Prayer Guides
The theme for the guide for 10 Jun to 20 July is 'CONSERVING the HARVEST' DOWNLOAD IT HERE Practical Tips Pray on the go… to work, out and about, take the name of the unreached group of the day, or the 5 friends you are praying for, put a marker on your phone to remind yourself to pray for the…
After the resurrection, Jesus taught his disciples about God’s kingdom for forty days (Acts 1:3) and then he was “taken up” to heaven (Acts 1:2, 11). The cross and empty tomb are at the very heart of the gospel message proclaimed by Jesus’s followers throughout history. However, for many evangelical Christians and churches, Jesus’s ascension is simply an afterthought to Good Friday…
CoVid-19 is proving a disruptive, distressing, and divisive force throughout the world. How do mission-minded Christians respond? What happens to the Great Commission when the world is on lockdown? In this short e-book, Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World, takes readers through a sweeping overview of the implications of the coronavirus for the global Church, and specifically, its impact…
BOOK: The Prayer Saturated Family – Cheryl Sacks
04 Apr 2020
There’s no better time than now to light the family altar in your home! The Prayer Saturated Family will show you how. Includes a 31-Day Family Prayer Guide. Cheryl Sacks and her husband, Hal, are the leaders of BridgeBuilders International, a dynamic ministry that equips and encourages believers in changing the spiritual climate in homes, schools, businesses and everywhere they…
Get your copy of this amazing story of love and courage! - published by Joel News About this mini e-book In the light of the current COVID-19 outbreak, how can Christians respond effectively in times of crisis? Church history can teach us an important lesson - to keep calm, to care for others, and to focus on God’s Kingdom. How…
Get involved with the amazing work of Global Media Outreach! Our world as we know it has changed overnight. The coronavirus pandemic has now reached every state in the United States and almost every nation around the world. In addition to posing public health challenges, the outbreak has prompted mass closures of schools and businesses; urging millions of people to…
Have media soundbites convinced you that Muslims are to be feared and hated? Have you observed these attitudes in your church, in yourself? If so, you are in danger of missing the rest of the story! Unprecedented numbers of our world's Muslim neighbors have discovered the heart transforming presence of Christ in their lives over the last three or so…
Persian New Year Prayer Guide
29 Feb 2020
A Call to Prayer and Fasting between March 20 and April 3, 2020 God is on the move in extraordinary ways among Persians around the world with multitudes coming to faith, but there are still millions unreached with the gospel. There are approximately 110 million Persian speakers worldwide, including Persians, Tajiks, Hazaras, Tats, and Aimaqs. Each year an estimated 300…
The Prayer Covenant for Children
31 Jan 2020
Luke 11 opens with the disciples’ simple request, Lord teach us to pray. Since its first publication in 2014, when Tom Victor invited us to launch this book at the 4/14 Best Practices Conference in NYC, God has used The Prayer Covenant for Children to share the gospel message and disciple the hearts of children while teaching them to pray.…
Pray for Zero – Printable Prayer Card
31 Jan 2020
In 2019 over 300 people groups received the Bible in their language for the first time! Brothers and sisters within the International Prayer Council network this would not have happened without your prayers, thank you! Pray for ZERO Movement 2020 is partnering with Youth With a Mission, GO2020 and another 120 ministries to mobilize 1 million intercessors for the 2,000…