In an attempt to “preserve history,” two exact replicas of the 50-foot arch that stood at the entrance to the temple will be erected in April 2016 in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London. (Reuters)
Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at
I realize that the headline of this article sounds like it must be false, but it is actually completely true. The Temple of Baal (also known as the Temple of Bel) was a world-famous landmark that was located in Palmyra, Syria. In August 2015, this temple was destroyed by ISIS, and most of the world recoiled in terror at the loss of a “cultural heritage site.”
In an attempt to “preserve history,” two exact replicas of the 50-foot arch that stood at the entrance to the temple will be erected in April 2016 in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London. Needless to say, a lot of people are quite disturbed by this. In ancient times, child sacrifice and bisexual orgies were common practices at the altars of Baal, and now we are putting up a monument of worship to this false god in the heart of our most important city.
When I first came across this story, I could hardly believe it. But this is not just some Internet rumor. This was reported by the New York Times.
NEXT month, the Temple of Baal will come to Times Square. Reproductions of the 50-foot arch that formed the temple’s entrance are to be installed in New York and in London, a tribute to the 2,000-year-old structure that the Islamic State destroyed last year in the Syrian town of Palmyra. The group’s rampage through Palmyra, a city that reached its peak in the second and third century A.D., enraged the world, spurring scholars and conservationists into action. Numerous nongovernmental organizations are now cataloging and mapping damaged cultural heritage sites in the region.
Of course, most nonreligious Americans don’t understand who Baal was, nor do they really care.
But the truth is that many of the elements of ancient Baal worship are being mirrored in our society in 2016. The following is an excerpt from an excellent article by Matt Barber:
Ritualistic Baal worship, in sum, looked a little like this: Adults would gather around the altar of Baal. Infants would then be burned alive as a sacrificial offering to the deity. Amid horrific screams and the stench of charred human flesh, congregants—men and women alike—would engage in bisexual orgies. The ritual of convenience was intended to produce economic prosperity by prompting Baal to bring rain for the fertility of “mother earth.”
The natural consequences of such behavior—pregnancy and childbirth—and the associated financial burdens of “unplanned parenthood” were easily offset. One could either choose to engage in homosexual conduct or—with child sacrifice available on demand—could simply take part in another fertility ceremony to “terminate” the unwanted child.
Modern liberalism deviates little from its ancient predecessor. While its macabre rituals have been sanitized with flowery and euphemistic terms of art, its core tenets and practices remain eerily similar.
So considering the child sacrifice and sexual immorality that we are engaged in today, perhaps it is only natural for us to have a Temple of Baal in Times Square…
Michael T. Snyder is the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and author of The Beginning of the End.
“The Year of Joel 2:16”
Dutch Sheets, Dallas, TX
As we have heard from many prophetic voices, the year 2016 is full of promise for seeing a great turning in America. At the start of the year, the Lord also spoke to me about this season we have stepped into, telling of spiritual recalibration and a great convergence within His Church. He spoke of restoring our passion, our vision, our heart for service, and our love for His Word. The Lord even told me of a great shift toward righteousness within our government in 2016. What the Lord made clear to me, however, is that all He desires to do this year can happen only as we make prayer our priority.
A Huge Surge of Prayer
For much time, I have been sensing that a huge surge of prayer is coming to America in 2016. A great work of preparation has been done, and this wave of prayer will now hit its stride this year. A conversation I had with my dear friend and son in the Lord, Will Ford, put a phrase to what I had been sensing. Based on a dream given to his wife, Will said, “The year 2016 is the year of Joel 2:16.”
Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber. Joel 2:16
This verse highlights God’s present call to personal lifestyles and mass gatherings of fasting and prayer. The subsequent verses speak of the fruit of such devotion: deliverance, restoration, and a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Over the last few years, I found myself grieving over what I considered to be a loss of momentum, or even a dying, of the “prayer movement” in America. But the Lord changed this by giving me a prophetic message and a practical method for mobilizing the masses to pray.
The story behind the Appeal To Heaven flag is creating vision and issuing a call to the Church concerning God’s plan for a resurgence of prayer. Between onsite attendance on unique online views, over 50,000 hungry people engaged in our most recent Appeal To Heaven Conference. And at the writing of this piece—only four months after its launch—nearly 300,000 people have downloaded the Give Him 15 daily prayer app to help guide them in unified intercession and Scriptural decrees for America.
I have never seen as many significant prayer gatherings planned for this nation as are scheduled for 2016. We are told that Lou Engle’s AzusaNow stadium gathering in Los Angeles on April 9 is seeing thousands of registrants per day, and on that same day tens of thousands of pastors will gather at our nation’s Capital to pray. The recent Harvest America stadium gathering in Dallas looked like the days of the Jesus People Movement, with masses of people surrendering their lives to the Lord, and Together 2016 is aimed at gathering 1 million people on the Mall in Washington, DC this summer.
And there is still more to come. I was fascinated by what took place at a recent meeting in Colorado Springs, CO hosted by Dick Eastman, whom I consider to be the patriarch and strongest apostle of prayer in America. Leaders from prayer ministries across several denominations convened to develop a unified strategy for shifting the nation through prayer.
Clearly, God has birthed and breathed life upon these and many other prayer efforts to help prepare the way for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit in America. Let your heart be filled with hope!
Appeal to Heaven Movement!
Another generation is about to receive their version of a prayer movement, and what God is about to do is bigger than what He did in prayer in the 1990’s; He’s taking us all the way back to what He did through prayer in America in the 1770’s. Many are not aware that America was birthed through prayer.
The Lord used General Washington, the commander of our military at that time, to commission a flag with a message of hope stitched across its top. “Appeal To Heaven” became more than a catchphrase, it became a prayer movement, which swept through the colonies, empowering a fledgling nation to rise up in supernatural strength against the giant of their day.
In resurrecting the Appeal To Heaven flag, the Lord is communicating His desire to resurrect the prayer movement for the rebirthing of this great nation. He is taking us back to the founding of our nation, affirming His covenantal promises with us, and equipping us with what we need to take out the giants of our day and shine as a city on a hill and light to the nations once again. It’s going to be amazing!
Those who respond to what the Spirit is saying to the Church in this hour, taking up the mantle of prayer, will become new wineskins filled with new wine. New paradigms, systems, and structures will come into place to make way for what God is releasing into the earth.
Schedules and agendas are changing to make room for Holy Spirit’s invitation to personal lifestyles of fasting and prayer. Pastors and leaders across America are hearing Heaven’s call to re-prioritize and give prayer the place of preeminence in their churches and ministries. Houses of prayer will spring up from among them, and new schools of prayer will be launched, as well.
A new awakening and outpouring of prayer is coming to America. We must make room for it. Let this be our Joel 2:16 year, in which we gather, consecrate ourselves, and through prayer see the Lord shift the nation!
Let communing with Him be our priority this year!
Dutch Sheets
March 2016 Prayer Points
We recently had 3 pastors from an internally displaced people’s camp in South Sudan, the poorest nation on earth, register for the GProCongress. They are so hungry to be trained because of their desire to serve their churches effectively.
Momentum continues to grow as we are now in our final three months before the Congress. Larger group registrations are coming in from many regions of the world.
This is indeed a God-sized task and an historic undertaking. With only 82 days remaining until the Congress, your prayers are so vitally important. Thank you for your commitment to pray for the upcoming Congress either as part of our growing prayer team or as a member of our Prayer Working Group. We hope each of you will share these important Prayer Points with others within your spheres of influence.
Let’s contend together for God to use the GProCongress as a catalyst to meet the critical need for more and better pastoral training around the world. The health of Christ’s Bride depends on the health of her pastor-teachers and her pastors.
Tom Victor
Manager of Prayer
Global Proclamation Congress
Prayer Points for March 2016
The Global Proclamation Congress - June 15-22, 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand
Why are we praying? “This is the first time in the history of the Christian faith that pastors are the primary focus at the round table of global ministry architecture.”
Please pray with us for the following Prayer Points:
1. Pastoral Trainer Delegates
(Goal: 5,000 Pastoral Trainers from 200 nations)
Recruiting the right 5,000 delegates from 200 nations
Good news. We now have 1962 approved delegates representing 94 nations. Larger group registrations are also in process right now in several nations.
11 For recruiting delegates. Pray for favor as the recruiting team works with group registrations as well as for their communication to an additional 2,000 contacts. (Psalm 90:17)
12 For nations represented. Pray for God to give wisdom as the team works towards the goal of 200 nations represented at the Congress. (Proverbs 2:6)
2. Program and Follow-Up
- For the plenary speakers and each presenter. Pray for God’s full grace and clear direction as they prepare. (Colossians 1:28-29)
- For preparation of case presentations that will highlight best practices.Pray for great skill to communicate clearly across cultures. (Psalm 45:1)
- For development of GProConnext that will extend the reach and impact of the Congress through 2020 and beyond. Pray for God’s full plan to be established. (Proverbs 16:3)
3. God’s Plan for Full Provision for the Congress and Delegates
- $1.1 Million Challenge. Pray for success of our special $1.1 million challenge for the month of March. (2 Corinthians 9:12-15)
- Foundations. Pray for favor as foundation boards are considering funding proposals at this time. (Romans 12:8)
- Delegate Travel countries with weaker economies. (Genesis 22:14)
4. Praise To Our God Who Is Lord Over All Things - Including The GProCongress
(Colossians 1:15-20)
As you visit the GProCongress site, take the time to pray over the information and resources that are available. Pray about who else in your sphere of influence would benefit from visiting the site and knowing about the Congress.
Belgium has now experienced firsthand the horror of Islamic terror with the deaths of 34 and 270 injured in two attacks at the Brussels airport and in its subway. Some of those who survived lost limbs and several children were among those most severely maimed by the suicide bombers. A colleague of mine from the UK described the atmosphere of fear and foreboding in Europe about the possibility of additional attacks which could happen anywhere and anytime. Certainly we in the USA feel similar concerns. Indeed, no part of our world is exempt from such demented and devilish terrorist strikes.
Robert Maginnis has shared the following items for prayer:
- ISIS promises more attacks in U.S., Europe. The Washington Times reports ISIS boasted on social media its intent to launch waves of violence across Europe and the U.S. Those messages came from ISIS’ Al-Wafa on March 22 predicting its terror operations were in the pipeline. “America, You Are Next” screamed one headline and then the writer mentioned the San Bernardino massacre carried out by American-born Syed Farook. “Then how about we send you 10 Syed Farooks? How about we send you eight lions like the heroes who set France on fire and turned it on its head,” the jihadist writer said. "My message in this article is addressed to the Crusader pig Cameron," the ISIL operator writes. "Do not think that what happened in Brussels, and before that in Paris, is far from you, oh lowly Crusader." Said Robert Maginnis, a retired Army officer and terrorism expert: " I believe among the hundreds of returnees from Syria/Iraq and the Islamic population now in Europe there are plenty of willing people to continue to terrorize Europe. The Europeans are not of one mind, much less trust each other to work as closely as necessary to prevent further assaults. "
- Nuclear-Armed ISIS not out of the question. Defense One speculates based on the opinion of a Harvard researcher that ISIS might be closer to wreaking some sort of radioactive havoc than many expect. The murder of a security guard at a Belgian nuclear plant just prior to the Brussels attacks last week coupled with reports that ISIS is about to launch a campaign of violence in Europe rightly re-ignited fears. A researcher at Harvard’s Belfer Center and investigator at the Project on Managing the Atom is concerned. Put the pieces of this nuclear puzzle together. The researcher reminds us that in November, just after the Paris attacks, Belgian officials arrested a man who had video footage of an expert at Belgian’s SCK-CEN nuclear research facility. Evidently, according to Defense One, that footage was collected by two of the Brussels suicide bombers. Coincidence? On March 24, 2016 a guard was found shot dead at Belgium’s National Radioactive Elements Institute at Fleurus. It is noteworthy that just before last week’s attacks in Brussels, SCK-CEN deployed armed troops to Belgium’s four nuclear sites. But beefing up security at a few nuclear sites leaves others vulnerable such as those in hospitals and industrial sites. Specifically, in 2013 and 2014, there were 325 incidents of radioactive materials being lost, stolen, or in some way unregulated or uncontrolled, according to the James Martin center for Nonproliferation. Material such as Cesium-137, a byproduct of fission used in cancer therapy could make a very effective dirty bomb Note: You might recall an FBI sting operation reported by the Associated Press last October that stopped criminals from selling nuclear material to jihadists. Meanwhile, a couple months ago nuclear material taken from facilities in Mosul, Iraq (an ISIS controlled area) were found abandoned in Southern Iraq. Also, the May 2015 edition of ISIS’ glossy magazine Dabiq includes an article about the hypothetical acquisition of nuclear material that was smuggled from Europe thru West Africa to Central America and eventually into the U.S.
- Iran expands ballistic missile program. The Washington Free Beacon reports that in spite of U.S. sanctions the Iranian regime is expanding an underground network of ballistic missile construction and test sites. Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps has clandestinely stood-up a network of front companies to fuel its ballistic missile expansion. Long range ballistic missiles could provide Iran with the means to deliver nuclear-tipped warheads to distant targets. “Tehran has used commercial entities as fronts to procure sensitive technology or to provide goods for military purposes,” said Iran expert Saeed Ghasseminejad with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ center on Sanctions and Illicit Finance. “Today, a wide array of entities and sectors are thus likely involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program.”
Robert Maginnis
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Please pray with us for the following:
1 For those injured and those who lost family members in the Belgium attack to experience God’s comfort and healing from the awful trauma and pain they are experiencing.
2 For the Brussels authorities to find and arrest any terrorists that were involved. For other intelligence and police authorities throughout Europe to be effective in discovering and breaking up any terrorist networks and plans for further attacks. There are estimates running up to 1000 who are involved in this Islamic State network there and are no doubt planning similar operations elsewhere.
3 For the Lord’s mercy and protection over all of our nations and that our governments, police and intelligence officials will be given His wisdom and help in preventing and destroying terrorism wherever it exists. That Iran’s nuclear ambitions and covert ballistic missile program will be exposed, frustrated, and held in check.
4 For the coalition of nations that are supposed to be fighting ISIS and other Islamic radical groups to now throw off their weakness and political correctness to become firmly committed to supplying all necessary resources in a united effort to bring an end to ISIS, Al Qaeda and other such evil groups. In that process, may many more of these Islamic radicals and other disillusioned Muslims see the bad fruit that Islam produces and turn to Jesus Christ. May they be powerfully turned around like the radical persecutor of the early Christians who became the great Apostle Paul. So may they come to know and serve the Lord with hearts on fire—good radicals for His loving purposes in our world!
For Immediate Release
[March 21, 2016, Seoul, Republic of Korea]
No Chain (The Association of North Korean Political Victims & Their Families) has received news from inside North Korea through its sources, that barbed wire fencing from one of its political prison camps, Camp 22 (Hoeryoung gwan-li-so, closed in June 2009), is being used as border fencing along the North Korea-China border, with work starting earlier this month.
The work of dismantling and shipping the barbed wire fencing to the border area is being carried out by state-run companies (공장 기업소) and their laborers/workers, with the entire ‘project’ expected to take about a month. The border area that will be covered with additional fencing with barbed wire material from Camp 22 will be around the Hoeryoung (회령), Onsung (온성), and Saetbyul(샛별) areas in North Hamgyung Province (함경북도) along the Tumen River (두만강).
“According to our sources inside North Korea, the laborers tasked with carrying out this project - the ones who are dismantling the barbed wire from Camp 22, loading them on trucks, and unloading the materials along the border area and putting up the barbed wire fencing again - have been told by the Worker’s Party officials that this new project is being carried out in order to ‘prevent invasion plans by the Chinese’,” said Mr. JUNG Gwang Il, Founder & Executive Director of No Chain.
“This action being carried out by the regime and using China as an excuse is nothing more than a move by the regime to further enhance the border security to prevent residents from escaping to China, and to internally strengthen the regime’s power and control over the people; it also highlights the deteriorating relationship between North Korea and China, in light of China supporting new sanctions against North Korea for its provocative actions in recent months”, said Henry Song, North America Director for No Chain.
“The North Korean regime is using this to turn the people against the China, in light of recent developments, and is a marked turn in the relationship between the two countries, and another way that the regime is lashing out against the new sanctions moves,” added Mr. JUNG.
No Chain will wait for further updates from inside North Korea regarding this development.
Let’s continue to pray for the deliverance of North Korea from its depraved and demented government under Kim Jung-Un and that China will decide enough is enough and remove this rogue regime from power so its people can go free.
“UNITED PRAYER can awaken a generation. UNITED PRAYER can unite North and South Korea. UNITED PRAYER can bring healing to the nations. UNITED PRAYER can bring healing to this generation.” -Rev. Jerome Ocampo
Come, let’s fast and pray, and together, shift the destiny of the nations and our generation.
Please pray for and get the word out to 2500 under-35, on-fire young adults from all regions of the world to be there; for the program team and speakers; for the remaining funding still needed to cover costs as well as some partial subsidies we hope can be given to youth participants needing assistance.
Here is the latest promotional video that we hope you can share widely in your own circles:
Visit for information on SCHEDULE, SPEAKERS, LIST OF RECOMMENDED ACCOMMODATIONS, FEES, and ESTIMATED EXPENSES. If you have questions, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you are from Indonesia, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.nal.
If you are from Malaysia, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
May we place these important concerns before you for you prayer participation?
1 For the United Arab Emirates believers to go forward together, especially the ministry leaders, after the recent national prayer initiative there in a united prayer and mission movement that God will use to bless that nation and the world like a new Antioch.
2 For the ministry leaders of Israel- Messianic Jews, Israeli Arabs and Palestinians- to come together in spite of their divisions about the land and government and form an ongoing united prayer movement for the healing of their land and even the end of the Arab-Israeli conflict. With God all things are possible! For us in the IPC to know what our part should be to aid in this process.
3 For the current ceasefire to continue, humanitarian shipments to flow in where needed, and for an end of the war in Syria that has caused the deaths of up to 400,000 and made millions homeless refugees. Pray for the crucial March 9 meeting to move the peace process forward. Also, that Syrians, many of whom are now very responsive to the Gospel, will hear it and come to Christ.
4 Turkey national and regional prayer initiative, May 18-21. For the organization, program development team, and funds still needed for several hundred Turks, Koreans and other nationalities that are coming together to pray for this most unreached land and the rest of the Middle East.
Thanks so much for joining us in prayer for these important matters.
An Invitation for Prayer Network and Organization and/or Denominational Leaders
National Prayer Assembly, October 27-28, 2016, Washington, D.C.
If you are the leader of a prayer organization or network, or a denominational leader, this is for you. You are warmly invited to an assembly of national prayer, denominational, and kingdom network leaders from across the nation. America is at a historic crossroads with growing threats within and without. It is a tumultuous election year and an absolutely pivotal time in our history. A dysfunctional and divided government has become increasingly ineffectual in dealing with our growing national problems, including a $19 trillion debt hanging over our heads. In addition, our society is becoming progressively apathetic—even cold to the things of God. Surely, we need a new Great Awakening to turn America around. A critical component in this pursuit of awakening is the coming together of both America’s prayer and denominational movements to seek His face. We need to join forces, praying with one heart and mind for a fresh, massive outpouring of His Spirit that will bring revival and transformation to the United States of America
It is time to gather ministry leaders for two days of concentrated intercession, listening, and sharing what God is saying to us. As in the National Prayer Assembly of October 2014, we will have brief reports from experts on the critical issues facing the nation. Our approach will be to pray at least twice as much as we talk. Earlier assembly participants felt this was the right balance, so we will endeavor once again to let the Spirit of the Lord reveal, inspire, and pray His heart concerns through us for our nation.
The NPA is by invitation only, so please do not forward this invitation to others unless they serve as leaders or coordinators of prayer ministries, national or denominational ministries, or kingdom networks.
- Thursday, 10/28-Friday 10/29, 8 am to 5 pm both days
- Registration fee: $120 per person. Must register each person individually.
This fee includes lunch on Friday, coffee, meeting space overlooking WDC. This assembly encourages fasting as you are able and are led by God, as part of a 40 day call prior to our national election.
- Venue: Sheraton Pentagon City, Arlington, VA (DCA nearest airport, shuttle to hotel)
Special conference rate: $179/night
- To reserve your lodging:
For other questions about logistics, please contact Lisa CrumpThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (National Day of Prayer Task Force)
We look forward to your being with us for this crucial time of encountering the Lord together on behalf of our beloved country.
Every blessing in Christ,
Dave Butts (National Prayer Committee)
Rickie Bradshaw (Pray Houston)
Pierre Bynum (Family Research Council)
Paul Cedar (Mission America)
Lisa Crump (National Day of Prayer)
Kay Horner (Awakening America Alliance)
Dave Kubal (Intercessors for America)
Daniel Lim and Doug Conder (International House of Prayer)
John Robb (International Prayer Connect)
Preliminary Prayer Emphases for the NPA:
- Repentance for
o Corporate sins of America
o Sins within the Church
- Reconciliation and healing of
o Leadership division
o Racial division
o Restorative justice
- Restoration of
o Spiritual revival and morality within the church
o Truth in media
o Morality in arts and entertainment
o Integrity and blessing in marketplace
o Protection for marriage and the family–an institution under assault
o Truth and protection in educational institutions
o Sanctity of human life and protection of the unborn
- Reaching and evangelizing the lost
o Prayer-care-share lifestyles among Jesus followers
o Provision and mobilization of missionaries
- Government and the national election
- Religious freedom
o Court decisions
o Legislative actions
- Prayer movement
o Unity
o Strength
o Mobilization
o Engagement
- Next generation
o Children
o Youth
o Emerging Leaders
- False religion and the occult invasion
- National security issues
o Military forces
o Law enforcement
o Homeland security
o Radical Islam and ISIS threats
- Restoration of supremacy of Jesus Christ
o In church
o In society
- Please pray with us for the ministry leaders God is calling to be able to come for this time of all-out prayer for the USA just before our pivotal election and for the other serious concerns the country faces this year and beyond.
- For our planning team to have His wisdom and that at least 300 prayer and other ministry leaders from across the nation chosen by the Lord will be able to gather for all-out prayer for the USA right before our very pivotal national election.
- May the NPA be powerfully used by the Lord to bring about the major transformations we need to see happen if America is to fulfill her God-given destiny!