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To inspire our prayers for the new nation of South Sudan, please find in this week's INSIGHT article a portion of the prayers used by Revd Ron Hart of Salisbury Diocese at a vigil for South Sudan in the Cathedral last Friday, held at the celebrations in Juba the capital. He said, ‘There is much to give thanks for: The evangelisation of the North by 6th Century missionaries; the founding of the catholic Mission station of the Holy Cross in 1858, and the work of the Catholic missionaries. However, terrible things are happening in the Nuba Mountains and in Kadugli, bombing and looting. 75,000 people are displaced. Cathedral windows broken, altar burnt, along with vestments and the Bishop's official residence attacked. Priests have been arrested and tortured. The fear is of ethnic cleansing.’ Pray: that in the midst of change in South Sudan God will bring about His purposes and provisions and evil that will depart. (Job.36:16) Info:
This year Hajj falls on November 14th to 17th. The Hajj (or pilgrimage to Mecca) is one of the five pillars of the Islamic religion. Muslims from all over the world flock to Mecca to perform rituals believing the Hajj cleanses them from all sins. As Christians we would never condemn Muslims from wanting to be clean of sin, and by clicking on the info button below and using this weeks INSIGHT’s into the 4 days of Hajj we can enter into informed intercession for Muslim seekers of God. Also see a Hajj 5 minute video at: The Saudi government’s preparations for the pilgrimage includes officials spending five hours a day spreading a message of Hajj awareness to security challenges on the pilgrimage route. As Christians we can also prepare for the Hajj and pray that God's Holy Spirit will meet seekers at every junction of their pilgrimage route. Pray: for 1.4 billion Muslims globally to see the risen Lord and for the 3 million pilgrims to be physically safe from stampedes and ‘Mecca flu’ disease. (Lk.24:45)
There are at least 200 Muslim people groups of over 100,000 individualsThere are at least 200 Muslim people groups of over 100,000 individuals who do not receive any Christian witness. During the 30 days of Ramadan, August 11 to September 9, many Muslims will sincerely seek God through prayer, fasting, repenting of past sins, and attempting to purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds. In closed countries where Christians are forbidden to openly share their faith we hear testimonies from Muslims to whom Jesus has directly revealed Himself through dreams and visions during Ramadan. We may not be able to reach them ourselves, but we can and ask God to pour out His Holy Spirit on the spiritually dry and thirsty in the three weeks leading up to and through this ‘Holy Month’. For inspirations to help your prayers for Muslims click link. (see also item 3) Pray: .for many Christian prayers to be released, preparing the way for revelations of God's Kingdom. (1Jn.4:18)
‘Convert or die’. Masih Gill, a Christian from the city of Mardan, in the province of ‘Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’ Northern Pakistan was threatened with these words by a group of Muslims with whom he had been speaking after the recent episode of the burning of the Koran in the US. See Three churches have been attacked in one week by Muslim extremists, and eleven UN guards were killed on April 1st. Local sources say that Masih Gill simply defended his faith, saying that Christians respect all religions and do not nurture hostility towards anyone. The Muslims then threatened Gill. They also said that they would charge him before Pakistani authorities with blasphemy. For insights into the current situation in Pakistan for Christians please click the info button Pray: for God to uphold and strengthen the Christians living and working in Pakistan. (Is.41:10) Info:
In spite of assurances of justice from officials the Lao Christians expelled from Katin village at gunpoint for not renouncing their faith (Prayer Alert0810) are suffering prolonged lack of adequate food and clean water. Lack of basic resources since January has led to diarrea, dehydration, eye and skin infections, fainting and general weakness and one Christian died suddenly while praying for two Christians hospitalized with illness caused by their living conditions. They are living in temporary shelters at the edge of the jungle; their neighbours were aggressively warned not to help them in any way. In March a delegation of officials visited the Christian jungle site and assured the refugees of their legal right to embrace the faith of their choice and live anywhere in the district. For insights into how to pray for Laos click info button.
Pray: for God to protect and provide for the outcasts of Laos, to strengthen the Christians and bring those not knowing Him into faith through His son Jesus Christ. (Mt.5:11,12)
More: Laospeopleprayer.pdf
Further to last week's INSIGHT ARTICLE we give thanks to God that apart from a few incidents in the Rift Valley the Referendum vote last week was peaceful with no inter-tribal violence. Although 70% of those who voted were in favour of the Constitution only about 30% of the total electorate voted ‘yes’. It is probable that many didn’t read the document and voted as their leaders told them to. The National Council of Churches of Kenya said the ‘yes’ vote did not nullify their concerns and Canon Peter Karanja, doubted the integrity of the vote saying, ‘We are saddened by the fact that the pre-referendum process was marked by malpractices and irregularities which continued right into balloting and tallying phases. This calls into question the validity of the process and its outcome.’ A summary of Kenyan Christians' prayer requests for their country are in this weeks Insight Article click the info button. Pray: that Kenya would be a symbol of hope in Africa and post-colonial violence will not become a stronghold over the nation. (Ps.22:28-31) Info:
Operation World states 70 percent of Japanese claim no personal religion but a majority follow rituals of Buddhism or Shintoism. Only 1.5 percent follow Christ. We can pray for God to enable the small church in Japan to reach out to the suffering and be a shining light in the middle of darkness. We can also pray that Missionaries and Christian organizations going to Japan will be anointed by God to reveal His love and compassion, so that Japanese hearts will be changed forever. We pray that the many facing an uncertain future will seek comfort in God and be strengthened and encouraged. For a summary of OMF insights into prophetic intercession for Japan click the 'info' button. Pray: for believers to be a bold witness in every circumstance, and for God to use this tragedy for good ushering many into His Kingdom in the days ahead. (Is.63:8)
Global Day of Prayer Newsletter summary: ‘They are calling it the fifth most powerful earthquake in history. Numerous bodies have already been found; destruction to buildings, is devastating; 2,000 people have been evacuated from an area surrounding a nuclear plant; economic impacts are expected in Asia and Europe. Pray for all the Japanese people to continue to be calm and have presence of mind, and for Christians to rise to the occasion with the power of the Holy Spirit to meet the needs as He directs them. Pray for the Church to unite to reach out to help in the aftermath. Pray for wise response, order and resources applied appropriately. Pray for the global Church to wake up to the need to be prepared in order to be His hands and feet in these situations as they begin to unfold so quickly around the world. source For further insights to aid prayer please click the Info button. Pray: that there will be more than enough messengers of the gospel in every place to share the good news of His mercy and grace to those who do not yet know Him. (Lk.10:2) Info:
Laurent Gbagbo had sadly claimed fraud using security forces to instigate civil war until being forced out. Historically Gbagbo enjoyed support from United States leaders who respect democratic values, but those values took second place to religious affinity to motivate support as he flaunted his Christianity in all his speeches. Pat Robertson speaking on his Christian Broadcasting Network said, ‘The UN has said the other guy won. Well, that may be, but the problem is that this is a country now that has been run by a Christian that is going to be in the hands of Muslims. So it’s one more Muslim nation that’s going to be building up that ring of Shariah law around the Middle East.’ To aid intercession into the fault line of Muslim Christian communities in the Ivory Coast and the historical dangers needing prayer click the 'Info' button. See:
Pray: against religiously driven attitudes within the government and for the Christian communities to be strengthened. (Ps.119:86)
As western economies continue to flounder, the G20 meeting in Cannes on November 3rd and 4th has taken on epic importance in the minds of economists. Something has to happen there, western politicians insist, that will save the west, and particularly Europe, from its current deadlock. Many are saying ‘the G20 summit must look beyond the west and think of the rest’ and 'G20 heads of state, engage yourself finally against hunger in the world', which was written on an Action Against Hunger banner in Paris this week. Also thousands of anti-capitalist demonstrators are expected at the G20 summit despite French police plans to close the Italian border. A recent New York Times headline read, ‘No Jobs and No Ideas’ as the Occupy Wall Street protests entered their fourth week. For a simple introduction to G20 and prayer points for this years summit click the INFO button below.
Pray: for this year’s G20 to unite to implement justice and financial aid for vulnerable regions of the world. (Pr.31:8,9)