Passion for the Nation
23 Mar 2016A Passion for the Nation is a new iniative which will be sending out declarations Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for those who want to pray and decree blessing over the UK, at this critical time.
There is so much changing and it is time for the Church to step up to its calling to rule the heavens over the Nation so that God's rule and reign can be re-established.
This initiative is not attached to any individual house, stream or denomination but is intended to be used by all.
Isaiah 62:1-4 NLT
"Because I love England (Bible: Zion) I will not keep still. Because my heart yearns for this Nation (Bible: Jerusalem) I cannot remain silent. I will not stop praying for her until her righteousness shines like the dawn, and her salvation blazes like a burning torch."
We Decree and Declare, this is a nation marked out in Heaven for Divine Purpose, and for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness - that every demonic presence shifts or bows to the King of Kings and the Lord of Glory - where God's Presence will dwell, transforming atmospheres, spheres and individual lives. We declare shift and change into the heart of our nation, that according to Your Word in 2 Corinthians 10:5 every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God will be brought down and that His name will again be exalted in this land. Psalm 34:3
According to Your word in Proverbs 14:34, we declare righteousness exalts a nation, so we speak righteousness into every aspect of Government, national and local; we declare honesty and integrity will become the hallmarks of financial institutions, businesses and society. We decree and declare that righteousness, honesty and integrity will again become valued in this nation and we enforce Kingdom values over every plan of the enemy to sow ungodliness and hence destruction into our nation.
We declare this nation will again be raised as a display of Your righteousness upon the earth.
We declare to this nation according to Isaiah 62: 11, "Surely your salvation is coming" and we speak the release of the Spirit of Revival into this nation; we call forth encounters with Jesus from those of every race, colour, culture and age group. We declare Psalm 85:9 "Your salvation is near to those who fear You, that Your glory may dwell in our land."
We speak to this land in the Name of Jesus "behold, now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2
We declare that God is Lord of both the Heavens and the Earth, He is righteous, just and merciful, nothing is impossible to Him, He is the Sovereign Living God, all life comes from Him; the Name of Jesus is Higher than any other Name yet He came as a man, spoke Good News, healed the broken-hearted and set the captives free.
So we say to this nation "Behold Your God"
Archbishops call for ‘great wave of prayer’
23 Mar 2016The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are inviting churches to pray for the evangelisation of the nation during the week before Pentecost Sunday.
The Archbishops have written to every serving parish priest in the Church of England expressing their longing "to see a great wave of prayer across our land, throughout the Church of England and many other Churches" from 8th-15th May.
The week of prayer will culminate in 'Beacon events' around the country over Pentecost weekend, where people will pray for the renewal of the Holy Spirit and the confidence to share their faith.
In their letter the Archbishops said: "At the heart of our prayers will be words that Jesus himself taught us – 'Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.' It is impossible to overstate the life-transforming power of the Lord's Prayer. It is a prayer that is reassuring enough to be on the lips of the dying and yet dangerous enough to be banned in cinemas. It is famous enough to be spoken each day by billions in hundreds of languages and yet intimate enough to draw us ever closer into friendship with Jesus Christ. It is simple enough to be memorised by small children and yet profound enough to sustain a whole lifetime of prayer. When we pray it with sincerity and with joy, there is no imagining the new ways in which God can use us to his glory."
The Archbishops are suggesting various ways churches can engage with the week of prayer. These include holding a day or week of continuous '24/7' prayer as parishes, teams or deaneries; saying special prayers in Sunday worship; prayer walking; or handing out a novena prayer card to every congregation member.
The Beacon events will take place in the following places:
- St Paul's Cathedral (Saturday 14th May) – hosted by the Bishop of London, the Rt Revd Richard Chartres, and Pete Greig, founder of 24/7 prayer, with sung worship led by Tim Hughes and Jake Isaac.
- Durham Cathedral (Sunday 15th May) – with sung worship led by Lou Fellingham.
- Coventry Cathedral (Sunday 15th May) – with sung worship led by Noel Richards.
- Winchester Cathedral (Sunday 15th May) – with sung worship led by Matt Redman.
- St Michael le Belfrey, York (Sunday 15th May).
- Canterbury Cathedral (Sunday 15th May) – hosted by Archbishop Justin Welby and Pete Greig, with sung worship led by Tim Hughes.
Archbishop Justin will send a message via live video link to other Beacon events taking place at the same time as the Canterbury event.
Partners in the week of prayer initiative include 24-7 Prayer, HOPE, the World Prayer Centre, the Neighbourhood Prayer, Network, and the National Day of Prayer and Worship.
For more information, visit:
Gather North Festival
23 Mar 2016Gather Festival will be 72 hours of worship and prayer in rural Northumberland from 29th July - 1st August 2016. The festival is the vision of two guys in their 20's who are part of my church, Jonny Anderson and Jonny Tuck. The Lord has placed a holy dissatisfaction in their hearts where they've been longing to experience more of God's presence in their lives and experience a personal awakening. A key scripture for them has been Ephesians 5:14, 'Awake O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
From a place of personal conviction, they've given themselves to seek the Lord and felt a real burden to see the church awakened across the UK.
They've began hosting worship and prayer meetings once a month in Newcastle City Centre, drawing people from various churches. The festival is an outworking of these meetings; a place where people can consecrate a few days to come and encounter the Lord. The purpose of this festival is not to attract attendees with big name speakers/artists (not that we have anything against 'big names') - rather it's simply a gathering for people who are hungry to worship Jesus, meet Him in a place of consecrated prayer and be inspired and equipped by meeting others who are doing the same. As a result of the event, they hope to see people in the local church resourced to lives lifestyles of worship and prayer on a daily basis.
The event will consist of 72 hours of worship, interspersed with times of intercession. There'll also be break off seminars throughout the event with the purpose of equipping the church in prayer. There'll be an onsite cafe, a children's work and a networking tent (for strangers to become friends and share dreams/visions of what the Lord has been saying in their context.) They'd love new kingdom relationships and ventures to spring forth from this event.
They're looking to gather musicians/singers from throughout the UK to come and help lead the worship and prayer. They're also keen to speak anyone who feels able to offer their gifts to help make this event as fruitful as possible.
Jonny Anderson can be contacted on 07877116675 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For further details about their story/aims/location etc, please visit
Tickets can be purchased from Eventbrite.
Latin American nations have been under an unremitting assault from international abortion activists, with some allies in top positions of political parties. But last Saturday, Peruvian pro-lifers took to the streets of Lima to defend the right to life of all persons from conception to natural death, with 750,000+ people Marching for Life. The Archbishop of Lima said, ‘This march has brought together the greatest number of citizens ever in Peru's history, all of them united by one mission, to defend the paramount right to life.’ Also on Saturday a new European pro-life initiative attracted 1,200 EU participants for the public launch of the ‘One of Us’ event in Paris. All of the 28 countries of the European Union were represented as well as 31 national organisations, plus ministers and politicians who want to break with Europe’s continual slide towards the culture of death. See
India: 564 slaves rescued
18 Mar 2016A rescue operation by Indian police and International Justice Mission (IJM) saved 564 women, children and men from forced labour at a massive brick kiln. This is IJM’s largest anti-slavery operation ever. It took place in the same factory where they rescued 500+ slaves in 2011. On that occasion the kiln owner walked free on bail; this time, police arrested him and five others from an organised trafficking network. They will face charges under India’s anti-trafficking laws and Bonded Labour Act. The operation highlights a critical need in the fight against slavery. Workers live in tin-roofed rooms or tattered tents, and receive an allowance that barely buys the lowest-quality rice. Many don’t eat for days at a time. They mould, stack and haul heavy bricks for hours on end, suffering verbal and physical abuse. If criminals remain free, the violence will continue. But if laws are enforced and traffickers go to jail, we can end slavery for good.
Refugees - terrible statistics
18 Mar 201613.5 million Syrians (including six million children) will be displaced in 2016, according to the Syria Humanitarian Response Plan. Less than 20% of Syrian refugees seek safety in Europe. 3.6 million Syrians registered by UNHCR are in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. In 2015 Germany officially saw one million people, from all nations, arrive in the country as asylum seekers. In November alone, 200,000+ people were added to the list, smashing all forecasts. 218,394 were registered in Greece by October 2015, with an average of 6,604 refugees arriving each day in Macedonia. 3,485 refugees have drowned or have gone missing in the past year. The oldest refugee passing through Macedonia was a 105-year-old woman from Afghanistan: the youngest was a 20-day-old infant. 51.2% of all refugees are children younger than 18 years of age, and 50.3% are women. $4,319 billion is required to assist the refugees right now.
Russia and Ukraine discuss prisoner transfers
18 Mar 2016Ukraine has asked Russia to repatriate several high-profile prisoners, raising hopes for an exchange that could free controversial detainees caught up in the confrontation between the two countries. The two countries are separately considering appeals from thirteen Russians jailed in Ukraine to serve out their sentences in their home country. The ministry said it would take thirty days to consider the Ukrainian request, and that any repatriation would be carried out under the 1983 convention on the transfer of sentenced prisoners. Four Ukrainian men were jailed in Russia last year on what critics say were fabricated charges of terrorism designed to punish them for being pro-Ukrainian activists.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are inviting all churches to pray for the evangelisation of the nation during the week leading up to Pentecost Sunday. They have written to every serving parish priest, expressing their longing ‘to see a great wave of prayer across our land, throughout the Church of England and many other churches from 8 to15 May. The week will culminate in ‘beacon events’ around the country over Pentecost weekend, with people praying for Holy Spirit renewal and confidence to share their faith. At the heart of the prayers will be ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.’ It’s impossible to overstate the life-transforming power of the Lord’s Prayer. The Archbishops are suggesting ways in which churches can engage with the initiative. These include holding a day or week of continuous ‘24/7’ prayer as parishes, teams or deaneries, saying special prayers in Sunday worship, prayer walking, and handing out prayer cards to congregation members. See