At least 1,634 people were executed in 25 countries in 2015: this is the highest number of executions recorded since 1989. Most took place in China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the USA - in that order. The true extent of the use of the death penalty in China is unknown as this is a state secret; so the figure of 1,634 excludes the thousands of executions believed to have been carried out in that country. 90% of all recorded executions took place in just three countries: Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The methods of killing used by governments are: beheading, hanging, lethal injection and shooting. In many countries where people were executed, the proceedings did not meet international fair trial standards: in some cases ‘confessions’ were extracted through torture in Bahrain, China, Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Saudi Arabia. Amnesty International could not confirm if executions had taken place in Syria.

Saudi Arabia has claimed to the UN Human Rights Council that it ‘fights torture’ and guarantees fair trials - despite the planned execution of three juveniles who were tortured into ‘confessions’ after being arrested for attending protests. In remarks made to the Council, which met in Geneva for its final session, the country's minister of culture and information Bandar al-Ali claimed his government respects human rights and ‘fights torture in all its physical and moral manifestations’. ‘Saudi Arabia was one of the very first countries which promoted human rights’, he asserted.

A school district in Colorado decided that free literature provided for students by the atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) needed to be censored. The Christian Examiner reported that FFRF decided to provide materials on atheism after it learned that Gideons International provided students in the Delta school district with Bibles. An attorney for the district informed the FFRF that they might only provide literature to students to avoid discrimination. However, some of the materials the group provided were deemed pornographic in nature. FFRF is becoming more active in the USA and is currently highlighting the following on its website: students will be getting satanic books soon; freethinkers; atheist group to question college’s prayer spaces. See also:

‘I am a maths teacher with twenty years’ experience, but no Syrian schools in Istanbul will hire me.’ Ali arrived from Syria with $6,000. Unable to find a teaching job in Turkey, he now works 11-hour days, six days a week, for 1,000 Turkish lira. He pays 800 lira rent, and 200 lira utilities. To get by, his two sons, 12 and 14, work 11-hour days in a sweatshop where they earn 500 Turkish lira each per month. ‘I don’t want to be rich,’ he said, ‘but I’ve lost hope.’ All that is left of Ali’s life savings is 50 Turkish lira. 85% of Syrians in Turkey living outside refugee camps try to join the unofficial workforce due to lack of work permits. Turkish employers take advantage of low-cost refugee labourers who earn half the normal wages. ‘The salary is not enough but it’s better than nothing.’ Ali said.

Do you want to find out more about Jesus?

There are some excellent websites that you can visit to find out more.  Here are a few:






In the run-up to Thy Kingdom Come, the week of prayer called for by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, an encouraging number of churches are considering hosting 24-7 prayer rooms, many for the first time. Some prayer rooms will be held across a rural benefice or deanery, others in larger churches or with sisters and brothers from other denominations and streams. There'll even be a dedicated prayer room at the heart of Lambeth Palace, the home of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

A round the clock prayer room for a week or weekend can sound a daunting prospect, but one Vicar shares the story of when his rural deanery hosted one for the first time, "I was a bit hesitant doing it as an individual church as it's a lot of hours, but we divided it up and it was amazing. It released all sorts of things in our church and it felt like a spiritual blockage was removed. I shouldn't be surprised that 24-7 prayer had such an effect, but how it changed our church did surprise me. This year we are doing it as a Deanery and with ecumenical friends. We'll be using the 24-7 prayer facility [online] which allows people to book slots easily."

To watch the full video go to

The Thy Kingdom Come contains links to all you need to setup a room, with full details here: The Archbishops are delighted to be partnering with 24-7 prayer to offer their online booking and registration resource, without charge, here: (requires free registration then click on 'register prayer room').

If you are planning on hosting a prayer room please do register on the website so we can all be encouraged. You can also register your e-mail address to receive information from the Archbishops about Thy Kingdom Come here:

In March 2016, the World Prayer Centre hosted the WATCHING 2016 national prayer conference at The Hayes conference centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire. Over 240 people gathered for powerful time of seeking God, prayer, being equipped and released with fresh vision and prayer strategy.

Rev Malcolm Duncan of Goldhill Baptist church was our guest speaker for the third year. It was a time of envisioning, watching and hearing what the Lord is saying in these times. We also hosted four workshops as part of the conference, which were to equip people in prayer, evangelism and the prophetic.

Malcolm Duncan brought a significant prophetic word to the Church in these Islands at our conference. It builds on important words spoken by Smith Wigglesworth (1947) and Jean Darnell (1967) of God's call on Great Britain. We feel that it is right to release this Word to the wider Church.

Get Malcolm's Word

Please study this word, pray into it and to bring it into Father's presence. Feel free to share it prayerfully with others. Ask the question, "Lord, what are you calling me to do? Show me your heart for my town/neighbourhood/workplace/ community". We are being called to get ready – and come before God in repentance, dependence and authenticity.

Join us in praying, "Come Holy Spirit, in power, grace, and holiness – I open myself to you. Use me, prepare your church and change this nation. Amen"

The World Prayer Centre team

I am writing to you with an urgent plea. I am at the United Nations headquarters in New York, where two important UN documents are being considered (“Agreed Conclusions” and a resolution on HIV/AIDS) at the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

Both documents are filled with proposals calling for controversial sexual rights and for radical sexuality education for even very young children.

Intense negotiations on these documents are underway right now.

To help counteract these threats to families and to children everywhere, we are premiering our powerful new documentary here at the UN this week to expose the radical agenda to sexualize children. 

We are also launching an online letter campaign calling upon UN Member States to stop this dangerous agenda here and now. 

We only have this week to get as many signatures as possible on our letter to UN Member States in order to stop this agenda that will harm children worldwide.

You can easily sign the letter here

Releasing our new documentary, “The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda,”  that exposes the dangers of CSE is perhaps the most important action Family Watch has ever undertaken. The documentary is shocking and extensively documented, and it needs to be broadcast everywhere! 

You can view the documentary online, either a 10-minute version or the full version.  

As revealed in this new documentary, as far back as 1999, the UN agency UNICEF published a manual that even promoted bestiality and sex with non-consenting persons as situations where teens could derive sexual pleasure. 

If this was taught to children in 1999, can you imagine what they want to teach your children in 2016? This and more is revealed in this new documentary.

Understand that the UN agencies and liberal Western countries pushing this radical sexuality education are more aggressive and are using more deceptive tactics than ever before.

To advance CSE they claim it will delay sexual debut, stop HIV, prevent teen pregnancy, lift people out of poverty, prevent sexual abuse, promote gender equality, and more. This is far from the truth. Instead, CSE encourages children to engage in high-risk sexual behaviors, to experiment sexually, to question their sexual orientation and their gender identity.

We simply cannot let CSE be adopted in any UN, national, state or local policy! Ever.

Therefore, we urge you to help by taking the following steps right now:

  1. Please watch either the 10-minute version or the 35-minute version of the documentary right now so you can see just how bad this really is. Even though watching the CSE material that is exposed can be disturbing, it is essential for everyone to understand what is being taught to our kids and what we are up against so we can stop it.
  1. Go to our website,, and sign the letter calling upon the UN to stop promoting or funding CSE. We will be sending a copy of this letter with signatures from around the world to the UN Member States that are negotiating two important documents right now.  
  1. Forward this alert on and encourage as many people as you can to watch the documentary and sign the letters as well. Consider sending it to your local media contacts, church and community leaders, or heads of organizations that would help disseminate this and especially to school administrators in your area… 

Every minister of education, every parent and grandparent, every teacher, every school administrator, and every policymaker need to see this documentary so they can help protect children and our societies from this harmful agenda. 

Please help us spread this information as far and wide as possible by forwarding this alert on to others.

Together we can and will protect the world’s children!

In addition, please encourage people to sign the letter to the UN. These signatures will make a tremendous difference in putting an end to the harm being perpetuated against children.  

We will let you know what happens when we show this shocking documentary on Wednesday, March 23, at the UN here in New York!


Sharon Slater

P.S. Go to for documentation on the harmful CSE agenda