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Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:43

President Hassan Rouhani said, ‘a new opportunity has been created for those who truly respect democracy, interaction and free dialogue.’ He oversees an Iran whose social and economic situation is deteriorating, unemployment rising, inflation at unprecedented levels and many combining several jobs because the wage does not counterbalance inflation. There’s an increasing gap between rich and poor. Workers have no right to organise freely. Attempts to establish independent trade unions have been harshly repressed and labour leaders imprisoned on charges including ‘acting against national security’ and ‘spreading propaganda against the system.’ Over 50% of the population live under the poverty line. White House spokesman Jay Carney stopped short of congratulating Mr Rouhani urging him instead to heed the will of the Iranian people. ‘We respect the vote of the Iranian people and congratulate them for their participation in the political process,’ he added. This week on 20th June at Iranian embassies worldwide there will be demonstrations for imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abedini and human rights abuses. See also:

Pray: that Mr Rouhani's change in style would address poverty, human rights issues and be flexible in dialogue towards the US and key UN Security Council members. (Mat.12:20)



Thursday, 03 February 2011 15:32

Elam Ministries have compiled an accurate report detailing the known cases of persecution over the last six months and ask us to use this to intercede and also to help spread the news of the increasing persecution in Iran to generate more prayer and awareness. It is certain that at least 202 Christians have been arbitrarily arrested in 24 cities in Iran since June 2010. Thirty-three remain in prison today. This has happened against the background of government officials publicly speaking out against Christians. Elam have translated some of these statements and included them in a report. Please click the more button below and share this report with people you know who can intercede and spread the word. Following the wave of arrests and repressive measures against new Christians last month in Tehran, see Prayer Alert 02-2011and 03-2011, further news indicates that the security police in Isfahan have arrested four new Christians.

Pray: that the persecution of Iranian Christians will no longer be hidden and that a wave of intercession will rise on behalf of Iran. (Ps.89:21-23)


Saturday, 09 March 2013 15:46

The United States and Saudi Arabia presented a united front to Iran and Syria. They have alerted Iran that patience over alleged nuclear ambitions is wearing thin and warned President Bashar al-Assad that they will boost support to rebels unless he steps down. While John Kerry was in Saudi Arabia on Monday he said, ‘The window of opportunity for a diplomatic solution cannot by definition remain open indefinitely. There is time to resolve the Iranian issue providing the Iranians are prepared to engage seriously on proposals. Talks will not go on for the sake of talks and cannot become an instrument for delay - making the situation more dangerous.’ The Saudi Foreign Minister, whose country shares concerns with other Gulf Arab states about increasing Iranian aggressiveness in the region, agreed. Also in a joint news conference Kerry and Saud told reporters that al-Assad had lost all claim to be Syria's legitimate leader.

Pray: that more will be done to eliminate the ‘slaughter of innocents’ and unethical nuclear ambitions.(2Sa.22:3)



Friday, 02 March 2012 08:44

Reuters reported, ‘Iran has put off the execution of Christian Pastor Yousof Nadarkhani’ (Praise God!) Probably in response to massive international pressure. It is not clear how long his reprieve is. Pastor Yousof was due to be executed on Tuesday after loosing the final appeal against a conviction for apostasy in Iran's Supreme Court. The 33-year-old pastor converted to Christianity from Islam at the age of 19. In 2009 he filed a complaint over Islamic indoctrination of his children at school, saying his children should not be forced to learn a religion they do not practice. He was arrested shortly afterwards and convicted of apostasy. The pastor, a member of the Protestant Evangelical Church of Iran, was given a chance to recant but refused. Punishment for an Innate Apostate is death. Punishment for a Parental Apostate is death.

Pray: for Pastor Yousof’s release, for his family to know your protection and for all those involved to know God's power and provision. (Ps.9:9,19)



Friday, 27 July 2012 16:51

Churches ministering in Iran and Nigeria are experiencing increasing levels of persecution by authorities and extremists attempting to stamp out Christianity. Assembly of God in Tehran had its summer campsite closed and were warned of severe consequences should anyone try to enter. Also Friday Farsi Language services and Bible classes have been closed. AG Eurasia Regional Director said, ‘The increasing pressures put on churches in Iran recently is a cause for great concern. We are doing everything we can to help them, but they need God's intervention most of all.’ In Nigeria extremists are demanding the adoption and enforcement of Sharia law and the establishment of a new Nigeria under those laws. Villages, churches, government institutions, and schools (especially Christian schools) are being violently attacked. Central Assemblies of God has lost more than 25 churches this year, with many members fleeing for their lives.

Pray: for the suffering church around the world and particularly for Iran and Nigeria who are paying such a heavy price for their faith. (Ps.68:28)


Thursday, 11 August 2011 15:54

Nearly a third of the world's population live in countries where restrictions on religious beliefs and practices increased between 2006 and 2009, a new report reveals. Restrictions including social hostilities and government constraint rose in 23 of the world’s 198 countries, decreased in 12 countries and remained essentially unchanged in 163 countries. China, Egypt, France, Nigeria, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam and the United Kingdom were listed as countries where the religious are finding it more difficult to practice their faith.The report, ‘Rising Restrictions on Religion’ found that Christians were being harassed in more countries than any other faith group. Government or social harassment was reported against Christians in 130 countries. The number of countries in which governments used some measure of force against religious groups or individuals rose from 46% in the period ending 2008 to 51% in the period ending 2009.

Pray: the Church would not throw away her confidence in the Lord, and would persevere in every situation. (Heb.10:32)


Thursday, 11 August 2011 10:41

Christians face discrimination and violence in Muslim-majority countries and Open Doors USA is asking Christians in the West to pray alongside persecuted believers in predominantly Muslim countries during Ramadan. From August 1 to the end of the month Muslims will be fasting from dawn to sunset and praying. During this time Christians are especially isolated in some Muslim-dominated countries and pressure on their beliefs increases. The end of Ramadan will be followed a fortnight
later by the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Michele Miller, Director of Open Doors Prayer Ministries, said it was vital that the church pray for both Christians and Muslims during the 9/11anniversary. The worst persecutors of Christians are Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Somalia. There are difficulties for Christians also in countries considered more moderate, such as Egypt, where believers have been killed in church attacks by extremists.

Pray: for millions of hearts to be changed during Ramadan and for the 9/11 anniversary to be peacefully recognised. (Is.60:3)


Wednesday, 16 November 2011 13:29

On Sunday 13th we are asked to intercede for the Persecuted Church. Globally 100 million Christians are persecuted. Open Doors USA are saying, ‘They know the Lord is with them – but is there anyone else?’ On Sunday the church is invited to unite and pray that they would be strong and courageous. In October, 14 year old Ugandan, Susan, was tortured by her father for becoming a Christian. Unable to walk and hospitalised for 4 weeks she has a long recovery road ahead, but doctors are optimistic. Pray Susan would know that she has a loving Christian family who cares and is praying for her. For resources to aid informed intercessions for the persecuted click the more link.

Pray: for God’s protection and comfort wherever the enemy attempts to captivate body, mind, or spirit. (1Cor.12:26)



Sunday, 24 February 2013 15:23

Open Doors reports the March 4th general election in Kenya is the first under a new constitution with many new elective and nominative posts. Historically violent outbreaks follow elections. 1,000+ died in 2007 post-election violence. Political instability, combined with al-Shabaab influences, fuels deepening concern over the future religious atmosphere. The Muslim minority has pressurized the government to allow greater official influence for Islam. Islamic family courts based on Sharia law are implemented in all counties – even those with low Muslim presence. It is feared ten of the counties with high Muslim representation may break away from the country and push for implementing Sharia law. Meanwhile voters in Cyprus (southern area) will elect a new president this Sunday. He will have to negotiate a financial rescue to prevent government bankruptcy that could reignite the euro zone debt crisis. (source Voice of America news) For dates and Insights into the 38 countries still to vote in 2013 click the 'info' button

Pray: that Kenya in her 50th year since independence would enjoy a jubilee season. (Lev.25:8-10) Ask God to be in the detail of all preparations for international elections this year. (Ps.33:9)



Wednesday, 26 January 2011 14:29

Prime Minister Ghannouchi is expected to make concessions as he forms a government. It is unclear how many ministers will attend a meeting scheduled for next Wednesday when they attempt to salvage the fracturing ‘unity’ cabinet. We can pray that the changes will appease the discontented opposition. We can also pray for this government to disregard corrupt values and respond appropriately to the people on the streets. Ghannouchi has been prime minister since 1999. He insisted all the ministers chosen for the new government would have clean hands in addition to great competence. Meanwhile Moncek Marzouki a 65-year-old medical doctor and human rights activist and previous Tunisian political leader has returned from more than 20 years of exile in France to a joyful reception from supporters at Tunis airport. see:

Pray: for an ambitious programme of democratic reform that is broadly compatible with Christian human values. (1Tim.2:1-5)
