ministries which specialize in one or more of the five PRIME areas.

Light the Window and PRIME are networks which are owned by the entire body of Christ and mission community. Any ministry, church or organization committed to the Great Commission under the Lordship of Christ can participate in these initiatives and incorporate them into their existing ministry platform. They are free gifts to the global church with no strings attached (or to put it in tech-speak, they are "open-source" programs that can be freely deployed and adapted for multiple platforms). Light the Window and PRIME plan to officially launch in 2015. Those interested in participating in Light the Window can help beta-test the program by registering at www.ltw2020.org.
You may also write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information

We believe prayer is the indispensable key to the unfinished task among the 'Forgotten Fourth World'-the one-fourth of the world with little access to the gospel. Unquestionably God has impressed that upon us as a Body and He has been growing a global prayer movement for decades now. The Lord has been calling people of prayer to model and assist others in cultivating conversational relationships with God and to ignite movements to Christ based on extraordinary prayer and intimacy with Him. This urgent necessity quickly became obvious, not only to survive, but to see fruit flourishing in these mostly hostile environments. In the course of pursuing loving obedience to His call, major prayer innovations have been and are being birthed. One of these seems to be the emerging role of the 'prayer strategist' that links passion for and practice of prayer and connection to prayer movements and networks with strategic field efforts to catalyze cascading movements to Christ.
A strategist is someone skilled in planning to find the best way to gain advantage or achieve success. Thus, a 'prayer strategist' serves on a team (strategy team, church, denomination, organization) and, in partnership with others on this team seeks to engage in and catalyze prayer that both informs and flows from the team's vision and strategy through:

  • Regularly drawing near to God in prayer, worship and adoration both individually and as a team;
  • Becoming aware of gaps and hindrances in reaching the vision God has entrusted to them;
  • Researching, envisioning and refining strategies for overcoming those gaps;
  • Maximizing strategic implementation of the team's strategies particularly related to prayer;
  • Periodically refining those strategies with the team in times of prayer together.

The 'prayer strategist' has a posture of servanthood, supporting others in the Body of Christ. Think of the person sitting in the crow's nest of a great ship, watching the horizon and advising the helmsman of events and circumstances beyond his awareness. It is a position of influence more than a position of authority. Using the analogy of constructing a building, someone needs to be watchful to make sure that all the components have been fit together according to the architect's design. The prayer strategist, along with his or her teammates, would watch for any gaps, challenges or opportunities that emerge in that ministry so they can be appropriately addressed in prayer and action.
1 Chronicles 12:32 speaks of the men of Issachar who understood the times and knew what needed to be done; these people might be representative of 'prayer strategists.' Nehemiah is another example. Nehemiah interceded about the broken down walls of Jerusalem and he gained favor with the king, permission and resources, mobilized teams to do the actual work, and oversaw the completion of the project. Prayer was the way he received a strategy and was integral to the project's success. In the New Testament, Barnabas was an encourager, connector and prophetic intercessor for in the spread of the Early Church. He brought Saul into relationship with the apostles and served alongside Paul in pioneering new work for the gospel. He was an another example of this same function in the Body of Christ.
What kinds of prayer strategies are should be part of the effort to see the advance of the gospel among the unreached?

  • Prayer as conversation and intimacy with God is foundational to igniting movements to Christ, both for individuals and for teams.
  • Fasting prioritizes the best things for His glory and kingdom.
  • Prayer mobilization, training and team building facilitate God's manifest presence and our cooperation. Love and unity demonstrate the truth of our testimony, but are impossible without abundant prayer.
  • Prayerful End-visioning is using reverse problem solving to form your strategy to take Christ to your people group.
  • Worship is both a form of prayer and a form of spiritual warfare. We draw near to God and He reveals to us the strategies of Heaven and empowers us to release His kingdom on earth as in heaven. Establishing permanent lighthouses of continuous prayer and worship creates beachheads for the kingdom of God.
  • Personal restoration and transformation ministries, healing and deliverance ministries, conflict resolution, all grounded and guided through prayer, help us access Jesus' abundant life. Often, signs and wonders also result.
  • "Representational confession" or "identificational repentance" makes reconciliation and renewal possible for families, churches, communities, tribes and nations. God wants to direct us in prayerful action to be part of releasing breakthroughs by addressing offenses.
  • Moving prayer onsite into the community brings the presence of Christ where He is not yet recognized and worshiped. The church models the whole gospel to the whole community such through onsite prayer.
  • Spirit-guided research into the supernatural underpinnings of reality produces more informed, effective intercession and outreach.
  • As we witness the acceleration of wars, rumors of wars, plagues, famines and earthquakes indicated by Matthew 24, as believers walk in conversational relationship with God, they will be ready to seize these as opportunities for the Gospel.

Our battle IS prayer and through prayer we appropriate the victory Jesus bought at great cost. In obeying the Great Commission while following the Great Commandment, we pursue the Great Commitment to a lifestyle of unceasing prayer. If you sense God drawing you to join hands with others to apply the indispensable key of prayer to finish the task, you may find strength in the fellowship of others walking this journey. http://www.ethne.net/prayer is your portal to find resources and to connect with others along the way.

In January 2010 a vision was shared with market place and ministry leaders in Indonesia about hosting a World Prayer Assembly in 2012. Indonesia was asked to host this "once in a generation" gathering because of their spirit of prayer and their unity within the body of Christ. As the leaders of church bodies, national networks and market place leaders there heard the vision, they began to ask themselves if God was indeed calling them to serve and bless the nations. As they began to step up, these leaders began to see themselves in a new light - with an enlarged assignment.
Because Korea had hosted the only other event like this in 1984, my colleague John Robb, chairman of the International Prayer Council, and I traveled on to Korea to ask them to bring their gift of prayer to this event. Before our trip concluded, we were convinced Korea should serve as co-host with Indonesia for the WPA.
As we traveled back to Indonesia every three months to work with our Indonesian friends and others, we watched in amazement as the Church in Indonesia continued to prepare in ways we never imagined. Pastors and leaders began to meet weekly for prayer in cities around the nation. Intergenerational prayer gatherings became more and more common. New prayer towers were started. Everywhere we looked the Church in Indonesia was becoming more prayerful and more united as it prepared for the WPA.
One unexpected outcome was that leaders in different cities began to have a simultaneous citywide prayer gathering in their city at the same time one was planned for the national stadium in Jakarta. At first members of the International Prayer Council were skeptical. We wanted to be sure to fill the national stadium to overflowing for this four-hour event. But our Indonesian colleagues were telling us that God was doing something very deep and special in the hearts and lives of leaders in their cities. They wanted the whole body of Christ to come together on that special day, across all the worship styles, denominations and generations. As the decision was made to allow this, first there were going to be 5 other cities involved, then 10. The number grew to 50 and then 100. The final number was 378 cities connected, most by satellite link, to the national stadium with somewhere around 4 million people participating!

As the planning developed, the national team in Indonesia sensed that God was calling them to an ongoing united prayer and outreach strategy following the WPA. The My Home Indonesia initiative was birthed with a goal of calling every Christian in the nation to adopt their own street, neighborhood, school, workplace, wherever God had placed them. They would pay attention and look for the needs. They would then adopt that place and those needs in prayer and follow up with action as God directed. And they would seek to do this together with other believers in their area.
During the stadium event at the WPA on May 17, 2012, My Home Indonesia was launched. Hundreds of thousands expressed interest and commitment to the project by text message. In September, a My Home gathering in Surabaya, Indonesia, highlighted the growth and development of the movement in cities and communities around the nation since 2012. Of the 2,500 in attendance, leaders from all 33 provinces as well as 1,000 pastors, ten mayors and many business leaders participated. So the overflow of the WPA in Indonesia continues to find growing expression across the nation.
From the beginning the World Prayer Assembly was designed to be a true tri-generational event with children and youth as full partners.  As a result a strong children's and youth track were included. In the national stadium event in Jakarta, 20,000 children and 20,000 youth were part of the 100,000+ in attendance along with the adults. Through that experience at the WPA in 2012, a new vision has emerged. Both senior leaders and leaders of the youth track, led by Pastor Jerome Ocampo, have been praying about the possibility of arranging a World Youth Prayer Assembly.
There is no doubt that we are in a season where God is at work, "Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers, Malachi 4:6." Could God be calling the Church worldwide to harness their gifts of prayer and mission in a way that would encourage and release the next generation into their destiny for the nations? Could the youth step up to design and lead such an event - with the encouragement, guidance and support of their elders? Could the youth help birth new expressions, new rhythms of prayer around the world? And could the global Church play a role in cheering them on towards this end?

At the end of August, a number of youth prayer leaders along with members of the International Prayer Council met in Hong Kong to do some initial planning. Please pray with us for the next steps in organizing the WYPA. We are in the process of considering a venue and making other arrangements. Pray especially for Pastor Jerome Ocampo who has accepted the responsibility of coordinating this event.

We believe that children and youth are called to be full partners in God's mission. We are excited about the potential of the youth becoming catalysts and partners for an awakening of children and youth around the world. Habakkuk 2:14

Tom Victor, Great Commission Coalition and member of the WYPA planning team
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We have a generation today that is hungry for a cause that will match their unique DNA. They are waiting to be challenged to reach their full potential, as individuals and as a generation. The World Youth Prayer Assembly planning team believes that God is setting-up a globally-connected, digital, radical generation whose passion is to seek His face, for such a time as this. They only need to be gathered, challenged, and released to their destiny.

Imagine calling forth and engaging an emerging generation, tens of thousands from every nation to challenge and empower them to fulfill their destiny as catalysts for Christ's Kingdom. Imagine the gathering being led by the youth and for the youth. Imagine them being the Psalm 24 generation, corporately seeking the face of God in worship. Imagine them receiving a clear understanding of their unique, individual callings. Imagine each of them acquiring the fire and receiving anointing and impartation to fulfill their special, unique destiny. Imagine them going back to their respective spheres of influence to affect change and become His leaders of tomorrow in all walks of life. Can you see the new wave of global revival and transformation that is stirring already?

The WYPA will not be just another event; it will be a historic, strategic convergence of youth and children from across the world, that will be used of the Lord to catalyze an ever building wave, releasing His glory in the nations. God has always called and used young people to do exploits for Him in both Scripture and history.

The spirit of Elijah cries out, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!" Let us summon and prepare the youth of our world! Let us gather a generation to seek His face. Let us invite them to get connected to one another and to be released into their destiny for their generation and the generations to come. Let us gather them for a World Youth Prayer Assembly. Just one, God-ordained moment in this event will change their lives forever and our world will never be the same!

Pastor Jerome Ocampo
WYPC 2016
Jesus Revolution Now
Jesus' Flock, Inc
Manila, Philippines

The last week of August 2014 was perhaps a turning point in the spiritual history of Uruguay. This small South American republic, known the world over for its achievements in soccer (fútbol), is also known in the Christian world as the most secular country in the American continent. However, God has began a process towards a different future, using diverse groups of visionary and obedient Christian leaders. In that one week, two historic events took place in rapid succession:

  • A group of 10 select leaders gathered in a two-day retreat to visualize together a totally reached nation.
  • Over 60 leaders attended the launching of a 15-year plan for the transformation of Uruguay.

José L. González, an Uruguayan who emigrated from his country in his youth, facilitated the retreat. For the past 30 years he has accompanied with his ministry, Semilla, hundreds of Latin American Christian leaders committed to the transformation of their nations. In four sessions of visionary planning, the group, composed of pastors, entrepreneurs, government officials, journalists, jurists, educators, intercessors and other professionals, agreed on a shared vision for the transformation of their nation... Separately, during the same week, sixty leaders attended the launching of a 15 year process of transformation under the name of Transform Uruguay 2030 (TU 2030). This initiative, in which hopefully all sectors of the Uruguayan church will participate, resulted from the vision of a small group of leaders, "Cosmovisión" (Worldview). Originally gathered to accompany the first evangelical Congressman of Uruguay, Gerardo Amarilla, these brothers have volunteer to serve the church and the Christian people of Uruguay to seek the transformation of their nation. They want to serve particularly all the branches of the Body of Christ and to join the other initiatives of prayer and equipping that have already began, for transformation in their country.

During the launching of Transform Uruguay 2030, an initial team of facilitators for each of the 7 spheres of social influence called those present to identify their sphere of calling and to form groups of prayer, research, planning and execution. Together they propose to prepare a larger National Transformation Forum in August 2015. They hope to bring studies of the national reality and suggestions about how the church itself, and the Christians as individuals may act for transformation for each sphere. The organizers hope that with good preparations, hundreds of Christian leaders will participate in the National Forum, which will include the first Christian expo of ministries and resources from Uruguay and abroad.

While the vision of Transforma Uruguay 2030 was born, as it should be expected, from a handful of mainly lay people committed to the Lord, pastors and church leaders will inevitably play a leading role, encouraging and guiding the flocks under their care. For this purpose, a special meeting is being planned to present to them the vision of Transformation in its various global and regional expressions. One of the original facilitators, Pastor and entrepreneur Rainer Kunze, said: "I am convinced that we are in a very special, a Kairos moment of God for the transformation of our nation. There are many visible signs that show that it is so, and many motivated and passionate people eager to bring transcendent changes through the love, the power and the glory God."
Luis Bush, Transform World

Please pray with our brothers and sisters from Uruguay for the success of this transformation effort, for His unity and clarity and that the movement will be bathed in seeking the Lord together in much prayer.