

Sunday, 26 November 2023 12:21

Introducing - Praying God’s Word

Years ago, I was taught how to pray the Word of God - and it has revolutionized my prayer life. It is the ultimate prayer manual written by God Himself. Scripture is the language of God’s heart! The Bible always makes His will clear to us through the written Word. Anything the Holy Spirit makes known to us will always agree with God’s revealed Word.


As 2 Timothy 3:16-17 writes, God has always been looking for those to whom he can speak, those who will hear and live. The Word of God isn’t casual, and it isn’t an option; our very lives depend on it! As Jesus declared in the wilderness, “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of his mouth” (Matthew 4:4).

One of the ways that we learn to listen and talk to God is through Praying His Word!

It is about the rediscovery of hearing, delighting in, trembling before, and obeying the Word of God. The Word is meant to abide in us and transform us from the inside out! God’s Word feeds us (Matt. 4:4), washes us (Eph. 5:26-27), sanctifies us (John 17:17), disciplines us (Heb.4:12-13), imparts faith to us (Rom. 10:17), and equips us (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

May we get into the Word until the Word gets into us, both the written Word and the Living Word, the Lord Jesus!

At its core, prayer is the conversational part of the most essential love relationship in our lives! Prayer is intimacy with God, knowing God, and being known by God that leads to the fulfilment of his purposes. His power accomplishes it, which is all for His Glory and our Joy!

One of the practical ways that God invites us to ‘keep company with him’ is through praying Scripture. Hebrews 4:12 states that the Word of God is alive and powerful, or living and active! Along with reading God’s Word and studying God’s Word, we want to meditate on God’s Word – as Psalm 1 says, 

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers” (Psalm 1:2-3).

Meditation on God’s Word and His Ways, or simply put, Praying God’s Word, is how the Spirit of God writes the Word of God on the hearts of the people of God. Something about meditation allows God’s truth to trickle from our heads to our hearts and through our hearts to our lives!

This booklet is simply a tool to help you spend time with God in his Word! I encourage you to pray the Scriptures out loud, turning truth into personal dialogue with the Lord. My hope is that you will experience more and more of his life, his love, and his power!

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,

Dr. Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect

Saturday, 03 September 2022 16:49

54 Days of Prayer for Africa

A Prayer initiative by the South African Christian Leadership Initiative ( SACLI), toward the healing of Africa from the wounds caused by slavery, colonialism, exploitation and racism

To that end, a Pilgrimage of grace is planned - from the 23 - 25 Sept in the Western Cape, South Africa. Important stations of the Pilgrimage will be as follows:

It will start in Cape Town and Franschhoek on day one, 23 September 2022;

Move to Genadendal( Valley of Grace) and Volmoed on 24 September 2022

and end at the southernmost point of Africa where we will launch the 54 days of prayer for the Continent.

It is an invitation to brothers and sisters in Africa and the nations of the world to join us in prayer for the healing, renewal and revival of Africa. We will pray from 26 September - 18 November 2022

“Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.”
2 Corinthians 13:11 NIV


Monday, 25 April 2022 14:24

Join many people from across the nations for a one hour program kicking off a Global Day of Prayer for Go Month!  On Sunday May 1st, we will join in united prayers for the launch of this month of evangelism led by many respected world leaders.


Throughout May 2022, many millions of people will be evangelizing - one to one, both in public and through social media and we want to cover them in prayer! 

We expect tens of millions of people to be engaged during May just from the nations of Philippines, Brazil, Nigeria, East Africa, Bangladesh and India! The global total is expected to be much higher.
At the heart of our vision is the calling for every believer to be a witness! (Luke 10:2)

Our prayer focus during the 1-hour program will be:

> Pray for Christ to be exalted as King over the nations! (Col. 1:18) 
> Praying for every believer to be a witness (Acts 1:8)
> Praying for laborers to be sent to the harvest fields of the nations (Luke 10:2)
> Praying for gospel-centered churches to be planted (Psalm 110)

The GO PRAY programme will include inspiring testimonies to answered prayers along with prayers for the people of Ukraine.

'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'   Luke 10:2

Inspirational Leaders…

The online program will be led by many inspirational prayer-leaders and teachers including (in running order):

Werner Nachtiga – GO Movementl, Dr. Jason Hubbard – International Prayer Connect, Rev. Roy Funo - Solomon Islands/Australia, Rev. Gideon Chiu – China, Rev. D Mohan – India, Dr. Suzette Hattingh – Indonesia, Bishop Noel A. Pantoja – Philippines, Eric Watt – RUN, Bishop Dr. Stephen Mutua,  Graham Power and Anja Letsatsi – Global Voice of Prayer South Africa, David Hathaway - Europe Founder of Eurovision Mission, Ricardo Luna - Latin America, Dave Gibson –GO  USA, Candy Marballi - Founder of Global Children's Task Force, Janice - Child Intercessor India, Greg Stier - Founder Dare2Share, Dick Eastman and Jesse Engle - Every Home for Christ 

GO MONTH encourages all believers to:

- Pray for 5 people by name in your circle of influence to come to Christ (1 Tim. 2:1)
- One a Day! – share Jesus with someone each day during May!
- GO DAY – take part in this day of global evangelism on 28th May!
- Pray for 15 minutes a day for gospel movements in key cities around the world (Psalm 110). To sign up click here 24 Cities (

The GO PRAY Global Day of Prayer is being convened by International Prayer Connect and GO Movement in association with GOD.TV and numerous ministries around the world.  

Everyone can reach someone and together we can reach the world! 

How to Join us on May 1st!

We will be hosting this global prayer and worship service on the GOPRAY.WORLD website with broadcasts on GODTV and other networks.


View on YouTube anytime from 11.30am (UTC) May 1st

Sunday May 1st at 9.30pm in your region: 

ASIA                    CLICK HERE        9.30PM DELHI
EUROPE             CLICK HERE        9.30PM LONDON
AFRICA               CLICK HERE        9.30PM JHB
USA                    CLICK HERE        9.30PM NEW YORK

Click your nearest city link above to Watch for free online. Also watch on Digital TV + GODTV APP

The programme on Sunday May 1st will be English language with multiple language sub-titles including Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Mandarin, Bahasa-Indonesian, German, French, Russian, Arabic and many more.

Full details, timings and links to the video-streams and GOD TV regional programmes are at

The downloads below include a Prayer for the World that Dr Jason Hubbard compiled and is distributing jointly with the World Evangelical Alliance.  It is being used by millions of churches across the world each Sunday!

DOWNLOAD FLYER  |  SOW IN with a GIFT  |  Prayer for the World  |  WATCH GO PRAY

CTT1.png  Part of #cometothetable |

Friday, 22 April 2022 20:12

One Miracle Night is an annual, one-day event that unites believers around the world to pray for Muslims to encounter Jesus Christ in 24 key cities. It is a live, 24-hour prayer event, and takes place on Thursday, April 28, 2022, starting at 8am EST

One evening during Ramadan, the month of holy fasting, as many as 1 billion devout seekers pray for a fresh revelation from God. Tradition holds that on this one night - the Night of Power - God reveals himself to the faithful through miracles, signs and wonders.

One Miracle Night draws together many from the global Christian Church to pray for these seekers. In this third year of the event, we invite you to gather virtually for 24 hours of dedicated prayer with believers around the world, joining for at least one hour or as you can.

Pray with us that God reveals Himself in truth, love and power to each seeking heart.

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people." - 1 Tim 2:1 NIV

One Miracle Night is a partnership between RUN Ministries, International Prayer Connect, Jesus Film, the Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room and many other international groups.

What God did during One Miracle Night 2021:

Approximately 8,400 people participated.
Believers from 54 different countries came together to pray.
More than 50 partner ministries lent their support and took part.

Together, we prayed a total of 1,601 hours!


This year's event is hosted by Global Family Prayer Room.

Save the Date!

April 28 at 8am EST

Watch on the Global Family Prayer Room YouTube Channel

Spread the word!

Do you know someone who might want to join us in prayer on One Miracle Night?

Send them to this webpage - or better still - download the media kit that includes pre-designed social media posts and printable “save the date” cards that make it easy to spread the word in your small group, church or across your organization.

Download the media kit
(38.8MB zip file)  |  Sign Up for updates   |  More info  |  Watch the Event

Some of our partner / participating organisations:


Thursday, 26 November 2020 17:43

Give Thanks, Jesus Has Given Us Prayer Power and Authority to do Works of Wonder In His Name

Stan Hustad from What it Takes Radio asked a friend who is involved in the worldwide prayer movement to share some thoughts on giving thanks and the power we have in prayer, praise, and asking....

Please join with Stan for a brief 20 minutes, not only of inspiration and ThanksGiving, but to hear Prayer leader John Robb tell us the Good News that indeed we can in our thankfulness be men and women of power and authority to do the works and wonders of God's Kingdom right now in our place and in the call that God has given us.

Thanks for your time, attention and your prayers.


Thursday, 03 September 2020 10:24

As you read this, God is transforming lives through Bible translation... and not just in foreign lands. Every day, people like you are experiencing God's power as they actively pray for the projects they support. This is your invitation to share in the experience through our 21-day prayer community.

The Story of God

Experience God's Love first-hand through the power of His Word. Each day, you'll receive great ideas for listening to and reflecting upon Scripture.

His Word

Discover creative ways to apply the message of each day's passage as you pray for the Bibleless.

Pray for the Bibleless

Engage with a dedicated community as you faithfully pray for those who still wait to hear of God's love for them.

Start the Seed Company 21 Day Prayer Series

Thursday, 03 September 2020 10:17

The Return 10 Day Prayer Plan has been produced by and as part of the 10 Days of Prayer taking place between September 19 and 28th 2020.


Every day we start with a Prayer of Adoration. Why do we pray this way?

It’s been said that “A picture is worth a thousand words.” When we are able to “taste and see” God (PSALM 34:8), our hearts are alive because we can both receive love from Him and give love to Him.


  • Praise His character.
  • Acknowledge His attributes.
  • Describe His beauty.
  • Worship Him as Savior.

In the Father’s redemptive plan, it is His intention for Jesus, “the image of the invisible God” (COLOSSIANS 1:15), to be seen, known, and worshipped by every tribe and tongue throughout the nations of the earth. Praying the Bible and worshiping Jesus for who He is, joins the prayer and worship in Heaven (REVELATION 4) that continually adores Jesus in this way.

REPENTANCE is our acknowledgment that we are not where He is, but want to turn

from our ways to align with Him.

INTERCESSION is agreement with what God has promised to do.

Why do we anchor our prayer and intercession in the Bible?

  • The Bible is God’s language, the language of His heart, the language of Heaven.
  • The Bible is positive in nature and encouraging to our spirit and renewing to our minds.
  • The Bible is faith-filled and has no doubt or unbelief.
  • The Bible creates unity in God’s people as we pray and worship from it.

MEDITATION focuses on our ‘take away

Download your copy of the 10 Day Prayer Plan!

Thursday, 03 September 2020 10:13


We are pleased to bring you IPC Connections for September 2020.  

There has been a sensing among prayer leaders around the world of a significant corporate calling to identificational repentance for our nations.  We have been led simultaneously to draw the Church together to pray concertedly in the spirit of ‘If my people…’ (2 Chron 7:14) for the healing and renewing of each of our lands.   This has culminated in a number of online events and initiatives that are taking place over the next 2 months.  Some of these are detailed in this edition of IPC Connections.

With this calling to repentance in mind, we are grateful to IPC’s Senior Advisor and co-founding member, Brian Mills for his editorial article this month, entitled: ‘Preparing for his Return!’ The article relates the times that we are in to 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 and reminds us of the significance of repentant prayer and reconciliation and why this is an important place to begin - if we are genuinely and earnestly seeking the renewal and transformation of our nations.

We would invite all of our partner networks to join us for the first of these united prayer events, which will be a World Prayer Together call on Saturday, September 19th, at 1200 UTC, (5 am PT, 8 am ET, 3 pm Jerusalem time).  See the article below for more info and visit our website to join the call

The Covid-19 pandemic has now affected 25 million people worldwide.  We bring you up to date information on this along with prayer points and links to various resources.  A number of countries are facing challenges at this time; we are highlighting the situation in North Korea and praying earnestly for a breakthrough and for ‘one unified Korea’.

International Prayer Connections is produced and distributed freely each month to inform God's praying people around the world. We are grateful to those who have given generously to enable this to happen and continue to need such support for this and our other transformational prayer initiatives.  If you would like to make a gift towards our costs by giving through our funding arm, the Transformation Prayer Foundation, we would appreciate it. Please click here.

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in mobilising and informing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

May we express grateful thanks to Andy Page and the IPC Editorial Team who put this email together each month.

Wishing you His continued blessings, 

Jason Hubbard - Executive Coordinator
John D Robb – Chairman
International Prayer Connect

Thursday, 03 September 2020 10:11

What a subject!   What a year!   What an occasion!   To be able to connect praying people around the world has never before in history been possible until recently.   And this has all gathered pace in the season we are in as the world is alarmed and the church is awakened by this coronavirus pandemic.

For sure, we are all living through times of unparalleled challenges and change.   Countless millions around the world are affected – but how we each respond will determine the outcome.    It’s not just about the pandemic, but it’s also about our ways of life, our economies, our future and that of our children.   So how should the church respond?

One night king Solomon had a divine encounter, in which God said “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land, or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will hear their land” (2 Chronicles 7.13-14).

In the past year or so Australia and parts of the United States have had unprecedented lack of rain, and consequently huge bush fires displacing thousands of people.  East African countries have suffered from plagues of locusts described as of “biblical proportions”.   Parts of China and South Asia have experienced catastrophic and devastating floods.  And the plague of “Covid 19” has claimed the lives of over a million people and affected the lives and livelihoods of many millions more.   So how should the church respond?

Some parts of the world continue to suffer appallingly because of ongoing conflict and terrorism.  Others have had to face up to ongoing discrimination between black and white on the back of the historic slave trade.  Meanwhile a more modern slavery scandal has been largely unnoticed.   Human trafficking of many thousands of people across borders – regarded as “refugees” or “migrants” - include thousands of children and young people, being sold both for sexual exploitation and for what is termed the “harvesting” of human body parts - a practice that is both sickening and inhumane.  Political upheaval also continues in many nations.   I’ve lost count of the number of corruption investigations and trials that are in progress among national leaders in multiple countries.    So how should the church respond?

I think we need to fall on our knees before God and cry out – “God have mercy upon us”.

“But”, some may think, “much of this is not church sin.”   No, but we are part of this world.  The apostle Paul said “we are all God’s offspring.. and commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17.29-31).  Repentance is not an option – it is a command!   And if we as God’s chosen followers – whether Jewish or Christian – do not set the example, how can the rest of the world be expected to follow suit?    God watches and waits for those who are in tune with Him to “stand in the gap”.

We can start by repenting of our own personal sin and sins.  “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1. 8-10).   Solomon (a king who was flawed in character, but nevertheless knew what God required) reminded us in Proverbs 6 that there are seven things that God hates – haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who lies and anyone who stirs up conflict in the community.

And then there are the many corporate sins that exist – both current and historic.   Sin that is not repented of is not swept under the carpet.   Heaven remembers them.   King David had to deal with the sin of his predecessor, Saul, when he shed the innocent blood of the Gibeonites (see 2 Samuel 21), and Jesus accused the Jewish leaders of His day of the unrepented sins of history, including the  killing of their prophets hundreds of years previously - “and so upon you will come all the righteous blood shed on earth” (see Matthew 23 v. 13 onwards, and particularly v.35-36).   That is huge!

And then comes this cry from the heart of Jesus and the courts of heaven “how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing!”   Here is the expression of mercy and love and compassion – but He was unable to show it because there was sin in the way in history, and in them His people.

So how are we, His people, going to respond to this in our day?  We need to take the promise within 2 Chronicles 7.14 seriously, and realise that God said He would respond when we do what he looks for.   Humble ourselves,  Pray, Seek His face, and Turn from our wicked ways.   When we do that, perhaps then, God can do what He promises – hear our prayer, forgive our sin and heal our land – wherever we are.

But we need to do that representationally, identifying with the sin and with those who have committed that sin or those sins.  

As a European I need to confess and repent of so many things.   The shedding of innocent blood in particular.  Europe is the most blood-stained Continent in the world, and yet it was the Continent that God called the apostle Paul to come and evangelise.   Oh, yes we sent our missionaries around the world, but we ourselves have become spiritually destitute.  We have largely turned away from God and embraced a secular way of life.   In this Continent various “isms” have been birthed and then influenced the rest of the world – existentialism, humanism, secularism, Communism, Nazi-ism, materialism, and so on.   And then there are the church divisions that have been both historic and contemporary – are we prepared to own up to them?

As a white British male, there are many sins I need to confess, acknowledge and turn from - to do with racial superiority or colonialism – the list is endless.   And for those from other parts of the world there may be reciprocal ingrained attitudes that may have been caused by those corporate sins.   There may be tribal, or nationalistic or political hatreds and inbred, generational or family prejudices and resentments, giving rise to ongoing acts or attitudes of revenge.  

What happens when we do what God is asking of us?   Then He begins to bring forgiveness into marred human relationships and between tribes and nations.  When we apologise in public for the sins of our group or nation, something shifts.   Those on the receiving end of such apology frequently testify “something broke in my spirit” or “I never before realised I had such antagonism towards you or your nation – but God has revealed it and dealt with it”.   If that happens at the human level – what has also happened in heaven?

Many of us in the International prayer and Reconciliation movements have numerous stories of what God has done as a result of public acknowledgement of sin coupled with genuine repentance.   Tears have flowed, forgiveness has been expressed, relationships healed.   Wars have ceased, enemies have been reconciled, land has been healed – literally, and national change has occurred.   Politicians and royalty have made public apologies, changed national policies, engaged in acts of retribution.   And if that has happened at national level and in the hearts of ordinary people, we can only conjecture as to how our Father in heaven has felt.   For sure, He will know that the sacrifice of His Son on the Cross has not been in vain, but has accomplished all this and much more.

But there is more that God will do.   He wants the whole world to know of His love.   One of my mentors was the late Dr. J Edwin Orr.  He used to ply me with stories of what happened in times of revival or spiritual awakening.   He would frequently point out that every revival in history has been preceded by “extraordinary prayer” and “produced an unusual conviction of sin, resulting in repentance, confession, reconciliation and restitution, with great concern for the salvation of sinners near at hand and far away.” 

Isn’t that what we are looking for in this season?   Isn’t that what God is also looking for?   The timing of God’s answers is in His hands.   We can’t insist that He does what He promised.  But we can be sure that He will.

Many books have been written telling some of the stories – too many to be listed here!   But maybe, if you have time to watch, this dialogue produced some years ago for an American TV channel might help to whet your appetite.

Let’s humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways.   Then perhaps He will turn the hearts of many towards His Son before His Return.

Brian Mills – Interprayer | International Prayer Connect Leadership Team

Thursday, 03 September 2020 10:09

Saturday, September 19th, 1200 UTC, 5 am PT, 8 am ET, 3 pm Jerusalem time

"Repentance, Reconciliation, Revival and Reaching All"

Join millions of believers around the world for this global online prayer and worship gathering as we mark the beginning of the GO2020 Decade which aims to reach every person with the Gospel by 2030.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chron 7:14...

Ministry leaders representing 10 world regions will “stand in the gap”, identifying and confessing major corporate sins that characterize their regions as those from other regions empathize and pray for revival and mission breakthroughs for each of those regions. Worship will be led by groups from across the nations.

Worship | Holy Communion | | | Blowing of the Shofars

Werner Nachtigal, Global Outreach Day,
Jonathan Friz, 10 Days of Prayer,
Grant Berry, Reconnecting Ministries,
Jason Hubbard, International Prayer Connect
John D Robb, International Prayer Connect 1

LIVE on 19th September 1200 UTC, 0500 PT, 1500 Jerusalem Time
in 10 languages – go to

Share this event with everyone you know!...

  1. Email the flyer to your contacts
  2. Like, share and comment on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
  3. Sign up for our IPC Connections Emails

“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Math 9:37.

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and International Prayer Connect with a donation:


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