Prayer Guides
His Kingdom Come - 10 day prayer guide
17 May 2017
Jill Gower from Call2Prayer Norwich has written a 10 day blessing and declaration booklet for use during Thy Kingdom Come. You can download a PDF or to order printed booklets email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. They are priced at £3 each, plus postage, with a discount for bulk orders.
The Way of Blessing by Roy Godwin
22 Mar 2017
NEW BOOK BY ROY GODWIN FROM FFALD-Y-BRENIN In The Way of Blessing you are invited into a spiritual pilgrimage to the windswept hills of Wales, and to the small praying community of Ffald y Brenin, where the deaf hear, the blind see, the lost are found and the broken receive healing. Roy reveals how God longs to bless us and…
Richard's Watch
22 Mar 2017
Richard's Library is a library of prophecies and visions that have been given from 1909 to 2017. www.richards-watch.org
17:21 Vision
21 Feb 2017
Read about the 17:21 vision. The vision statement is that from March to October 2017, evangelicals of all backgrounds and traditions will be affirming their commitment to unity for mission at events, festivals and conferences.The prayer of Jesus in John 17 verse 21 encourages and challenges us “May they all be one that the world might believe”.With shared prayer, readings, songs and…
Thy Kingdom Come resources available
15 Feb 2017
From 25th May - 4th June, Christian communities and families around the world will be joining together to pray that their friends, family and neighbours come to know Jesus Christ. Click here to take a look at the brand new range of resources for Thy Kingdom Come 2017, available to download. These include ideas to help you pray as an…
Beyond the Letterbox
15 Feb 2017
Neighbourhood Prayer Network have produced a 40 page ‘Lent Guide’ which has reflections, 40 days of prayers, outreach suggestions and case studies is available in print and digital download formats. It's only £1 per copy. Click here to order. Church Packs of 15 are carriage free. The Printed Version, a 40 Page, Full Colour Guide. This Guide is divided…
One Thing for us study guide
20 Oct 2016
'One Thing' is a 3 season DVD series of teaching on prayer, suitable for individual, small group and whole church use. We're excited about the series because it makes available on a much wider scale, the teaching that would previously only have been available to those able to attend a Prayer School Teaching series of events over a period of…
Declarations to change a nation
20 Oct 2016
This book takes hold of the revelation of the power of the Word of God when it is spoken out into the atmosphere. The emphasis is unashamedly upon the nation. In this time when God is shaking up our settled world, there is an unprecedented opportunity to release Kingdom prayers into the atmosphere to shape the nation and nations for…
Canopy of Prayer over Europe
20 Jul 2016
We have heard about this new website, the Canopy of Prayer - http://canopyofprayer.eu to raise a canopy of prayer over Europe at this crucial time. The request is that those who sign up would commit themselves to praying for Europe for a designated 15 minutes per week. They will receive an email fortnightly with information for prayer. The introduction is in German…
Resources to pray for the UK
19 Jul 2016
How do we pray for the United Kingdom post-referendum? With all the changes that are happening in the United Kingdom following the Brexit decision and with uncertainty about how things will move forward. This is also a great time of spiritual opportunity for the Church to stand and begin to pray for the future of the UK and Europe. There are some great resources available to help you, whether you pray regularly for the nations or not. Canopy of Prayer over Europe - European Prayer Network EU Referendum - keep praying - Pray for Scotland How to pray…