Middle East special
26 Mar 2016Brian Mills was asked by Andy Page from Prayer Alert what was on his heart for the Middle East and what burning issues we could be praying about. He said that, thinking about Easter and beyond, people everywhere can pray for the Muslim nations at this crucial time. The Middle East is the place where the passion of the cross took place, and at the cross Christ Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do’. Forgiveness is the primary element of the cross, and forgiveness needs to be in and with the people of this region. Wherever you look in the Middle East you see people in conflict. That needs to be recognised as we pray for the area, particularly Jerusalem. Forgiveness is very hard to find. Brian said that he was in Jerusalem recently and noticed that attitudes have hardened compared to when he was there a few years ago. He said that wherever you go in the Middle East you will see people at war with words and with weapons: we need to seek the Holy Spirit to touch and change lives.
Brian also mentioned that he had visited the United Arab Emirates recently, to attend a prayer gathering for the Middle East. Isaiah 19:23,24 was claimed for such a time as this, a time when God’s promise will be fulfilled and He will bring about a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The scripture says, ‘The Assyrians will come to Egypt, and the Egyptians to Assyria; and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians. On that day, Israel will be the third along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing at the centre of the world.’ Brian commented, ‘Now is the time to pray for the areas of those nations to be together living in forgiveness: Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Israel and beyond. Pray for Arab nations currently torn apart by strife to be united.’
Brian also pointed to the prayer needs of Turkey. Pray for the people fleeing to Europe, pray for the borders of Turkey that are fraught with conflict, pray for the people confined by closed borders. It’s another country in a region where people are looking for answers, living in places torn apart by conflict. We have to pray that people will find physical and spiritual refuge in the safety of belonging to Jesus. We can also thank God for the way that Lebanon and Iraq are planting churches and seeing people born again of God’s Spirit. We can praise Him for the response to the gospel that mission and aid agencies are seeing in the Middle East.
To view the full Brian Mills interview, click the ‘more’ button.
USA: 2016 election special
26 Mar 2016The stakes are high for Donald Trump, who is attempting to present himself as a pro-Israel candidate for presidency. The real estate mogul has repeatedly said he would be ‘the best thing that could ever happen to Israel,’ but some of his other statements have sown considerable doubt. The Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish civil rights-human relations organisation, announced that it was redirecting all of Trump’s donations ($56,000), citing the ‘stereotyping and scapegoating that have been injected into this political season.’ This week Hilary Clinton promised she would stand unwaveringly with Israel while accusing her potential rival, Mr Trump, of being an unreliable partner for one of America’s closest allies. ‘We need steady hands,’ she said, ‘not a president who says he’s neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday, and who-knows-what on Wednesday.’
Recently Prayer Alert asked John Robb, the chairman of the International Prayer Council, how we could pray for the United States of America. John said that over the past 25 years he has facilitated 61 prayer initiatives across the nations; God has broken through over and over again in response to the prayers of the people who humbled themselves and sought his face in prayer. 2016 is a pivotal year for them, as the result of the USA’s national election in November will affect the world. We are invited to join Americans in the coming months as they embark on two forty-day prayer and fasting initiatives for their nation. Christians will be prayer-walking everywhere across the USA, humbling themselves and ‘getting right with God.’ There will also be a Prayer Assembly at the end of October just before elections. Christian prayer networks, churches and organisations will unite to pray for the new leadership of the USA. John also mentioned a wonderful international youth prayer assembly in South Korea in July. For prayer assembly information read the article below. To watch a video of John Rob’s comments go to
World youth prayer assembly
26 Mar 2016The International Prayer Council are calling for a global Prayer UPRISING from 26 to 30 July 2016 - a united prayer rising in Seoul, South Korea. They say, ‘With the global crisis this generation is facing and the attacks on them, we believe that it's time to gather the youth from across the nations for a prayer assembly to stand against attacks on this generation. The youth are this generation’s Davids, and they will fast and pray and face the Goliaths of this world. They will stand for South and North Korean unity as they intercede at the border of these two nations, believing now is the time to pray for their unification. They will fast and pray as they intercede for change in the regions and the nations.’
UPRISING will call forth and engage an emerging generation, tens of thousands from every nation, to challenge and empower them to fulfil their destiny as catalysts for Christ's Kingdom. It will be a springboard for new youth movements, new youth ministries and new prayer and missions movements. It could also possibly give birth to a new, global Jesus Movement, finding its beginnings at the UPRISING. Pray that God will mobilise the youth of today, in united prayer for the healing of the nations. To watch a short video of Bishop Peter’s invitation to this event go to:
Scotland in prayer
25 Mar 2016Give thanks for the hundreds of churches and thousands of folk who have taken part in the forty days of prayer during Lent, and for the positive testimonies starting to come in from folk responding to the Trypraying adverts on buses all over Scotland and the Trypraying booklet. John Wesley said, ‘God does nothing redemptively except through prayer.’ One of Jesus’ last recorded acts was to pray for all those who would believe in Him, and that all those believers would be united in relationship ‘as one’; not as identical clones, but as one loving family with all the diverse variety and richness of character, personality, gifting and purpose you see in any family - all given by our Father, the ultimate Creator, to fulfil His plans on earth. God’s plan is nothing less than the complete transformation of society: turning from darkness to light, from sinful independence from God to complete dependence on Him, bringing in the rule and reign of His Kingdom.
Unusual ways to celebrate Easter
25 Mar 2016In Spain hundreds of processions take place at Easter. Some local processions of penitents can be very serious with people wearing white cloaks and burka-type hoods. In Greece, people hurl clay pots from windows and balconies onto the streets. It’s not clear what the origin of this custom is. Norwegians have recently begun having an Easter Crime Genre (Påskekrim) when they read crime novels over the Easter weekend! Portuguese celebrations include many locals dressing up to recreate scenes of the story of Christ’s resurrection and collecting donations for widows and widowers. Polish artists follow an egg-painting tradition and transform thousands of eggs into beautiful paintings. In Germany on Good Friday, dancing and loud music are banned. The sixty-year-old law has become increasingly controversial: Germany is home to millions of Muslim, atheist and Jewish citizens who are also affected by the ban.
‘Stop Islam’ campaign on social media
25 Mar 2016Shortly after the attacks in Brussels were carried out, a wave of anti-Muslim sentiment began hitting social media, with people using the hashtag #StopIslam. Hundreds of thousands of messages with that hashtag have been posted across the world on Twitter, according to Dataminr, a monitoring service. By Wednesday morning Twitter users were using the social media platform in a war of words, and some believed that comments on the #StopIslam hashtag platform were beginning to be censored due to its trending so powerfully. Initially users tweeted with the tag to express their frustration with another terrorist attack as well as the politicians who refuse to link the extremism with Islam. As the tag spawned a huge wave of tweets from around the world, people began using it to argue against condemning an entire religious group for the attacks. Other messages posted were ‘Christianity must be disempowered and demonised’, ‘Islam must be empowered and promoted’, and ‘#StopIslam is trending worldwide. There will never be peace in the Western world until Islam is gone’. See also:
Brussels bombs
25 Mar 2016A series of deadly explosions rocked Brussels on Tuesday, targeting the Belgian capital's main airport and metro system. Christians across Brussels have called for prayer. The coordinated attacks came as the city was on a high level of alert following the arrest of Paris atrocity suspect Salah Abdeslam last week. The Archbishop of Canterbury said: ‘In the great Holy Week of Christian prayer and mercy, the Brussels attacks shock all those who seek peace and justice through the terrible cruelty and utter separation from all that is of God. Once again we see the contrast between the vain efforts to terrify through indiscriminate murder and the call of God to us to show mercy, seek peace and pursue it. Let us at every service this week pray for those caught up in the traumatic events at the airport and in the city of Brussels.’
Good Friday BBC reappraisal of Judas
25 Mar 2016Some clerics, including a Church of England bishop, have joined the call for a reappraisal of the disciple who betrayed Jesus, leading to his crucifixion. The Rt Rev Nick Baines, the Bishop of Leeds, said Judas has had a ‘lousy press’ for the last two thousand years; while he is reviled as the ultimate traitor, the truth behind his decision to hand Jesus over to the religious authorities may have been decidedly more complicated. His comments come in an article in this week’s Radio Times ahead of a new BBC documentary by the Church of England vicar and reality television star Rev Kate Bottley. In the programme ‘In the Footsteps of Judas’, to be shown on BBC One on Good Friday morning, she examines theories about what led him to betray Jesus for pieces of silver and later to hang himself.