A report by 10/40 Window states that in South Sudan unbelievable atrocities are committed daily:gang rapes, dismemberments, babies and adults alike burned alive - heinous crimes carried out by South Sudanese forces and rebels. Warfare results in unplanted fields, no crops, famine, drought, starvation, disease, and death. No village is untouched, no family exempt. Mothers dash to get water, leaving children briefly untended. The vulnerable are attacked, raped, and murdered. Peace is elusive. Humanitarian access - food, soldiers, military aid - are all hindered from reaching their destinations by roadblocks and people in uniform. An urgent plea comes from a leader: ‘I think the next two weeks will determine the critical point in the peace process - either peace or war.’ April is the deadline for leaders to honour the peace agreement, stop the war, and begin implementing a transitional government. If they don't, donor countries will pull out, leaving the country with higher inflation and possible mayhem.

Rev Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso, a prominent pastor and religious freedom activist, was arrested on Sunday just hours before President Barack Obama’s official state visit to Cuba. Rev Mario’s wife and their two young daughters were put under house arrest, and their phone connection was cut. Before this his wife was able to speak to Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW). His family and church have not been allowed to speak to Barroso directly, but she was told that her husband had been taken to Santa Clara, and was being refused food or drink. She added that the pastor had already been ill over the weekend, after a stranger pricked him with a pin while he was on public transport last week. As well as Pastor Barroso, dozens of human rights activists linked to the Ladies in White were also arrested and detained on their way to attend morning Mass in Havana. ABC reported that 304 activists were arrested. See

Amnesty International has urged Washington and London to halt arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia, which is leading a military coalition against rebels in Yemen, for the sake of saving civilian lives. In a statement released one year into the Saudi-led intervention and entitled ‘Reckless arms flows decimate civilian lives,’ the rights watchdog said that the US and UK, the largest arms suppliers to Saudi Arabia, have continued to allow transfers of the type of weapons that have been used to commit serious abuses, generating a humanitarian crisis on an unprecedented scale. The group has documented 32 airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition since the beginning of the conflict. These strikes have violated international humanitarian law and killed 361 civilians, including at least 127 children. The World Health Organisation says that since March 2015 fighting in Yemen has killed 6,300 people, half of them civilians; the UN has warned of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe.

A new campaign titled ‘Ban the niqab’ was launched in Egypt earlier this month, calling for a ban on the full face veil in all state institutions, including universities, public hospitals, schools and government departments. The campaign was strongly criticised by some Islamic clerics, who believe that wearing the niqab is a virtuous act by women and banning it is not permissible. Meanwhile, others argued that the campaign was not directed at Islam, saying that the niqab is merely a tradition unrelated to religion that should be removed. In an interview with Al-Monitor, Mohamed Attiya, the campaign’s founder, said that he launched the campaign because of the volatile political climate in Egypt and the attempts made by the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters to cause chaos and panic among Egyptians by carrying out terrorist attacks against state institutions. He believes that the campaign will prevent terrorists from exploiting the niqab to conceal their identities to carry out attacks.

In this week's video Pete Greig from 24-7 Prayer talks about the preacher DL Moody who prayed for 100 of his friends to know Jesus. Ninety-six of them came to faith before he died, the last four became Christians at his funeral. It's an encouragement for us all to pray for those we love who don't yet know Jesus. Using the leather prayer strap Pete ties 5 knots, and encourages all to do the same as a reminder for us to pray for those 5 people God has put on our heart over the week of Thy Kingdom Come, 8-15 May 2015.

Watch the video on YouTube.  https://youtu.be/MNIZooHYgl4

The first 100,000 print run of a new book to commemorate the Queen’s 90th birthday - The Servant Queen - has already been sold and another 100,000 being printed. Scripture Union are producing a schools edition a copy of which will be sent to every junior school.

‘The Queen’s birthday books I ordered have been delivered today…  They are absolutely wonderful and more than once moved me to tears – not an easy task usually.  I am sure they will be highly valued by everyone who receives one, and they contain a wonderful, very simple, memorable message. Brilliant!’

You can preview the book in the video above and download the video hereClick here to order copies of The Servant Queen.

Do pray with us that God will use each of us in this season to follow the Queen’s example, talking naturally about Jesus. May God use us to bring in an amazing harvest www.hopetogether.org.uk/Groups/262514/Queens_Birthday.aspx

The first 100,000 print run of The Servant Queen has already been sold and another 100,000 being printed. Scripture Union are producing a schools edition a copy of which will be sent to every junior school.

‘The Queen’s birthday books I ordered have been delivered today…  They are absolutely wonderful and more than once moved me to tears – not an easy task usually.  I am sure they will be highly valued by everyone who receives one, and they contain a wonderful, very simple, memorable message. Brilliant!’

You can preview the book in the video above and download the video here. Click here to order copies of The Servant Queen.

Do pray with us that God will use each of us in this season to follow the Queen’s example, talking naturally about Jesus. May God use us to bring in an amazing harvest www.hopetogether.org.uk/Groups/262514/Queens_Birthday.aspx

Our prayer conference at Swanwick was a memorable time. It was a time of calling and preparation not just for the people there but for many across His church. We are in a time of change with great political and economic uncertainty but we are standing on the plans and purposes of Jesus.

  • God is looking for a people who will be obedient – who really make Jesus the head of all we do, who fully depend on Him.
  • God is looking for a broken people who can be authentic and compassionate in a broken world. He wants us to be changed by knowing Him more deeply as our Father, He delights in us, walks with us, and equips us. God's heart is deeply moved by the brokenness He finds in many of His people and we felt His loving arms around us. He is opening our eyes to a broken and traumatised world, of abused children, disintegrated families, vulnerable young people, and victims of injustice whether they be in India or our neighbourhood.
  • He is calling for watchers – people who will respond to the accelerating need to watch and pray.
  • He is declaring a time of change and fruitfulness – for WPC as we enter the third year of our journey through 2 Kings 19 and Isaiah 37, and for His church as He awakens us to prayer and evangelism.
  • Malcolm Duncan blessed us deeply in so many ways and his teaching was deep and broad, looking at our call to serve the Lord and defend His name, serve the globe and serve His church in the UK. God spoke deeply to Malcolm and he brought a very specific word from the Lord for the last day – we will send out the transcript shortly but essentially the message is – it is time to prepare our hearts and raise our expectations for a move of God in our nation.


It is time for more prayer, for informed prayer, for focused prayer, for faith filled prayer -

  • For the gospel to be preached across the whole church this Easter, for Jesus to be revealed in marches of witness, church services, family gatherings etc. pray for joy to fill His church as we celebrate Easter together. We pray for a powerful move of God this Easter.
  • For the broken – let us see our neighbourhood and workplace with Your eyes, let us pray for your love where there is brokenness
  • In the light of the Brussels bombs, we pray for Your comfort. Have mercy on Belgium, have mercy on Brussels, open people's eyes to Your love.
  • Protect our nation – we stand on the walls of the United Kingdom and ask – Lord have mercy, give wisdom and insight to our security forces and authority to us as we pray.
  • Bring peace this Easter at the marking of the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising - in Dublin and across the Republic; and in Belfast and across Northern Ireland.  

Steve Botham

The situation in Burundi is deeply concerning and remains tense and unpredictable despite high level visits to mediate a settlement to the current political crisis.

Both Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi of the Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi and Archbishop Justin Welby have stressed the importance of prayer for the country

Archbishop Justin says, "Following my recent visit to Burundi I encourage churches and individuals urgently to pray for the deeply troubled nation of Burundi. Pray for its political, church and civic leaders. Cry to the God of all nations and peoples for its peace and the well-being of all its people."

Please join the Church in Burundi in prayer through the Easter season to ask God for an end of violence, a return to real peace and a political solution that will last and be the foundation for the development of one of the poorest nations in the world.

Background and activities of the Church

The Anglican Church in Burundi (EAB) is an impartial actor in the present crisis that remains a political rather than an ethnic conflict.

The situation throughout the country remains tense with much uncertainty about the direction the crisis will take. Although the capital Bujumbura appears calmer, disturbances still occur. People are living daily in a climate of fear and mistrust. Arrests continue and people are found killed. Targeted killings and attacks still occur.

Amid the problems life goes on with people going to work, shopping, supporting their families, educating their children, going to Church, engaging in ceremonies.

However, due to the insecurity those internally displaced remain so with the result that considerable strain is put on families to provide food and shelter. People are continuing to seek ways to leave the country but movement is not easy and often restricted.

Suspension of direct financial support to the Burundi administration will inevitably have a negative impact on the economy. Already, for example students who are ready to enter university have had their support removed.

Since the membership of the Church includes those on all sides of the political spectrum and of all ethnic groups, the EAB has the opportunity to play a key role in bringing peace and reconciliation locally and nationally and to share Christ's love in turbulent times.

Through its parish networks the EAB has the unique ability to identify need at grass roots level and to respond with humanitarian support. It has been reaching out in practical ways to the most vulnerable since the start of the crisis and has continued with all aspects of its ministry throughout the country.

More information on the ministry of the Church can be found on www.anglicanburundi.org

A Prayer for Burundi

For the beautiful but poor country of Burundi, we pray dear Lord.
For the population living in fear and dread, afraid of the unknown and the uncertain, we ask for hope.
For those fleeing in Burundi or abroad, we pray for safety, freedom from disease and famine and the security that they may return home.
For those seeking the way of violence that they would instead seek reconciliation between all parties.
For the surrounding countries that they may remain at peace, act justly and broker a just settlement.
Enable an end to violence so that Burundi may become a beacon of peace rather than a place of fear and death.
Strengthen your church to stand for the ways of justice and righteousness and to reach out in love to the suffering.
We ask these things in the name of Him who carried all our human failings on the cross, Jesus Christ our Lord.


For further information about this call for prayer in the UK please contact Revd. Canon Paul Daltry This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 01473 217739 mobile 07963 301388