Prayer Guides
Blessings prayer for the UK
18 Jul 2016
The director of Norfolk group Call to Prayer, Jill Gower, has prepared a blessing prayer to speak over the nation as a response to the negativity following the EU referendum. It is available here to download. Blessings for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Great…
Conversations at the Crossroads
11 May 2016
Each year, the Canterbury Diocese produces a little prayer/reflection booklet for the Novena – 9 days of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost.They choose a series of paintings, either by a single artist or on a single theme, then photograph them for the booklet, and marry each one with Scripture, a bit of text and some prayers. Access each day's material…
Prayer on the Move
11 May 2016
Prayers on the Move, is an initiative from SPCK, and launched in London and Newcastle in February, and in Birmingham later in 2016. SPCK is placing 700 ads on the Newcastle Metro and 3,000 on the London Underground encouraging people to give prayer a go. The prayers are aimed at stressed young commuters and are designed to appeal to people…
Every Vote Counts prayer guide
27 Apr 2016
Do you want to pray about the EU Referendum? Every vote counts in this EU Referendum. At the moment many are confused about the issues, what to believe, what to think and ultimately how to vote. We believe the starting point is prayer and fasting, to better understand God's will and purpose for our nation and for Europe. World Prayer…
Finding out about Jesus
06 Apr 2016
Do you want to find out more about Jesus? There are some excellent websites that you can visit to find out more. Here are a few:
Praying through Lent 2016
03 Feb 2016
At the World Prayer Centre we believe that prayer is foundational to everything we do as Christians. The 40 day season before Easter is traditionally marked in many churches as a time to discover more about God through prayer and fasting. Here are some resources to encourage and equip us from ministries we commend to you. BEYOND THE LETTER BOXThe…
Praying for communities
03 Feb 2016
At the World Prayer Centre we believe that prayer is foundational to all evangelism and social action. Here are some resources to encourage and equip us from ministries we commend to you. PRAYING FOR OUR NEIGHBOURSThis is very much on the Father's heart at the moment and there are many different ways to do this. The Neighbourhood Prayer Network's vision…
Beyond the Letterbox
26 Jan 2016
Lent is very early this year starting on the 11th of February. We have written a Lent resource, designed for Individuals, home groups or whole Church engagement. Each week has a scripture and one neighbour challenge for the week. For those of us who would like to do one small thing each day (Sunday's excluded as a day of rest),…
The Heartbeat
12 Nov 2015
Read the recent copy of the World Prayer Centre's print newsletter The Heartbeat, which goes out once a quarter. You can view it here. We also send a regular email newsletter called The Pulse which keeps people regularly updated with prayer points, prayer events, initaitives and lots of new stuff! Sign up to receive The Pulse.
Small Group study & prayer guides
12 Nov 2015
World Prayer Centre has ten prayer booklets to help people with prayer. These simple study guides can help small groups learn together about a key prayer theme or issue, and then think through how they can pray in new and more effective ways. The approach is simple – read the booklet (takes 10-20 minutes) before your meetings, discuss the content…